Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 10: Endless resistance


"Old Dean Yan, now the whole hospital is full of zombies downstairs, it's very dangerous for you to go out now!"

In a staff room, a young doctor in a white coat discourages an elderly man.

"Don't stop me! That's my only son. If you dare to stop me again, I'll fire you!" The old man held a cane and roared angrily, trying to push open the door that was blocked by several tables.


Under the sound of quarreling, the cry of a baby suddenly sounded, and there were several people in the room, among them was a woman holding a child who was about a few months old.

"Don't fucking be noisy!" The shocking roar echoed in the room, sitting with the woman, holding a brown painted SVD sniper rifle in his hand, the man with a square face and a righteous face stood up, approaching a body of about 1.9 meters, looking particularly oppressive.

"Now there are monsters outside, Yan Henggong, if you go out now, you will die!"

"Officer Qi Tiexin...is there really no other way?" The old dean froze in place.

"Sorry, I... can't do anything."

The man called Qi Tiexin shook his head to express his powerlessness.

Originally, as the sheriff of this city, he was on a business trip for a few months, and finally his wife gave birth to a child, and hurried over from other places, and this kind of thing happened.

Who hasn't heard of Resident Evil? But actually being in it is another matter.

"Alas..." The old dean limp on the ground, looking through the window at the zombies gradually swarming towards the hospital: "This city is completely finished, and we are also finished."

"It's not all this kid's fault!"

The young doctor glared at Sun Qi who just ran in. He was curled up in a corner of the room in fear.

"Forget it, I saved his life and attracted that monster. It's my fault." Qi Tiexin loaded his sniper rifle once with a big wave of his hand, and Lu Qiu's pupils glowing scarlet in the dark were still in his mind.

That guy is definitely not human! Qi Tiexin can be sure...

"What is that?" The old dean, whose face was ashen, raised his head through the window, and suddenly found a ray of light in the sky.

"Huh? Helicopter...rescue team!"

Qi Tiexin, who was already at a loss what to do, saw almost the entire formation of helicopter troops hovering over the city in the pitch-black sky.

"It's the government! The army of the New Chinese Federation sent people to rescue us!"

"It's saved!" Almost everyone present felt relieved.

Including the old dean, who even stood up excitedly, raising the crutch in his hand...

"Yes... save..."

But the story is not over yet.

"Ugh!!" The door that was originally blocked by several tables was suddenly kicked open. The old dean's body was grabbed by a bloody arm, and his neck was directly restrained, unable to speak.

"Damn it!" Qi Tiexin reacted immediately, and fired a gun at the door. With the sound of the gun and screams, blood gushed out, and the zombie declared dead.

And the neck of the old dean was also cut off by the zombie's huge strength.

Facing the accidental death of the old dean, everyone's relaxed mood became tense again, and it is still very dangerous now!

"Only at the top of the building can we be rescued!" Qi Tiexin moved the table away, opened the door carefully, kicked the zombie away, raised his gun, and poked his head out to look left and right in the corridor.

no one... no zombies...

"Quick! Now, the stairs are nearby, run up to the top floor and we'll be saved!"

Under Qi Tiexin's call, the young doctor ran the fastest and rushed up the next stairs, ignoring the others.

Only the woman holding the child, and Sun Qi ran to Qi Tiexin's side...

"Hurry up, our child is still young, we can't let him die here like this." Qi Tiexin instructed his wife, the woman nodded, and ran upstairs with the infant child in her arms.

Sun Qi didn't say a word, but silently followed the woman's footsteps.

But just when Qi Tiexin was about to follow behind Sun Qi.

A figure appeared in the corridor...

Qi Tiexin widened his eyes, looking at the existence coming out of the corner of the corridor.

Scarlet pupils and pale skin... that weird smile seemed to be excited about something.


Time seems to be slowed down at this moment.

Lu Qiu looked at the fleeing prey, raised his hand, and followed the zombies running over behind him, as long as he passed a corner, he could see dinner...

Qi Tiexin opened his voice, almost using the loudest voice in his life, almost at the same moment as Lu Qiu swung his arm.

"Run!! The fastest speed! Run!"


Hundreds of zombies emerged from behind Lu Qiu, roaring and rushing towards the few living people.

In order to survive, human beings, regardless of their physical strength, began to force themselves to run up the stairs no matter how tired they were and unable to move their bodies!

At the corner of the stairs, Qi Tiexin dropped a small oval object, and then quickly ran upstairs.

When Lu Qiu saw it, his pupils shrank slightly, and he took a big step back without leaving a trace.


