Undying Patient

Chapter 75: I heard that you also have a crush on me 12


Su Jinzhi held Xie Shujin's thin waist in his arms, which was sweet and greasy. Since his arms and legs were still in plaster, Xie Shu let him mess around for a while and then let him lie back on the bed. He moved again. Su Jinzhi let go of him reluctantly, and finally took the man's hand and hooked his index finger.

Xie Shu stopped his movements suddenly, perhaps because his health was not fully recovered, or maybe it was because he had not seen the sun for a long time, the young man's skin always showed a kind of almost transparent whiteness, without a trace of blood, but because of the kiss just now, the young man was always pale There were two thin blushes on his cheeks, his lips were wet and red, his eyes were misty, and Xie Shu wanted to press him and kiss him hard because of his small appearance nestled in the pillow.

"I'll send the bowl down, and I'll be back in a while." Looking at the soft appearance of the young man, Xie Shu was also reluctant to leave him for too long, and hooked the young man's slender index finger, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Okay." Su Jinzhi shook the quilt and nodded.

After the sound of closing the door, Su Jin was the only one left in the bedroom. There was a big soft and warm mattress under his body, and Su Jinzhi suddenly remembered a question while lying on it.

"Where did Xie Shu sleep last night? Baby Zero." When he woke up this morning, both sides of the bed were cold, making it clear that no one slept with him. Could it be that after Xie Shu communicated with him last night, he still had sex with him? Does he sleep in separate beds? !

No. 0 is the same as No. 1. They are the masters who tell the truth. Hearing Su Jinzhi's question, he immediately gave him the answer: "Of course he slept on his bed, Master Host."

Su Jinzhi was struck by lightning, he was wrong, he only thought that Xie Shu couldn't swim, with him as a good swimmer, Xie Shu would be able to swim with him in the sea of love sooner or later, but now it seems that Xie Shu is far more than that It's a landlubber, he is simply a Maoshan Taoist priest who lives in the desert and never sees water a few times a year, and he specializes in treating him, a water ghost who drowned in the water!

However, in fact, Xie Shu didn't want to get close to him. Xie Shu was just worried that if he slept with the young man at night, he would touch his arms and legs. Although Xie Shu felt that his sleeping position was very regular, he still didn't dare This risk, compared to being intimate with the person he likes, he hopes that the person he loves is in good health, free from disease and disaster, and has a safe life.

But Su Jinzhi didn't think so much, he just thought that his family's darlings didn't love him enough, so they would sleep in separate beds with him!

"How did I fall asleep last night?" Su Jinzhi thought hard, but he couldn't remember when he fell asleep last night. His memory only stayed at the moment when Xie Shu carried him upstairs, and after that, there was a Blank, as if Xie Shu had fallen asleep the moment Xie Shu picked him up.

Su Jinzhi sighed helplessly, last night he wanted Xie Shu to sleep with his arms around him, but he fell asleep first.

"I don't know, Master Host." Zero's voice was as innocent and soft as ever, "I was off work at that time last night!"

Su Jinzhi felt his right arm and left leg, which were covered with thick plaster, and asked No. 0: "No. 0, you said that the recovery of my voice will delay the recovery of eyesight, so will my arms and legs be affected?"

"No! The host will be able to walk quickly after the plaster removal and rehabilitation."

Su Jinzhi felt relieved when he heard that, he still wanted to go out on a date with Xie Shu, but he looked so ugly with his arms hanging and his legs in plaster, he was too embarrassed to go out, if he could remove the plaster, it would be fine It looks better even if you have to use a wheelchair to walk.

"What are you thinking?" As soon as Xie Shu entered the door, he saw the young man frowning slightly with a pensive look, and couldn't help but go to the bedside to trim his temple hair for him.

Xie Shu likes to play with his hair and touch his head in every world, and this world is no exception. Su Jinzhi was not used to being touched by Su Changdong before, but now that the real master is here, such familiar intimacy made Su Jinzhi's heart soften all of a sudden. He grabbed Xie Shu's hand and put his face against his palm: "I was thinking, when my leg gets better, I can go out with you on a date."

The young man's answer stunned Xie Shu for a moment, but he soon thought of his own face, and the bitter feeling gradually spread from his chest. He took a deep breath, so that his voice could not hear any emotion: "Okay, When you are well, I will accompany you wherever you want to go."

