Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 100: Butterfly Throne 09┃ These things, of course I know very well


Mu Qin sat on the throne for a while, time passed by, the map of the throne was still silent, without Mu Qin's driving, the surrounding thorns and vines shrank in place and remained motionless.

The faceless man never appeared again. Mu Qin couldn't understand what the faceless man was thinking, but he felt that the faceless man would definitely come back to him.

Before the faceless man came back to find him, Mu Qin knew that he could not sit still, he pondered for a long time, and decided to take some risky actions.

For example, try the power of the Butterfly Throne.

The king who was killed by Mu Qin before had the power to possess some ordinary people in the real world and control them mentally. Xie Zhu, Zhou Yue's mother who was once possessed by the king, is a typical example.

Mu Qin felt that he should be able to do it too. If he could control people in the real world, he might be able to determine Zhou Yue's situation through other people's bodies and eyes. Mu Qin wanted to see if Zhou Yue was in the real world. Wake up peacefully...whether you can live well.

However, the idea of "going to see Zhou Yue in the real world" was just a whirl in Mu Qin's mind, and was quickly rejected by Mu Qin.

The reason for rejecting this idea is that Mu Qin is very worried. If he returns to the present world and controls someone to see Zhou Yue, will this behavior be discovered by the Faceless Man? If the Faceless Man finds out, will the Faceless Man do something to Zhou Yue... something Mu Qin can't predict

Mu Qin was very scared. Although he looked very calm now, sitting on the throne with a poker face and looking calm, in fact, Mu Qin was so scared that he couldn't restrain his body trembling.

He was very afraid that Zhou Yue would be killed by the faceless man.

Before, the Faceless Man just destroyed Zhou Yue's body in the marginal world in front of Mu Qin. This action made Mu Qin feel like a bird of fright.

Mu Qin didn't know if the Faceless Man had harmed Zhou Yue's soul, or destroyed Zhou Yue's body in the real world. But as long as he thinks of this possibility, Mu Qin feels fear.

He didn't want Zhou Yue to die.

Even though he was afraid, Mu Qin still couldn't ask the Faceless Man about things related to Zhou Yue, because it might offend him.

The Faceless Man is the will of the world, controlling the entire fringe world, and even all the players in the fringe world. Mu Qin's power is simply immeasurable. Once he angers the other party, Zhou Yue's life is very likely to be lost.

For now, Mu Qin can only try his best to keep his own place and act conservatively.

As long as he no longer has anything to do with Mu Qin, Zhou Yue will become an ordinary person again, and he will live normally in the normal world.

Although Mu Qin still wanted to see him very much, wanted to put aside the burden, and wanted to be desperate.

In this duel, Mnuchin is not completely without chips.

Mu Qin knew that the Faceless Man should have some strange... attachments to him

It's like the feeling of wanting to be "together forever".

Mu Qin didn't know if he had inadvertently spied on the memory of the world's will, as Jin said. In short, the dreams that Muqin had... those dreams about the two brothers Amu Ashin.

Through these dreams, Mu Qin grasped an important message. He believed that the faceless man was probably evolved from one of the two brothers, Amu Ashin.

But he wasn't sure which one it was.

Mu Qin has roughly observed the character of the faceless man. Judging from the current behavior and character of the Faceless Man, although the Faceless Man claims to be Ashin, Mu Qin believes that he is not Ashin.

Ashin in the dream is more lively, cheerful and reckless. Ashin has a girl he likes, and he is a very smiling boy.

And Ashin's elder brother, Amu, is more in line with the current image of the faceless man, gentle and a bit indifferent and decisive, and has a very deep obsession with his younger brother.

However, this is just Mu Qin's personal thoughts, the truth cannot be studied, after all, the things Mu Qin dreamed of are incomplete. What happened to the brothers Amu Ashin and what caused one of them to become the faceless man today, Muqin still doesn't know anything about it.

"Claim to be Ashin, and think of me as his brother Amu." Mu Qin stretched out his hand a little annoyedly and scratched the messy hair on his head, falling into a bottomless pit-like puzzle.

There must be something wrong with this,

Mu Qin is sure that he is neither Ah Mu nor Ashin, he is definitely not one of the two brothers, he exists independently in this world, he has pure self-will... This kind of unfounded self-confidence is strange, but Mu Qin Never questioned myself.

But if Mu Qin is no one, why did he appear here, why was he selected, and why was he born

Don't think about it anymore.

No matter how much you think about it, you will not get a definite answer. It is better to deal with the things in front of you.

Mu Qin decided to temporarily put aside complicated and heavy thoughts, empty his mind and relax his body. He stretched out his hand to rest on the armrest of the throne, and slowly experienced the new power brought to him by this throne.

