Undying Patient

Chapter 90: Corpse 7


When Xie Lincheng went to Su's house, he actually didn't know whether the young man would agree to settle the matter of Xie's family, so he also brought the red thread copper coin that the young man gave him.

The copper coin is old and old, and its color is an unpleasant dark brown, but the whole body of the copper coin is very smooth, and in the bright places, it will reflect the greasy light that often occurs after being rubbed by others. Xie Lincheng looked at the copper coin , I feel that it still has the breath of youth on it, so I feel that it is also cute.

Anyway, the young man said that he has saved his life, and he can use this copper coin to ask him for help. He shouldn't refuse, right

Marshal met me, it was a life-saving grace...

Xie Lincheng took out the sentence that the young man said from his memory and savored it carefully, recalling the scene of the young man smiling at him sitting in the red-rimmed sedan chair, he felt a part of his heart suddenly soften , even the corners of his lips curled up.

However, this good mood came to an abrupt end when he saw the young man leaning on the chaise longue, with a soft woman behind him rubbing his shoulders and legs.

Su Jinzhi felt a severe headache after seeing Xie Linyu this morning, and the servants boiled the medicine to drink it, but it didn't relieve it. Seeing him like this, Su's mother brought the maid Hong'er over, and sat in front of Su Jinzhi with tea, carelessly He said: "Hong'er's massage technique is good. When I'm not feeling well, it's just her who rubs it. Would you like to give Tang'er a try?"


Su Jinyi reluctantly raised his eyelids when he heard these two words. He has a headache and can't open his eyes. He can't see who the maid Su's mother is talking about. He just nodded and let the woman stand beside him .

And what Su's mother said is also true. Hong'er has learned massage techniques before, and she learned from a doctor. If she wants to find a bed warmer for her young son who is in pain on the apex of her heart, she will definitely not look around for someone who has a temper. Gentle, if you are not afraid of the place where her son sleeps, you'd better know some medical skills.

So after doing this, Hong'er gave Su Jinzhi a few massages, and Su Jinzhi felt that his headache was a little better, his frowning brows gradually relaxed, and he even put on a relaxed and comfortable expression on his face.

In Xie Lincheng's eyes, this expression was very glaring.

The maid Hong'er was wearing a begonia-colored warm pink dress. She was the person Su's mother wanted to put next to Su Jinzhi. Naturally, she had to dress up to make people like her. The material of her clothes was different from other maids. It fits perfectly with the sprig of crabapple flower embroidered on the left shoulder of the tea-white gown worn by Su Jinzhi today, for fear that others would not know who she is, Xie Lincheng's face turned cold all of a sudden.

He almost forgot that his mother would urge him to start a family and stuff people into his room, and the young man's situation might be similar.

"Third Master Su." Xie Lincheng said coldly.

Su Jinzhi was still dazed with his eyes closed, but suddenly he was stunned when he heard Xie Lincheng's voice, and opened his eyes in disbelief, only to find that the man was really in front of him.

"Thank you... Marshal?"

Xie Lincheng watched the young man's eyes wide open, and his eyes were full of his own figure. Finally, he calmed down a little. He glanced coldly at the maid next to the young man. farther away.

"The third master must have heard about my thanking the family." Xie Lincheng leaned back on the chair, raised his chin slightly, and signaled his subordinates to carry the gifts they brought into the hall one by one and put them away, " The Xie family doesn't have a grave, so I can only ask for it with a heavy gift, I hope the third master can help me thank the family."

Hearing what he said, Su Jinzhi immediately thought that Xie Linyu must have said something bad about him in front of him. If Xie Linyu followed his original words, Xie Lincheng would probably only bring the red thread copper coin over.

So Su Jinzhi sat up straight from the imperial concubine chair, with a gentle smile on his face, and said softly to Xie Lincheng: "Marshal Xie came here in person, why do you need to prepare a heavy gift? Just—"

As long as I come here in person, you will agree, right

Xie Lincheng listened to the young man say this, the corners of his lips were only half raised, and then he heard the young man continue to finish the rest: "—Just bring my red thread copper coin over here."

Marshal Xie pulled the corner of his mouth down, and his expression instantly became gloomy.

Seeing Xie Lincheng's expression, Su Jinzhi knew that he was unhappy, but why was he unhappy

"What red thread copper coin? I don't know." But soon, the corners of Xie Lincheng's lips slanted to one side again, and he squinted his eyes at Su Jinzhi, making it clear that he wanted to cheat on Su Jinzhi's red thread copper coin.

