Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 121: What the protagonist should do (5000 words)


The power of this world has been roughly estimated when Lu Qiu controlled the monsters to attack the city just now.

The human life level that can enter the knight order is around the third level. Except for babies and children, Lu Qiu has never seen an adult evaluate it as a level one.

In other words, no matter which adult man in this world reaches the earth, he can easily break several so-called world records.

Of course, it is an earth where there are no superpowers.

But the evolution of life is endless, no one can claim to be the strongest, in front of more powerful life, everything is just the data accumulated by blood.

"Struggle hard, my junior."

Lu Qiu looked at Nai Ye who was on the street, and Kenser who was already covered in blood.

"Emperor...His Royal Highness..."

Kenser was overwhelmed by Nai Ye's way of killing ten monsters in an instant with his delicate body. There is such a thing as cuteness in contrast. Nai Ye, who looks slightly weak in appearance, should not be this kind of existence standing on the battlefield.

"Is it okay?" Nai Ye waved the big purple-black sword in his hand, and the blood stained on it was crushed by the sharp edge of the big sword.

"I just suffered a slight injury on my body."

Kenther supported his body with the sword, and was pierced through the whole body by the spikes emerging from the ground. This kind of wound cannot be described as a minor injury, but Kenther, who is the leading knight. With his self-healing ability, if it weren't for those toxins, there would be no serious problem at all.

Spikes? Thinking about it, what is it that hurt yourself like this

Kenser glanced at the ground palpitatingly.

"Your Highness, please leave here first, this place is very dangerous!"

Although Nai Ye showed her great strength, Kense still couldn't let Nai Ye participate in this battle with confidence. Her Royal Highness just stayed behind the knight. What's the point of going to the battlefield in person

And what Kenser is most afraid of is not those miscellaneous soldiers and monsters, but people!

Those who want to obliterate this unknown successor to the Emperor are in this city. Kenther knew of one.

If you continue to mix into this messy situation.

While Kenther was waiting for Nai Ye's answer. Nai Ye suddenly raised the pitch-black sword in his hand and pointed it at Kenther.

What does she want to do? Kenser clenched his sword tightly, and found that Nai Ye slashed at him!

The pitch-black edge can sweep across everything, even the air is cut off by the sharp edge. A sense of danger jumped in Kenser's heart. When he blinked again.

The astonishingly fast sword in Nai Ye's hand slashed down.

Kenther only felt the gust of wind blowing over his cheek. There was a shrill roar from behind.

He suddenly turned around...

A giant wolf with its head cut in half was crouching on the ground bleeding profusely. This giant wolf just wanted to tear up the human in front of it.

"You can't keep fighting."

In one sentence, Nai Ye told all about Kenser's physical condition.

This man is already old, and even his senses have dropped to the point where he doesn't even notice the approaching danger!

[Body] The toxins in his blood were being eroded bit by bit. It will kill him!

Kenser stared at the firm emotion in Nai Ye's scarlet pupils... He sighed.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with the choice of His Highness the Emperor..."

Are there any errors

No, this is a big mistake.

Nana's inner thoughts

But there is no other reason why I dare to gallop on this battlefield now, that is, I have the power that I can control myself!

Nai Ye tightly held the strange purple-black sword in his hand, and Nai Ye's scarlet pupils were reflected on the blade after it was erected

A steady stream of power supplied Nai Ye's whole body through this great sword.

When Nai Ye held the sword, he found that his strength, speed, and sensory response were several times stronger than before!

This is a powerful sword, and a sword with magic.

This is a magic sword named Wuhui's Huguang.

According to what Lu Qiu said, the one who once held this sword was the hero known as the strongest knight!

So I can't let this sword feel ashamed!

"Take me to the front line! We can't let the monsters continue to wreak havoc!" The duty of the knight is to protect the civilians, and Nai Ye couldn't do nothing about all of this.

"Glorious because of you! Your Royal Highness!"

