Undying Patient

Chapter 99: Corpse 16


The young man said so, of course Xie Lincheng would not refuse him, and immediately walked towards the room with his arms around his waist.

Su Jinzhi is light, being held by Xie Lincheng is as easy as carrying a chicken, but this matter is not over yet, the group of ghosts in the hall saw Xie Lincheng and Su Jinzhi move, and immediately followed them, the blackness covered the black, The ghosts were moving, Su Jinzhi looked at this scene, his legs went limp, and he almost slipped and fell to the ground again.

"Third Lord?" Sensing the trembling of the body in his arms, Xie Lincheng stopped and looked down at the person in his arms.

The face of the young man in his arms is still as white as snow, with red circles around his eyes, and the light shining in his eyes is very moving, but Xie Lincheng has no more charming thoughts in his heart at this moment, because the young man's appearance at first glance It is indeed boundless spring, but in fact it does not seem to be the case.

The third master Tang'er of his family has always looked indifferent, as if nothing can change his face, that's why Xie Lincheng was so keen on teasing him, hoping to see something on that smiling face all the time. Other expressions, whether it is muttering and complaining, or staring at people angrily, or drooping eyebrows and keeping eyes expressionless.

Xie Lincheng likes to look at him, but not because he is greedy for his exquisite and good-looking appearance. There are many good-looking people in this world, but he only likes the one in front of him. Even though his eyes are always sickly black, his face is always snow-like Pale, he still likes to see the light shadows cast by the long eyelashes when the young man lowers his head, likes to see the corners of his pursed lips gradually rise to form a curved arc, and likes to see his brown eyes that are as beautiful as amber glass looked back at him.

Xie Lincheng thinks that he is not a good person. He fought with his father on the battlefield since he was a child. Years of bloody life and the flattery and flattery of countless people in a high position have made him forget the feeling of watching someone quietly like this.

When he frowns, someone will come to apologize to him; when he laughs, someone will smile with him. It is always others who look at his face to live, so of course he will not read another person's expression with emoticons. But at this moment, Xie Lincheng is eagerly hoping that he can understand all their meanings and recognize all the words and movements of the young man. Where has he seen him like this

Xie Lincheng carefully thought about the frame-by-frame memories of his encounter with Su Jinzhi, and finally fixed on that time at the cemetery, when he felt that something was wrong with the person carrying the sedan chair for the young man and chased him, and the young man cast him earnest and surprised eyes screen.

At that time, the young man's foot was injured, and he could still feel the trembling of the young man's body when he carried him on his back, so he asked, "Afraid of ghosts?"

"... not afraid."

The voice of the answer was as light as a mosquito, without any credible strength, but who would have thought that the famous ghost control master in Qingzhen would actually be afraid of ghosts

The young man lay on his back, his thin body was as light as paper, so light that he couldn't help but carried him like this, and brought him back to Xie's house step by step. Obviously, he could ask his subordinates to prepare a car to take him back, but he didn't do that. He just smiled lightly when he heard the young man's stubborn refusal to admit it, and didn't expose him.

It's just that his family's third master is so beautiful, but he is so stupid. Sometimes it's hard to guess what the young man is thinking if he doesn't say anything.

"Did the third master see a ghost again?" Xie Lincheng sighed softly, stroking the young man's spine back and forth to comfort him, and turned to glance behind them.

There was nothing behind them.

"Don't!" Su Jinzhi was taken aback by his actions, and quickly raised his hands to hold Xie Lincheng's face, for fear that he would turn his head and blow out the anger on his shoulders, but it was still a step too late, Xie Lincheng had already turned his head.

If ordinary people do this, they will be at the risk of being slapped on the shoulder by a ghost. When the time comes, turn around and put out the fire again, and they will not be far away from being possessed. But Xie Lincheng is not an ordinary person, those ghosts still only dare to watch them from afar and dare not go forward.

Su Jinzhi's reaction was so strong, Xie Lincheng became more and more sure that the young man saw something he couldn't see.

Xie Lincheng said clearly: "Have they followed all this time?"

Su Jinzhi nodded.

"Why didn't you just say it?" Xie Lincheng lowered his head and asked in his ear.

