Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 13: Please close your eyes when it gets dark


The virus sample of the black light virus fell into Lu Qiu's hands again.

Since there is no novice reward this time, the exchange value is 10,000 despair points...

That's 10,000 lives.

Lu Qiu didn't feel that it wasn't worth it, the price/performance ratio of these viruses was really too high.

At present, the black light virus spread by Lu Qiu has already brought Lu Qiu a despair value of nearly 100,000.

In the future, it will bring more despair points to Lu Qiu.

Just break through that wall.

The crow tilted its head on Lu Qiu's finger, looking at its master with red eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

The container slot in Lu Qiu's hand has an injection function, and without any hesitation, he pierced the needle longer than the crow's body into the crow's body.

Nearly 400ML of liquid pure black light virus was pushed into the body of this crow.

To turn a life into an infected body, the virus must first kill the life. After the virus was injected into the body, the crow fell to the ground and declared dead.

But then something unexpected happened to Lu Qiuyi...

'The evolution of the third-level infected body is detected within ten meters around, and whether the host has entered the creation interface. '

"What creation interface?" Lu Qiuben was still expecting the crow to turn into some kind of terrifying biochemical monster to overthrow the city wall, but the crow just stiffened and fell to the ground without any reaction.

'Strictly speaking, it is a genetic modification interface. The host chooses the virus to kill the world. It is one of the various auxiliary functions provided by the system to the host, which allows the host to define the evolution direction of the infectious body that will evolve within ten meters. '

That is to say, what kind of monster will this crow become

Are modifications available in terms of combat power and strengths

This system surprised Lu Qiu more and more, and it was unexpectedly interesting.

The last time the hunter was not within ten meters of Luqiu, he evolved that way directly following the randomness of the virus.

Now Lu Qiu can create a monster by himself...

Unrivaled monster! Lu Qiu squatted down halfway, looking at the twitching crow lying on the ground, as if in pain.

Soon...you will grow stronger in my hands!

"Enter the genetic modification interface."

Under Lu Qiu's order, a faint stream of data flashed through Lu Qiu's scarlet pupils, but within Lu Qiu's sight, everything became scarlet, only the crow changed in Lu Qiu's eyes.

A holographic projection interface emerges from several body tissues of the crow, wings, beak, claws, feathers, and a large number of internal organs.

In the crow's brain, a set of genetic chains appeared before Lu Qiu's eyes.

This is the gene of this crow. There are a lot of crimson, spider-like structures next to the gene chain. These are the genes of the black light virus. As long as Lu Qiu chooses the fission method, these berserk genes will completely reorganize the crow's genes like a spider pouncing on food.

'Currently there are only three options for muscle strengthening, virus parasites, and blood infection. '

'The host can choose the four characteristics of this creature's wings, feathers, claws, and beak. '

'Basic strengthening will increase the size of this creature by a hundred times, and the final calculation results show that the strength of this creature will increase by a thousand times, and its speed will increase by about two times. '

The most obvious symbol after the evolution of the black light virus infected person is to become bigger.

Which of the high-level infected bodies among the massacre prototypes is not huge? Leaving aside battle beasts and masters, Goliath, the most threatening infected body, is as tall as a building.

"Can't you get smaller?"

Lu Qiu sighed regretfully.

He is a blood-sucking species, he doesn't like things exposed to the sun, slowly torturing people to death in the dark is Lu Qiu's favorite thing.

The smaller the crow, the easier it is to infect it.

You know, as long as it is invaded by a virus, that city wall will collapse on its own.

"That is to say, you have other characteristics? How do you obtain other characteristics? Will you exchange them?"

The variability of the virus ensures that the evolution is not single, and the infectious body with various advantages is responsible for various tasks.

"It was detected that there is no memory of the genetic recombination method in the host's brain, so it cannot be exchanged."


Well, Lu Qiu has never read genetic knowledge, so he cannot exchange it.

"How do you get it?"


Is there something that the system doesn't know

But no matter what, first try to see if the infected body completely infected with the black light virus can break down the city wall.

"Let's have a good time tonight, monster."

Lu Qiu threw the crow, which had turned into a twitching corpse, to the bottom of the building.

Just at the moment when the crow's body was about to fall to the ground... the scarlet tentacle-like muscle tissue completely surrounded the crow's body.

The crimson light radiated from the blood flowing in the muscle tissue, and the flesh formed by the black light virus completely turned the crow into a monster.

