Undying Patient

Chapter 88: Corpse 5


However, Su Jinzhi still didn't see Lin Xunting's two disciples in the end, because Mrs. Xie's funeral was very grand and they were very busy, so Su Jinzhi and Lin Xunting exchanged a few more words and left.

Because Lin Xunting mentioned that Mr. Xie was not dying of old age, and thinking of the thick black air between Xie Lincheng's eyebrows, Su Jinzhi walked towards the mourning hall where Mrs. Xie's coffin was parked, wanting to see if there was anything strange about it.

The day of Mrs. Xie's funeral was cloudy.

The gloomy cold wind made everyone feel heavy.

When Su Jinzhi approached the mourning hall, he saw that the mourning hall was covered with white silk, and a big "Dian" character in the hall set off the surrounding paper figurines. But the whole body is extremely weird and terrifying, and the eyes seem to be staring at others with a sinister spirit, which is indeed a bit frightening.

There is actually a reason why these paper figurines look so scary. The paper figurines at the funeral cannot be tied too realistically. If they are too realistic, there will be ghosts and spirits attached to them. It's better if it doesn't look like this, but it looks a little scary and weird.

So Su Jinzhi only glanced at it, and quickly looked away.

The descendants of the Xie family knelt around the coffin, crying while burning paper money, looking very sad, Xie Lincheng also knelt. He was wearing a white mourning dress, with his head slightly lowered, but his waist was very straight, his lips were tightly pursed, and his expression was cold and solemn. He looked very devout, but there was no hint of sadness.

But Su Jinzhi, who was familiar with him, knew that he was sad when he saw his expression. Su Jinzhi hesitated outside the mourning hall for a while, hesitating whether to go in, when he heard a plump middle-aged woman kneeling next to Xie Lincheng say: "Lin Yu cried so sadly, but his eyebrows Don't wrinkle, it's a good thing the old man said he was filial, he didn't come back several times throughout the year, I don't know why the old man is so partial to him, it's really... "

"Mother—" Before the woman could finish her sentence, a young man kneeling next to her left arm pulled her back. The woman curled her lips and glared at Xie Lincheng again, but she didn't say anything else.

Su Jinzhi didn't know if it was his illusion. When the woman was speaking, the paper figurine behind her seemed to curl up her lips and smiled sinisterly.

Su Jinzhi thought it was because his vision was blurred, but he blinked his eyes and looked carefully at the paper figurine. No matter how he looked at it, the paper figurine was still the same, with a strange and terrifying face, like a layer of skin and clothes, Su Jinzhi didn't see any problem, but he was scared of himself, goosebumps popped up his arms, and he felt cool on his neck.

"The time has come."

Not long after, when it was time for the funeral, Lin Xunting brought his two disciples over. Su Jinzhi glanced at them. The two disciples looked about the same age as him, with solemn little faces, and compared He, a sick man with a pale face and dying breath, looks more like a master.

Before the funeral of the deceased, there is usually a coffin-sealing ceremony. The Xie family wiped the tears off their faces after listening to Lin Xunting's words, and stepped back to let the guests look at the remains of the deceased. Su Jinzhi, as the representative of the Su family, naturally I also want to take a look at the remains of Mrs. Xie.

Su Jinzhi is so timid, how dare he look at it? A quick token glance and it's over. The Xie family nailed and sealed the coffin, and the last two knelt in front of the coffin, waiting to send the old man away. But the surrounding area of Xie Lincheng was empty, not only no one was willing to kneel in a row with him, but they all stayed away from him.

However, the young man who was kneeling beside the talking woman got up from the line, went to Xie Lincheng and knelt down: "I'll kneel with elder brother."

Xie Lincheng looked at Ye and didn't look at him, his back was still straight, as if he didn't hear him.

The young man was also a little embarrassed, but what Lin Xunting said quickly resolved his embarrassment: "Mr. Xie's zodiac sign is monkey, and everyone present who belongs to tiger, snake, and pig turned around and avoided."

This is to prevent the zodiac signs from clashing, making Mr. Xie's journey unsmooth, and the children and grandchildren are also infected with bad luck.