Su Jinzhi has the nerve to speak, he doesn't want to tell the world that he is afraid of ghosts, his master image and persona have to be maintained, if No. 1 is blown out by his behavior of dismantling the persona, it must be nothing good .

They have already arrived at the door of the room. Xie Lincheng's room is stained with his breath, and there are tablets of Xie family ancestors. These ghosts cannot enter. Su Jinzhi wants to enter the door to hide, but Xie Lincheng sticks at the door There was no movement outside, and Su Jinzhi didn't dare to leave him too far, so he tugged at his sleeve and said, "Let's go in."

The corners of Xie Lincheng's lips hooked obliquely, and he remained motionless, truly as majestic as a mountain.

Su Jinzhi looked at the group of covetous ghosts behind him, and then at him, Xie Lincheng finally couldn't help laughing at his cowardly and refusing to admit it, raised his hand and grabbed Su Jinzhi's face: "What will happen in the future?" You must tell me about it."

Su Jinzhi nodded his head like garlic, hoping that Xie Lincheng would hurry into the room with him.

As soon as the door was locked, the group of ghosts were blocked from the door. Although they could still be seen through the crack of the door, it was much better than when they were face to face. Su Jinzhi breathed a sigh of relief immediately, and dragged Xie Lincheng to bed, planning to sleep through the night quickly, and then try to drive out the ghosts after dawn tomorrow.

Su Jinzhi took off his long coat and only put on his middle coat, got into the quilt, wrapped himself tightly with the quilt, and still felt that it was not safe enough, what if there was another sleeping with him back to back hidden under the bed? The more he thought about it, the more frightened he felt, Su Jinzhi grabbed the quilt and urged Xie Lincheng to go to bed too: "Marshal, it's getting late, we should go to bed."

Xie Lincheng was angry and wanted to laugh when he looked at Baba's eyes. This little heartless person loves teasing himself. He has been teasing him since the first time we met, but he is irresponsible if he teases him. He is even more ruthless than him. righteous.

"Go to sleep." Xie Lincheng fulfilled his wish, lay down on the quilt, hugged him, and kissed him on the temples.

With the human-shaped talisman by his side, Su Jinzhi was very relieved, moved into Xie Lincheng's arms, pressed against his chest and closed his eyes.

Xie Lincheng stared at his face for a while, and finally closed his eyes. Just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard the young man whisper: "I'm not afraid of ghosts..."

"Oh." Xie Lincheng replied lightly, but the corners of his lips curled up.

The next day Su Jinzhi got up early for an unprecedented time, and Xie Lincheng started to move on the bed as soon as he got dressed.

The light in the morning was rather glaring. Xie Lincheng watched the young man squint his eyes and touched him on the bed, as if he was touching him. After fastening the last button of his collar, Xie Lincheng sat down on the chair with great interest. Watching the young man stretch out his white paws looking for someone.

As a result, after touching for a long time without touching anyone, the young man paused, then sat up on the bed as if reacting to something, looked around with his eyes wide open, and was even more disturbed when he saw him sitting at the table. She took off the quilt and ran up to him without putting on any shoes.

Xie Lincheng has been looking at Su Jinzhi. He watched the young man's face change from panic when he couldn't touch it to calm down after seeing his figure. Now he is finally sure that the young man is more clingy than usual. He really isn't His delusion, but fact.

"Marshal, you're awake..." The young man stood barefoot on the cold floor, Xie Lincheng frowned. He reached out and pulled him to the chair to sit down, then turned around and walked to the bed to carry the young man's shoes.

Who knew that the young man saw him move, and immediately stepped on the floor tiles with bare feet and walked to him, like a shadow, and couldn't leave him for a moment.

Xie Lincheng had no choice but to hug Su Jinzhi and let him sit on the bed again, then squatted down and pinched the young man's ankle, wiped the ashes on the bottom of the young man's feet with his hand, and said casually: "I don't know how to run, the third master is in such a hurry do what?"

Su Jinzhi sat on the bed and didn't speak, he was thinking about what excuse he could give.

When he just woke up and found that Xie Lincheng was not lying beside him, he almost died of fright. He even forgot that it was daytime and the yin energy was not heavy. The chance of him bumping into a ghost was not high, so he just subconsciously searched for Xie Lincheng.