"Marshal Xie, you..." Marshal Xie didn't play cards according to common sense, and Su Jinzhi had nothing to do with him.

"Don't be angry, third master, Lincheng is playing with you." Xie Lincheng looked at Su Jinzhi's smug expression, the corners of his lips raised even higher, and he pulled out the small coin from his chest pocket with a frown. The copper coin waved in front of Su Jinzhi, and the words seemed to be flattering, but there was no apology in his tone.

After Xie Lincheng said this, he got up from the chair and walked towards Su Jinzhi, as if he wanted to tie the red thread copper coin for him himself. Su Jinzhi managed to recover the "Qi" in his body, but Xie Lincheng was about to disperse when he got so close, so Su Jinzhi opened his eyes wide and dodged to the side in fright, as if he was avoiding some savage beast.

"Master, wait a minute—" Su Jinzhi waved his hands again and again, and turned to look at Hong'er standing behind him. He felt that the maid looked familiar, but he couldn't remember her name, "Just hand over the copper coin to my maid." gone."

Xie Lincheng looked at the way he was afraid of avoiding him, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, the hand holding the copper coin was tightly clenched, Su Jinzhi looked at the blue veins on the back of his hand, swallowed, worried about himself The small copper coin was deformed by him.

"Heh." Xie Lincheng stopped in his tracks and smiled coldly. He didn't intend to return the copper coins to Su Jinzhi any more. He turned around and left when a voice came from a distance, "Xie has something to do. Let's go first. We are at Xie's house." Waiting for the third master to come."

Su Jinzhi watched him go away, and subconsciously wanted to catch up, but he stopped after a few steps, sighed deeply, thinking that it is really difficult to fall in love in this world, but now he has to find a way to solve it Thank you for the matter.

Fortunately, you don't need that little copper coin to deal with zombies. Su Jinzhi then asked the boy Aping to prepare a chicken blood black ink fountain and coffin nails. His body was too dark and the talismans he drew were useless. It would be better to nail the zombies into the coffin and fill the entire coffin with the ink fountain , In this way, Mrs. Xie would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

After Ah Ping prepared everything, Su Jinzhi went to Xie's house in his red-edged sedan chair.

The people in Qingzhen were shocked when they saw that the Xie family had invited Mr. Su without any graveyard soil. However, the Xie family had already invited Mr. Su once before, and they didn't invite him. It was Marshal Xie who personally invited him After leaving the Su's house, I couldn't help but sigh that Marshal Xie is really extraordinary, even the third master Su wants to give him some face.

The faces of Xie's family were very ugly when they heard these words, especially Xie Linyu's family.

Xie Lincheng was angry with Su Jinzhi's attitude of avoiding him, and did not meet him at the door in person, so when Su Jin got off the sedan chair, he only saw Xie Linyu smirking at him.

"Third Master Su, you are finally here." Xie Linyu couldn't lose face, imitating others who respectfully called Su Jinzhi "Third Master Su", and only called him Young Master.

But Su Jinzhi is not a vegetarian either, he immediately replied: "Eh? So it's Young Master Xie, isn't Marshal Xie here?"

Xie Linyu and Xie Lincheng were of the same generation, but Su Jinzhi called him "Young Master", but called Xie Lincheng "Master Xie".

However, Su Jinzhi didn't intend to greet him, so he asked his boy, A Ping, to take out the coffin nails soaked in rooster blood, and asked Xie's family to carry out the coffin where Mrs. Xie died, and asked A Ping to add chicken blood Pour the black ink into the ink fountain and flick it on the whole coffin, open it and prepare to put old Mrs. Xie in it again.

After finishing these two things, Su Jinzhi sat in the hall of Xie's house and drank ginseng tea with a calm expression on his face. He didn't set up an altar, and didn't wear Taoist robes. He just wore his tea and white begonia gown. He didn't look like a master of ghost control, but more like a refined family son visiting as a guest.

Xie Linyu had a complicated face and asked him: "Master Su third, don't you... don't draw symbols?"

Su Jinzhi didn't intend to hide it from him, so he sipped his ginseng tea and said bluntly: "The talisman I drew is useless."

"Useless?! Aren't you—" Xie Linyu was shocked and angry when he heard Su Jinzhi say that the talismans he drew were useless. Thinking that he had so many treasures and invited the sick child of the opponent's family, he was so angry that he wanted to curse, but He still has a brain, and he didn't say those ugly words directly, after all, their Xie family is counting on Su Jinzhi to come down to Mrs. Xie now.