As soon as Lin Xunting finished speaking, Xie Lincheng stood up, walked to the side, and stood with the coffin on his back.

"Lin Yu, come here!" As soon as Xie Lincheng left, the woman quickly raised her hand to greet the young man, pulled him to her side and knelt down, "What are you talking to that nemesis? I haven't seen him meeting Mrs. Xie." Go?"

Su Jinzhi raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. In fact, what the woman said was not entirely wrong. Xie Lincheng had such a strong bloody aura that children would cry when they approached him, and the elderly would feel uncomfortable when they saw him. People who are young will be more likely to see unclean things after meeting him and being contaminated with evil spirits from him. Such a person can make a career, but it is also easy to bring disasters and disasters to their families, so most of them are alone and have nowhere to rely on.

The Xie family has a great cause. The descendants knelt together from the mourning hall to the coffin cart outside, their heads lowered, almost touching the ground, forming a long "children's road". It is necessary to raise the coffin and walk slowly over their heads, and send the old man to the carriage place at the end of Zisun Road, and then the carriage will carry it to the cemetery.

The moment the coffin-bearer lifted the coffin, the Xie family burst into tears, and the firecrackers lit outside the gate crackled, making Su Jinzhi's eyelids twitch wildly, and the smell of burning incense sticks into his nose , Su Jinzhi held down his twitching eyelids and looked at the incense dish, almost holding his breath.

The incense dish was inserted with five sticks of incense, and it turned out to be the most taboo three-long and two-short incense!

However, all the people present either knelt down on the ground, or turned their backs to look away from the coffin, and no one cared what happened to the incense in the incense dish.

Su Jinzhi lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes drew away the light in his eyes, planning to talk to Lin Xunting about the Xie family after the funeral.

The coffin containing Mrs. Xie was finally sent to the above-ground tomb, and no burial was carried out. Qingzhen is close to the mountains and the sea, which is an excellent place, and the place where Xie's family lives is called "fairy splashing water" in Feng Shui. Treasure land. Therefore, people who live here must not be buried after death, because in the pattern of "fairy splashing water", once the coffin touches the ground, it will be unlucky for the whole family. Where it touches the ground, gold plates should be used to catch water and insulate it to prevent the coffin from getting the earth's atmosphere.

The tomb of the Xie family is a large stone tomb built on the mountainside. The coffins were all hung inside. The coffin bearers locked the door after carrying Mrs. Xie’s coffin in. The entire funeral process stopped here. After a few words of comfort to Xie's family, the guests almost dispersed, leaving only Xie Lincheng standing outside the stone tomb for a while before he was willing to leave.

Su Jinzhi followed Xie Lincheng all the time and looked at him secretly, until Xie Lincheng left, he followed Su's mother and left, completely unaware that Xie Lincheng turned back to look at him after he turned around.

Who is Xie Lincheng? When he was fighting in the past, he was always on guard, and he was extremely sensitive to the sight of others. After all, he had to guard against any gunman who wanted to shoot him in the head, so when Su Jinzhi peeked at him, Xie Lincheng noticed it almost instantly. Someone was watching him.

However, there was no malice in this gaze, so Xie Lincheng let him go. He focused all his attention on Mr. Xie today. It wasn't until Mrs. Xie entered the stone tomb that Xie Lincheng had the energy to see who dared to be so presumptuous stared at him—looked at the ghastly scarred face. With this look, Xie Lincheng realized that the person who had been staring at him was the handsome young man he met on the road the day he came back.

He seems to be called Su Jinzhi...

The young man's plain white gown flicked slightly with his walking steps, outlining his thin and thin figure. Xie Lincheng looked at the young man's back with his leaving back, and stopped still until the young man got on the small sedan chair and left. He frowned slightly.

The young man looked so thin, how could the bearer who carried him look even thinner than him

After Su Jinzhi returned to his red-sided sedan chair, his eyelids were still twitching, which made him very strange. If it was said that his eyelids were twitching when he was in Xie's house, it was because Xie's family was about to encounter a catastrophe, then he would leave now Thank you, why are your eyelids still twitching

After all, he was far from the land of disaster, and it was his own fault to jump again.

