Undying Patient

Chapter 87: Corpse 4


The age of reaching the crown is a big hurdle for the original body, but the original body almost couldn't survive when he was twelve years old.

Daoist Zhuge Ziqing thought of a way, let Su's mother hang the original body's room with white silk, and build a stone tomb, and let the original body sleep in it every night, so as to escape the search of ghosts.

I have lived here until now.

Yuan was afraid of ghosts since he was a child, weak and weak and suffered from asthma, but he was born with yin and yang eyes because of his light horoscope. After dark, he could see things he shouldn't see. Su's mother and Su's father were worried that he would not be taken away by ghost messengers, but would be scared to death, so they asked him to worship Zhuge Ziqing as his teacher and learn some body-protecting spells.

But he didn't expect that the original body was extremely talented, and he became a famous Taoist master in Qingzhen at a young age.

But... There is another very strange reason why Yuanchen worked so hard to learn Taoism and ghost hunting.

Thinking of that reason, Su Jinzhi inexplicably recalled the world where he was forced to drink human blood every day.

"Fate, it's all life..." Su Jinzhixue No. 1 sighed, then walked around behind the tombstone, lay down on the grave bed covered with a soft cotton quilt, and tucked the quilt over his body to cover it.

When Su Jinzhi came back, it was already dawn. At this time, if he was delayed for a while, the sky outside was already bright, and the number one and number zero also started to go to work.

As soon as No. 1 went online, he gave Su Jinzhi a sincere greeting: "Host, did you enjoy your night walk?"

Su Jinzhi responded with a "hehe".

No. 1 tutted: "It seems that you, the host, are very happy, otherwise you wouldn't be so excited that you didn't sleep all night, and now you start to catch up on sleep."

"Who said I was so excited that I stayed up all night?" Su Jinzhi said stiffly, "I'm studying Taoism, do you understand? Studying Taoism!"

"Besides, I would rather sleep during the day than at night, at least I don't have to worry about waking up and finding something wrong lying around me."

Mention this matter, say too much is full of tears.

When Su Jinzhi first came to this world, although he inherited all the memories of his original body, he was not very good at using those spells to ward off evil. The method has been forgotten.

As a result, I slept until midnight and woke up from the cold.

Although he slept in the tomb, the brocade quilts and mats were prepared by Su's mother. They were soft and warm. They also sent someone to stuff Mrs. Tang inside, so he would not be cold. The reason why Su Jinzhi was woken up by freezing was because It was because a ghost got into the quilt and slept with him.

Su Jinzhi thought too much before going to sleep, and had nightmares at night. He dreamed that ghosts hit the wall, and he was trapped in a long, dark and cold alley and couldn't get out. After finally waking up from this endless cycle of nightmares, she turned her head and saw a female ghost lying beside him with her face covered in blood and her eyes falling out of their sockets. Cece smiled at him.

Su Jinzhi was so frightened that he clutched his chest, and fell ill without raising his breath. The sound of "ho ho" in his throat alarmed the servants guarding outside his door, and he rushed in to hold the third young master and took the medicine. After he regained his strength, he lay down in his small stone grave to recuperate for several days.

After going through such an experience, Su Jinzhi learned to be good. Every night before going to sleep, he would wrap a circle of red rope soaked in cinnabar outside the door before falling asleep.

But on the 1st, he immediately poured cold water on him: "Not necessarily, what if you sleep until night and then wake up?"

Su Jinzhi gripped the quilt tightly, and said seriously: "Then you set an alarm clock for me, and you must wake me up before sunset."

Seeing his cowardice, No. 1 sneered twice and didn't speak. Although Su Jinzhi was still terrified, he couldn't overcome the exhaustion of his body and fell asleep in fear. He slept until late in the afternoon, and Su Jinzhi woke up by himself before Number One called him.

Woke up hungry.

As soon as Su Jinzhi sat up, the servant, Aping, came to knock on the door: "Third Master, are you awake? Madam said that if you wake up, I will let you go to the hall to have dinner with her."

"Tell mother, I will come as soon as I change my clothes."


The boy responded and went back to recover his mother, while Su Jinzhi went to the closet to find another long coat to wear. He chose a light blue gown. The fabric of the gown was brocade, with dark and delicate patterns on it, and a jade-colored crabapple embroidered on the left shoulder. The original clothes are almost all long gowns, but without exception, there is a branch of crabapple on the left shoulder of every piece of clothes.

This is not because Yuanshen particularly likes it, but a means of praying for blessings.

Just as wealthy people like to put some landscape paintings or town house stones at home, crabapple is a noble concubine among flowers, a flower of wealth and honor, and embroidering it on clothes can play a certain role in avoiding bad luck. So Mother Su gave Yuanshen a nickname, Haitang'er.