The flames swept across the entire corridor, and the hurricane blew Lu Qiu's broken hair. Fragments of flames and glass slags were flying around, mixed with minced meat, and the zombies in the center of the explosion were blown to pieces.

Lu Qiu's ears also started to ring from the explosion!

Weapons management in the new federation sucks! What is the identity of this guy, not only SVD, but he can even get grenades

Lu Qiu looked at the messy corridor, and the zombies were almost blown to pieces.

Fortunately, there are enough of them, as long as their heads are not pierced, their vitality is tenacious enough, and in a short while, a large number of zombies are rushing towards the stairs.

"Struggle." Lu Qiu stood in the middle of these swarming zombies. These zombies seemed to have an invisible wall with Lu Qiu. No matter how dense the zombies were, there would always be nothing around Lu Qiu: "Continue to struggle." Lu Qiu followed these zombies up the stairs.

Lu Qiu just walked up slowly.

"That's... more interesting."

And on the other side.

Qi Tiexin felt that his life was unlucky! As the sheriff of an urban police organization, he couldn't even stay by his wife's side during such a critical time as the birth of a child. Now he finally went home to see the child who was born less than a few months ago and didn't even have a name.

But encountered such a terrible disaster!

The world is crazy! Qi Tiexin listened to the roar of the zombies below, can these guys still be called human beings

Qi Tiexin doesn't know...

This hospital has a total of eight floors, and it is not too slow to run to the top floor.

It's just that his wife was holding the child in her arms, and because she had just given birth, it was not enough to support such an intense exercise. Gradually, Qi Tiexin's wife's movements slowed down to the point where she couldn't run at all.

Qi Tiexin, who was strong enough, stayed by his wife's side.

"Rui'er...I...have an idea."

"But I... can't run anymore, it seems that the child can only be entrusted to you, leave me alone, you go first..."

In the face of those monsters, this woman showed extraordinary courage. She is very weak and follows her husband. Under such a disaster, she can only become a burden. This burden should be discarded early.

"No, I mean I'm here to lure those zombies away, you guys run first." Qi Tiexin judged from the voice that it was not considered neat for those zombies to swarm up the stairs. Now that they have reached the sixth floor, the zombies are still around the fourth floor.

"You? Tie Xin...No! This child can't live without a father..."

"When did I say I was going to die." The old man gestured to his wife, showing a relaxed smile: "Don't worry, I'm just leading those monsters away, and I'll join you guys soon."

"Can… "

"The child's name hasn't been named yet, has it?"

"Yes, I planned to wait for his father to come back today, and then pick it up together."

"So, I will definitely come back." Qi Tiexin pressed his big hand on his wife's shoulder: "Let's give this child a name together. Before that, I will not die. This is a promise as a father."

Qi Tiexin looked at his wife, she was a virtuous wife who understood the heavy responsibility on her husband's shoulders.

In the end, he didn't procrastinate any more, and nodded heavily.

But when his wife was about to turn around and leave, Qi Tiexin took his wife's arm.

"Can... can I have another look at the child?"


The old man looked at the young child in the swaddle, clasped his hands that would never tremble as a sniper, suddenly trembled, and gently stroked his son's forehead.

"Trust Dad... Dad will definitely come back."

After the last farewell, Qi Tiexin watched the back of his wife walk up the stairs.

But he was standing in the middle of this staircase, loading the SVD in his hand that smelled like fire medicine!

He took out two grenades from his pocket and held them tightly, as if he had decided on something, Qi Tiexin put one in his chest pocket, and pulled the safety catch on the other one.

"Ugh!!" The zombies rushed up with roars.

"Come on! Monster..." Qi Tiexin dropped the grenade without any hesitation, and the huge explosion blasted the zombies into pieces.

Then they fired two more shots on the roof. The huge SVD gunshots attracted the attention of all the zombies. These zombies have the same vision as snakes, and they rely on their hearing several times stronger than humans to help them find their prey.

There are not many zombies left, about a dozen or so. For ordinary people, these zombies may be fatal.

But Qi Tiexin is no ordinary person!

"Maybe this is the last time I'll be a police chief." Qi Tiexin threw his police badge with the national emblem of the New China Federation on the ground, and there was a D-level body enhancer written on it, in big characters!

"Let's fight!" At such a short distance, Qi Tiexin fired a few times with the sniper rifle in his hand, causing the dozen or so zombies to follow him.

His speed is even faster than zombies!

PS: The book friend group is still the group of King Arthur, 264143093.