Unfathomable Doomsday

Chapter 83: The eve of the final battle


Replacing defense with offense has always been something Lu Qiu likes to do.

Lu Qiu has many habits that are not what a qualified vampire should have.

In addition to the most characteristic of not returning home, it is more of an aggression.

A real vampire is not as cruel as humans think, it is the kind that almost bites everyone. It is not a vampire, but a savage mad dog.

Vampires who obey the secret party's dogma, hiding in the world is their creed.

Most vampires are more aristocratic than human nobles, this is not a legend...

In the past two months, some brief introductions similar to the development history of vampires have appeared in Lu Qiu's head. Lu Qiu himself does not know where these things popped up.

But it contains some mysterious and powerful technical knowledge of magic, which is very useful for Lu Qiu.

Now Lu Qiu is using this unrecognized power... magic in this world occupied by technology.

After the vampire hunter came to visit Lu Qiu, the destroyed study room was left unused for the time being, and he just changed another room.

There was no need for Lu Qiu to avoid Fan Helsing, anyway, he wanted to have a good fight in the end...

The sooner this world ends, the better.

"What the hell are you..." Lu Qiu held a stone and a metal that looked like a key in his hand, and he didn't put it in for a long time.

There was a bit of silence in the whole manor.

Alsace and Alex were sent by Lu Qiu to test the strength of the wall.

As a good child, Yuli went back to the brood early to sleep.

Tokisaki Kurumi...

She didn't know whether she was afraid or had other thoughts, but she went out with Alsace.

So in this manor, only Lu Qiu was left sitting here, and it happened that no one would disturb Lu Qiu's experiment.

Lu Qiu felt that the purpose of Van Helsing giving him the key was not that simple.

But no matter what Lu Qiu thinks, if he wakes up the sleeping life in this stone, then the fate of this world will be a foregone conclusion!

That is destruction!

Lu Qiu once tested the level of the creature inside through the system, and the result turned out to be a seventh-level life!

This is an existence that transcends S-class superpowers, and is more destructive than S-class superpowers.

And also has a powerful ability to control magic.

Magic... Lu Qiu can be sure that the power possessed by exorcists can be called existence...

The only thing that can break through the barrier created by magic is the extremely sharp sword forged by magic.

Lu Qiu felt that the life sleeping in the stone was extremely destructive.

But the feedback from the system is that this life will surrender to the existence that wakes it up.

This is exactly what Lu Qiu wanted.

"Let me see your real body."

Lu Qiu inserted the key into the lock, and it fit perfectly, making the sound of gears turning, and the sound of lightning and thunder...

The light from the coffin-like stone completely illuminates the dark room.

"Wake up..." The stone escaped from Lu Qiu's hand and flew into the air.

Lu Qiu was waiting for a miracle to happen, but Alex's voice sounded in his ear.

"Lu Qiu! I'm trapped by some A-level ability users! You seem to be in big trouble..."

Virus communication, the black light virus now has the ability to spread in the air, and can slowly infect dead humans into zombies. As a virus prototype, Alex can take his words to any place through the black light virus spreading in the air.

"You killed five A-level ability users." Lu Qiu's attention was focused on the stone that started to sound like a beating heart in midair: "You have absorbed their excellent genes, so you can definitely deal with them, right?"

"If my deduction is correct, there are currently two S-level superpowers and more than five A-level superpowers heading to your location. Their goal is to snipe and kill you! Don't collide head-on!"


At this moment, an angry roar suddenly sounded in the manor.

It was an infected body. I really didn't take Yuli, the virus mother, seriously. Now there are many infected bodies of high level lurking underground in the entire manor.

Lu Qiu listened to the extremely lively sound of lightning, thunder and thunder outside the room...

"Have they all come? Ah... they're all here, the final battle."

This is what Lu Qiu expected.

"How can you escape! This is a good opportunity to drive them all together."

Lu Qiu cut off the connection with Alex.

Now Alsace is probably held back by them, including Tokisaki Kurumi together...

Although the time will not be too long, it does not take long to kill a person.

The stones suspended in the sky absorb everything floating in the air... The dangerous energy keeps splitting, pulling and merging!

A terrifying life is gradually waking up...

Before it fully wakes up, Lu Qiu must first receive those impolite 'guests'.

The infected body in the manor is a nightmare for humans, but for superpowers, it just takes a little time to kill life.

Lu Qiu stood in the hall of this manor, quietly waiting for those brave human beings to open the door and enter...

Didn't make any extra preparations, just waited.

Lu Qiu felt that his preparations were enough.

At the moment when Judgment Day began, Lu Qiu took Alsace and her undead army to sweep back and forth across the entire sub-continent. The pace of the undead army was invincible. Wherever it went, it was a natural disaster, and where the ashes burned, it would be destroyed!

That bloody massacre, which lasted for more than half a month, made everyone in the world deeply realize what kind of existence this vampire is!

After everything was over, Lu Qiu embarked on the journey to Europe on the bloody sub-continent.

Human beings are such a kind of creature. When they are not driven to a desperate situation, it is almost impossible for human beings to truly unite!

Every country has more or less one or several A-level superpowers. This is the only obstacle... But the power of one person is always slim. In the boundless sea of skeletons and zombies, it is really too difficult to protect a country with personal strength.

Just like this bit by bit, Lu Qiu's footprints spread all over the world, and he also spread despair all over the world.

It is really too difficult to protect something, but it is a hundred times easier to destroy it!

The reverse is also true. It is much easier for rulers to send large armies to capture other countries than to send large armies to defend their own.

Today, human beings are finally no longer on the defensive side, but on the offensive side...

But this doesn't mean that Lu Qiu is the defender...

Because of this world, Lu Qiu has nothing to protect.

The hatred of the whole world is concentrated on Lu Qiu, now Lu Qiu needs to accept the anger of this world...

"Come on..." Lu Qiu's pupils shimmered in the darkness: "Crush the last strength of mankind..."

PS: This volume will be finished soon, and then go to the next world~