Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 72: Why do we fight?


Just how strong is this man Su Wuye

Probably only those who have truly experienced his power can deeply understand this...

It was so strong that it made people feel powerless, even trembling!

As long as he stares at him, his life will be deprived of fear!

Su Le endured the pain that his only arm that could be used changed from flesh to steel, and now he was descending rapidly, with the hurricane blowing on Su Le's cheek... Let him understand how fast he is descending now...

Su Le looked at the windows on the edge of the building that had turned into molten liquid, and there was a figure standing on it. This was a hundred-story building, but that figure jumped down without any fear.

Oops! Su Le wanted to adjust his figure in the air, but the speed of that figure was unbelievably fast, he approached Su Le in the blink of an eye, and then stepped on Su Le's abdomen...

Turning around in the air, another kick kicked Su Le in the face, knocking Su Le's body into the air.

Both of them fell to the ground, the ground trembled slightly, and irregular cracks opened, trembling for this man...

"Cough..." Su Le's body fell to the ground, and the pain in his abdomen almost made Su Le unable to breathe. If he was not a superpower, the blow just now was enough to kill Su Le...

The bones seem to have been broken, after all, falling from such a high place.

Su Le struggled to get up, one of his arms had turned into silver-white metal, and he was completely unconscious...

He supported his body with difficulty, and looked at the man standing not far away with somewhat blurred vision.

The tall figure is wearing a military uniform representing the first marshal of the new Federation, and the expression on his majestic face is always serious and meticulous...

Su Wuye... the ruler of the entire new federation, and even the most powerful person in the entire new federation, has a steel-like heart and a steel-like body.

"Su Le..." He held a silver-white medal in his hand, and on top of that medal was an eagle flying high, representing a new federal major named Su Le!

"I thought you only lost your human body!" The ground under Su Wuye's feet was gradually assimilated by metal, and he looked at Su Le's arm that had been completely corroded by the black light virus... "But!" Su Wuye crushed the medal that recorded Su Le's countless glory: "Unexpectedly, you also abandoned your human heart! Have you completely stood with those monsters?"

the human mind? do i have it Since I was created by you, I am nothing more than a killing machine under your command, obey your orders, and carry out your orders!

What Su Le was thinking in his heart, he didn't say it out, he always replaced his own words with actions, just like the president of the new federation.

Su Le supported his body covered in bruises, stood up tremblingly, and took a deep breath...

"What are you fighting for now! Sule!"

Su Wuye walked towards Su Le step by step. Everything along the way turned into silver-white steel. It seemed that even the air smelled of rust. Su Wuye looked at the wounded Su Le...

"You used to be a major of the New Federation! A soldier of the New Federation! You have the duty to protect the people...so you fought for it! But now, you have become a monster no different from those guys and no longer belong to human beings, so why did you fight? What is supporting you, what is giving you the courage to face me!"

What am I fighting for? Su Le tremblingly raised his infected arm, and the other hand has lost consciousness, and the super power can only be used through gestures.

But with this hand...

Infection... will speed up...

Sule's only few days left to have a human body and human consciousness will be completely deprived.

These black light viruses will completely devour Su Le, turning him into a monster abandoned by humans just as Su Wuye said...

Su Le hesitated... But...

Fighting for... what

Just to repay a favor!

Su Le's infected arm burned with hot flames, circling around Su Wuye's body along the ground.

At this moment, Su Le seemed to explode everything that was left in his life.

The small flames that had surrounded Su Wuye suddenly rioted, and the ground that had turned into steel was melted into **, and the flames wanted to illuminate the entire pitch-black night.

The sun... a second round of the sun appeared in the sky, and an object as viscous as magma on the ground spread over the open space below the building, venting its heat...

This is the horror of human evolution.

The temperature of the flames that erupted this time was even close to the temperature of the surface of the sun! Not to mention Su Wuye in the center of these flames!

But Su Le understood that this could not cause any substantial harm to Su Wuye at all...

Sure enough, in the dazzling flames, Su Wuye, who had lost his upper body clothes, slowly walked out of the scorching temperature. On the surface of his skin, it was not the color that humans should have, but a color like steel melted by the flames.

Su Wuye still maintained that icy face, he looked at Su Le, as if he was looking at a dying little mouse...

"It's a pity that I can't fight side by side with you again, Major!" Su Wuye had already made plans to kill Su Le, but there was something that should not belong here that emerged from the ground melted by the flames.

The arm of the skeleton... A white skeleton arm popped out of the ground discordantly. This arm wanted to grab Su Wuye's foot, but before it could get close to Su Wuye, it turned into steel and froze in place.

Fighting side by side, Su Wuye's words reminded Su Le that he is not alone! And... that little girl.

The silver-haired girl who looked very immature appeared behind Su Le at some point, watching all this with a blank face, and then... She pulled out the handle of Frostmourne in her hand!

The wrath of the Lich King will be borne by the whole world, let everything turn to frost!

This is Alsace's true thoughts in her heart!

After the endless heat, a soul-stinging chill began to spread. The ground that had been melted like molten lava was instantly frozen, and the ice-blue frost blew around Su Wuye's body!

In the end, the coldness like a curse, whether from the body or the soul, descended on Su Wuye's body...

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