Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 34: Feast of the Dead


The history of human warfare is the history of weapon evolution.

Lu Qiu always thought so.

Starting from a blade that can kill and reap lives, it has evolved to a firearm that can kill people with just a pull of the trigger thousands of miles away.

War gives mankind nothing but death and loss.

Weapons that have become more and more powerful have gradually reduced the value of human life in wars, even to the point of insignificance. One nuclear bomb took away the lives of millions of people.

This is war, and this is what humans have created called weapons.

Killing, under human guns, is so simple.

One bullet, one life... that's the value of human life.

"That's why human beings are scary." Lu Qiu leaned against a wall made of steel, looking at the laboratory where the walls and ground were stained with blood. The lights had turned red, and the entire base had sounded an alarm.

"With their wits they could create so much that would kill themselves, so much..."

Lu Qiu closed his eyes and listened to the movement around the building.

By absorbing the memories of those scientists who tried to dissect themselves, Lu Qiu learned that this underground test base turned out to be a factory producing 'repressive agents'.

That is, the amber potion, the potion that can temporarily slow down the erosion of the black light virus...

This is the only production site of the new federation. At first, these potions were used to appease the citizens to rebel under the iron-fisted rule of the new federation president. This was to suppress civilians who were dissatisfied with the new federation regime...

To appease the spirit... to control the national psychology with drugs.

Potion with the function of suppressing national riots.

This time Lu Qiu was sure that he had found the right place.

The structure of this underground experimental base is like a beehive, and Lu Qiu is at the bottom of the six floors. On the way to the surface, he must have been blocked by soldiers with automatic rifles.

"This is really interesting."

When Lu Qiu continued to analyze the function of this base, he found that there was another big surprise.

"Capture the virus prototype?" Lu Qiu muttered about the term: "What does it mean? A high-level infected body?"

But the system shows that there is still only one fourth-level infected body, and there is no more one.

So... what is the so-called virus prototype

"Is it the production plant on the second floor?" Lu Qiu looked towards the ceiling made of steel.

If you don't know it, go see it for yourself.

Lu Qiu walked out of the laboratory, and the outside was also a corridor completely covered by metal, with a dim crimson light shining on the corridor.

The map of this base has been completely imprinted in Lu Qiu's mind through Lu Qiu's memories of those scientists.

When Lu Qiu's footsteps reverberated throughout the corridor, there were also messy and noisy footsteps talking to humans in the corridor.

"There is only one target! The third team guards this way out, the first and second teams search all the rooms, find out the hidden targets, and shoot them immediately when they find them! Don't have any... still..."

But the voice stopped abruptly just halfway through.

Because, when turning a corner, the commander in full armor bumped into a person.

"Hey, hello everyone." Lu Qiu looked at the corridor, there were about twenty-four men in black military uniforms pointing at Lu Qiu with assault rifles.

The tense and serious atmosphere of the pursuit stagnated when the commander bumped into Lu Qiu...

Without hiding, and without any intention of hiding, Lu Qiu just stood under the guns of these soldiers.

The scarlet pupils reflected blood-like light in this dim space, the cracked mouth smiled, and the shark-like teeth looked extraordinarily pervasive.

There was a lot of blood on his hands and body.

But the relaxed smile on Lu Qiu's face told everyone that he was still alive...

Many soldiers present had seen the death of the guy in front of him. It was obvious that the heart had been pierced by wooden nails and the brain had been shot through by bullets.

But... even so, he... still stood there safe and sound.

"Shoot..." The voice in the commander's throat choked for a moment, and finally reason overcame the astonishment, and he shouted loudly what he should do when he saw this monster: "Shoot! Aim! Shoot!!"

Bullets, fired from the muzzle of the assault rifle, are so fast that humans cannot dodge them!

But Lu Qiu is not human!

The moment the first bullet was about to hit Lu Qiu, Lu Qiu's body suddenly turned into a puddle of blood and disappeared in front of everyone.

The effect of the scarlet pool... can temporarily turn Lu Qiu's body into blood.


Within the commander's sight, Lu Qiu's body suddenly exploded, and there was nothing after that.

"Alert! Look for the target!"

The commander is very smart, he knows that what he is facing is not a human being, but a monster that feeds on human blood.

The attack just now couldn't kill him at all.

"The feeling of blood flowing through your body is wonderful, isn't it?"

But Lu Qiu's voice sounded from the very center of the team!

Lu Qiu's figure slowly rose from the shadows, and finally appeared in front of everyone.

The soldiers who reacted quickly wanted to aim at Lu Qiu again and pull the trigger in their hands, but it was too late.