"whee… "

Just as Su Jinzhi was thinking about why, a strange laugh suddenly came from outside his sedan chair. A strange coldness shot up from his arms and traveled all over his body. Su Jinzhi took a deep breath, stretched out his fingers and bit it open. , put the index finger blood on his eyebrows.

As if some demonic barrier had been broken, the bell around his waist kept ringing, finally fully awakening Su Jinzhi's mind.

With a sound of "bang-", Su Jinzhi bumped into the side of the sedan chair and made a small cut on his forehead. The sedan chair bumped extremely abnormally. Su Jinzhi opened the cinnabar curtain with trembling hands, before he was ready , A paper human face suddenly jumped into his eyes, the paper human grinned a big mouth like a blood basin, stared at him with dark eyes, and smiled sinisterly, "hee hee" eerie laughter.

Maybe it's because of the four bowls of grave soil he ate last night, or maybe it's because he gave Xie Lincheng the red thread copper money for body protection, or maybe it's because all his attention is on Xie Lincheng today and he doesn't have time to take care of his surroundings In such a situation, Su Jinzhi unknowingly entered a demon barrier, was blinded by ghosts, and got on the wrong sedan chair—he was not sitting in his red-edged sedan chair to ward off evil spirits, but a coffin-shaped ghost sedan chair. He was carried away by a group of paper figurines!

"Oh my god!" Su Jinzhi is not a real Taoist priest after all, even if he was here in the original body, he would definitely cry in fright when he saw such a scene. Su Jinzhi was frightened by the group of paper figurines, and immediately jumped off the sedan chair with a scream of "ahhhh", and twisted his ankle when he fell to the ground.

"No. Zero, come out!" Su Jinzhi cried and called No. 0 Zero.

Zero also cried and responded to him: "Master Host, I'm so scared, stop calling me."

Su Jinzhi cried bitterly: "If I don't call you, I will die here!"

No. Zero cried more miserably than him: "Then we can just change the world, Lord Host... woo woo..."

No. Zero was completely unreliable at such a time. Su Jinzhi limped up from the ground, drew a gossip pattern on the ground with his feet based on the memory of his body, picked off the red thread embroidered as a begonia stamen on his shoulder, Soaked in the blood of his index finger, flung it out violently, knocked the paper people who were rushing towards him to the ground, and tied up the group of paper people one by one with seven star gang steps.

In fact, things like ghosts are afraid of the qi in people. They are afraid of righteousness, evil spirits, yang qi, and evil qi. She had nothing to say; and Su Jinzhi was actually scared the first time he saw the paper doll in the mourning hall. His body was already full of yin energy, so he was afraid that the yang energy in his body would disperse even more, so the unclean little things would come to him he came.

Now that he had no choice but to exorcise ghosts and cure ghosts, his instinct came out again, and he was in a stalemate with these paper ghosts for a while.

"What are you doing?"

Just when Su Jinzhi was trying to hypnotize himself not to be afraid of these things and go up to fight again, a deep male voice suddenly entered his ears.

When the paper figurine heard his voice, it was as if it had heard a thunderbolt. on the ground.

The young man who was still intact when he left was now covered in a mess, with blood on his forehead and tears on his eyelashes. Xie Lincheng raised his eyebrows and looked at him, feeling as if he had discovered the ulterior motives of this master ghost hunter in Qing Town. secret.

"Are you... playing with paper figurines?" Xie Lincheng asked him.

Would normal people play with paper figurines around the grave? !

Su Jinzhi was so angry that he stared at him with tears in his eyes, but he didn't know what kind of flair his poor little appearance would be in the eyes of others.

Xie Lincheng also seemed to know that he stepped on the young man's sore spot, looked at his trembling legs and smiled, and said directly: "Your leg seems to be hurt, I'll carry you on my back." Xie Lincheng thought that the young man would reject him, after all this This kind of thing seems to be disrespectful, and it also loses his status as a "ghost catching master". After all, the famous Su Sanye in Qingzhen is afraid of ghosts. I am afraid that few people will believe this kind of thing.