Kenser didn't say any more nonsense, and after suppressing the toxins that kept eroding himself, he led Nai Ye towards the array where the Empire's First Knights were.

Nai Ye felt the power emanating from the magic sword in her hand... This is the power called Guardian.

'But my lovely little junior, I forgot to tell you,'This sword is not only the sword of the strongest knight, but also the sword of the betrayed knight...that's why it is called the magic sword. , This is something Lu Qiu didn't tell Nai Ye.

Nai Ye ran on the street burned by the flames, and the surrounding monsters seemed to disappear. No monster appeared to block Nai Ye's pace on this section of the road.

How could it block it, the battle between heroes, these little miscellaneous soldiers are too intrusive! So it's best to let them out of the stage

"Boss leader!"

When the First Knights, who were besieging the giant lizard, saw their leader coming, the deputy leader immediately ran to Kenser.

The lizard was lying on the ground dying of scars all over its body. The moment its struggle stopped, humans could stab its eyes with their own swords to end its life.

"The first few monsters have been dealt with, and the rest is to deal with those monsters fleeing on the street..."

The deputy head told Kenser the good news that the leader of this monster has been defeated. The situation is under control.

"What about civilians?"

"Refuge in the rear city, we mobilized most of the manpower to resist, there is no way for Warcraft to reach there."

Hearing this, Kenser heaved a sigh of relief. After watching a knight draw his sword and heroically kill the giant lizard, he said to Nai Ye who was beside him.

"Your Highness, please don't underestimate our Knights. Now that the situation is under control, you don't need to participate in the battle in person."

It's just that Kenser's words were interrupted by Nai Ye.


A trace of uneasiness appeared on Nai Ye's originally expressionless cheeks.

it's not finished yet


Underground...something is coming up!

"Back back!" Nai Ye yelled loudly to Kenser, but it was too late.

Spikes again!

Bone spurs that are so sharp that they can penetrate all objects emerge from the ground. No sign. Without warning!

Right in front of Nai Ye, the leader of the First Knights, his bloody body was pierced again

Blood dripped and stained Nai Ye's face

"" Nai Ye wanted to cut off those spikes with a sword. But Kenser reacted this time. Made an action that Nai Ye couldn't understand.

Surging golden luster emerged from Kenser's body. The deputy head and Nai Ye who were standing beside him retreated in a violent way.

She didn't know that this old man with bruises and bruises still had such great power

Nai Ye's body hit the wall of the building behind him heavily, but his vision was still clear.

"I hope that one day you will be able to rule the world"

Kenther held the spike that pierced his chest, and finally said this sentence. He shouted at the stunned Deputy Commander... and even the entire First Knights.

"The First Order of the Imperial Knights is under orders! The command is fully entrusted to Her Majesty the Empress!"

This old knight has served the empire for decades, and from the moment he took the sword and swore the oath, he planned to die holding the blade...

A peaceful life makes people feel that the body is gradually rusting, and the blood is gradually becoming cold...

But at the last moment, God still gave him a chance to rekindle his blood!

Isn't this the fate of knights

"Swear to defend every inch of the empire! Don't let the enemy take a step closer!"

After Kenther gave the last order of his life, a sharp barb rushed out from the ground, penetrated Kenther's brain, and ended the knight's glorious life.

Nai Ye watched all this in a daze.

All the members of the First Knights feel like their heads are stuck

It's just that they don't have much time to be in a daze, and they don't even have time to commemorate their dead group.

Because, the real disaster is just beginning now!

Everyone covered their ears in unison.

The ground began to shake, and the houses began to collapse, just like the scene of the end of the world!

The sharp roar made some people's brains congest!

The demons that were finally buried underground began to appear above the earth.

The sky turned into night, and the huge body covered the sun's rays

Overlooking the tiny humans on the streets below, the crypt lord spread his insect wings and called out to his people!

The numbing sound of the bugs resounded in the body of the Crypt Lord...