At the same time, Jin had finished the last game of the "Gymnasium" map, successfully escaped, and returned to his own safe house.

Jin was the only human survivor in the stadium map, and he got a pretty good reward for going back and forth with the ghost a lot.

At the moment, Jin is sorting out his reward points, visited the game mall, and visited the card dealer on the "blackboard" to see if there are any props or cards that can be traded.

While Jin was talking to the card merchant through the blackboard, Jin found a stranger leaving a message next to his engraved handwriting. The stranger wrote in Morse code: Do you have time? I need to talk to you, number 13.

At the end of the sentence, the stranger also engraved a stick figure of a butterfly.

After seeing the stranger's message, Jin's pupils shrank slightly, and he even stopped breathing for a while, but he quickly calmed down and chatted with the stranger who came to the meeting for no reason. They were in the corner of the "blackboard", using Morse code and some special titles, engraved line after line of dialogue.

Kim wrote: I think you should have survived well, Butterfly.

The stranger replied: Butterfly? Your charades are as bad as ever.

Jin smiled and continued to write on the blackboard: If it was really bad, you wouldn't use the butterfly as a sign... so how are you doing now

Stranger: I don't know, maybe it's being monitored, so I borrowed the hand and pen of a stranger to talk to you.

Jin was stunned: Are you attached to someone else? On a player

Stranger: Of course, since I have obtained this "power and power", I must use it well, but I am a novice, so I can't hold on for too long, we need a quick solution.

Jin Hui: Okay, what do you want to know

Stranger: I need you to explain your situation well.

Jin seemed to understand what the other party meant, and wrote: I also want to explain, but there are too many things involved, and I don’t have the time to explain them one by one, so I will tell you the most important ones.

Jin then wrote a lot of dense words on the blackboard, using Morse code mixed with various pinyin symbols, traditional characters, and seal characters. Because there were too many mixed codes and secret codes, strangers could not decipher them at once, so he asked the safe house system to get them. With a pen and paper, I copied Jin's handwriting on the blackboard.

Jin wrote these contents very slowly, and it seemed that he was deliberately stuck with the clearing time of the blackboard, so when the stranger copied all the contents, the clearing effect of the blackboard began to gradually erase the contents written by Jin in turn. Lose.

Jin: I think you should use a pen to copy what I wrote, and you can read it slowly.

Jin: The situation is a little bit bad. My defense mechanism is breaking out. In order to avoid being discovered by the Lord, we disconnect first. I will immediately start a new game to confuse the public. Eight hours later, I will be on the blackboard again. message.

After saying these words, Jin no longer continued to write on the blackboard, and the handwriting on the blackboard completely disappeared with the passage of time, because there were other players leaving messages on the blackboard, and many new handwriting would gradually emerge. Jin and The conversations of strangers are like a drop in the ocean in this "ocean of messages", which are quickly forgotten.

And the "stranger" who talked to Jin was a newcomer who had just joined the fringe world, named Wang Yu, male, 35 years old, died of murder, and his system code was 4657.

Not long ago, Wang Yu had just gone through his first level as a novice and escaped with a narrow escape. After he returned to the safe house, his personal system began to tell him some basic common sense of the marginal world.

However, halfway through the system's speech, Wang Yu suddenly trembled all over, lowered his head for a moment, then turned around and ignored the speaking system. Wang Yu walked to the blackboard where the players communicated, asked for a knife, pen, and paper, and started talking to someone on the blackboard.

Each player has a personal system, and the personal system adopts lifelong one-on-one service, except for taking care of the player's daily life and game-related activities in the safe house. In other respects, the personal system is also a monitor, which will send the player's behavior and activities in the safe house to the "main system" in the marginal world in the form of data.

The "main system" of the fringe world is equivalent to the assistant of the will of the fringe world, an all-round AI assistant, responsible for the maintenance and repair of the fringe world, and managing all the "sub-systems" - the personal systems of the players, the monitoring system in the game map , the operating system of the card mechanism, etc., all belong to the branch of the main system.

Whenever a player dies, the player's exclusive personal system will be deleted by the main system accordingly, but the personal data of the dead player will be saved in the database of the main system.

Every day, these personal systems that work tirelessly without sleep will continuously upload data to the main system. The data are the pictures captured and recorded by the personal system when the player is moving around in the safe house.

There are thousands of players in the fringe world, and the videos of all of them will be uploaded simultaneously. Because the data is relatively large, the main system will only scan it roughly to confirm the physical and mental state of the players.

Most of the players in the fringe world are actually not in a particularly good state of mind, especially those players who have been in a closed and depressive environment for a long time, their behavior and words are a bit crazy.

