Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 19: germination


The sun rose in the sky, bringing a lot of warmth to the cold city.

"..." As a vampire, Lu Qiu walked under the sun without any discomfort.

It's mostly the system's fault.

'Skill: Vector Control LV2'

As long as it touches the skin, it can manipulate the "direction" of various known forces within the range of computing power, and can change the direction of all known vectors within the range of computing power, because only LV2 level, the amount of computing and power can only refract light.

Exchange points: 70,000 points.

This is the strongest level of super power that Lu Qiu currently knows, reaching LV5 level can even affect the rotation of the earth.

But if Lu Qiu wants to exchange this super power to LV5 level, the despair value will be as high as 100 million points...

The ability to trade for one-eighth of the world's population.

So Lu Qiu put this super power into his future plans.

As a vampire, one's bloodline is fundamental.

Lu Qiu looked at the despair value he currently possessed.

'Despair value: 103497. '

Wenhan City is not a big city in the New Federation of China, with a permanent population of around 600,000. After all, the nearby city is surrounded by mountains. If there was no Wenhan Dam, this city would have turned into a flooded river long ago.

The location doesn't make it feel like a place to live for a long time at all.

On the second day after the spread of the black light virus, nearly one-fifth of the people in the entire city had been infected and turned into zombies.

The number of secondary infections has risen to three digits, about one hundred and twenty.

Tertiary infection bodies have not yet appeared.

This is still the result of getting the genes of A-level superpowers and accelerating the evolution of the black light virus.

The evolution of infected bodies is neither fast nor slow. With the huge population base of the New China Federation, there are more and more powerful infected bodies.

But no matter how weak the low-level infected bodies are, when their number reaches a certain level, even the most powerful exorcists or superpowers will find it difficult.

It's just a pity.

Several people in the exorcist team that Lu Qiu is currently in don't seem to realize how terrifying these corpses that would be killed by them with a single blow... are!

Because zombies are weak...

Perhaps even if their limbs were cut off, their hearts were pierced, and their bodies were dripping with blood, they could still go all out to hunt and kill humans.

But they are really weak before human thermal weapons.

one hair...

As long as a bullet penetrates their brains, their body functions can be stopped.

Even an ordinary person can hunt and kill these zombies as long as his marksmanship is accurate enough.

Not to mention these exorcists.

"It's so sad, have the civilians in this city been infected into ghouls? What happened?"

Holding a rapier in his hand, Stein swiftly chopped off the head of a rushing zombie.

The strength and speed are estimated to be around the level of a superpower with C-level physical enhancement.

Exorcists are humans chosen by the gods.

That's how they describe themselves.

The rapier in Stein's hand was covered with a faint cyan luster, which was the power of an exorcist different from that of a superhuman.

So far, the world has not been able to decipher what this magical power is.

Probably only the gods bestowed this possibility.

Therefore, exorcists all think they are superior to others.

The same goes for superhumans.

They have power over ordinary people... so why listen to ordinary people

So the route chosen by this exorcist team is very dangerous!

Without any evasion, he just walked on the road openly and aboveboard.

It has been about two days since the initial infection, and the order of the entire city has completely collapsed under the horror of the black light virus.

The road is full of vehicles colliding with each other, broken glass, blood, human corpses, and zombies eating human corpses.

This is the view that can be seen everywhere.

"Captain, it's not an option to go on like this." Stein once again slashed and killed a zombie that was rushing towards him.

This is already the third one.

"Perhaps the vampire has been eaten by these ghouls."

"Corpse." Walking at the front of the line, exuding a lingering chill, freezing all approaching zombies.

As long as the zombie gets close to the girl's body, it will be frozen into an ice sculpture.

"Master Stein..." Yuli, who was walking at the end of the line, was so frightened by the scene that he couldn't speak, even when the zombies rushed over, he couldn't move for a while.

"What's wrong?" Stein glanced back at Yuli.

"If I remember correctly, according to the mission information, you can see the target's home after walking through this intersection and turning a corner."

Yuli stretched out his finger, pointing in front of Stein fearfully.

my home? Lu Qiu raised his head in a daze, and looked at the surrounding scenery. As a vampire, Lu Qiu really didn't like to go out. Even Lu Qiu himself didn't remember the surrounding scenery of Lu Qiu's temporary residence.

However, it seems that it is really around here.