If Su Jinzhi really can't surrender to Mrs. Xie, then he must make him look good, Xie Linyu said secretly in his heart.

Night came quickly.

It seems to be an omen that this is an extraordinary night. The moon tonight is very bright, with a faint layer of mist, like a veil, so illusory and unreal.

Su Jinzhi asked Xie Linyu to invite Xie's family to the hall when the moon came out. Except for Xie Lincheng, the rest of the Xie family members seemed to have some reluctance on their faces.

Xie Linyu's mother, the middle-aged woman, also said, "Isn't it you? Why do you want us all to come to the hall?"

Xie's family didn't trust Su Jinzhi very much, they thought it would be enough to leave him alone in the hall to deal with Mrs. Xie, and they should find a safe place to hide.

Xie Lincheng listened to the middle-aged woman making things difficult for Su Jinzhi without making a sound, and imitated the young man sitting on the wooden chair in the hall, holding a cup of tea and pretending to drink there. Marshal Xie doesn't know how to taste tea. This kind of food is not as good as wine, but he has imitated the cheap appearance of the young man when serving tea so well that people want to go up and beat him up when they see him. But no one in the hall could beat him, so he could only vent his anger on Su Jinzhi, who looked weak.

Su Jinzhi gathered them all in the hall because he was afraid that Mrs. Xie, who would turn into a zombie, would find him, and he said it to ensure their safety, but he didn't expect that his kindness would be treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, but if Su Jinzhi was really so easy, they would hold them in their hands If he is right, then he is not the third master Su that everyone in Qingzhen respectfully calls him.

"Of course I'm not the only one here." Su Jinzhi lowered his eyes and put down his teacup. The porcelain collided with the table and made a crisp sound, which made everyone in the hall quiet down and saw the young man slantingly raised his lips. Just like Xie Lincheng, the catastrophe they hate, who smiles exactly the same as usual, but the young man's words are even more terrifying than Xie Lincheng, "Do you know what month this is?"

Su Jinzhi raised his eyes, and his beautiful brown eyes swept over the faces of Xie's family one by one. His voice was soft and slow: "This is called Mao Yueyue. 'The bright moon emits light, the dark wind blows the willow alley, and the ghosts are swaying in the wind' is not true. I know if you have heard of it, on this night of the moon, unclean things are most likely to appear, wandering around looking for substitutes."

"But Su San was born with yin and yang eyes by accident." Su Jinzhi said, his eyes were fixed on Xie Linyu's mother, and he seemed to pass through her to look behind her, narrowing his eyes and smiling, "I can always see everyone watching!" Some things I can't get..."

Xie Linyu's mother was so intimidated by Su Jinzhi, her body froze, and she turned her head to look behind her, and moved closer to Xie Linyu.

In fact, there is nothing behind Xie Linyu's mother. This Xie family is not Fang's family. A bunch of ghosts live in the door god's house after being broken. Such a door god, the home is usually the safest place, not to mention the Xie family has a god like Xie Lincheng.

Just when Xie's family was shocked by Su Jinzhi's move, there were some strange noises from the gate.

The door of the hall was open, and one could clearly see the situation outside. Hearing these voices, Xie's family immediately stepped back a few steps. Only Su Jin stood up from his chair and walked a few steps towards the gate.

Although Xie Lincheng didn't get up from the chair, he put down the teacup in his hand and put his hand on the specially brought knife by his waist, fearing that something unexpected would happen and he would not have time to step forward to help the young man.

It didn't take long to hear a "boom", and the heavy gate of Xie's house fell down suddenly, and Mrs. Xie, who had turned into a zombie, appeared at the gate of Xie's house. The current old Mrs. Xie could no longer see what he looked like when he was buried. He had red eyes and blue face, and his face was full of ferociousness. Only his black shroud was left to make people recognize his original identity.

When the Xie family saw Mrs. Xie appear, they immediately screamed and wanted to run away, running around in the hall.

"Don't run around—cough cough..." Su Jinzhi got a headache from being yelled at by them. He frowned and tried to open his voice to make them quieter, but he was originally weak and weak, and his voice that seemed to be dying was drowned in Xie's family I don't know if it's fear or guilt, and I coughed because I suddenly raised my voice.

Xie Lincheng frowned when he heard him cough, slapped the table and shouted: "Shut up!"

Xie Lincheng roared loudly, and all the aura that had been restrained in front of Xie's family was released. The gray eyes of prey coldly gouged out the crowd as if soaked in blood, accompanied by the ferocious scar on his face, successfully Let the Xie family calm down.

