Undying Patient

Chapter 78: I heard that you also have a crush on me 15


Xie Shu's hands are always very warm, Su Jinzhi likes the feeling of Xie Shu holding his hand and holding his whole hand in his palm the most. This feeling is like a fragile snail that has never been protected by a shell, and suddenly has a shell one day, and he can curl up in it with confidence and be gently protected by others.

But now, when Xie Shu held him, Su Jinzhi suddenly noticed that Xie Shu's fingertips were a little cold.

Su Jin was stunned, sat up straight, and let Xie Shu hold his hand to touch his face and move slowly. Soon, he touched a piece of skin that was different from the rest of Xie Shu's face.

It was a scar, a bit hard and rough to the touch, very similar to the scar on his body after the car accident.

"Do you know how this scar came from?" Xie Shu's voice was very low and hoarse, "I killed someone and was in prison for six years. This scar came from the prison."

"Look, I'm not a good person at all." Xie Shu said, raising his hand to gently caress Su Jinzhi's eyes, "I'm still not good-looking, I'm just afraid that you will regret it."

"You killed someone, but you paid the price... You don't look good and you have a scar on your face?" Xie Shu didn't say it was okay, but when he mentioned Su Jinzhi, he wanted to bite him. Su Jinzhi withdrew his hand, and lifted the towel wrapped around his body, "Then I still have so many scars on my body, and I'm not good-looking... I'm still a cripple who can only walk with a cane! I don't know anything yet. Relying on my brother to support me, relying on you to feed me... You see... I can't live without you, why should I regret it?"

As Su Jinzhi spoke, his voice weakened, with a faint cry: "You don't even know... how much I wish to meet you..."

Not only do I hope to meet you, but I also hope to be with you for a longer period of time, even if it is a day, an hour, or a minute. I hope to spend the last second of staying in this world watching you, and then Until the next time we meet, I will miss you all the time.

Xie Shu saw that Su Jinzhi's eyes suddenly turned red, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then hugged him quickly, wiping his tears with his fingers: "Why did you cry all of a sudden..."

"You just want to see me cry!" Su Jinzhi pushed his hand away and wiped his tears indiscriminately, but wrapped his other hand tightly around Xie Shu's waist, as if he was afraid that Xie Shu would get up and leave him suddenly, " If my eyes are healed and you want to break up with me, then I might as well be blind for the rest of my life."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Xie Shu couldn't hear Su Jinzhi's words of not caring for his body, but he couldn't bear to speak louder and blamed Su Jinzhi, so he could only slap his butt meaningfully, "When did I say I want to break up with you?" gone?"

"I was blind...you still hit me..." Su Jinzhi was even more aggrieved, "You just want to break up with me!"

"I won't break up with you." Xie Shu looked at his pitiful face with red eyes, and couldn't say a word that was originally brewing in his heart, "I won't break up if you mention it."

"That's what you said." Su Jinzhi grabbed Xie Shu's hand.

Xie Shu said, "Yes."

Seeing that he agreed so quickly, Su Jinzhi immediately grabbed Xie Shu's hand and turned around to touch his ass: "You just hurt me..."

Xie Shu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard his complaints. He just patted the young man's butt with meaning, and didn't even use the strength to scratch it. How could it be painful? But even if he understood it like this, Xie Shu followed Su Jinzhi's wishes and put his hand on the young man's soft buttocks: "It hurts? Shall I rub it for you?"

Su Jinzhi was very satisfied with Xie Shu's sense of humor, and immediately turned over and lay down on the bed, and pushed his butt up a little higher, hoping that Xie Shu would not be able to hold back and be indescribable with him. However, Xie Shu really said what he said, and when he said to rub his butt, he really just rubbed his butt... he didn't do anything excessive. Here, Xie Shu hasn't reacted yet, Su Jinzhi himself has a little feeling.

He got into the quilt next to him, pulled the quilt over to cover his lower body, and said in a low voice, "You're so nice...how could you kill someone?"

Xie Shu paused, and replied, "To save a person."

"Then do you regret saving him?"

