Undying Patient

Chapter 92: Corpse 9


But Xie Lincheng's attitude was very tough. No matter what Su's mother said, he sat on the chair as firmly as a mountain, and there were several soldiers standing neatly behind him. Xie Lincheng was born tall and tall, with a hideous scar on his face, even though there was a seemingly gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, no one would think he was a talkative person.

Mother Su listened to Xie Lincheng calling Su Jinzhi "Third Master" respectfully all the time, and immediately let out a deep breath. The worry in her heart was not reduced by half, but became more intense. She could only hold the teacup in her hand tightly, and said with a stiff smile: "Tang'er is not in good health, and she is not sensible. If I offend the Commander in any way, I hope the Commander will not blame him."

Mother Su is giving Xie Lincheng a vaccination in advance. She doesn't know if any unpleasant things happened between her son and Xie Lincheng. After all, Xie Lincheng invited Su Jinzhi to Xie's house with a few boxes of generous gifts and no grave soil I heard. But as a mother, she also knows how stubborn her son is. She persuaded her son so much to stop collecting the graveyard, which is not only unlucky, but also easy to offend others, but her son just doesn't listen. As a result, Su Jinzhi actually broke this rule for Xie Lincheng, making Su's mother wonder whether Xie Lincheng used some strong means to force her son to submit. Besides, Xie Lincheng's temper is notoriously moody, and he can become the marshal of the three provinces in the south of the Yangtze River, and his hands will definitely be stained with blood. Thinking of Zhuge Ziqing's prophecy that her son will not live long enough to be crowned, Mother Su is worried My son didn't die of illness, but fell under the gun of Marshal Xie...

Xie Lincheng's temper is indeed not very good, but he found that he has enough patience and tolerance for young people. Hearing what Su's mother said, he suddenly remembered that although the young man looks calm and introverted, he is actually just He was only nineteen years old, eight years younger than him, and he was still a child, so he nodded and said: "Xie brought a lot of high-quality medicinal materials, the third master will definitely recover, Madam, don't worry."

Mother Su smiled gently at him, and finally got up and led Xie Lincheng towards the small courtyard where Su Jinzhi lived.

Xie Lincheng felt a little strange when he saw the white silk hanging outside the house where Su Jinzhi lived. After all, Mrs. Xie had just passed away. After seeing this kind of thing, the color of Xie Lincheng's eyes changed after he entered the door and saw the words on the tombstone clearly. If he hadn't been very sure that the young man was only seriously ill and not dead, he might not be able to hold back the calm look on his face. expression.

Did he actually sleep in this room all the time...

At that moment, Xie Lincheng couldn't figure out whether he was shocked or stunned, but he definitely felt distressed.

Fortunately, the young man coughed from time to time behind the tomb, which quickly dispelled Xie Lincheng's worries. He followed Su's mother around the tombstone, and on the stone bed behind the tomb, he saw a young man with his face flushed from burning and his eyes closed.

The last time he came to Su's house, he saw that the maid who was rubbing the young man's shoulders and legs was also there. At this moment, she was holding a twisted handkerchief in her hand, waiting for the handkerchief on the young man's head to become warm before changing it.

When Su's mother saw that her son was sick like this, she immediately put Xie Lincheng behind her, sat down beside her son with a distressed face, put the back of her hand against his face, and asked the maid, "Tang'er's fever has not gone away. Have you ever stepped back?"

Su's mother has been taking care of Su Jinzhi herself for two days. Yesterday she couldn't support her body and went back to the room to rest. Let Hong'er look after Su Jinzhi instead of her. If it wasn't for Xie Lincheng's sudden visit today, Su's mother would definitely cover him by Su Jinzhi's side. Cold handkerchief to cool down.

When the servant girl heard Su's mother's question, she held the handkerchief and shook her head, with worry in her eyes: "No, and... the young master coughed even worse."

As if to confirm Hong'er's words, Su Jinzhi coughed suddenly after she finished speaking. The cough was heart-rending, and his already frail body curled up in pain. He could vaguely hear a roar coming from his throat The chirping sound showed how much the owner was in pain at the moment.

"Where's the medicine? Medicine! Hong'er, bring the medicine quickly!" Su's mother immediately rushed forward and hugged her son's body, her eyes flushed and she almost shed tears, she repeatedly waved for Hong'er to quickly bring the boiled Chinese medicine juice over. Scoop it up with a small spoon and let it cool down before feeding it into the young man's mouth.

