Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 36: Unkillable monsters


When Lu Qiu took out the sniper rifle, he was fully focused on how to deal with the bullets in Lu Qiu's hand and how to hit Lu Qiu.

However, when he pulled the trigger, he found that Lu Qiu hadn't fired at all!

Instead, Lu Qiu's body turned into a puddle of blood and disappeared in front of him, and the rifle also fell to the ground.

The bullet filled with holy water shot into the rear wall again.

"You idiot!"

Lu Qiu doesn't want to try the feeling of being blasted by holy water in his body!

Face-to-face, gun-to-gun duel like a western cowboy, this was set long ago, Lu Qiu didn't have this kind of leisure time.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Qiu's figure appeared behind him.

So fast! This time he was surprised. When he was in the manor a few hours ago, Lu Qiu's speed couldn't keep up with him at all... But now...

Already completely comparable.

Lu Qiu punched the soldier wearing nano-armor hard, and he reacted quickly, threw the heavily loaded gun aside, and started to back away!

run away

No, it's a trap... but what about a trap

Lu Qiu followed until he broke through a few mechanical gates, and then ran into a huge warehouse with the nano-armored soldier.

After Lu Qiu stepped into the warehouse, the originally dimly lit warehouse suddenly became brighter.

The smell of gunpowder filled the entire warehouse.

The soldier wearing the nano-armor stood in the center, and at some point there was another gun in his hand, aiming at Lu Qiu.

"Ohhh...deja vu again. Are you all planning a giant Christmas dinner here?"

Lu Qiu scanned the warehouse.

Muzzles... black muzzles, pistols, sniper rifles, automatic rifles, machine guns...

As if all the guns in the world were gathered here, a fortress was set up in this warehouse, and soldiers in military uniforms, holding their weapons in their hands, stood ready.

It seems that he has been waiting for Lu Qiu for a long time.

About one hundred and twenty-three people.

This should be everyone who can fight in the entire base, they are all gathered here, the ammunition that can be found in the entire base, and the firearms that can be found are all armed here.

There is only one target to shoot and kill...

That is Lu Qiu!

"Should I raise my hand and surrender? Professor Ye...?"

Lu Qiu's body was exposed naked in front of these life-harvesting instruments. Lu Qiu raised his head and looked at the figure in a white coat and holding a cane standing behind the entire array.

Ye Fusheng...

"It's useless to be brave." Ye Fusheng stared at Lu Qiu. He has been watching Lu Qiu since Lu Qiu started the killing feast in this base, monitoring him through the ubiquitous surveillance cameras in the base...

Ye Fusheng tried to find out Lu Qiu's weakness, and he felt lucky because he had already found it!

"The reason why you are not afraid of human bullets is because you have the ability to turn your body into blood! And the bullets filled in the gun held by the lieutenant now are rapid freezing bombs!"

The lieutenant Ye Fusheng was referring to was the soldier wearing the nano armor.

Lu Qiu fought against the enemy search forces twice, but he avoided the bullets by using his ability to turn his body into blood.

Then why is this vampire hiding? If the bullets can't hurt him, he can just charge up directly...

That's why Ye Fusheng came to a conclusion.

"I don't understand why you can be resurrected after such a serious injury, but it's understandable that the mouse's life is very hard! But now..."

With a wave of Ye Fusheng's hand, all the soldiers around him raised their muzzles and pulled the bolts, and the sound of cold steel clashing echoed throughout the warehouse!

"I only need one command, and thousands of bullets filled with holy water will shoot at you! This is definitely a nightmare for vampires. Maybe your recovery ability is very strong, but it is impossible to recover under the bullets that can tear your body apart, right? You are afraid of human weapons, you are afraid of guns, so you escape by turning your body into blood!"

"Everything is in my conjecture, die! You monster, let me show you what happens when you underestimate the wisdom of human beings!"

Ye Fusheng has always thought so.

I am the one who wins this game, and you are the one who is generalized!

But when he looked at Lu Qiu again, he found that Lu Qiu was smiling.

It's still the kind of smile that makes people feel inexplicable, obviously in a desperate situation, but with a smile as if excited for something.

Hate...Ye Fusheng hates this kind of smile!

Ego is a good emotion, for humans... really a good emotion...

"You mean human intelligence? That's right...Professor Ye, human beings are indeed such terrifying creatures. The weapons you invented can kill you in just a matter of minutes!"

Lu Qiu spread out his hands, as if to welcome something.

"Then try it, humans! Grab the weapon called gun in your hands and pull its trigger! Aim at me! Shoot a bullet that can easily kill everyone present!"

"Whether it's the heart or the brain, anywhere!"

"Shoot...Shoot..." Lu Qiu widened his pupils, and repeated these three words in his mouth, echoing in the ears of everyone present like a succubus. This voice gradually eroded everyone's reason and brought fear to them.


"Damn it! This is your own death! Attack!" Ye Fusheng couldn't stand Lu Qiu's way of laughing calmly despite his death!

Everyone couldn't bear Lu Qiu's provocation. The moment the order was issued, everyone pulled their triggers.

The gun spit out flames, and the bullets turned into a storm and hit Lu Qiu.

Fear is an emotion that everyone will have, but once humans have support, this emotion will fade away.