After Su Jinzhi straightened his collar, he stepped out of the room and walked towards the hall of the Su family in his memory.

Mother Su was already waiting for him at the table of the Eight Immortals, and when she saw him coming, she immediately smiled and waved to him: "Tang'er, come here quickly, mother."

"Mother." Su Jinzhi held the corners of his lips and sat down gently.

"Has my Tang'er slept enough?" Su's mother raised her hand distressedly, and gently stroked Su Jinzhi's cheek, with a hint of complaint in her tone, "You just recovered from your illness, and you are still weak, so go out and run around. Even if you stay at home all your life, your father will not starve you, and your eldest brother and second brother, why do you always love to go out to do these hard things?"

The Su family is a family of merchants, a well-known jade merchant in the south of the Yangtze River. The eldest and the second child often follow Su's father to run business in other places, and the third child is weak, and his family pities him, so he is not allowed to participate in the family business. Because of the hard work of the business, he was only allowed to stay at home with Su's mother, pampering him and doing what he liked.

It can be said that even if the original body does not go out to work for the rest of his life, he can live a very nourishing life.

"I like doing these things." Su Jinzhi picked up the spoon, filled a bowl of soup for Mother Su, and brought it in front of her.

"Hey, what do you like more? I don't know who was weaned when I was a child and came to me all night, saying that I want to sleep with my mother?" To tease Su Jinzhi.

Su's mother was talking about what happened to Yuanshen when he was young. Yuanshen was afraid of ghosts. When he saw ghosts when he was a child, he didn't know how to drive them away, so he could only subconsciously find the closest people for protection. Later, Yuanshen learned how to cure ghosts. If there is no technique, only ghosts are afraid of him.

Su Jinzhi could only cough twice in embarrassment and stopped talking.

Su's mother gave him a resentful and loving look, and raised her hand to call for a young girl who was standing not far away to serve the two of them.

"I've also heard about the Fang family's affairs this time. It is said that several Taoist priests were invited and they were afraid to go, and finally my Tang'er was invited. Is this really so difficult?" Mother Su scooped up a spoonful of soup. He fed it into his mouth and chatted with Su Jinzhi for a few words.

"Fortunately, let mother worry."

The girl called by Su's mother didn't know what was going on, and kept rubbing against Su Jinzhi's body. Su Jinzhi turned to the side to avoid the girl's soft body. It's nine."

Su Jinzhi paused, and suddenly had a bold guess in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment he saw Su's mother looking at him with a smile: "Your eldest brother and second brother knew about personnel affairs when they were sixteen or seventeen years old."

Su Jinzhi almost spit out a mouthful of soup when he heard the words, well, now he finally knows what the girl who kept rubbing against him meant, maybe he was instructed by Su's mother to be a bed warming maid for him. Kind of characters.

He originally thought that such characters only existed in the ancient world, but he never thought that they would also exist in such a world close to the period of the Republic of China.

However, Su's mother's incident also reminded Su Jinzhi that his elder brother and second elder brother knew about personnel affairs when they were sixteen or seventeen years old, so what about Xie Lincheng? He looks to be in his twenties, so there are several concubines in his family, right

His father had three concubines and had several daughters, but Su's mother was strict with her, so they usually stayed in the backyard and would not come to the front yard to block people's eyes.

"Mother." Su Jinzhi straightened his face, smiled and said seriously to Mother Su, "The doctor also said that I should take care of myself, not to mention that you also know the spells I practice, it is best to keep my body as a child. "

"Oh... I know that too, but—"

"Third Master, here comes the reward from Master Fang's family."

Before Mother Su finished speaking, Ah Ping and several servants came in carrying a large wooden box. As soon as she saw the box, the smile on her face disappeared immediately, and she curled her lips unhappily: "Mother knows it all, but I just love my Tang'er. I asked you to learn these Taoism, but it's just Wanted to keep you safe, but didn't tell you to actually live on this. Look—"

Su's mother slammed the table and stared at the big wooden box: "You still take all these unclean things as rewards, you can forget about it, and eat it! I asked Taoist Ziqing, and he didn't know you What are you going to do with this stuff?"

"Mom, didn't I tell you?" Su Jinzhi saw that Su's mother was angry, and immediately stood up and walked behind her and squeezed her shoulders, "It's good for me to eat this, otherwise I wouldn't just accept it." This is a reward, right?"

Su's mother glanced at him when she heard the words, and signaled the maid to bring Su Jinzhi more food with her eyes: "Since you don't want anyone yet, then Hong'er will stay with me first." While speaking, the girl smiled shyly at Su Jinzhi one time.

"Sit down, eat your meal first, and then eat that thing."

When Su's mother gave the order, Su Jinzhi had no choice but to sit down obediently and finish the meal.