"I don't regret it." Xie Shu looked at the young man's fair ears exposed between the fine black hair, with some transparent powder, and a layer of fine soft fluff on it. He replied without any hesitation, but the young man did not What more to say.

Xie Shu leaned over to get closer to him, only to realize that the young man had closed his eyes—he was asleep. He was lying on the pillow, with his red lips parted, breathing in small mouthfuls, looking docile and well-behaved.

The man raised his hand, pushed the broken hair from the young man's sideburns behind his ears, then picked up the quilt that was put aside to cover the young man, tucked it around his neck, and then kissed him lightly on his lips, his movements were gentle and affectionate: " If one day we break up, it's definitely not because I don't love you anymore, but because...you forget me." The man paused, his dark gray eyes were a little hollow, "...After all, for a stubborn person like me, How could you give up the person you love so easily?"

This time Su Jinzhi still couldn't remember when he fell asleep, or even how he fell asleep. He just vaguely remembered that he was talking to Xie Shu, and after that, Xie Shu's voice gradually weakened, turning into a dead silence.

He slept in the silence with his eyes closed. Can't move, can't talk, can't hear, can't see, but he can feel someone touching his body, and more than one.

Gradually, the voice became louder, and those people surrounded him, their voices were so noisy that he couldn't hear what they were saying clearly.

Soon, one of them grabbed his wrist and dragged him vigorously into a rectangular container, followed by a pain that couldn't be ignored on the side of his neck. It should be very painful, but he couldn't feel it. During that pain, he could only feel the cold liquid gradually invade his body along the opened dual jugular arteries—the cold liquid went in from the common artery, while the warm blood in his body came from the common vein Leaving him, taking away all the warmth of his body by the way.

Su Jinzhi could feel his body trembling violently because of the cold, but he couldn't move. He opened his mouth to take a breath of luxurious air, but those people stuffed a thick plastic tube into his mouth, Straight from the throat into his windpipe.

The feeling of the cold plastic tube passing through the throat was uncomfortable, like the last struggle before death, Su Jinzhi wanted to open his eyes—he succeeded, he could see things clearly, but in a strange way perspective.

Because he is floating in mid-air.

Those around him were wearing snow-white experimental isolation suits, with only their eyes exposed, shining cold silver light. And his body was lying not far from him, completely naked, lying in an ice-blue rectangular container, like a little white pig with its hair shaved and ready to be slaughtered.

The eyes of his body are not completely closed, half-open, but out of focus, a drop of water hangs from the corner of the eye, I don’t know if it is his tears, and the desperate light is reflected in the silver-white lighting projected from nowhere.

… Are they experimenting with my body

Su Jinzhi thought in a daze, he reached out his hand to touch his body, but those people quickly closed the glass cover of the container to cut off his touch.

The container containing his body was finally taken away by a robot. He couldn't leave his body very far, so he could only slowly drift away with the moving cart. Before leaving, he looked back at the place where he was lying just now. There are new containers and new people everywhere, repeating what those people did to themselves before.

He and the robot walked through passage after passage, and finally entered a large bright room.

This room is so big that he can't see the edge. Countless robots are pushing the same ice-blue container to gather here. It must be very cold here, because the transparent air here has turned into a light blue liquid. A scenario that only occurs at -190 degrees Celsius.

Su Jinzhi stared at all this with wide-eyed eyes, seeing that the containers brought by the robots were neatly piled up like a building, layer by layer, and piled up into a tall building with no top to see—at least millions of such containers are stored here. container!

An ice-blue rectangular container... a cold liquid injected into the body... an endless storage space in sight...

The dazzling white light made his eyes hurt, and countless words and sentences intertwined and flashed in Su Jinzhi's mind. A gap was suddenly opened in the tightly closed memory box. Su Jinzhi suddenly discovered that those people were not using his body as an experiment, this The room is not a storage room, but a prison.

A permafrost prison built under the arctic sea!

Number One once asked him if he knew what happened when he died from 3000 to 3500 years in the star calendar. He could recite most of the interstellar history before 3000 years in the star calendar, but what about the interstellar history after 3000 years? I can't remember it either, but I just vaguely remember that a major event happened in the year 3000 of the star calendar.