However, Xie Lincheng did not expect that after the young man gave a soft "um", he really lowered his eyes, and stood there very docilely waiting for him to go forward and carry his back. Xie Lincheng looked at the snow-white neck exposed by the young man with his head lowered, and felt that his eyes were dazzled again, so he couldn't help but stepped forward and gently lifted the young man on his back.

It wasn't until he took the young man behind his back that Xie Lincheng realized belatedly that he really had the young man behind his back.

Xie Lincheng has grown up so much since he was a child, and he has never been so close to anyone before. First, he doesn't like people getting too close to him, and second, it's because those people are afraid of him and don't dare to get too close to him. It's the first time that he gets so close to such a person who is not afraid of him and looks pleasing to the eye. Marshal Xie only thinks that he My heart beats a little faster.

Su Jinzhi gently grabbed a piece of Xie Lincheng's clothes to stabilize his body, thinking about what happened to him today, how he bumped into this rare ghost that only appeared at funerals.

After much thought, he finally found the source.

The source is right under him right now, carrying him forward step by step.

Xie Lincheng has bloody aura on his body, and although he can be relied on to avoid evil things, his evil aura will also break through the "qi" barrier on his body. Once he leaves him, it will be like entering the old forest alone. No ghost can attract a bunch of ghosts.

Thinking of this, Su Jinzhi's body suddenly froze—it's over, is there still time for him to stay away from Xie Lincheng

Obviously it was too late, Su Jinzhi opened his mouth very hard, and said to Xie Lincheng: "I don't know thank you, Commander, can you send me to my senior brother?"

"Your senior brother?" Xie Lincheng paused.

"Lin Xunting, Lin Daochang, he is my senior brother." Su Jinzhi explained. Given his current situation, he might have to ask Lin Xunting for a few talismans to protect himself.

Xie Lincheng raised his eyebrows, but he didn't say anything, and he carried Su Jinzhi back to Xie's house step by step, and sent him to Lin Xunting's temporary residence.

Lin Xunting opened the door and was stunned when he saw Dashuai Xie coming back with his disgraced little brother on his back. He opened his eyes wide and glanced at the two of them back and forth. When he saw the faint yin that enveloped Su Jinzhi, his face finally changed. , staring at the young man coldly.

"Thank you, Marshal, for sending my junior brother back." Lin Xunting suppressed the anger in his heart, and thanked Xie Lincheng stiffly.

Xie Lincheng looked at the faces of the two of them, raised his eyebrows, and said with the corners of his lips: "It's just a little effort, Daoist Lin, you don't need to thank me." After saying this, Xie Lincheng turned around and left. Can't help but look back at him.

"What are you looking at? Are there any paper ghosts coming to carry you away?" Lin Xunting said coldly, grabbed Su Jinzhi into the room, slapped the table and said, "Junior brother, tell me honestly, are you still here?" eating that evil thing."

Su Jinzhi was silent for a while, and said: "Everyone in Qingzhen knows that all you need is a box of grave soil to invite me out." These words were a tacit consent to Lin Xunting's question.

"You!" Lin Xunting looked at him, so angry that he couldn't even speak, "You are still catching ghosts for others with your current appearance, so collect your own corpse first!"

He repeatedly paced around the room: "I really don't understand, I have seen people who raise little ghosts for power and go astray to harm themselves, and I have also seen people who use evil methods to harm themselves for revenge. , your family is rich, you don’t have to worry about food and drink, and you don’t have blood and deep hatred, what are you doing eating that kind of stuff?!”

Su Jinzhi couldn't bear to tell him: for the sake of appetite.

How would he explain to Lin Xunting that there is a kind of people in this world who suffer from pica, they like to eat some food that ordinary people can't eat at all, or sponges, or leather, or stones, these things eat into their stomachs, like Eating a bowl of rice and drinking a bowl of water is as usual, and there is no pain at all, and they still feel very uncomfortable if they don't eat.

However, this world happens to be a spiritual world, and your little junior brother likes to eat evil graveyard soil.

Really eat to death.

Su Jinzhi is also very wronged, what can he do, he is also very desperate.