The Chinese medicine juice was boiled black and thick, and the strong smell of the medicine stimulated Xie Lincheng's breath. He didn't need to taste it, but he could know how bitter and unpalatable the bowl of medicine must be by seeing and smelling it. And after the medicinal juice slid down the spoon into the young man's mouth, the next moment, he saw the young man frowning even in his drowsiness, weakly struggling in Su's mother's arms, feeding the food that had been so hard-fought. The concoction was spat out.

After such a lot of tossing, the young man's aura became weaker, his forehead was full of sweat, and the curve of his chest became smaller and smaller, as if he was about to hold his breath in the next moment.

"Don't feed him." Xie Lincheng looked at him, couldn't hold back any longer, and took the young man from Su's mother's arms, and strode out with him in his arms.

"Big, handsome?" Su's mother was shocked, and quickly chased after her, "Where are you taking Tang'er?"

The young man in his arms was only wearing a layer of silk jacket, which was soaked in sweat and stuck tightly to his body. Xie Lincheng could almost see through the thin layer of cloth the flexible body wrapped underneath, but he At this moment, I don't have any charming thoughts in my mind, and I try to hug the young man tighter, fearing that the cool wind outside will make him burn worse.

As Xie Lincheng walked out, he asked his subordinates to drive a car over.

After he finally put the young man in the car, Xie Lincheng explained to Su's mother: "Mrs. Su, the third master's fever is too severe. If the fever doesn't subside, I'm afraid that he will burn out, so let me take him to the Western Hospital for treatment." Let's see."

"Western Hospital?" Su's mother froze for a moment, hesitated, "Are the doctors there reliable? I heard that they give people some colorful balls and slash people's bodies with knives. , How can this cure people?"

The people in Qingzhen are relatively simple, just like the master of the Fang family who couldn't accept the dresses his daughter Fang Meizhu wore after returning from studying abroad, and Mother Su didn't quite trust the medical skills of the doctors in the Western Hospital. After all, some operations in Western medicine It is to cut open the stomach and sew it up again. It is a fantasy that Su's mother can live after seeing this. She is afraid that those doctors will also cut a few times on her son.

After all, Xie Lincheng is a person who has fought wars, so he naturally knows more about Western medicine than Su Mu. The young man is so burnt that he still can't drink the medicine juice. The body has been burned. And under such circumstances, it would be best to take him for an injection. It will take effect quickly, and it will save the young man from suffering from ailments.

"I won't use a knife, it's just an injection. Madam Su, don't worry." Xie Lincheng said as he took the blanket handed over by his subordinates, wrapped the young man in his arms tightly, and carefully moved his head On his shoulders, put his palms on the back of his head so that he could lie comfortably, "Xie will definitely send the third master back in one piece."

"Injection? Is it acupuncture? The doctor at home can also do this." Su's mother was still anxious, but Xie Lincheng had already driven the car away. Su's mother frowned as she watched them leave.

In the end, he could only let out a long sigh, hoping that Xie Lincheng could really get rid of her son's fever.

"Drive faster." Xie Lincheng watched the cheeks of the young man in his arms getting redder and redder, and couldn't help frowning and said to the subordinate who was driving.

After hearing Xie Lincheng's words, the subordinate immediately responded: "Yes!"

Afterwards, the speed of the car was indeed increased, but because the speed was too fast, the car body shook violently when the wheels ran over the stones on the side of the road, and almost everyone in the car was thrown into the air.


Just as Xie Lincheng sat down firmly, he heard a weak moan coming from his arms. He hurriedly lowered his head and saw that the young man seemed to have been jolted awake. He was half-opening his eyes and looking at him, but there was no focus in his eyes. You can tell if he is awake or in a coma.

Perhaps because of the fever, the circles around the young man's eyes were red, and there was a thin layer of watery light on the surface of those beautiful amber-like brown eyeballs. Looking at people from the mist and wetness, it was almost a sight to behold. Look at the apex of a person's heart. Every time Xie Lincheng saw the young man, he was docile and refined, but his back was very straight, and his face always had a calm smile on his face. This kind of person looks gentle, but in fact he is extremely firm, absolutely Unyielding.

Xie Lincheng has never seen such a soft and weak young man. Although he feels distressed, he is also quite interested. Thinking of the way Mother Su pressed the back of her hand to the young man's cheek at that time, she couldn't help but let go of her arms. The hand on the young man's waist turned and gently pressed the palm on the young man's cheek.

The tentacle was a piece of smooth, warm, soft cheek meat. Xie Lincheng touched it with his hand, and couldn't help but pick up a small piece of flesh with his upper fingers and squeeze it.

"Hmm..." I don't know if it was pinched or not, but the young man hummed again the next moment, closing his eyes and frowning as he struggled.

