Undying Patient

Chapter 80: I heard that you also have a crush on me 17


Dreams are an interesting thing.

Sometimes you find yourself having dinner with a seemingly unknown person in your dreams, only to wake up recalling that image and wondering why you were dreaming of someone you've never met.

But you actually met him.

Your eyes, your inadvertent peripheral vision once glanced at his face, you don't remember, but your brain remembers it for you, so you never dream of people you haven't met, only dream that you forgot people.

Su Jinzhi felt that his dream should also be a very interesting thing, but he didn't remember what dream he had after waking up.

This time when he woke up, the first thing he saw was a familiar white—the snow-white ceiling of the hospital. The surroundings of the ceiling were very clean, and there were no cobwebs that had grown out of not cleaning for a long time. The window on his right was not closed properly, and the cool wind that crept in through the window lifted the sky-blue curtains high, drifting near and far before his eyes, making a slight hunting sound, and casting a large dark shadow.

He can see things.

Su Jinzhi was a little surprised. There was a slight pressure pain on the inner side of his left arm. He turned his head slightly and found that someone had pressed a cotton swab on the vein on the inner side of his arm. Presumably someone had drawn his blood while he was asleep. .

The man who pressed his blood had deep eyebrows and sharp lines on the side of his face. Since he was sitting facing the window, the dark gray eyes of the man absorbed some bright light, weakening the long scar on his face The sharpness brought by it.

The man was holding his hand, staring blankly at a certain place on the quilt, maybe thinking of something, so he didn't realize that he had woken up.

Su Jinzhi knew that he was Xie Shu, the person he deeply liked, and he knew it the first time he saw him.

Even though he looks a little different in this world from the previous worlds, he will not admit to the unique soul hidden under this skin.

It might be that Su Jinzhi's gaze was too intense, Xie Shu was stunned for a moment, and he quickly turned his head to meet the young man's eyes.

"Thank you..." Su Jinzhi looked back at him and spoke softly.

"... Susu?" Xie Shu was still a little dazed. After realizing that the young man's brown eyes would follow his movements, he suddenly got up and approached the young man's face, "Can you...see it?"

"Yeah." Su Jinzhi raised his hand to caress Xie Shu's face.

Xie Shu was stunned for a few seconds, then lowered his eyes and said, "I'll go find your brother and come in."

"Wait a minute! Thank you." Su Jinzhi immediately took his hand, looked into his eyes, "Come here and kiss me first."

Xie Shu had no expression on his face, but when he heard what Su Jinzhi said, he still bent down at his request and kissed the corner of Su Jinzhi's lips. Just when he was about to get up and leave, Su Jinzhi suddenly put his arms around his neck, raised his head and kissed the scar on his face: "You look exactly as I thought, the one I love. "

Xie Shu kissed Su Jinzhi just after he finished saying this.

Xie Shu's kisses were always gentle, as if he was not afraid to scare him, but this time, Xie Shu kissed very intensely. Su Jinzhi felt that the blood in his body was boiling in his body as hot water was being gradually boiled, his heart hit his ribs with increasingly rapid breathing, his lower lip was bitten and licked by Xie Shu with his teeth in his mouth Biting, the tip of her tongue was aching from being sucked by his entwined kisses, until he reacted, Xie Shu let him go, and gently pressed his forehead against his, with a low and hoarse voice: "I love you too. "

"Why did I go to the hospital again?" Su Jinzhi asked Xie Shu, he still didn't know why he was lying in the hospital, obviously he should have confessed his love to Xie Shu before.

"You're sick." Xie Shu touched the top of his head.

"... I'm sick?" Su Jinzhi was stunned. He knew that he had Klein-Levin syndrome. Su Changdong immediately told him about it after he knew that he had lost his memory, and gave Xie Shu the periodic table of onset. One share with him, and he was repeatedly told not to drive, not to leave the Song residence during the illness, and to go out to play at ordinary times must be accompanied by one of Liu Wei or Xie Shu, and not to go out alone.

But he hasn't reached the onset period yet, why did he suddenly get sick

Xie Shu's voice was flat: "It's okay, I'll go to your brother first, he is very worried about you."

"Susu! Susu! Are you awake? Su—" Su Changdong rushed into the ward when he heard Xie Shu say that his younger brother was awake, but when he looked up, he saw his baby brother's lips were red. The kiss was swollen, and the face turned green immediately.