At that time, he couldn't remember what it was, but now, he finally remembered—

In the year 2500, the Earth joined the Galactic Federation and began interstellar migration. Many humans died during the migration because they did not have alien antibodies. What's more frightening is that the returning humans brought deadly alien diseases.

In the same year, a global war broke out.

At the beginning of the star calendar 3000, there were only 1 billion people left on the earth, and the surviving humans started a new plan, which was called the "God" plan by the Center of the Earth Federation. They use the genes of alien beasts to modify the primitive humans on the earth to complete the interstellar migration.

Tens of millions of human beings resolutely disagree with the implementation of the transformation plan, but in the end most of these people were arrested and imprisoned in the permafrost prison under the Arctic Sea for perpetual freezing punishment.

If the picture he just saw is real, then he must have been imprisoned in the year 3000 of the star calendar. But he obviously lived in the 3500th year of Interstellar, and he died in 3551, when he was 24 years old.

The memory of his treatment at Naxigang Hospital is so clear, completely different from the pictures and fragments he sees now that cannot be connected with his original memory.

Su Jinzhi couldn't help wondering whether what he saw now was a real history or just a dream of his.

"You slept too long."

The words that No. 1 said suddenly broke into Su Jinzhi's mind, like a pair of sharp scissors, shattering all the pictures he could see, and finally turned into some ice-blue fragments of fluorescence.

Su Jinzhi fell into the dead darkness again, only the cold feeling still haunted him, he kept trembling, and the upper teeth collided with the lower teeth to make a "click" sound.

He felt that his whole body was soaked in the icy liquid, but this time, he was able to move.

Su Jin subconsciously moved his limbs, trying to touch the edge of these liquids, but he touched a hand, which was very warm, and immediately held him the moment he touched it, slowly conveying gentle warmth .

Gradually, the warmth grew more and more, and finally surrounded him.



Su Jinzhi slowly opened his eyes, and the familiar darkness still covered his eyes. He lay on the bed in a daze, his mind was blank and he couldn't remember anything, until he heard Xie Shu calling him.

"... Xie Shu?" Su Jinzhi opened his mouth, only to realize that his voice was abnormally hoarse, his body was very hot, but he felt cold in bursts.

"You have a fever, I'll help you up, first drink some porridge and then take medicine, this medicine can't be taken on an empty stomach." Xie Shu raised his hand and stroked Su Jinzhi's forehead, feeling that it was burning hot, he quickly helped the young man to lean on Sitting up halfway on the cushion, scooped a spoonful of hot porridge, blew it warm, and fed it to the young man's mouth.

Su Jinzhi felt that his mouth was bitter, and his stomach seemed to be stuffed with air, which was swollen and uncomfortable, which made him lose his appetite at all. He swallowed a few mouthfuls of porridge with difficulty, and when Xie Shu fed it again He turned his head away: "Bitter, I don't want to eat..."

The young man lowered his eyes, his cheeks were a little red due to the fever, his eyes were moist, and he acted coquettishly in a low nasal voice. Xie Shu almost softened his heart, but he still forcefully fed the porridge into the young man's mouth: "You have a bitter mouth, I put some sugar in the porridge, it's not bitter. Be good, open your mouth—"

"Did you add sugar? I can't taste the sweetness..."

The young man frowned, and reluctantly drank a few mouthfuls of porridge. He still had a fever, spoke softly, and looked sluggish. Because of the porridge, there was some bright porridge on his lips. Xie Shu couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw it. She leaned over and licked his lips lightly, comfortingly said: "Okay, isn't it sweet now?"

"Not sweet enough." Su Jinzhi smiled, raised his hand and threw himself on Xie Shu, almost knocking over the hot porridge that Xie Shu was holding. Xie Shu quickly raised his hands, and waited for Su Jinzhi to hang around his neck before lowering his arms and hugging him weakly.

"I still want to be sweeter..." As soon as the young man said this, there was a "creak" sound from the door, and Xie Shu immediately turned his head to look at the door, only to see Su Changdongqing standing there expressionlessly. the door.

"Did someone come in?" Su Jinzhi also heard the sound, and he also turned his head to face the door, his unfocused eyes fell on Su Changdong.