Among so many crazy players, Wang Yu is particularly inconspicuous. Even though he had a grandiose conversation with Jin on the blackboard for a long time, and he was cracking some Morse codes and various complex codes that he had never learned before, but He also didn't attract the attention of the main system at all.

This cannot be blamed on the main system. Although the main system monitors and controls most of the systems and maps in the marginal world, there are still some places that it cannot control, that is, the throne map and the king.

Once the Butterfly Throne appears on a certain map, and a player sits on it and becomes the king, then from the moment the king "takes the throne", the throne map is separated from the control of the main system and becomes an independent map , its power is also independent.

These throne maps and kings are not managed by the main system, but are monitored and controlled by the will of the world.

Perhaps it is because of its too strong power. Long ago, the will of the marginal world was hindered by something called "rules". The rules made the marginal will only act recklessly in its own marginal world, and the marginal world The reality outside the world, which is not allowed to touch, is always out of reach.

Because it cannot directly interfere with reality, the marginal will thought of a way. It found that although it could not directly control the life and death of people in the real world, it could invade the dreams of ordinary people in the real world and affect the will of this person by entering the dream.

The early fringe world was established in this way. The fringe will constantly invaded other people's dreams, allowing these dreamers to record the things they dreamed in various forms in a very subtle way, thus leaving all kinds of memories in the real world. various "mediums".

Those who come into contact with these media will be imprinted with the imprint of the marginal world, and those who bear the imprint will be pulled into the world wandering on the edge of death and dreams after death.

Later, the marginal will found a way to make it more convenient to interfere with reality.

That is to create the Butterfly Throne, so that some confused souls wandering in the fringe world can ascend this seat to become kings, and give them a certain degree of power.

The power of the king is much weaker than that of the marginal will, so the kings will not be easily hindered by "rules".

Therefore, the king can directly invade the real world and possess some people, which is also what the marginal will wants.

It's a pity that these kings are too weak, and their possession can't last too long, and those who are possessed and controlled by them, what they do during the period, the negative impact and destructive power will be destroyed "Rules" are revised, memories are cleared, and results are tampered with.

Previously, Mu Qin, Zhou Yue and others thought that in the real world, the reason why their memories related to the marginal world would be erased and things related to the marginal world would be changed was because of the will of the marginal world... But in fact Not at all.

It's all about rules.

The fringe will actually... has always hoped to make the world aware of its own existence, and let the world know the existence of the fringe world, but it can't do it.

The rules don't allow it.

What exactly are rules, when and why were they born? These...even though the marginal will is so strong, they still haven't been able to fully figure it out.

The rules are a huge barrier, straddling the border and reality abruptly, perfectly separating the two worlds.

The more powerful you are, the more you are bound by "rules".

It's just that the marginal will is still not reconciled.

It must come back to the real world.

After a series of calculations, Wang Yu finally unlocked the secret Jin left him.

Don't look at the densely packed long list of content that Jin left for Wang Yu, in fact, after all the interpretations are completed, there is not much content.

Jin mentioned a lot of things, but some of these contents were already known to Wang Yu.

For example: the edge world will be "updated". Every time it is updated, Edge World will completely delete files, and all player data, map data, card props, skills and other data will be completely eliminated.

The files are deleted, and the players will all die. The only way to avoid death is to find the Butterfly Throne. Only by ascending the throne and becoming the king can they survive.

The renewal period requires fifteen years of present time. Fifteen years later, the fringe world will automatically restart, absorbing new souls to become new players in the game.

The above points are known to Wang Yu.

And what he didn't know about... Kim wrote:

First, the next update of the edge world will come soon, and the update date will be about six months later, on the night of the full moon, almost half a year later.

Second, the last update of the fringe world was twenty-four years ago, and the update needs to completely close the fringe world for fifteen years. But fifteen years later, the border world did not automatically restart as scheduled, but was delayed for a full five years before it was artificially opened four years ago.

Third, the group of people who opened the border world four years ago are believers in the border world. This group of people has mental problems. It is reported that they have been mentally oppressed for a long time after being repeatedly invaded by the world's will, leading to mental breakdown. A group of people with abnormal behavior, Jin's parents are one of them. King didn't know at the time exactly what method they used to restart the game.

Fourth, Jin was used as a "sacrifice" by his parents. He was forced to kill and was killed by his parents, and then came to the edge of the world. Like his parents, he has been invaded by the spirit of the world will for a long time, so he has formed a "believer" personality, and is also affected by some emotions of the world will.