"Brother." Su Jinzhi smiled and waved to Su Changdong.

Su Changdong was stunned when he met the young man's eyes, and he stayed for a few seconds before he came back to his senses. He ran in front of Su Jinzhi with a trembling voice: "Susu...can you see it?"

"Yeah." Su Jinzhi nodded.

This is the first time he has seen what Su Changdong looks like. The two of them are indeed brothers. Su Changdong and him do look a bit like him, but Su Changdong is ten years older than him after all. He has a very mature face and is about the same height as Xie Shu. , so no one will mistake the two of them.

"As long as I can see... as long as I can see..." Su Changdong murmured in a low voice, seemingly extremely happy. After a while, Su Changdong raised his hand and gave him a gentle hug, "Don't be afraid, Susu, brother will cure you."

With just this sentence, Su Jinzhi knew that his condition had deteriorated.

Su Jinzhi immediately went to ask number zero: "number zero, number zero, are you there?"

"Do you still know how to find the zero number?" However, the one who answered was the number one, "I thought you, the host, are so excited that you don't know what day and night it will be."

"Why did I suddenly get sick?" Su Jinzhi was a little confused by the sudden burst of idioms from No. 1, and every time No. 1 appeared, it would always bring some bad news, "Will I... Will I be like I was in the hospital?" Song Mingxuan's world is like that..."

Su Jinzhi wanted to ask whether he would slowly get worse and die like in Song Mingxuan's world.

He is not afraid of death, but he is grateful for death. He couldn't forget the scene of Song Mingxuan committing suicide after a long time, Xie Shu liked him so much, Su Jinzhi didn't dare to think about what Xie Shu would do after his death.

Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi suddenly regretted being with Xie Shu.

If he hadn't been with Xie Shu, then Xie Shu would have been able to live well after his death, but Xie Shu liked him. And if he hadn't fallen in love with Xie Shu, he wouldn't have died, it was like an endless loop, with no way out.

"Of course you will get sick when you are sick." No. 1 said to him in a natural tone, "Don't think too much, just do the task well."

The doctor told Su Changdong that there was nothing wrong with Su Jinzhi, but that his Klein-Levin syndrome had a shorter attack cycle. Kline-Levin syndrome has no possibility of being cured in the current medical field, and there is only so much that doctors can tell Su Changdong.

So Su Jinzhi was discharged from the hospital that day.

The recovery of Su Jinzhi's eyes made Su Changdong very happy. The next night, he held a small family gathering in the Su family's mansion. They had a barbecue outside on the gravel road, and invited Liu Wei and Bai Minnan.

Seeing that Su Jinzhi's eyes were healed, Liu Wei was even happier than Su Jinzhi, and immediately volunteered to go to barbecue and let Su Jinzhi taste his cooking skills.

What surprised Su Jinzhi was that his brother brought a woman back, and that person was Bai Minnan, Su Changdong's secretary. Bai Minnan is the standard Bai Fumei, with slender and long legs, mature and beautiful, and standing beside Su Changdong, he fits him very well.

"Is she my sister-in-law?" Su Jinzhi asked Su Changdong with a smile.

Su Changdong coughed twice: "Not now, but in the future."

Su Jinzhi was amazed: "Brother, when did you get together?"

"It's not long since we were together, without you and Xie Shujiu." Su Changdong patted Su Jinzhi on the head.

Bai Minnan has been working beside him for five years. Before that, they had no ambiguous relationship. However, since Su Jinzhi had a car accident, Su Changdong had been in a low mood for a long time. Bai Minnan couldn't bear to see his boss depressed all the time. He only comforted him once in a while, but Su Changdong felt that Bai Minnan was not bad, so he took the initiative to pursue her, and Bai Minnan also had a good impression of him, so the two got together like this.

"He is Xie Shu." Su Changdong introduced Xie Shu who was standing beside Su Jinzhi to Bai Minnan, and finally added reluctantly, "The one I told you about, my brother's boyfriend..."

"Mr. Xie." Bai Minnan smiled and nodded to Xie Shu as a greeting.

Su Changdong didn't want to face the man who abducted his younger brother, so he dragged Bai Minnan to eat barbecue, leaving space for Su Jinzhi and Xie Shu.

The night is dark, because the city is very developed and the lights are too prosperous, so there are not many stars in the sky.