"Don't pinch, don't pinch, Tang'er—" Xie Lincheng quickly let go, hugged him, and coaxed him like Su's mother. Perhaps because of guilty conscience, Xie Lincheng looked up and saw the subordinate who was driving. Shocked, the next stares at him in the rearview mirror.

"What are you looking at!" Xie Lincheng immediately pulled his face away, and yelled at him with wide eyes, "Slow down the car, don't you hear that the third master is feeling unwell?"

The subordinate who was driving was very wronged. He clearly saw that his own commander was pinching Third Master Su's face, and it hurt him. But that subordinate didn't dare to talk back to Xie Lincheng, and immediately looked away from the rearview mirror, looking forward firmly, with a face like "I didn't see anything".

Only then was Xie Lincheng satisfied, and hugged the young man into his arms again.

This hug couldn't help frowning, because the young man is so thin, his hands are full of human bones, and there is almost no flesh on his body, no wonder he always wears a long coat, so empty that people can't see him Physical weakness.

Before coming to the hospital, Xie Lincheng asked his subordinates to call the doctor, so when his car heard the entrance of the hospital, a nurse immediately came to pick him up. Xie Lincheng put the young man on the push bed and followed the nurse all the way in.

The nurse took Su Jinzhi's temperature, and it was more than 39 degrees, which was considered a high fever. She quickly rolled up his sleeves to prepare for infusion, but the nurse tied the young man's wrist with a rubber band and patted the blood vessels for a long time, but the young man's veins were still not bulging. I stuck it in, and as soon as I loosened the rubber band, a small bulge appeared on the back of the hand.

It was obviously crooked, and the nurse quickly pulled out the needle and reinserted it.

The young man's skin was very fair. Xie Lincheng held him, and he could clearly see dark veins under the dormant white skin, but his blood vessels were too thin. It soon turned purple and green, and the young man was woken up, struggling and moaning in a daze with half-opened eyes, and Xie Lincheng felt pain in his heart.

"Don't prick." Seeing that the nurse was about to switch to the other hand, Xie Lincheng hurriedly raised his hand to stop her, "Just get the injection."

After obtaining Xie Lincheng's consent, the doctor changed the intravenous drug to muscle muscle.

This muscle, of course, is to choose the meat on the buttocks.

Although Xie Lincheng didn't want others to see the young man's butt - he hadn't even seen it himself, but for the sake of the young man's body, he picked the young man up from the bed and put his arms around his lap.

The young man has been soft and obedient from getting into the car to entering the hospital, because he has been tossed so much by the nurse just now, he feels a little vaguely conscious, and he can hear what others are saying clearly, and he knows how to use both hands after being changed. He vainly circled the man's strong waist to stabilize his body, but when he took off his pants, he became a little restless, grunting and refusing to cooperate well.

Xie Lincheng immediately raised his hand, embraced the young man's arms and body together, touched his head and whispered in his ear: "Sir, please stop making trouble, the doctor is giving you an injection."

I don't know if I heard what he said, but the young man didn't move at all, he just turned his head and pressed his face to the side of his neck, his lips became warm due to the fever, just like that softly Sticking to the side of his neck, exhaling hot air.

With the young man's cooperation, Xie Lincheng quickly raised his hand and took off the young man's loose silk trousers, revealing half of his white buttocks. Xie Lincheng looked down at the two balls of white flesh, and almost couldn't resist touching them with his hands.

Fortunately, the doctor quickly came over with the needle, inserted it into the buttocks of the young man, and slowly pushed the needle water into it.

Xie Lincheng could feel the young man's body tremble when the needle was inserted into his buttocks, and after a while, he even opened his lips, and shouted in a soft voice with grievances: "It hurts..."

But at this time, the doctor had already withdrawn the needle, and pressed the eye of the needle with a cotton swab.

When Xie Lincheng heard the young man screaming for pain, he immediately snatched the cotton swab from the doctor: "I'll press it."

The doctor watched Xie Lincheng press the young man's buttocks with great strength. After pressing there for a long time, he finally couldn't help but persuade him: "Mr. It will make the patient uncomfortable if you do this."

Xie Lincheng: "..."

Hearing what the doctor said, Xie Lincheng hurriedly removed the cotton swab. Seeing that there was no bleeding at the needle point, he pulled up the young man's pants, put him on the bed and tucked him in the quilt to sweat.

However, the intramuscular injection of drugs did not work as fast as the intravenous injection. The doctor was worried that Su Jinzhi's fever would not go away for a while, so he asked the nurse to come over with alcohol and prepare to rub the body for physical cooling.

Xie Lincheng was already very upset when the young man was ignored, and he disagreed even more when he saw that others should see more .