After dinner, Su Jinzhi asked A Ping to carry the big wooden box to his small courtyard.

"Put it down." Su Jinzhi lowered his eyes with his hands behind his back, and asked Aping to put the wooden box next to his grave bed.

"Yes, Third Master." Ah Ping responded, and put a set of small porcelain bowls on a small table aside for Su Jinzhi to prepare, then went out and guarded the door.

Su Jinzhi looked at the wooden box, raised his hand to touch his stomach, it was bulging, obviously he was full, but when he saw this box... he couldn't help but want to drool.

This is the instinct of this body.

It was also the reason why Yuanshen worked hard to learn Taoism and exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts for others.

With a "click", Su Jinzhi gently opened the small golden lock on the wooden box, pinched a handful of the black and fine soil inside, then licked his fingers like a delicacy, scraped off the black mud with the tip of his tongue, and put it into his mouth .

Everyone in Qing Town knows that the third young master of the Su family has a superb way of Taoism, and it is always beneficial to catch ghosts and collect demons, but he doesn't want gold, silver, or any beauties.

A box of grave mound is the only requirement for Third Master Su to come out.

As long as you can afford this box of grave mound, no matter you are from a poor family or a wealthy businessman, you can find Mr. Su to keep your house safe.

Su Jinzhi wanted to cry but ate a handful of soil from the black mud grave. He never imagined that the owner of this body suffered from pica. The grave soil on the ancestor's coffin, he would look down on eating it if it wasn't for the grave soil.

I don't know if it's because of being scared by ghosts.

The original body once encountered a ghost hitting the wall on the mountain road home. At that time, the original body had already learned Taoism, so he naturally knew how to protect himself. He chased the evil ghost all the way to his cemetery. When he came to his grave, he saw a handful of black soil on the top of the evil ghost's grave. For some reason, he suddenly felt that the soil was so fragrant that it made his mouth salivate, so he immediately grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

Once he ate it, it became a disaster. Yuanshen immediately became obsessed with this strange soil mixed with the smell of dead people, and he felt uncomfortable all over if he didn't eat it for a month.

Since that time, Yuanshen has started to set up a stall to do business openly and aboveboard, and the payment is collected from other people's graves.

In the beginning, only poor people who had run into evil spirits and couldn’t afford to invite famous priests came to him. After all, this graveyard soil can’t be dug casually. If you dig the graveyard soil of your own relatives, you will be unlucky for three months at least, and three generations at worst. , but if he didn't dig, he didn't know if there was still life left, so he found the original body.

After the original body gradually became famous, more people came to him, and some rich people came to him, and the food was so satisfying that the original body flew off.

But eating this kind of thing is not good at all.

Su Jinzhi didn't tell the truth to Su's mother.

What is grave soil? It was an extremely yin land, full of the filth of the dead, the original body ate this stuff every day, and the yin energy on his body was almost as cloudy as a ghost, so when he went out, he had to take a red-edged sedan chair in Zhushabu Town , I dare not walk at night.

As a result, he was extremely careful and prudent, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of two boxes of grave mound soil as a reward of "heavy money". He went to exorcise people's ghosts at night, and he couldn't help but eat it on the sedan chair. A few big bowls of soil, and then on the way back, he was seduced by ghosts.

It was a terrible death.

It was so miserable that Su Jinzhi didn't know what to say.

However, now that Su Jinzhi uses this body, he has become the same as his original body... He loves to eat grave mounds.

Su Jinzhi looked at the box that smelled foul and unpleasant to others, but in his nose was the world's most fragrant grave mound, and thought: I'll just eat a small bowl, and I have to save some, or I'll finish it all at once. , he will be starved to death...

So he picked up the small porcelain bowl left by Aping and scooped up a bowl full of soil.

When Su Jin ate the third bowl, No. 1 appeared: "Host, is the soil delicious?"

Su Jinzhi cried and said, "It's delicious, it's so delicious."

The seasoning bag benefits that No. 0 got for him are still there, and he doesn’t feel any disobedience when he eats this soil. Different people’s soil tastes different. This family’s cemetery must be an excellent geomantic treasure. Look at this soil The bardo is full of qi, cool and refreshing.

Hearing what he said, No. 1 added fuel to his fire: "Eat more if it tastes good."

Su Jinzhi finished the fourth bowl of soil, wiped his mouth, and locked the wooden box with a cold face.

Every time he was full of soil, Su Jinzhi would think about it: he might be crazy to eat this kind of food. But the next day, he would cry and say that the soil was delicious.

Su Jinzhi felt that if God gave him another chance to choose again, he would definitely not choose superstition, but love science.

Before Xie Lincheng rushed back to Xie's old house, grandfather Xie's health improved a bit, but it deteriorated rapidly after Xie Lincheng returned.

