Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 133: Starlo Vernett


Since the moment Nai Ye was raised by Mu Xiya.

I have always been responsible for my sister...

Take care of the children in the monastery who are much younger than yourself.

But...Nai Ye failed to fulfill this responsibility, even though Mu Xiya personally entrusted them, but...Nai Ye could only watch helplessly as they, together with the monastery, turned into a sea of flames.

Nai Ye stumbled and ran towards the room in memory...

Lord Dragon God... If you really exist, please bless that child!

Nai Ye prayed in her heart, this was the first time in her life that she prayed to the gods.

She has nothing to do but pray!

Because of the high speed and the injury on his body, Nai Ye couldn't control his body and fell to the ground when he turned the corner, but he immediately supported his body and walked towards the door of the familiar room...

Blood... dripped on the door of this gate.

Nai Ye's heart sank... She wanted to reach out and hold the doorknob, but she was trembling, but there was no way to twist it away.

When holding the sword obviously, it is so stable.

Nai Ye was scared.

Afraid to open the door, the scenery in the village reappeared in front of him again.

At that time, I had no strength and could only watch all this happen.

But now? After making a deal with that man... still so incompetent

Nai Ye pushed open the door, which was heavier than any weapon she had ever held before.

The door was pushed open. Originally, for vampires, the smell represented the bloody smell of food. Now that it flooded into Nai Ye's sense of smell, Nai Ye only felt that it was a sharp sword...

rather than delicious food.

A sharp sword that can pierce the last hope in one's heart.


Nai Ye suddenly pushed open the door, and the scenery in the room was still as Nai Ye had imagined.

A small puddle of blood was piled up on the floor in front of the door, the petite body fell to the ground, and stretched out its hand weakly towards the door, trying to touch the door, but was cut off by a sharp knife.

Repeated in Nai Ye's mind.

Don't...Nai Ye can't accept this reality...

Obviously possessing power...but the reality can't be changed no matter what.

This feeling of powerlessness almost caused Nai Ye to collapse.

However, a soft cry pulled Nai Ye back from the brink of collapse.

"Nai... Sister Ye?"

This familiar voice.

Nai Ye suddenly raised her head and looked at the side of the bed, and found a petite body hiding in the darkness, sitting on the bed hugging the pillow, looking at herself with some fear.

Maybe it's because I was frightened just now.

It's just that Nai Ye didn't say anything, ran over, and hugged the girl named Xing Luo, her shoulders were so fragile that they seemed to be broken if squeezed, and hugged her tightly.

"It's really great... It's really great... You're fine..." Nai Ye kept repeating this sentence, tears streaming down the corners of his eyes.

Nai Ye doesn't expect that she, who doesn't even have the right to control her own life, can get any salvation...

It's just that the strength she gained at this price is that she doesn't want to let the scene in the village that took everything away from her happen again.

Not this time!

Lord Dragon God seemed to have really heard her prayer.

Nai Ye could feel Xing Luo's breathing and the beating speed of her heart, although it was very small, slender...

But she's still alive...

This is better than anything.

"It's okay, sister Naiye." Xingluo stroked Naiye's back, after being surprised by Naiye's radical behavior, she showed a kind of relief.

It's like a mother comforting a wronged child.

Obviously there is a big age difference, but there is no sense of disobedience.

"Is there anything uncomfortable on your body?" After wiping away the tears, Nai Ye held Xing Luo's hand, still afraid of the cruelty of that terrifying assassin.

"No, I'm very good, Miss Nai Ye."

After Xing Luo shook his head, seeing Nai Ye's face close at hand, he pulled the scarf around his neck, indicating that there was no problem.

Nai Ye did not propose such a reckless act of inspecting her body, because in a casual glance just now, Nai Ye found that Xing Luo's skin surrounded by the scarf was also ferocious like being burned...

Not only the forehead, Xing Luo may have this distorted scarlet skin all over her body...

For any woman who loves beauty, this is definitely a side that she does not want to show in front of others.

The same goes for Xingluo.