A large number of insects with different physiques centered on the Crypt Lord and attacked the city!

"Then... what is that?"

Just dealing with monsters has already made this knight group feel uncomfortable, and finally controlled the attack of those monsters, what happened this time

The appearance of the underground Zerg is much more ferocious than those monsters! Everyone looked at the dense swarm of insects and felt shuddering

"Quick back!"

"Damn it! There's a bug in my body ugh!"

"What’s wrong with you?"

These knights who ignored the little beetles crawling on the ground were all invaded by scarabs. Human flesh and blood are the most delicious food for these insects. They swim in the human body and eat the flesh and blood of these human beings.

The knights who got into the scarabs fell to the ground and struggled, but since then, more scarabs kept pouring into the knights' bodies.

"Help me! There's something here" he begged for help from his companions "they"

But before he could finish speaking, a scarab that had penetrated into his [body] crawled out from the knight's mouth. More scarabs also crawled out of the human [body] that had turned into dry bones.

These dense swarms of insects are the fear of fear for human beings!

Everyone retreated to the rear, but only the figure with a little scarlet light in the pitch black stepped into the swarm!

Now, only on my own

Nai Ye rushed into the insect swarm with the indestructible lake light in her hand, surrounded by blood-colored light, and the approaching scarabs were turned into dust by the light and disappeared

Nai Ye has been alone since a long time ago, and she can't do things like directing!

In this way, Nai Ye's sword pointed directly at the Crypt Lord surrounded by the swarm, and a powerful force erupted from his feet. The indestructible lake light drew a purple-black luster. Slashed towards the huge body of the crypt lord!

The same sense of danger rose in Nai Ye's heart again!

A large number of spikes suddenly appeared from the ground, attacking Nai Ye who jumped into the air. She relied on her powerful body to defy her inertia, and the blade that slashed at the crypt lord turned to the spikes in the ground.

But Nai Ye's body was also blown away by the unimaginable destructive force of the spike...

Nai Ye happened to fall into the place where the insect swarm was densest. These bugs rushed towards the delicacy that fell from the sky.

Nai Ye holds the sword and wants to break through

It was just a pitch-black swarm of insects that was suddenly cut off by the golden light

When Nai Ye came to his senses. But he found dozens of knights in silver-white armor standing in front of him. The roaring lines of the dragon head on the armor are clearly visible

"Let women charge ahead, we can't do it! For the legion commander!"

The sword was covered with blood, and the knight's armor was also stained with blood.

"His Royal Highness, please issue an order!"


Nayue has no other orders

"Don't let them go one step further!"

wall of flesh and blood

But these knights couldn't break through the swarm's blockade at all.

They're outrageously numerous

Even Nai Ye, who was able to go straight forward with this sword in hand. At this moment, I also feel powerless.

He didn't even have the strength to touch the monster, so he could only watch the swarms bypass him and attack the civilians behind him.

After all, Nai Ye couldn't become a qualified vampire.

This was something that Lu Qiu had expected a long time ago.

But this does not prevent her from exerting her power as a vampire

'do you know? There is a thing in the world called desperate. , Lu Qiu's voice suddenly rang in Nai Ye's mind, and even her movement of swinging the sword froze for a moment.

The surrounding time began to slow down gradually, only Lu Qiu's voice echoed in her mind.

'You can also call it a burst seed, or a small universe, and the knights around you are in this state now. "

'Humans are ridiculous creatures, aren't they? Sometimes, they are even willing to give up their lives to protect those who have never met. "

'This is kindness, kindness is a very powerful force, Xiao Naiye, you are also a kind child, so you also have this kind of power. "

'Want to protect those civilians? Want to avenge that poor legion leader? Want to tell this group of monsters what horrible creatures humans are? , 'I really want to, right! Definitely want it, right? ! Kill these monsters who wantonly slaughter humans and treat humans as food." Nai Ye actually felt the scarlet light in Lu Qiu's eyes that made people tremble. He was [excited], and [excited] made Nai Ye feel fear.