As soon as these words came out, the faces of Xie's family were all blue, and Xie Lincheng's face was also very bad.

"It's all his fault..." It wasn't just someone who muttered in a low voice, Xie Lincheng suddenly stood up from Grandfather Xie's bed, his sinister gaze swept over the faces of everyone present, and then walked out without saying a word. this room.

"He was the one who beat him. He killed his father and his mother, and now he's here to beat the old man."

"Isn't it? Fortunately, the old man missed him dearly and said that he wanted to see his grandson for the last time. Isn't Lin Yu also the grandson of the old man? He stayed with the old man all day, but the old man was still so partial and insisted on leaving the old house to the old man. Shashen..."

As soon as Xie Lincheng left, the house became chaotic again. Everyone was talking in the outer room, completely ignoring the closed eyes of Mrs. Xie in the inner room.

The old man of the Xie family still couldn't hold on the next day and left.

This can be said to be a big event in Qing Town, and it spread throughout the town at once.

Su Jinzhi also heard about it, and when he heard the news, he was worried for Xie Lincheng, afraid that he would be sad, but now he couldn't stand by his side to comfort him.

The Xie family invited the Taoist priest from other towns to preside over Mrs. Xie’s funeral, but did not invite someone from Qingzhen’s own town. After all, the most famous Taoist priest in Qingzhen is Su Jinzhi, but he studied ghost control He didn't learn Fengshui burial, and the reward he asked for was really incomprehensible, so the Xie family didn't look for him.

However, Su Jinzhi has another identity, that is, the third young master of the Su family, so after receiving the obituary, he accompanied Su's mother to mourn the funeral.

Generally speaking, after the death of a person, the body needs to be buried for three days before being buried, but Mr. Xie had to be buried in a hurry after only two days after his death. Su Jinzhi thought it was strange, so he went to inquire about it, only to find out that this was the meaning of the priest invited by Xie's family.

At the funeral, Su Jinzhi met the priest, and found out that he was an acquaintance—his senior brother, Lin Xunting.

"Brother Lin?" Su Jinzhi subconsciously called out to him when he saw Lin Xunting in a yellow Taoist robe.

Lin Xunting turned his head when he heard someone calling him. When he saw Su Jinzhi, he was very happy and came over to give him a hug: "Junior Brother Tang'er, long time no see."

Su Jinzhi said helplessly, "Brother, you are making fun of me again."

Lin Xunting tapped the crabapple on his shoulder: "Hahaha, when I saw this crabapple of yours, my brother forgot your name."

"Brother, please stop teasing Jinzhi." Su Jinzhi shook his head and said, "I'm still wondering which Taoist leader is hosting the Xie family. It's just you, I was just thinking-"

"What you want to ask is why I asked Mrs. Xie to be buried as soon as possible, right?" Lin Xunting straightened his face and lowered his voice, "I suspect that Mrs. Xie didn't die at the end of his life."

Su Jinzhi stared: "Didn't he die?"

Lin Xunting let out a long sigh with his hands behind his back: "When I arrived, Mrs. Xie was already in the coffin, so I couldn't see anything, but..." Lin Xunting took out three small incense sticks from his sleeve, and the three sticks The two incenses are short and the other is long, and they are all extinguished before they are completely burned.

One of Su Jin's expressions changed when he saw the incense.

"People are most afraid of three longs and two shorts, and incense is most afraid of two shorts and one long." Lin Xunting looked at the three small incense sticks, "I personally burned this incense for Mrs. Xie on the day I arrived, but it happened to be like this. You and I are from the same school. , and your attainments in this are higher than mine, you should know what it means to burn this incense."

Su Jinzhi was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "When this incense comes out at home, someone must be mourning. Thank you family, I'm afraid..." No wonder he saw that there was a black air between Xie Lincheng's brows, and this incense was burned at home. If Old Master Xie doesn't hurry up It is safe to be buried in the ground, I am afraid that everyone surnamed Xie will suffer a lot.

"If Mrs. Xie is dying, why didn't he die?" Lin Xunting sighed, "But this is a matter of Xie's family. You and I are outsiders, so don't interfere too much, just do your own thing."

Su Jinzhi nodded solemnly.

But Xie Lincheng is the target he has set, not an outsider, so he must take care of it.

Lin Xunting looked at him and laughed again: "But my side is short of manpower, I wonder if Junior Brother Tang'er can help Senior Brother?"

"Oh? But I heard that Senior Brother Lin has taken in two caring apprentices." Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows.

Lin Xunting coughed dryly and said, "Well, it's actually my two apprentices who want to meet their uncle."

Su Jinzhi looked at him helplessly: "Brother Lin, wouldn't it be better if you said that earlier? It's not like Jinzhi can't see people."