Just like the guns in their hands, soldiers have tried to use this thing to shoot life.

Hold him, and you have power...

The power to kill!


The recruits have completely lost their minds, aiming at Lu Qiu standing there...

Lu Qiu's body was like a dismembered puppet, pulled wantonly by the bullets, cut by the bullets, the broken flesh was splashed with blood, whether it was the brain or the heart, they were all turned into pieces of flesh under the bullets...

The power of hundreds of guns firing at a single target is no joke, let alone flesh and blood!

No matter what kind of firearm, the bullet will always run out.

When the bullets in the first clip were exhausted, the round of firing finally came to a halt.

However, there was another gunshot that did not stop.


A recruit who had completely lost his mind, holding the machine gun in his hand, still didn't stop shooting, his pupils had completely lost their luster.

"Recruit! Stop, the target has been confirmed dead! Recruit!"

No matter how much his officer tried to dissuade him, it was useless. This recruit was one of the lucky ones who survived after witnessing Lu Qiu's killing.

"Damn it!" His officer punched him in the face before interrupting his crazy shooting...

He fell to the ground, covering his face, his teeth were chattering, and his speech was a little awkward.

"Sir...he's laughing!" Tears overflowed from the recruit's eyes, and he couldn't stand up at all.

"Laugh? Who?"

"That monster!!"

He was able to see clearly, not only him...others saw it too...

When the bullet pierced through that monster's body, and the metal storm tore through that monster's body, dismembering it bit by bit... What was the expression on Lu Qiu's face

It wasn't shock... much less likely fear.

It was a smile all the way.

A smile that makes people tremble from the bottom of their hearts.

"Can't stop shooting, sir..." He hugged the machine gun in his hand: "Otherwise...otherwise he..."

"It's over, recruit! The monster is dead."

Ye Fusheng couldn't bear to see this guy's cowardly appearance and reminded him aloud.

Lu Qiu's body has turned into a mass of shredded flesh, completely unable to see what a human should look like.

No matter how strong the self-healing ability of this vampire is, it is impossible to revive it in this situation!

But is this really the case

Laughter, a laugh that only one person can make!

Everyone, everyone can hear clearly!

"Sure enough..." Hearing this laughter, the recruit's pupils kept trembling, and he couldn't hold the gun with his hand: "The one who can't be killed...he...that monster, we can't kill him at all! Those who can't kill him! Will be killed...everyone will be killed by him!!"


Ye Fusheng raised his pistol in his hand, and ruthlessly shot the soldier who had lost his mind.

The soldier fell to the ground, the expression of fear still condensed on his face, and his heart also represented the true thoughts of many people present.

The bullets ravaged it just now, and the corpses that had been turned into minced flesh turned into blood, and the blood began to reconstitute the human body...

What kind of monster is it! Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, staring closely at the squirming blood!

"Armor-piercing bombs, incendiary bombs, silver bullets filled with holy water... piercing the heart, shooting through the brain, amputating limbs, tearing flesh, is that all? Is it over? Is it over?"

"It's not enough! Human!"

Blood was spilled, and Lu Qiu stood in front of everyone without a hair being hurt!

"It's not enough... What's the matter? Didn't the guns in your hands kill many people?"

"Infants, women, youths, old people, soldiers of the enemy country, soldiers of our country, criminals, civilians!"

"You...haven't you used the guns in your hands to shoot one by one without mercy?"

Lu Qiu absorbed a lot of memories about Blackwatch, and knew what they did with guns!

"Then kill me? The target is here! You just need to pull the trigger and aim as usual..."

"What's the matter? What's the matter with such surprised expressions?"

Lu Qiu took a step forward, looking at the motionless crowd.

"Ah... I understand. In your perception, the guns in your hands can definitely kill any life, one bullet takes one life! There is nothing that cannot be killed! What a fragile life..."

"If that's the case..." Lu Qiu wrapped his scarlet breasts around his hands, and opened his mouth slightly: "Then I'll come, this Christmas party, there must be someone to perform on stage, right? After your performance is over, then...it's my turn!"

"Shoot! Attack! Stop and do what! Nothing is unkillable! Everything is in my guesswork!"

Ye Fusheng was the first person to recover from the shock, and he immediately ordered everyone to attack again.

The sound of raging bullets sounded again! Lu Qiu's body also bloomed a lot of blood.

This did not affect Lu Qiu's movements!

Vampires are faster than humans! Much faster! A scarlet light flashed, and Lu Qiu broke into the defense line cast by the soldiers.

Grabbed the nearest soldier, pinched his neck and lifted him up.

"do you know?"

The blood wrapped around Lu Qiu's side, protecting Lu Qiu from the bullet...

"Compared to directly killing you with your own blood... I prefer the feeling of tearing your body apart!"

"Don't...don't!!" The soldier who was strangled by Lu Qiu struggled.

As soon as Lu Qiu's hand was strong, blood splashed all over Lu Qiu's face. Without any hesitation, there was another headless dead body on the ground...

"Christmas dinner, it's time for dinner." Lu Qiu looked at all the people with a smile on his face, his lips parted, and he spit out a few words softly.


PS: 3K with integrity... 0X0 everyone remember to secretly recommend it every day, you must remember it!