'Then burn, burn your life, the life you took from me for revenge, the power of vampires is more than that. , I... Nai Ye suddenly felt a more powerful force surging in [body], after Wuhui's lake light was strengthened, it was so powerful that Nai Ye couldn't even imagine it, as if the world could be destroyed with a wave of hand, it was so violent that it made Nai Ye uneasy

Nai Ye hesitated, but she watched the knights around her fall to the ground one by one under the erosion of the swarm.

She found that she had no right to hesitate at all, and no time to hesitate at all!

People around you are desperately trying to protect their city!

No more sacrifices can be made

The power of vampires...

Nai Ye's pale skin showed blood, and the surface of the indestructible lake was also filled with scarlet luster

This irrepressible force broke the seal and rushed out of Nai Ye's [body]!

Suddenly, all the bugs around Nai Ye turned into a puddle of thick blood

can do it!

Nai Ye controlled the blood, and all the bugs that approached became his own weapons!

She brought the dawn to mankind. With this power, Nai Ye rushed towards the crypt lord, raised the big purple-black sword, and wrote the final chapter of the sonata of this disaster with her own hands!

'Become a hero, Naiye. , Lu Qiu's voice disappeared at the last moment when Nai Ye swung his sword.

The blade was easily cut off from the top of the crypt lord's huge body! Kill the Crypt Lord from top to bottom!

Time stood still at this moment.

In the next second, the frozen air began to flow again.

In front of everyone, this ferocious monster, together with the swarming insects, turned into jet-black fine sand, scattered and dripped down.

The setting sun sprinkled in front of everyone, and the surviving humans fell to their knees on the ground, unable to believe that they had survived.

Nai Ye held a big purple-black sword and maintained a slashing posture. Against the background of this round of sunset, she looked like an undefeated Valkyrie

"His Royal Highness!"

I don't know who called out the voice first, and then the shouts among the knights lined up became louder and louder.

They didn't know Nai Ye's name, but they were shouting Nai Ye's identity!

"Long live Your Royal Highness!!"

At this moment, in the hearts of everyone, Nai Ye is no longer an unknown commoner, but a hero who saved the city!

"Super hero."

Lu Qiu squatted on the top of the cathedral, looking at the ruined messy ground below, and sighed.

"Sure enough, the protagonist in any novel or anime must be able to develop this kind of skill."

Nai Ye's body finally fell to the ground, and she exhausted all her strength.

"Good performance." Lu Qiu stood up and stretched, as if he felt a little tired after playing a very interesting game.

"What exactly do you want?" The crypt lord's rough voice sounded in Lu Qiu's ear.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to trouble you Xiaoqiang, but your acting skills are not bad."

"If it wasn't for my king's order, I wouldn't have done such a humiliating thing!" The crypt lord said with displeasure.

"You are famous in history, Xiaoqiang." Lu Qiu stretched out his hand and looked at the setting sun in the sky: "In a few years, historians of this world will write like this: 'The 22nd Emperor Dodran, His Highness Nai Ye guarded this city from the terrifying monster invasion by himself, and stood on the bone of that monster as a Valkyrie, or something."

"It doesn't make any sense!"

"It really doesn't make any sense." Lu Qiu jumped down to the ground below: "Because there will be no human beings in this world after a few years. At night, it's time for me to be active. Go and appease my lovely younger generation."

Zai Lu Qiu's figure turned into a bat and disappeared into the vast night. (To be continued..)

ps: ps: Thank you for the chapters given by 37205, and thanks to Fan Juncheng, Duanxian~~~~, Zhizhenyong, Yunqi Qinggu, Jiujiubu Lingling, Xuanxuan, Watermelon in my arms, Luo Lizai, Love Book Angel, Shuxianglei teenagers for their rewards~



[to be continued