And Lu Qiu, who was standing on the roof of the hospital, looked at the jet-black creature that was two stories high below...

'Added tertiary bird mutants'

"Go, let's have a gorgeous scarlet feast."

Lu Qiu's laughter echoed throughout the night along with the monster's sharp roar.

... ...


On a cold night, an old soldier stood on the city wall made of steel with an automatic rifle in his hand, with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the city shrouded in pitch black below.

He loaded the bullets into the magazine one by one, preparing to have enough ammunition in the next battle.

The civilians gathered under the city wall, and the lights shrouded the panicked civilians to prevent some monsters from mixing in.

As long as the civilians pass the inspection and confirm that they do not carry the virus, they can leave this hell.

So the scene was a bit orderly for a while.

Obviously, this city was very normal yesterday, and everyone lived and worked in peace and contentment... But everything has changed today.

The veterans had never gone deep into the city, and the order from above was to guard on the city wall.

He didn't know what kind of monsters there were in the city, which would make everyone so fearful, even crazy.

Zombies? He also watched movies like Resident Evil...

He exhaled a smoke ring.

It would be fine if it was really a zombie in Resident Evil. He held the gun tightly in his hand and glanced around. Several forts had already been built on the steel city wall.

Those are just moving corpses, and the military firepower network around the city is fully capable of intercepting those extremely slow-moving corpses.

The so-called zombies are just moving targets, and a bullet in their head can kill them.

Not to mention that a big man seems to be sent from above.

So he is not afraid at all, and even loves the series of works of Resident Evil, which makes him want to go deep into the city to see those zombies.


In the next second, the surroundings of the security checkpoint on the city wall, which had been shrouded in light and turned into daylight, were suddenly shrouded in pitch black.

Is the light... off

No, the strong lights never went out.

So... why is it suddenly so dark

When the veteran raised his head to look at the sky, the cigarette butt in his mouth couldn't help but fell to the ground.

Mom... Mom... Damn it! ! !

This is the so-called slow-moving zombie!

When did the zombies in Resident Evil get so big? ! Still... fly

That creature... indeed rushed towards the city wall in the sky.

The veteran saw that the pitch-black monster had lost its balance and fell to the ground.


A sharp roar resounded throughout the sky.

The screams of the crowd also sounded, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

The fear of human beings made them lose their minds.

In the sky, a monster with a wingspan of nearly 30 meters rushed towards the top of the city wall. Its body was covered with disgusting muscle tissue, and blood vessels emitting crimson light flowed on the surface of its body. The six pairs of compound eyes on the monster's forehead exuded violent light.

"Shoot! Shoot! Take aim! Now! Immediately!"

Although the non-commissioned officer who commanded was trembling with the voice of the monster rushing out suddenly, he still instinctively issued an order.

The six turrets built on the city wall aimed at the monster in the sky, and with the sound of mechanical rotation, a metal storm swept over the monster in the sky.

This is that mutant crow!

"What kind of monsters are these?!"

"Shut up! Just pull your trigger!"

The soldiers stationed on or around the city wall all pulled the triggers in their hands facing the sky, and the entire barracks was filled with the sound of guns unleashing their own bullets!

"It's useless at all!" "It's coming! Hey...that monster is coming!" "Run!"

The bullets seemed unable to penetrate the surface of the scarlet musculature of the mutant crow, when the mutant crow swooped towards the top of the city wall with a sharp and weird roar.

These soldiers still care about orders or not! Your own life is the most important!

Most people choose to start running away.

But...does it work

"Help!" "Retreat!"

The sharp claws of the crow mutant hit the city wall heavily, and the huge claws dented the surface of the city wall.


There was another sharp roar. The front end of the wings became extremely sharp after being transformed by the virus. The moment it waved its wings, all the humans trying to escape on the city wall were dismembered and their bodies were easily torn apart!

Among the roars of human fear... There are also voices that are not afraid of death, but die with reason.

"Go to hell!" Near the landing point of the crow mutant, there was a turret that had been set up. The soldiers under control pointed at the monster, and poured out all the ammunition without any hesitation!

Blood splashed all over the city wall, and the crow mutant waved its wings again, completely cutting off the fort made of steel.

Human life is so powerless in front of these monsters!

Suddenly, the arrival of this monster turned the edge of this absolutely safe city into a hell on earth.