"Well done, Yuli, when I go back, I will give you a good support in this mission report! Civilians, after completing this mission, I can take you away immediately."

Stein seems to believe Yuli's words very much.

"Finally I can leave this city!" The female reporter Dana's eyes lit up when she heard the word "Leave", and she shook the hand of her cousin beside her.

But the expression on the face of the American American youth became more and more solemn.

Did you notice it? Lu Qiu looked at the somewhat lonely street here.

he understands...

Zombies exist in collective activities. If the number of zombies in an area decreases, this is definitely a very strange thing.

In short, it is definitely not a good thing for humans!

"Please take us away quickly, Mr. Exorcist..." Lu Qiu 'begged' to Stein in a very flattering tone: "With such a powerful force, you can definitely protect us from the minions of these monsters."

"This is all thanks to the gods, Captain, it's time to speed up."

Lu Qiu's 'compliment' was very useful to Stein.

So the walking speed of the team became even faster!

Gradually, the ordinary people in the team began to be unable to keep up.

But the situation has become unpredictable.

At first, only a few zombies rushed towards the walking food.

Either he was easily beheaded by Stein with a rapier, or he was frozen into ice crystals.

But gradually...


Hundreds of…


"Why are these guys killing more and more!"

Stein's breath has become somewhat disordered.

The same goes for the captain.


On the road paved with the corpses of zombies that had been killed all over the place.

They... came around the corner.

And the moment around the corner.

The number of zombies is... hundreds of thousands!

"Damn it! How come there are so many ghouls!" Stein's hand holding the sword finally trembled, and his calm smile couldn't be maintained after seeing this scene!

Corpse! The walking dead! Zombies! Ghouls!

There are many names for these creatures...

They've died once, and come back to life again...

Now there is only one thing they want to eat, and that is the flesh and blood of living people.

On the street around the corner...it has become the territory of zombies.

From a distance, the whole street is full of dry skin, naked flesh, dull and white pupils...

These creatures only want one!

That is human flesh and blood!


The roar that almost shook the entire city came out from the zombies' mouths after they saw the humans.

"Bastard! Bastard! What are these things! Ghouls? Just ghouls! Why!"

Stein couldn't keep the smile on his face anymore, he began to back away non-stop, and couldn't hold the sword in his hand that could easily kill the zombies.

Too much…

Too much! !

It's like falling into an ant's nest, where you can see these creatures!

"Escape!" The only one who could keep calm was the girl called the captain. A large amount of extremely cold breath erupted from her body, creating a huge ice wall at the intersection of this road.

The cold wind that blew up afterwards made everyone who was already in fear and shock.


Those zombies covered with scarlet blood vessels began to slam into the ice walls frantically.

Flesh of the living...the taste of humanity! Humans... eat it! Eat them all!

These thoughts filled the brains of these monsters. They opened their mouths stained with blood, and their mouths that had become mottled bit the ice wall.

The ice wall began to crumble.

The overwhelming stench of corpses permeated everyone's hearts and lungs with a cold breath!

"Run away!"

Everyone started to act.

The instinct of human beings to survive drives them to flee.

The female reporter Dana was already trembling with frightened feet, but her brother grabbed her hand and started to run as he thought the street was becoming close to ruins.

"Damn, hate, hate!"

Stein had no idea of fighting, and he also chose to run away.

"Don't leave me!" Yuli was so frightened that tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, and his fear drove him to follow everyone as fast as possible.

That's it…

Lu Qiu was also running away.

Why not run

Zombies are weak, they are indeed weak, they will die if they are shot through the brain by a bullet, and they will die if their head is cut off by a sword...

The exorcists may be able to easily kill hundreds, or even thousands of zombies...

What about tens of thousands

Hundreds of thousands? !

On the earth piled up with corpses, everything is the trace of those creatures!

Unclean! No matter how powerful the exorcist is, no matter how exhausted his strength is...

It is also not clean!

Don't know fear, don't know fear, perfect killing machine! When one falls, the other will rise again, and their purpose is only to eat human flesh and blood.

This is the real power of zombies!

Well, the innumerable zombie frenzy finally started today!

Humans, you have made a big mistake.

Lu Qiu followed closely behind these exorcist teams.

The sound of the ice wall cracking, the roar of the zombies, and the death-like stench of corpses swept across Lu Qiu.

Real big mistake!

That is you, the prey, appearing in front of the hunter so blatantly!

Humans are the prey of zombies!