Although his darling is no longer obsessed with his body, this pampering energy is still the same as before, making Su Jinzhi feel hot all over, wanting to be more obsessed with Xie Shu's side. He felt that he might be really sick. He suffered from a kind of skin hunger called "Xie Shu". He just wanted to cling to Xie Shu all day long. There is no block from No. 1, and No. 0 will only speak when he speaks first. Suddenly, Su Jinzhi has the feeling that he is a person living in this world.

He is not the Su Jinzhi who loves the life system and needs to save each branch in exchange for a better life, he is just Su Jinzhi who thanks Shu.

He lived in this world with him, met, fell in love, and could live together until old age and die together in the same grave.

Such an illusion made Su Jinzhi suddenly feel that "it would be nice if he could die with Xie Shu". He just wanted to spend all his time and energy on Xie Shu, and didn't want to be distracted by other goals. At the end of his life, let him and Xie Shu truly stay together for the rest of their lives...

At the moment when this idea grew stronger and wanted to occupy all of Su Jinzhi's thoughts, No. 0 suddenly spoke: "Master Host."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Su Jinzhi suddenly recovered.

"Ahem." Zero cleared his throat and tried to become serious, "I have detected your abnormal emotional fluctuations. What are you thinking?"

Su Jinzhi was also taken aback by the rising thoughts in his mind just now, he felt guilty and said stiffly: "Is there? No, I didn't think about anything."

"Really?" Number Zero hesitated, "I think you are deceiving me."

Su Jinzhi refused to let go: "No, you are so cute, I am reluctant to deceive you."

"Then you have to tell me honestly, are you and the general target of salvation falling in love?"

Su Jinzhi was silent for a while, then said, "No."

Zero became even more skeptical: "Then why did you kiss him?"

"...Didn't No. 1 say that the AI of the host's private world will be forced to go offline?"

"Oh!" Zero exclaimed, "Master host, did you really kiss? I just said it casually."

Su Jinzhi: "..."

"You violated the regulations!" Zero became more serious, but its voice was still soft and soft, and it didn't sound very authoritative. "Your favorability with the general goal of saving has reached 90, you can't Let's go on like this."

"It's not yet a hundred, which proves that I don't really love him. I'm just saving him. His situation is similar to that of Qin Yezhou in the first world." Su Jinzhi tried his best to save his image, and by the way, he said, "Xie Shu It's so pitiful, he doesn't even have the love of his parents... "

Zero's tone softened a bit: "Well... this is..."

"He has no other relatives..." Su Jinzhi continued to ask tentatively.

Zero's voice became weaker: "That's right..."

"He doesn't have friends who care about him... most importantly, he doesn't have money yet!" Su Jinzhi's last words were full of confidence and certainty. After all, if Xie Shu was really rich, he wouldn't come to work as a nurse for him, so Su Jinzhi finally He concluded, "He is worse than Qin Yezhou! I am saving him with my warm love."

No. 0 sniffed: "Yes... Well, I won't tell Brother No. 1 about your abnormal mood swings, Mr. Host, but you are not allowed to have any more thoughts."

"Okay, okay, there will never be any more." Su Jin subconsciously agreed, but felt that something was wrong. He didn't tell No. 0 what he was thinking just now. How could No. 0 know what he was thinking.

"Susu, I'll apply the medicine for you, and you can tell me if it hurts." Xie Shu's voice interrupted Su Jinzhi's further thinking. After he was stunned for a while, his full attention went to Xie Shu went.

What did Xie Shu just say, to change his medicine? !

Of course, Su Jinzhi, who was in such close contact, would not miss it. If he hadn't lost his hands, he would still want to take off his clothes at this moment so that Xie Shu could change his dressing.

It has been several days since Su Jinzhi was discharged from the hospital, and most of the wounds on his body have been healed, but Su Changdong didn't want his dear brother to have too many scars, so he asked the doctor to prepare ointment for Xie Shu Taking the time to apply Su Jinzhi can remove more scars.

Xie Shu unbuttoned the young man's clothes. Even though he already knew how badly the young man had been hurt, his heart stopped for a moment when he saw the dense scars on Qing's body again—the young man had almost more scars than he did.

Life in prison is actually not peaceful. Even if Xie Shu doesn't want to cause trouble, trouble will still come to him.

The scar on his face was obtained in a fight, but his face was still fine when he first entered prison.