The black charcoal burns in a small furnace, turning into a hot red, burning with a melting temperature. Gently tufting flames fluttered in the night wind, emitting warm light. Those lights that seemed to be full of warmth shone into the brown eyes of the young man, blending out a deep and shallow gentle halo like the setting sun, as if to It was overflowing, and the fire light illuminated half of the young man's side face, making his eyebrows and eyes more exquisite. Xie Shu looked at him, and suddenly felt a soft hand actively ran into his palm.

"Xie Shu..." Su Jinzhi moved closer to Xie Shu slowly, stretched out his hand, and held Xie Shu's precisely.

"I seem to have seen you somewhere before." Xie Shu said.

"Huh? What did you say?" Su Jinzhi didn't hear what he said.

"It's nothing." Xie Shu smiled and didn't say anything else. He clenched the young man's hand behind his back and bent down to respond to him gently, "What's wrong?"

Su Jinzhi raised his head and looked at Xie Shu, his brown eyes were like clear glass, staring at them brightly: "My eyes are healed." He doesn't want to eat barbecue now, he just wants to swim with Xie Shu.

"You said, wait for my eyes to recover..." Su Jinzhi suddenly felt a little embarrassed, he could do all kinds of messy things before, why can't he do it now? Could it be that he dared to be so presumptuous because he couldn't see Xie Shu's reaction

"Okay, let's leave secretly."

Su Jinzhi was thinking about a lot of things in a mess, when he heard Xie Shu speak.

Startled, he looked up at Xie Shu.

The man looked at him with such gentle eyes, filled with countless deep feelings, as if they had been entangled together for the rest of their lives, no matter their soul or body, they were inseparable.

Xie Shu took his hand, avoiding Su Changdong and Bai Minnan and the servants, and quietly walked away from the path.

After the meat was grilled, Liu Wei came to look for Su Jinzhi with a plate, but he went around the barbecue place several times but couldn't find Su Jinzhi, so he had to put the barbecue meat in front of Su Changdong and Bai Minnan, and asked while eating, "Young master, what are you doing?" Do you know where the young master has gone? Why is Xie Shu missing?"

Hearing his question, Su Changdong snorted coldly and did not speak.

Because most of the servants in the Su family's mansion were barbecued with Su Changdong in the garden, only a few lights were turned on in the villa. The dim warm yellow light created an ambiguous atmosphere in the silence. Xie Shu led Su Jinzhi Standing in front of the stairs, she kissed his lips: "Do you want to recite it?"

Su Jinzhi froze for a moment, then suddenly realized what Xie Shu was saying.

"Yes!" Su Jinzhi deliberately lowered his voice because he was afraid of being discovered by people in the garden, but the excitement in that voice could not be suppressed.

As soon as Xie Shu squatted down, the young man threw himself on him. Xie Shu quickly raised his hand to grab his leg to prevent the young man from slipping off his back.

"Xie Shu... I really love you..." The young man's arms were tightly wrapped around his neck, his head lay on his back, and his muffled voice was filled with tears.

Xie Shu didn't know why he was sad, but he knew he didn't want him to be so sad: "Crying now?"

Su Jinzhi sniffed, buried his face on Xie Shu's back and rubbed it carelessly, then reached over and licked the man's ear: "Then I'll wait for you...fuck me."

Su Jinzhi felt that Xie Shu was just a withered seedling, and Xie Shu would not be hard if he didn't water more, but he soon found out that he was wrong.

Xie Shu is not a dry seedling, he is a big sponge, watering him will only make him bigger and bigger, the more water he gets, the bigger he will be, without shrinking back at all.

Almost at the moment when the door lock was locked, Su Jinzhi felt that Xie Shu threw himself on the big bed where they slept together for many nights, and then seemed to chew him up and eat him, She leaned over and kissed him fiercely.

Su Jinzhi propped his body on the bed with one elbow to stabilize his body, wrapped his other hand around Xie Shu's neck, and raised his head to respond to him. Then, the arm supporting the bed was also loosened, and Su Jinzhi lay down directly on the bed, and Xie Shu pressed his whole body under his body, sucking heavily with the tip of his tongue in his mouth.

However, Xie Shu was so domineering, Su Jinzhi was almost out of breath after being kissed by him for a while, his chest was rising and falling, and he opened his mouth to breathe some oxygen, but it was convenient for Xie Shu to kiss him more deeply.