Fifth, Jin has done many investigations in the fringe world. The main investigation items are: why the fringe world did not restart as scheduled nine years ago, and how did his parents and his disciples restart the fringe world four years ago

Sixth, investigation result 01: When the fringe world was about to restart nine years ago, an unknown person obtained the core of the fringe world and "sealed" it by unknown means.

Investigation result 02: The group of people, including Jin's parents, found the core and lifted the seal, restarting the fringe world.

King tried to keep his list of things he knew one by one as short as possible, and at the end of what he wrote, he concluded with a sentence: "I never expected to escape from life, but I want to end this everything."

Wang Yu bowed his head and sat cross-legged on the ground, stacking the materials written in his hands on his knees. He bit the pen and read the materials several times, then took out the lighter in his trouser pocket, and burned the papers.

The burning was still not enough, Wang Yu turned his head, pointed to the ashes of the burnt paper on the ground, and said to the system behind him, "I clear out all the garbage."

Wang Yu's personal system activated the safe house cleaning mode, and all the garbage disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Wang Yu didn't speak anymore, he sat still in front of the blackboard again, looking at the blackboard as if in a daze.

After a while, Wang Yu suddenly trembled all over, he suddenly raised his head and stood up, looked around, showing a bewildered expression.

"What happened just now?" Wang Yu felt as if he had lost consciousness briefly, "Did I fall asleep?"

Wang Yu's personal system replied to him: "The player is conscious and not asleep."

"What?" Wang Yu was even more baffled, scratching his head vigorously, but couldn't figure out what was so strange, so he said to the system: "System... you should have explained the rules of the game to me just now, right? Where did you say that? I don't seem to be paying much attention."

The system is very patient: "If the player doesn't pay attention to listen, the system can repeat it for the player. Do I need to explain the game rules from the beginning?"

"Tell me, I'll listen to it again." Wang Yu forgot about the question that he seemed to have lost consciousness just now, and returned to the system.

On a deserted throne map, Mu Qin, who was sitting on the throne, opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found a person sitting next to him. The sudden appearance of this person made Mu Qin tremble without a trace. He had to admit that he was taken aback.

But even if he was frightened, it was difficult for Mu Qin to show it on his face. He calmly turned his head to look at the person who suddenly appeared beside him.

"I thought you wouldn't come to me." Mu Qin said this deliberately, "After all, we don't seem to be happy with each other."

"How could it be?" The Faceless Man answered Mu Qin with a gloomy voice, "We still have to stay together for a long time, and there will always be friction when we get along, as long as we get used to it."

After all, the Faceless Man paused, turned his head and looked at Mu Qin, mainly seeing the bruises on Mu Qin's neck, "I'm sorry, I can't control my emotions well, so I hurt you... Next I won't do it this time."

The faceless man's sight also made Mu Qin touch his neck, and Mu Qin smiled sarcastically, "There is such a thing as hurting someone... if there is a first time, there will be a second time, I am not convinced by your words. "

"I don't want to quarrel with you, Mu Qin." The faceless man's voice was gentle and helpless, "I care about you very much, and I need you very much."

"Then you have to give me a reason?" Mu Qin sneered, "I have never seen you, and I don't know you. You are like a stranger to me. Why should I respond to the expectations of a stranger?"

The faceless man seemed excited again: "I'm Ashin, how could you not know me!?"

"You are not Ashin." Mu Qin retorted again, "I am not Ah Mu either."

"Don't provoke me, Muqin." The faceless man's voice was full of threats.

Mu Qin really doesn't dare to provoke the other party, but obediently following other people's wishes and doing things he doesn't want to do is not in line with Mu Qin's character.

So Mu Qin looked at the faceless man's blurred face expressionlessly, and there were some ripples in his heart, as if he thought of something interesting, so Mu Qin smiled at the faceless man: "Ah Mu and Ah Xin They're all dead."

This sentence is Mu Qin's temptation. In fact, he doesn't know whether the two brothers are dead or not, and how they died, but he has such a guess, even though he is not sure.

However, the faceless man's reaction quickly confirmed Mu Qin's conjecture. The faceless man said gloomyly: "Death...is just a new beginning."

"Is the person who started over really the original one?" Mu Qin asked again.

"Of course!" The Faceless Man emphasized, "Of course it's the original one!"

"Someone once told me." Mu Qin said, "The dead will go to a dark, peaceful, extremely peaceful place where there is nothing."

"They will lose all memory, no emotion, no hatred or love. They will wander aimlessly and become one with the darkness. They will have nothing, and of course they will lose nothing."

Mu Qin looked at the faceless man seriously: "Do you really think that the person who wakes up from that place will be the original person?"

"Shut up, Muqin." The faceless man said in a sharp tone, "Don't talk nonsense...Of course I know these things very well."