The crisp finger snap sounded at this moment, and the arms of all the soldiers turned into plasma and burst in an instant!

The assault rifle fell to the ground together with the blood.

Lu Qiu was watched by everyone, a total of twenty-four soldiers, all their hands turned into blood and fell down...

This is what Lu Qiu did! The pain from the severed arm caused many people to cry out in pain. They wanted to run away, instinctively wanting to run away, but as soldiers of the New Federation's First Force, they had already discarded their fear as garbage!

But after the arm is broken, I can't do anything, I can't even hold a gun!

"And the feeling of the heart beating in the chest, it's also wonderful, isn't it?"

Lu Qiu's pupils reflected a gleam of excitement, and Lu Qiu's hands were clenched in the air, not holding anything else, but a human heart!


The soldiers' breathing became short of breath, and the pain in their hearts made them fall to the ground.

"If it's beautiful, just break it."

Lu Qiu's hand squeezed tightly with all his might,

boom! The dull voice resounded in the chests of the soldiers around Lu Qiu,

The human body fell to the ground without a sound.

Lu Qiu heard the voice of death but there were only twenty-three voices...

The commander...

"Are you a superpower?" Lu Qiu turned his head and looked at the commander leaning against the wall. His hands had already turned into blood, but he was not affected by the squeeze of Lu Qiu's heart.

Now he knows he can't do anything, all he can do is...

"The enemy search troops are all wiped out! Notify the command room! The enemy search troops are all wiped out! The enemy..."

"How about the enemy?" In his radio, Ye Fusheng's voice came over: "Hurry up and answer..."

"The enemy..." His pupils looked through the goggles, looking at Lu Qiu who was walking towards him step by step, and the existence walking towards him with blood.

His body was trembling non-stop, and he had lost any strength. A long-lost feeling, a feeling called fear, rose in his heart!

"Yes...it's a monster..." His voice also trembled a little, and finally he exclaimed, "It's a monster! The enemy is a monster!"

"What's wrong! What happened?!"

Ye Fusheng's voice kept ringing in the radio he was carrying.

But he didn't answer Ye Fusheng.

Because his sight was already occupied by a pair of scarlet pupils... His throat was choked.

"I said soldier." Lu Qiu held a pistol in his hand and pressed it against his forehead: "How much do you think human life is worth?"

Human life...how much is it worth


As a lackey of war, he can answer Lu Qiu, and the answer is this... worthless!

In war, the killing instruments created by human beings make human life worthless, one bullet... one bullet can be harvested.

How easy it is! how vulnerable...

Now I am also, under this gun, under this bullet! Your own life is just an action of pulling the trigger!

That's all!

"Your lives, under the things you created, are completely fragile."

Lu Qiu pulled the trigger of the pistol in his hand, blood burst behind the soldier, he fell to the ground and declared dead.

And the radio on his chest kept ringing the doctor's voice.

Lu Qiu picked up which radio a little annoyed.

"Answer me! Soldier! Answer me now!"

"I'm sorry, Professor Ye, the person who can answer you is dead..."

"Damn mouse!" Ye Fusheng recognized Lu Qiu's voice: "I will kill you! You can't defeat me alone!"

"Only by myself?" Lu Qiu didn't know when a bottle of crystal clear crimson milk appeared in Lu Qiu's hand, and the corner of Lu Qiu's mouth split into a happy arc.

The corpses that had already fallen beside Lu Qiu, they... no, they stood up again, let out a low growl, their pupils turned into the same crimson as Lu Qiu's, a violent crimson, twisted muscle tissue grew out of their broken arms, sharp claws capable of tearing steel popped out of their arms!

"Friendly reminder to Professor Ye, what you have to face now is twenty-four monsters, plus a vampire. If you don't take action...there will be more and more monsters, and finally this underground base..."

"It will become a den of monsters!"

Lu Qiu crushed the radio in his hand and stood up. At the same time, those infected bodies around Lu Qiu let out a hungry roar, and rushed towards the corridor to look for the flesh and blood of the living.

"There are a few more participants in the Christmas dinner this time. It feels wonderful to change from food to eater. Go find your dinner and eat it! Gentlemen."

Eat it, eat everything alive!

Gunshots resounded incessantly throughout the corridor. At the same time, there were screams of human pain, the sound of flesh and blood being torn and swallowed, and the roar of monsters...

A human life is worth nothing, a bullet can end it.

But they turned into monsters, now they are different.

"The hunt has begun."

PS: Today is another 6,000 words with integrity... Sure enough, the good habit of the Ku Klux Klan can’t be changed? Cough cough, not much to say, please recommend and support! !