"Or is it that the third master likes Xie so much that he can't leave him for a moment?" Xie Lincheng saw that he didn't speak, so he didn't ask him this question again. He changed his tone and became the previous Xie Lincheng who was so angry. Hooligan, just like holding the young man's ankle, he kissed the back of his foot. Maybe it’s because there’s no sunshine all the year round, or maybe he travels in sedan chairs instead. The young man’s feet are white and tender, with no calluses on the soles of his feet, and the arches of his feet are slender. Xie Lincheng held and covered them for a while, until the young man’s feet changed Warm, put on his shoes.

After putting on the shoes for the young man, Xie Lincheng didn't get up in a hurry. He supported the bed with his hands, hugged the young man, raised his chin and smiled at the young man, making it clear that he wouldn't let him get out of bed if he didn't answer.

Xie Lincheng has a scar on his face. When he doesn't smile, he looks very vicious. When he smiles, it makes people feel that he is sneering, infiltrating people for no reason. But when he faces Su Jinzhi, his eyes are full of tenderness and doting. In addition, his facial features are already handsome, and when he stares at people, his dark gray eyes seem to be as deep as drowning people. If he doesn't notice it for a while, Su Jinzhi is dazzled by the "beauty", and really bows his head on Xie Lincheng's lips. She kissed her and said "hmm".

Now it was Xie Lincheng's turn to be stunned, and when he came back to his senses, he pretended to shake his head and sighed, and grabbed the young man's hand and stroked it to his chest: "Oh, it's still the third master who can talk about love, it really makes Xie blush and heartbeat."

Su Jinzhi looked at Xie Lincheng's tough and handsome face, but he didn't see where he was blushing. The chest muscles under his hands were tight, and his heartbeat was steady and strong, but not in a hurry. Remembering how he pulled his face last night, he raised his eyebrows and pulled it too. Marshal Xie's face: "Where is it? Isn't it all because Marshal Xie's face is like a spring flower, and Su San is hard to come by."

Xie Lincheng was inexplicably agitated and agitated when he heard the young man's actions. Everyone in the world was afraid of his ferocious face, and only flattered him because of the huge power or wealth behind him. Only young people would get close to him like this. When they met now, it was the young people who had been helping him, but he had never made any promises to the young people.

A sense of warmth flowed from his heart, Xie Lincheng smiled so much that his eyes narrowed, he got up and hugged Su Jinzhi tightly, and whispered on his neck: "Then the third master must favor a certain person alone."

"Look at Marshal Xie's performance." Su Jinzhi raised his chin, his arrogant appearance was very attractive.

Xie Lincheng hugged him and made out with him for a while, then straightened his face and asked him: "Why did so many ghosts suddenly appear in Xie's house last night?" It can be said that the entire hall of the Xie family was destroyed, and it should not be possible to do it with only one or two ghosts.

Mentioning this, Su Jinzhi became serious: "I suspect that the soil from the pot I buried in your peach orchard has been dug out."

The Fang family used to have so many wandering ghosts, but it took many days to gather that number, and the Xie family had so many ghosts overnight for no reason, and they all followed him. Wherever he went, the ghosts would go there, and it must have something to do with that jar of grave mound.

Su Jinzhi felt sad and wronged, if he knew that he would be frightened by ghosts anyway, it would be better if he ate the soil from that jar.

Xie Lincheng frowned when he heard what Su Jinzhi said, and immediately asked his subordinates to go to Taoyuan to check the condition of the jar of grave soil. At the same time, following Su Jinzhi's wishes, he asked the servants of the Xie family to buy cinnabar red thread, rice wine, glutinous rice and wormwood. Drive away the dark in the hall of Xie's house.

The soldiers came to reply quickly, and the grave soil that was just buried yesterday was gone, and the soldiers searched around for a long time but did not find any trace of the white porcelain jar.

Now Su Jinzhi was sure that someone moved the soil on the grave he buried, and then summoned those wandering ghosts, and this person must be from the Xie family, but Su Jinzhi couldn't confirm at the moment, who was from the Xie family who moved it? After all, the Xie family came back later and later every day, and today, no one has come back.

