Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 50: Destroyed three outlooks


Lu Qiu needs that flame...

That hot fire that can melt steel.

Lu Qiu needs it very much... now.

But this pawn is in the opponent's hands.

Therefore, Lu Qiu wanted to take him back.

"What about these civilians?"

In a dark corner of the airport, several Black Watch soldiers gathered together, including Lu Qiu.

Not all the civilians were killed, there were about a dozen people left sitting there at a loss.

Black Watch kept these civilians not because of mercy, but because the lives of these civilians still have many uses.

"Bring them to armored vehicles, the doctor needs living humans."

"37 to follow." The commander pointed to one of the armored vehicles and ordered Lu Qiu to land.


Lu Qiuzhi wanted to know the whereabouts of the base not for himself, but to retrieve the memory of a certain major. Therefore, when Lu Qiu stepped on the armored vehicle, a drop of blood fell to the ground without anyone noticing.

Then the drop of blood rolled down the soles of Lu Qiu's feet into the hall full of dead bodies.

blood clone

Five hundred thousand despair points.

Use blood to form a clone. The clone has the power and speed of the main body, without the special ability of the main body. It needs to be able to convert between the main body and the clone.

That drop of blood was Lu Qiu's life in the river of death.

When he found the whereabouts of the base, Lu Qiu needed the hero Su Le to rescue the surviving civilians from this place.

After Lu Qiu boarded the armored vehicle, it might be the one with the least number of people, and there were only two civilians in it.

So only Lu Qiu took care of it.


To Lu Qiu's surprise, Lu Qiu knew all of these two in front of him!

"What are you trying to do!"

He was clearly in a desperate situation, but he was unarmed, but he asked in this tone. Just now, there was no one who mercilessly massacred a large number of civilians.

Dana, as a reporter, seemed to have a lot more courage than ordinary people. Isn't the sister Alex Mercer was looking for right now here

"Illegal imprisonment, is the New Federation a group of barbarians? And the massacre of civilians for no reason just now..." Dana seemed very angry, completely unaware that she was now in a state of captivity.

"Sister Dana..." The girl curled up in the corner of the armored vehicle seemed to be a little scared, stretched out her hand and tugged at the corner of Dana's clothes.

She was wearing the uniform of a female high school student... and Lu Qiu knew her.

Did you survive? Lu Qiu stared at the girl curled up in the corner, and the two eye-catching blood holes on her delicate neck... This is the proof of having been sucked blood by a vampire.

It's a pity that I was not eaten by zombies, my lovely first dinner.

Xia Ying...

Lu Qiu's first satisfying dinner.

Maybe, human beings are an emotion called 'improvisation', and Lu Qiu didn't kill this human being.

Are you alive now? It's amazing.

"Damn it..." Danna might have sensed the sound of the gun being loaded in Lu Qiu's hand, and sat quietly beside Xia Ying, gritting her teeth and whispering something in Xia Ying's ear.

Although their voices were small, Lu Qiu could hear them clearly.

"I don't understand, Xia, you had the opportunity to leave this hell several times, but you gave up, and now you can only fall here..."

"Is Miss Dana different?" Xia Ying hugged her legs, looking at the black watch soldier sitting opposite, expecting something in her heart.

"I am for my brother...Although he is infected, I know he is still alive, so I have been looking for him. What about you? Why do you have to stay in this place?"


Xia Ying stroked her neck subconsciously.

"I want to see...someone." She was a little uncertain.


"A very kind big brother."

The wound seemed to be tingling again, Xia Ying covered her neck, wondering what she was thinking.

"Anyway, it's really over now. It would be great if someone came to save us."

Dana's heart sank as well, and she stopped talking.

I'm sorry, girl, the kind big brother you speak of is right in front of you.

Now Lu Qiu really has no way to understand what this human being is thinking.

Obviously, he once showed his fangs to this human being, and obviously planned to eat her, but after she escaped, she started looking for herself instead

What to do... self-destruction

Although it was unexpected for Lu Qiu to meet these two people, but now Lu Qiu's goal is not to suck blood...

Instead, take a pawn named Sule from the hands of the New Federation!

So Lu Qiu closed his eyes, and the armored vehicle had already driven a long distance.

But there is no distance limit for the interchange between the main body of the blood clone and the clone.

Lu Qiu's consciousness shifted to the blood at the airport.

Then, in a certain corner, it gradually transformed into a human body.

The airport, where civilian bodies piled up like a mountain, has been sealed off, and no one can approach it.

At this time, Lu Qiu was wearing casual clothes. Lu Qiu sniffed the smell of blood in the air and found his target.


Military duty is to protect civilians...

Is not it

For the first time, Sule deviated from his own values.

Ever since he joined this organization, he was named a major.

just what I've been doing...

But today, I can only watch civilians die under the guns of so-called soldiers.

Su Le stood in the waiting hall.

Among the corpses of those civilians, I couldn't recover for a long time.

Did I do something wrong? What did I do wrong

"Uh..." Su Le suddenly felt another severe pain in his arm.

time is limited.

After fighting that crow that day, the virus had spread to Sule's entire arm.

Soon, I will become a monster like those zombies.

Just like those monsters who were ruthlessly shot and killed by the new federation.

Is it really okay to go on like this

But... it was his own fault that these civilians were killed.

what do I do? what to do

Su Le fell into confusion, looking at the corpses...

"!" But Su Le noticed that there were traces of life among these corpses.

Not dead yet!

Su Le rushed to a corner of the terminal, squatted down beside a blood-stained person, and stretched out his hand to his chest.

Heart... the sound of a beating heart!

Su Le has never been so happy in his life...

"Wait a minute, I'll call the rescue team right away!" Su Le was about to call the rescue team, but the corner of his clothes was pulled.

"Someone else was taken away by..." A small voice came from the mouth of a 'survivor'.

"There are...survivors?" Su Le thought of this, but his brain suddenly tingled, and an inexplicable memory emerged from Su Le's mind.

When he reacted again, the person in front of him was already dead.

But there were some memories in Su Le's mind that didn't seem to belong to him.

There are still people alive. This is the only thing Su Le knows. He stood up and looked in one direction of the city.

Kidnapped by Black Watch.

must atone for...

Bring them back.

Something called hope rose in Su Le's heart. When he stepped out of the waiting hall, the first thing he did was to look for means of transportation.

"Is the duty of a soldier to protect civilians?" Lu Qiu sat on the top of the airport, and between his five fingers, thin threads made of blood danced chaotically.

A little trick after the blood control level is high can temporarily make a certain corpse act according to Lu Qiu's will, such as resurrection and the like.

"What a great outlook on life, hurry up, those civilians are waiting for you, a hero, to save them."

Lu Qiu snapped his fingers, his body turned into blood and disappeared, and his consciousness turned back to the main body sitting on the armored vehicle.

The magazine of the assault rifle, Lu Qiu, was already full.

The next thing to do is probably...

Completely shattered that major's outlook on life and hopes, and then developed an emotion called hatred, and then became my marionette.

PS: Because the pits in the early stage have not been dug well, the major line is a bit difficult to write... But it will end soon.