The doctor was worried that Xie Lincheng was a marshal and only others served him instead of him, so he couldn't do this kind of thing well, but surprisingly, Xie Lincheng did a good job, and rubbing alcohol was really easy Yes, the doctor left with the nurse to prescribe some western medicine for the young man.

Xie Lincheng wiped Su Jinzhi's body with alcohol. He felt that it was a new thing to do this kind of thing for the first time. Looking at the young man's fair body and the two red spots on his chest, he was still a little distracted. When he wiped the alcohol, he couldn't help but He stayed on the chest for a while longer, and pretended to rub the two spots with the back of his hand casually, watching the young man's mouth turn into two red spots because of the cold. But he also wondered why his movements were so skillful, as if he had done this kind of thing many times.

Obviously this is his first time taking care of young people.

In a daze, Su Jinzhi felt that someone was holding his body and applying something to him. The place where the wet gauze wiped was cool, taking away the excess heat from his body, which made people feel very comfortable. The world thanked him for taking care of him so meticulously and meticulously.

And when he opened his eyes, he did see the face that made him feel at ease.

"Are you awake?" Xie Lincheng saw the young man opened his eyes, and this time his eyes were finally clear. He understood that he was completely awake. He coughed twice and pulled up his clothes for him, then tucked in the quilt and pretended that he hadn't touched anything. place to touch.

After Su Jinzhi saw where he was lying now, for a moment he thought he was still in the previous world, and Xie Shu was taking care of him in the hospital. But now Xie Shu has turned into Xie Lincheng, and he is still wearing a black military uniform, so he won't admit it.

"Marshal Xie... why am I here?" Su Jinzhi supported the bed with his elbows and was about to get up, but found that his voice was hoarse and his butt seemed to be hurting a bit

Xie Lincheng immediately stretched out his arms to hug him, put him in his arms, and said in a low voice: "Of course I brought you here." After finishing speaking, Xie Lincheng sighed again, full of disappointment, "Xie Seeing that the third master said that he would promise with his body, he was looking forward to it day and night at home, but he didn't see the third master, so he had to go to the door to look for it in person. Seeing that the third master was seriously ill, he took him to the Western Hospital for treatment sick."

Xie Lincheng really came to look for him.

Su Jinzhi leaned against Xie Lincheng's arms, and the man's chest trembled as he spoke. He raised his head and smiled at Xie Lincheng, sighing with lingering fear: "Marshal saved Jinzhi's life again."

Xie Lincheng's eyes were dazzled by the young man's smile. Hearing his voice that became a little limp due to the fever, his heart was soft and hot. He enjoyed the feeling of being relied on, and couldn't help but raise his hand to push the young man back Hugging him in his arms, thinking that Su Jinzhi was talking about sending him to the Western Hospital this time, he curled his lips and leaned over to kiss the young man's hair lightly, and said with a smile: "San Ye, don't forget to show him your body." Maybe."

However, Su Jinzhi did not thank Xie Lincheng for sending him to the hospital, but because Xie Lincheng came to look for him.

When he stepped on the medicine dregs on the sedan chair that day, he knew that he was definitely tainted with extremely bad luck. The medicine dregs were put on the sedan chair when he was in Xie's house, and who in Xie's family was sick?

If he guessed correctly, the medicine dregs must have been filtered out from the medicine juice that the dead Old Master Xie drank!

You don't need to think about how dark the dead man's medicine dregs are. Thinking about it a bit more, the medicine dregs might have been originally used for Xie Lincheng, but Xie Lincheng's bloody aura is too strong, the medicine dregs are of no use to him, and his attitude in Xie's house might offend him again. Because of someone from Xie's family, he dumped the medicine residue on his sedan chair while he was living in Xie's family.

Even though he took a bath with mugwort leaves as soon as he got back, his body was already weak and his body was still full of yin. Almost after sunset, Su Jinzhi felt the chilly yin lingering on the ground he stepped on. He, as soon as he took a step, a pale hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed his foot tightly. If it wasn't for the return of the red copper coin, Su Jinzhi could conclude that he would definitely be caught by a ghost this time, but although he Having escaped the fate of being possessed by a ghost, the yin energy contained in the medicine dregs quickly entered his body.

He burned in a daze for three whole days, trying to speak and get some incense ashes to feed him to ward off evil spirits, but he couldn't. If this continued, he would definitely die.

But Su Jinzhi wasn't too scared, he didn't even ask No.1 and No.0 for help, because he had a kind of delusional self-confidence, thinking that Xie Lincheng would definitely come to him, and as soon as Xie Lincheng came, he would kill those dead people who had been haunting him all this time. If the air is separated, he will definitely recover without treatment.

Now that he woke up, Su Jinzhi realized that he was risking his life.