Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 11: Iris Flower 11┃The courage to kneel in front of your brother's grave to atone for sin


At this point, Mu Qin is only suspicious.

But later, when Mu Qin led Qiu Zijia and Cheng Guoxu to search the chapel, and Cheng Guoxu showed Mu Qin the stack of documents, Mu Qin thought Cheng Guoxu's identity was worth exploring.

Because Cheng Guoxu tore up a page of the employee list in the document.

From Cheng Guoxu's standpoint, the list of employees of the orphanage has nothing to do with him. He shouldn't have any reason to tear it up, unless the torn page registered Cheng Guoxu didn't want Mu Qin to see the information, such as that employee was someone Cheng Guoxu knew well... or Cheng Guoxu himself.

When I got the document, I found that there was a list of myself in it. I didn't want people to know that I was also an employee of the orphanage. I tore it up in a hurry and showed it to Mu Qin. I used this guilty conscience to prove that I was not abnormal. However, after Xu Fu and Han Li came to the church and heard the conversation between Xu Fu and Han Li, Cheng Guoxu couldn't bear it, and with the idea of fighting hard, he made a move.

"Cheng Guoxu probably heard Xu Fu questioning Han Li about the news that several children in the Iris Flower Orphanage were murdered by serial killers ten years ago. He realized that Xu Fu was tracking down the murderer back then. , as long as it is found out that it is Cheng Guoxu, Cheng Guoxu will definitely die. That's why Cheng Guoxu took the risk and wanted to act first and kill Xu Fu first to protect himself." After analysis, Mu Qin came to such a conclusion.

After hearing this, Qiu Zijia trembled and said, "You mean, Cheng Guoxu is the serial killer who tortured and killed children ten years ago?"

"Although there is no direct evidence, judging from his reaction, it should be more or less the same." Mu Qin rubbed his arms, raised his head and glanced at the dark, boundless and rainy sky.

This sudden news seemed to be difficult for Qiu Zijia to digest. He put his hands on his head: "So we have been working with a vicious serial killer?"

"It's said to be vicious, but it's not really that." Mu Qin walked under the tree in the dark, and he touched Han Li's arm. Han Li's body was slightly cold, and then Mu Qin touched Han Li's forehead. Sure enough, it was boiling hot.

Mu Qin said: "A person like Cheng Guoxu, I can tell at a glance that he is timid, low self-esteem and cowardly, not strong enough to fight against adults, and he has no confidence to defeat adults, so he can only attack children. This This kind of person is extremely inferior and conceited, and his heart is evil and filthy, if he dares to jump out and attack Xu Fu today, it must have taken all his courage in his life."

"Oh...that's ridiculous." Qiu Zijia was showing signs of a nervous breakdown. He hugged his head and began to pull his hair, "So, it's true... each of us has a criminal record, and we are all drug-free. A scumbag who can be saved, that's why he was sent here... This so-called killing game is punishing us, right? Since we are all dead, then... this is hell!?"

Mu Qin turned his head to look in Qiu Zijia's direction: "Have you ever committed a crime?"

"I..." Qiu Zijia paused for a moment, and finally told the truth, "I killed my brother."

"Your brother?" Mu Qin was also taken aback for a moment, "Did you say the one your parents adopted?"

"Yes." Qiu Zijia became calm under the pressure, "I forced him to commit suicide. I was only six years old at the time."

"Six years old?" Mu Qin couldn't believe it, "You can kill your brother? At your age at that time, you probably don't even understand the meaning of the word 'forced to death'?"

"Yes, it's really very simple." Qiu Zijia suddenly laughed, that kind of self-deprecating smile, "I really didn't understand the meaning of the word 'forced to death' when I was six years old. I was naive and terrible...you The kind of unimaginable ... how horrible a child's innocence is."

"Since I was conscious and learned to speak, I had a simple dislike for my brother. At that time, the mentality... I felt that he stole my parents' attention. It was a very simple mentality. Every child would have The care and attention of parents are doing their best, or crying or acting like a baby. The only child is okay, if there are brothers and sisters... As you can imagine, older brothers or younger brothers, older sisters or younger sisters will all try to steal resources and attention from their parents , and tried their best to suppress their brothers and sisters."

"This kind of behavior is a biological instinct. Even a litter of puppies will crowd and compete with each other to grab the tits of the bitch. There is not much difference between humans and animals."

As Qiu Zijia spoke, his voice became lower and lower: "So, in order to compete for resources, even though I was only six years old, I already had very dark thoughts. I hate my brother very much. I hope he gets out of this family, especially in the After listening to his parents occasionally mentioning that he is not biological, this kind of thinking is even more serious."

"But I was very young at that time, and my behavior of suppressing him was very naive. Even if my parents gave him anything, I would grab it. Books, toys, school supplies, even clothes and shoes bought for my brother, everything, as long as the parents If I bring it, I will snatch it away. I will use or destroy these things myself, and I will return them to him like throwing garbage after playing until I don’t want them.”