"No." Xie Shu and Su Changdong replied after looking at each other, "I didn't close the door when I just came in, and now it was blown open by the wind."

"Why don't you close the door well..." Due to his illness, the young man's voice was soft and clingy than usual, and his whole body was attached to Xie Shu, "My brother is still at home, he is watching What do we do when we get there?"

Xie Shu: "..." Your brother has already been seen.

"Drink porridge, drink porridge." Xie Shu held up a spoon and wanted to feed Su Jinzhi porridge again.

"No." Su Jinzhi said, and raised his slender chin to kiss Xie Shu: "Well, I want to be sweet for a while..."

How could Xie Shu dare to continue "molesting" his younger brother in front of Su Changdong? He turned his head slightly to avoid the young man's kiss, stuffed a pill into his mouth, and picked up the water glass to feed him.

Unexpectedly, he was given a mouthful of medicine, and the young man's eyebrows frowned even tighter, with an unhappy expression on his face. Xie Shu had no choice but to peck his lips lightly. .”

"I just woke up, what's the use of rest, it's not too slow..." Su Jinzhi still hugged Xie Shu and refused to let go, rubbing his head against Xie Shu's neck, "I feel that you are warmer than me..."

"I still refuse to rest, I'm burning stupid." Xie Shu took a lot of effort to tear Su Jinzhi off him and stuffed him into the quilt, "You will feel sleepy after taking the medicine, just wake up gone."

"I'm talking about the eyes..." Su Jinzhi clutched the quilt, opening and closing his eyelids.

Xie Shu comforted him: "The doctor said it will be fine, and it will be fine in a while."

Su Jinzhi went on to say: "I hope my eyesight will heal soon, so that I can tell my brother that we are together soon, and then you will have sex with me..."

Xie Shu pressed Su Jinzhi's mouth lightly with his finger to prevent him from finishing the remaining word, touched his head and urged, "Be good, rest first."

Su Jinzhi turned over and held Xie Shu's hand touching his head, put it on the side of his face and closed his eyes. After a while, he breathed evenly.

Xie Shu looked up at the door, Su Changdong was still standing there, watching the whole process of their interaction, finally took a look at Xie Shu, turned and went downstairs.

Xie Shu has been sleeping in the same bed with Su Jinzhi since his plaster cast was removed. As a result, when it was almost dawn this morning, he suddenly felt that the body of the person around him was getting hotter and hotter, like a small stove. Xie Shu hurriedly opened it. Deng went to touch Su Jinzhi's forehead, and found that he was running a fever, which may be caused by the fight in the bathroom last night. Xie Shu immediately woke up from sleepiness, and hurried downstairs to find medicine for Su Jinzhi to cook porridge.

And Su Changdong woke up early in the morning and heard that his precious brother had a fever, so he hurried upstairs without washing his face.

The door was not closed properly, it was ajar, presumably Xie Shu was too anxious to close the door, Su Changdong didn't care too much, when he was holding the doorknob and was about to push the door in, he heard his brother's sweet voice : "Bitter, I don't want to eat..."

Sick people are very fragile both physically and psychologically, and will subconsciously act like a baby to those close to them. It's just that Su Changdong didn't know when his younger brother became so close to Xie Shu.

He didn't push the door open immediately, but watched the interaction between the two inside through the crack of the door. He watched how Xie Shu pampered his younger brother, and how his younger brother took the initiative to send himself in front of Xie Shu. At first Su Changdong thought it was Xie Shu who took the initiative to sexually harass his baby brother, but he didn't expect that Su Jinzhi seemed to be more active... As a man, of course he could see that Xie Shu had always been very restrained, and everything he did was in line. Su Jinzhi wanted to do it.

Seeing the two of them kissing and intimacy so familiarly, Su Changdong could be sure almost instantly that the relationship between the two of them had lasted for a long time.

But he never knew.

Su Changdong was very angry at first, but soon he calmed down, because he saw Su Jinzhi smile—he hadn't seen his younger brother smile so happily for a long time.

So Su Changdong just stood quietly at the door and didn't make a sound to go in immediately until he watched Xie Shu put the young man to sleep.