Nai Ye was sitting on the bed facing Xing Luo, Xing Luo shrank her neck like a little squirrel, and raised the corner of the scarf again, afraid that Nai Ye would peep at her ugly parts.

After Nai Ye calmed down, she politely leaned back a little. After the little vampire regained its sanity, it was definitely Xing Luo's fault for smelling the smell of blood in the air.

Then why was this little girl who seemed to have no resistance able to escape from the hands of a top assassination master

And Xing Luo didn't have any wounds on his body, just a puddle of blood on the ground...

"That... that... Nai Ye."

Sensing Nai Ye's doubts, Xing Luo weakly raised his hand.

"Actually, I... seem to have a special ability to say..."

special power

Nai Ye turned her head to look at Xing Luo, and found that after the gray light overflowing from Xing Luo's hand flickered, a girl who looked exactly like Xing Luo appeared on the wheelchair by the window.

It's just that her expression is numb, like a puppet.

But Nai Ye felt the human blood flowing from this puppet


"It seems... is it..." Xing Luo was a little uncertain, this phantom disappeared before it lasted too long. At this time, Xing Luo's forehead overflowed with a lot of sweat, and he was panting slightly.

As if this use of force was taxing on her.

Could a little girl... be able to outwit a top killer with such a shabby trick

Nayue can't be sure...

But she would rather believe it was true.

Because Xing Luo is still alive, which is better than anything else.

Just as Nai Ye was thinking, a strange cooing sound suddenly sounded in the room.

When Xing Luo heard it, her face turned red and she lowered her head.

This is the sound of her stomach. The use of strength requires energy to support it. Xing Luo hasn't eaten properly all night...

"I'll get you something to eat right away."

"But sister Nai Ye, those people outside the airship need you to command, right?"

As a singer, Xing Luo's hearing is still very sensitive, she can hear that after the gargoyle attack, the scenery on the airship has become a mess.

"But your body..."

"It's okay...I brought some snacks, um, there is actually one more thing."

When Xing Luo said this, anxiety appeared on his face.

"The butler who helped me find dinner hasn't come back since just now. I'm afraid something will happen to him. Sister Naye, can you help me find him?"

"Then how should I find it?" Nai Ye also knew the urgency of the situation, and after finding her housekeeper, she could ask the housekeeper to take care of her.

"Sister Naye, if you meet him, you will definitely know."

Xing Luo smiled, Nai Ye couldn't understand that kind of smile...

"Okay." Nai Ye chose to trust Xing Luo again. He was probably born in a noble family. There were not many people wearing butler uniforms on this airship, so it would be easy to find them one by one. "careful."

The gargoyles had all disappeared after the mourner was beheaded by Nai Ye, but there were still windows in this room.

Seeing that Nai Ye was still not at ease, Xing Luo raised her small fist.

"I'm also very good, sister Naye."

Gray energy was overflowing in Xing Luo's hands, and his level was definitely not weaker than any gargoyle.

She is not weak.

In the end, Nai Ye walked out of the door with a feeling of apprehension, to help the guards calm down the emotions of the passengers.

It was only after Nai Ye left.

The familiar scene appeared again.

Xing Luo sat on the bed... The lights stretched Xing Luo's back for a long, long time.

But another figure quietly appeared in the room, beside Xing Luo's figure.

It was a ghost who came back from the dead...

The tattered gray and white robe, and the metal mask that resembled a skull.

The silvery-white blade was aimed at the girl sitting on the bed again.

The Undertaker...Here Comes...Only He Offers Not Death... But...

"It's so slow, mortician, not only did you fail the mission this time, you were even late for bringing me dinner."

As soon as the girl changed her original weak and innocent appearance, she turned her head, and her pale amber pupils shone brightly under the light...

"Evidently the target is in a poisoned state, but it still failed... If this continues, then kill yourself in front of me, can't you pay it back by dying? Die..."

She repeated that sentence, and an innocent smile appeared on her face again.

PS: It's been a long time since I asked for a subscription, a monthly pass, or a recommendation! The weekend is coming soon, gentlemen... the time for an update is coming! RS