"At that time, my parents were also very fond of me. This is the reason why I have always been confident. In the eyes of my parents, my adopted brother may not be as good as my own. They did not show much love and concern for my brother. They acquiesced in all my unreasonable behavior towards my brother, so under the invisible connivance of my parents, my oppression against my brother became more and more intense."

"I wantonly took my brother's personal belongings, destroyed or discarded them, tore up his homework and textbooks, threw garbage on him, splashed water on him, and hit him with things, causing him to have wounds on his body from morning till night. I don't want to talk to him We ate together, and as soon as he came to the table, I would cry and throw the bowl, so my brother could only eat in his own room after that. Later, I was dissatisfied that his room was bigger than mine, so my parents asked me to switch rooms with him. He had to live in a small, cramped room."

"I even pushed him down the stairs. Although the stairs were not very high, he hit his head and his face was covered with blood. When my parents were about to take me to the hospital, I was crying and screaming, so my parents could only guard me, and He went to the hospital for stitches by himself."

Qiu Zijia paused for a long time when he said this, and looked at Mu Qin: "It's scary, isn't it? When I think about it, I feel that I was really scary at that time. How could I be so evil? It's just... it's indescribable..."

"No, it's not that you're terrible, it's that your parents are terrible." Mu Qin expressed his opinion, and he thought: "Your parents didn't restrain and stop you, they used acquiescence to expand your unreasonable and even cruel Behavior, when you bully your brother, they pamper you and pamper you, forgive you unconditionally and fulfill your every request, this is a 'reward'."

"Reward?" Qiu Zijia stared at Mu Qin blankly.

Mu Qin said: "That's right, it's rewards. You were a child at the time, and your behavior was very easy to control. They just let you form the concept of 'you can get rewards as long as you bully your brother'. Under this concept, your behavior If you shape it, you will become more and more violent, take pleasure in bullying your brother, and even do more and more excessive things under the bottomless pampering of your parents."

"Is this really the case?" Qiu Zijia seemed unconvinced, he looked a little dazed, "My brother died in the end, and when I hated him more and more and bullied him, my parents made the decision to let him go to school for boarding. But he needs living expenses as a boarder at school, and every weekend he will go home to ask his parents for living expenses. One day when he came back on the weekend, I stole thousands of dollars from my mother’s bag and put them in his schoolbag, and put The act of theft was blamed on him, and then his parents scolded him and took all the money on him, and drove him out of the house. He didn't seem to think about it outside, so he jumped off the building and committed suicide. superior."

"That was the first time I saw a bloody corpse." Qiu Zijia said, "The strange thing is that I am not afraid, even less scared than the corpse I saw in the stairwell today, and I have never done it. Nightmare, but I always dream about my brother's body, he's in my dream, lying there all the time, bloody and bloody."

"I'm a selfish person, Mu Qin." Qiu Zijia laughed at himself, "I haven't reflected on myself for so many years. I grew up carelessly, squandering time and money, turning a blind eye to the sufferings of others, stepping on My brother's body and blood have survived to this day, and I am such a damned person... I have finally come to retribution."

Mu Qin stared at Qiu Zijia for a while, and said, "Qiu Zijia, I think you were frightened by Xu Fu just now. You are not in a good mental state and tend to self-destruct."

Qiu Zijia stared at Mu Qin suddenly: "Why are you so calm?"

Mu Qin paused for a moment: "Calm? I must remain calm in this state."

"Don't you think you're too calm?" Qiu Zijia suddenly yelled at Mu Qin, and the sound of the rain could not cover his roar, "From the beginning of this so-called 'game'! Since I saw you, You don't have much expression on your face, you always analyze everything with a blank face, neither surprised nor scared, you... "

Qiu Zijia looked at Mu Qin tremblingly: "Aren't you really that killer?"

Mu Qin was silent, staring at Qiu Zijia for a while, and then replied: "I am a soldier, and I have received relevant training. It is normal to be calm. If I am hysterical like you now, I am really finished. And the murderer is obviously Xu Fu Come on, Qiu Zijia, there is indeed something wrong with your mental state... and Han Li has a fever now, we need to find a safe place to stay, and we can't continue to get wet in the rain."

"Leave me alone." Qiu Zijia suddenly said surprisingly, he lowered his head, "I am useless at all, the meaning of existence is to hold you back, so you just need to leave me, you are a very good person , is more likely to survive than me."

"Are you going to give up?" Mu Qin understood Qiu Zijia's mentality, because the current situation is really bad. Two of the six people died, and the killers were Xu Fu, whose strength and physical fitness were far superior to those present, plus a useless female teacher who had a high fever, and there was no sign of the key to the exit of the gate. In such a large orphanage, finding the hope of escape is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Desperation is completely normal.

That's why Qiu Zijia said, "I give up."

"After you easily forced your brother to death, did you easily force yourself to death?" Mu Qin looked at him expressionlessly, "A cowardly person, don't you even have the courage to go back alive and kneel in front of your brother's grave to atone for your sins?" ?”

Qiu Zijia raised his head to look at Mu Qin, and couldn't help laughing: "You look very indifferent... you are actually a good person."

"I only do what is necessary." Mu Qin said, "Your chance of survival is at least higher than that of Han Li, and there is no need to give up in a hurry."