Xie Shu was tall and handsome, and there was nothing wrong with him. So as soon as he entered the prison, he was blocked in the toilet by a group of gangsters and beat him up. With a large number of people, no matter how powerful Xie Shu was, he still won some favors, but the group of people were not pleased, and one of them was kicked by Xie Shu and broke three ribs. But also because of this fight, few thorns will take the initiative to cause trouble in front of Xie Shu.

Xie Shu walks alone, does not have too much friendship with any prisoner, and cleans himself up every day. If he is not wearing a prison uniform, almost no one would think that he is a murderer in prison, and his The face is very eye-catching among a group of rough prisoners, and it also caught the soul of the little lover next to the prison bandit leader.

Men's and women's prisons are separated in the prison. There are no women in the men's prison, but there are many male prisoners who want women. It's not too much, the prison guards all turn a blind eye. The leader of the prison bandit has broad shoulders and a thick waist, and his appearance is also very rough. The little lover stayed with him in order to avoid suffering in prison, and he didn't like him at all. After Xie Shu came, his soul flew to Xie Shu. He changed his ways to show his favor to Xie Shu many times.

Xie Shu didn't like him, so he always avoided him, but the little lover became more and more open, and once even took off his clothes and lay directly on Xie Shu's bed. Xie Shu frowned when he saw him, turned around and was about to go out, but just bumped into the leader of the prison bandit who came to catch the rape. Seeing his lover lying naked on Xie Shu's bed, the leader of the prison gang suddenly felt that the green grass on his head could be herded for horses and cattle. His eyes were red and he beat Xie Shu without saying a word. The head of the prison bandit scratched Xie Shu's face with an iron piece he got from nowhere. The wound was deep, and if it was bent a little further, it might even scratch Xie Shu's eyeball.

This incident made a big fuss, the iron plate was rusty, Xie Shu got tetanus and almost died of illness in prison, the warning even let Xie Shu be released for medical treatment, but Xie Shu still had a scar on his face.

Although it's okay for a man to have some scars, but Xie Shu's face was injured after all, and his criminal record makes it easier to think about it.

It is impossible for Xie Shu not to care about what the world thinks of him, even if he did not care much before, but after he met the young man and was with the young man, he became very concerned about the scar on his face.

He didn't want the young man to have scars that were too similar to him, so when he applied the medicine to Su Jin, he became more careful and gentle.

Su Jinzhi's mind was still full of charming thoughts, but Xie Shu applied the medicine to him too seriously and solemnly, which made him shrink back uncontrollably.

"Did I hurt you?" Seeing the young man shrank his body, Xie Shu quickly stopped his movements and asked him anxiously.

"No..." Su Jinzhi lowered his eyes. He didn't know that Xie Shu had a scar on his face. He only thought that his body might not look good now, so he said, "Scars... are ugly?"

Xie Shu's movements paused, and he said, "Apply the medicine well, it won't leave scars."

"Will you still like me if I have scars?" Su Jinzhi smiled, and raised his left hand to pull Xie Shu's wrist.

Xie Shu's hands were full of medicines, so if he couldn't avoid it, he let the young man hold his wrist. When he heard what the young man said, he also smiled, leaned down and kissed the young man's forehead: "Yes, I will always like you."

Su Jinzhi was so happy that he didn't know what day or night it was. He wanted to hug Xie Shu immediately and rub into his arms, but Xie Shu hadn't buttoned up his clothes yet, and he was covered in medicine. He was afraid of getting it on the quilt, so he hugged him. She moved Xie Shu's wrist up and down a few times: "I will always like you."

"What kind of action are you doing?" This action was a bit ambiguous, Xie Shu couldn't laugh or cry.

Hearing what Xie Shu said, Su Jinzhi immediately realized what he was doing, his ears were a little red, and his voice was soft and thin: "We will use it one day..."

Xie Shu was noncommittal, but said indifferently: "Let's wait for your injury to heal first."

Su Jinzhi's plaster cast has been worn for more than a month. He is still young. In addition, Su Changdong hired a professional nutritionist to take care of him. There are strict regulations on three meals a day. His fracture repair speed is not bad, so Su Changdong rested I didn't take him out to relax that day, but went directly to the hospital to remove the plaster cast.

As soon as the heavy plaster cast was removed, Su Jinzhi felt his arms and legs were much lighter, but he still couldn't walk smoothly unless he was on crutches. His right hand was also a little shriveled, and his five fingers were curled up all the time, and he couldn't even stretch it. straight.