Several people who left Xie’s house yesterday and took a carriage to seek refuge in other places were frightened to death. They were originally sitting in the carriage, praying that they would not return to the Xie’s grave after they left Qing Town, but they didn’t expect The carriage became more and more bumpy as it went, and showed a tendency to go uphill. I quickly lifted the curtain and looked out, but I didn't expect that the groom who drove them turned into a paper ghost!

And those paper ghosts were even scarier than what I saw at Xie's house at night. They didn't smile, and blood and tears kept flowing from their black and white strange eyes. They turned their heads to look at them sinisterly, with their mouths opening and closing Keep saying: "It's almost there, it's almost there..."

And in front of the carriage is the Xie family cemetery that they have been avoiding all this time!

The relatives of the Xie family that they were very familiar with were buried there, all of them were buried in the soil, only one head was left exposed, with a ferocious and distorted smile on their faces, screaming sharply: "Come here, come here!"

So the group of people who drove out of Qingzhen lost their breath as soon as they closed their eyes.

The person who continued to stay at Xie's house and was carried back at night has been buried in the chest and abdomen today. Both arms are imprisoned in the soil and cannot move, but they can no longer dig out the soil with their own strength. . But none of them dared to stay in the cemetery, because they found that those who stayed yesterday were all dead today. They didn't know that those people were killed by Xie Linyu, they just thought that if they stayed in this cemetery, they would die the next day, they were startled and frightened, and cried one after another.

Because Xie Linyu didn't touch the soil on the grave, the soil only buried him up to his waist today, and he was still able to dig himself out with his hands.

Seeing that her son had crawled out of the soil, the second lady turned around and was about to leave, she couldn't help asking him for help: "Lin Yu, Lin Yu, help mom!"

Xie Linyu paused, turned around and smiled comfortingly at the second lady, and then said to the rest of the Xie family: "Mom, I can't help everyone by myself. I'll go back to Xie's house to find someone to help. You wait here."

The second lady nodded with tears in her eyes, sobbing uncontrollably.

But after Xie Linyu returned to Xie's house, he didn't immediately find someone to dig people from Xie's grave, but went to the fire kiln in Uncle Xie's backyard. After a night of burning, his uncle's body had turned into a pinch of white ash.

"If you don't save me... then we'll die together... No one will live..." Xie Linyu murmured, took out the ashes and put them in his sleeves, and then went out and called his servants to dig people from Xie's family grave.

After all the Xie family members came back, they gathered them together, with a strange smile on their faces, and told them that Su Jinzhi had a way to save them, but he just refused to save them, because Xie Lincheng was instigating him behind his back.

When Xie's family heard this, they were immediately furious, and they went to Su Jinzhi and Xie Lincheng to argue with red eyes.

Su Jinzhi was drinking porridge with Xie Lincheng in the hall as usual, discussing whether he could search the Xie family's house after being carried away by the ghost at night, to see who stole the graveyard soil, and wanted to find the graveyard soil again Bury it down, otherwise these ghosts will still come along these dark soils and gather in Xie's house. However, before they could say a few words, Xie Linyu rushed into the hall with Xie's family.

The servants didn't dare to stop them too forcefully, but Xie Lincheng's soldiers only listened to Xie Lincheng's words, and immediately raised their guns at Xie's family when they saw them barging in.

However, facing the oppression of death, Xie's family abandoned their reason. Facing the row of black gun muzzles, there was no look of fear on their faces, and their eyes were full of darkness. Su Jinzhi couldn't let Xie Lincheng get another life. Although he wasn't the one who raised the gun, but because of Xie's family and his blood relationship, he couldn't get away with him, so he immediately raised his hand to signal Xie Lincheng not to act rashly.

Xie Lincheng's eyes seemed to be tinged with frost, he looked at Xie Linyu coldly, and said coldly, "What are you going to do?"

Xie Linyu smiled and said, "I want Third Young Master Su to save our Xie family."

Su Jinzhi had been thinking about Xie Lincheng just now, and was afraid that he would accidentally let his subordinates shoot him. Now that he heard Xie Linyu's words, he had time to look at him.

As a result, after he saw clearly what Xie Linyu and Xie's family looked like now, he couldn't suppress the fear and nausea in his heart, covered his mouth and bent to the side to spit out the porridge he just drank.