The Xie family looked into his eyes and felt chills all over his body.

Xie Lincheng looked at the fearful eyes they looked at him, and felt a little regretful. He was afraid that the young man would be as afraid of him as they were. He subconsciously looked at the young man, but met the young man's somewhat complicated eyes, which contained gratitude, tenderness, Happiness, and... the hunger and thirst to pounce

Xie Lincheng suspected that he was wrong.

But Su Jinzhi really thought so, Xie Lincheng was protecting him! Can the person you like protect yourself and make you happy? As for Xie Lincheng's ferocious appearance in other people's eyes, in his eyes, it is not as scary as Old Master Xie. He will be afraid of ghosts and other things, but he will never be afraid of Xie Lincheng, even if Xie Lincheng becomes the ghost he fears most, he will not be afraid of him. If it weren't for the various restrictions of this world, Su Jinzhi would want to go up to hug him and kiss him now.

Mrs. Xie has only turned into a zombie not long ago, and he has not yet passed the seven-year mark. Although he has greatly improved his skills after drinking the blood of his relatives, it is still easy for Su Jinzhi to deal with.

Mrs. Xie jumped towards the gate, and the Xie family members were so frightened that they almost held their breath, and were angry at why Su Jinzhi didn't do anything.

In fact, Su Jinzhi was not so calm, he kept staring at the jumping distance of Mrs. Xie, and shouted at the moment when he was about to cross the threshold: "Ah Ping!"

A Ping, who was hiding behind the door, appeared in an instant and kicked a wooden board with coffin nails to Mrs. Xie's feet, but luckily the timing was right, Mrs. Xie jumped and stepped on the two coffins squarely Nail it on, and hit the two ghost holes under your feet at once.

Su Jinzhi tried his best to signal Ah Ping to put a cinnabar rope around Mrs. Xie's neck to prevent him from biting people with his teeth, and then Su Jinzhi stepped on the seven-star gangster step and inserted the coffin nails prepared earlier into the ghost gate thirteen ghosts on Mrs. Xie's body one by one. When the last coffin nail sank into Old Master Xie's forehead, Old Master Xie's ferocious face softened and he fell straight down. A Ping caught him, carried him into the coffin that had already been played with an ink fountain, nailed the cover, and it was done.

This is simply simpler than that of the Fang family, and it's not scary. Compared with zombies, Su Jinzhi is more afraid of those evil spirits, like the paper man ghost carrying his sedan chair...

Xie Linyu hid aside for a while before he dared to step forward and said, "Is this... the end?"

"Yes." Su Jinzhi sat down in front of the chair again, picked up the ginseng tea and took a sip, "If you are still worried, you can add a cinnabar red line around the coffin."

Xie Linyu's mother came out from behind Xie Linyu and said in a trembling voice, "Cremation directly, can't you?"

Before Su Jinzhi could speak, Xie Lincheng spoke up, and said coldly, "No, my grandfather told me that he must sleep in the tomb of Xie's family."

The ancients sought to keep the whole body after death, otherwise the emperors would not have painstakingly built tombs to place their own bodies, and "decapitation" would not have become an extremely miserable way of dying, and once Cremation, not to mention leaving a corpse, even the bones will be burned. Mr. Xie is extremely afraid of this way of death, afraid that he will not be able to re-introduce a good fetus after this.

Xie Linyu's mother was not reconciled, and said sharply, "He has become like this!"

Xie Lincheng's voice was louder than hers, and he shouted: "Then he is also my grandfather!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Lincheng ignored the surprised and angry eyes of Xie's family, and signaled his subordinates to take away the coffin containing the old man's body, and move it back into the above-ground tomb of Xie's family after dawn tomorrow.

Xie Linyu's mother gritted her teeth and stared fiercely at the coffin, as if it wasn't her father-in-law sleeping inside, but her enemy.

After all, no one is not afraid of the old Mr. Xie who has killed several Xie family members and turned them into zombies. But who is to blame for Mr. Xie's current appearance? It's funny to say that, at the funeral a few days ago, these people were crying to death, scolding Xie Lincheng, who didn't cry, for being unrighteous and unfilial. But now, except for Xie Lincheng's insistence on following Mrs. Xie's last wish and letting his whole body go safely, everyone else is eager to set fire to Mrs. Xie's body right away.

This situation is so embarrassing.

Su Jinzhi looked around at the expressions on the faces of Xie's family, not only shook his head and sighed, but even A Ping couldn't see it, and sighed heavily.