After the doctor checked the recovery of his right leg and left hand, he told Xie Shu and Su Changdong about the rehabilitation method and let them leave, saying that he would come for a review every half a month.

Su Changdong likes to be close to his younger brother the most. He is not only a workaholic but also a brother-in-law, otherwise he would not be a single dog at the age of thirty-five. When he heard that his dear brother could not walk and needed a wheelchair, he immediately jumped behind Su Jinzhi and squeezed Xie Shu had to push the wheelchair for him when he left.

Su Jinzhi felt that Xie Shu was pushed aside, felt sorry for him, and wanted to hold his hand. However, when Xie Shu saw his raising his hand, he immediately walked away to make sure that Su Jinzhi could not catch him. Su Jinzhi couldn't see anything and touched the air, and grabbed it several times in mid-air.

Seeing his movements, Su Changdong felt a little strange: "Susu, what are you grabbing, do you want to drink water?"

Su Jinzhi pursed his lips and did not deny it: "Yes."

Hearing what his brother said, Su Changdong immediately prepared to look for water, but Xie Shu quickly walked back to the wheelchair, took out a bottle of water from the back pocket of the wheelchair, and handed it to Su Changdong. Su Changdong was very pleasantly surprised, and praised: "Xie Shu, you are so careful, I really saw you right!"

Xie Shu slightly hooked the corners of his lips, but did not speak.

Su Changdong only thought that he was always silent and didn't care. After returning home, he specially pulled Xie Shu aside to avoid Su Jinzhi and said: "Xie Shu, you also know that Susu has lost her memory, so I asked you to stay here before." Forget about talking less in front of me. I don’t think Susu is very happy today. I’m busy with work, so I can’t be with Susu often. If you have time, you can talk to Susu more. Now his plaster is also removed, Susu If you are bored at home, you can take him out to play, but you have to let Liu Wei follow you."

Xie Shu smiled wryly. Of course he knew why the young man was unhappy today. After Su Changdong finished his instructions, he agreed, "Okay, I will."

Seeing this, Su Changdong nodded in relief, completely unaware of what he had done.

Su Jinzhi was still sitting in the wheelchair, and turned the wheelchair to the window to wait for Xie Shu.

When Xie Shu came back, he saw the young man by the window, the window was wide open, worried that he would catch a cold, he immediately went over to close the window, and then went to the young man's side, wrapped his arms around his waist, and put his arms around his knees to carry the young man to the go to bed.

But after the young man was picked up today, he didn't rub into his arms like in the past. His lips were tightly pursed, his eyebrows were slightly frowned, and "I'm not happy, come and coax me" was written all over his face.

Xie Shu put him on the bed, tucked the young man in the quilt, held his hand, and kissed the young man's beautiful pale pink fingertips: "Aren't you happy?"

Hearing the words, the young man immediately snorted, withdrew his hand, and turned his head to the other side.

Xie Shu smiled and leaned over to kiss the side of his face, then kissed the corner of his lips: "Aren't you happy?"

Su Jinzhi turned his head, accusing in his voice: "You refuse to hold me."

Xie Shu lowered his eyes: "Your brother is here, can I hold you now?" Said, Xie Shu stuffed his big hand into Su Jinzhi's.

The young man's hand was smaller than his, and even if he gathered his five fingers together, he couldn't fully hold his hand, but even so, the young man still held his three fingers tightly: "What's wrong with my brother? We are in a relationship."

Xie Shu sighed softly: "Susu."

Su Jinzhi immediately understood: "Don't you want your brother to know that we are in a relationship? Why..."

"When your eyes are better, we'll tell your brother, okay?" Xie Shu didn't want to explain too much, so he just said this.

Su Jinzhi didn't understand why Xie Shu did this at all: "But it doesn't matter if my eyes are not good."

Xie Shu held his hand and kissed him again: "Because I'm ugly, I'm afraid you won't like me after your eyes are healed."

When Su Jinzhi heard him say that he was ugly, he immediately thought of the stalk of "Agri" in the previous world, and couldn't help laughing. His right hand could move slightly after removing the plaster cast, so he directly raised his arms He hugged Xie Shu's neck, pulled the man towards him, and kissed him on the lips: "It's okay, I like you no matter how ugly you are."