Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 113: Silent Classroom 02┃I obviously waited for him for so long


The loss of memory caused Zhou Yue to fall into a brief panic. Terrified, he subconsciously began to search his belongings, trying to find the belongings that could prove his identity.

Then he noticed that he was wearing a dress that didn't fit very well and was a little baggy. It was the kind of gray long trousers, monotonous without any patterns, like the clothes of prisoners in a prison.

He also has a pair of gray cloth shoes on his feet, which are also simple marching shoes.

Wearing this weird outfit in a music classroom that has not been cleaned for a long time is really a frustrating and confusing thing.

Although Zhou Yue has no memory at the moment, he subconsciously believes that the clothes and shoes he is wearing are definitely not his own clothes and shoes, because the clothes make him feel uncomfortable, with a subtle fear Feeling... He thought it might be put on by an enemy with malicious intentions.

These malicious guys not only changed his clothes, but also sent him to this dusty classroom, perhaps for some ulterior purpose.

Zhou Yue, who calmed down, quickly analyzed and thought about his situation and problems in a short period of time. After he thought it through, he soon made a new discovery. He took out two... cards in his pocket

This is a kind of card called Tarot... Zhou Yue felt that he was unexpectedly familiar with this kind of card.

These two cards are a Wheel of Fortune and a Reversed Lover.

The Wheel of Fortune is a card that reverses life and death.

When you hold the Wheel of Fortune, if you predict that you will suffer a lot of fatal damage and die, you can touch this card in advance and say "Activate" silently, and then the Wheel of Fortune will continue to take effect within ten minutes.

While the Wheel of Fortune is in effect, all the fatal damage you have received will be cancelled, and you can still move and run like a normal person, and the more damage you receive, the faster your speed will gradually increase.

During the effective period of the Wheel of Fortune, you will not fall down due to injury, you are immune to pain and various control effects to a certain extent, the killer cannot easily grasp you, and you can take this opportunity to escape.

The Wheel of Fortune has a slight boost to your luck, you will easily escape from difficult situations and always choose the right path.

However, once the validity period of the wheel of fortune has passed, the power of reversing life and death will no longer protect you, and your various values will return to their original levels.

The above are the contents that naturally emerged in Zhou Yue's mind when he took out the Wheel of Fortune in his pocket. This may be part of his lost memory, and he recalled it as a matter of course when he got some reference objects.

It's just that what he recalled made Zhou Yue very horrified, because the function of the Wheel of Fortune card was more like a prop card for some kind of horror game, a prop card that works at once and allows you to escape from birth.

Such a game item card appeared in Zhou Yue's hand at this moment.

Deep down in Zhou Yue's heart, he didn't doubt the authenticity of this card at all. He undoubtedly...believed in the effect of this card.

Zhou Yue didn't dare to think deeply, he frowned and put the Wheel of Fortune back in his pocket, then looked at another card.

The other card is Reversed Lover. When Zhou Yue saw this card, related memories also appeared in Zhou Yue's mind.

He remembered that reversed cards are basically cards that only killers can use, and reversed lovers can only be used by killers naturally. Its function is to let killers unconditionally bind a human as a "lovers" (must be seen and touched. Humans), after binding, the killer can be directly teleported to the "lover" anytime and anywhere.

But the lover card is not infinitely transmitted, there is a CD and a limit on the number of uses, and the CD cannot be transmitted continuously within three minutes after transmission. The number of uses is limited to 8 times, and the number of uses of the positive and reverse lover cards is only 8 times, and the lover card will become invalid after 8 times.

The lover card is a relatively buggy card, its teleportation ability gives the person or ghost who gets it a very high advantage. Especially if the ghost gets this card, the human side can't escape at all. No matter where they go, they will be caught and brutally killed by the "flying" ghost.

Although the lover card has a limit on the number of times it can be used, in most cases, this card can be used less than 8 times. The human side may use it five or six times, and the ghost can use this card three or four times.

Zhou Yue has no memory, but he is not stupid. These two cards have helped him roughly recall the rules of the terrible killing game. Only the person who draws the Death card is a ghost, and everyone else is human.

So Zhou Yue's first reaction when she saw this reversed lover card was to find a way to hide the card, so that the killer would not be able to find the reversed card... It seems that prop cards cannot be destroyed at will. It hides in hidden places.

Fortunately, as long as the game map is large enough, and the killer doesn't have a detection card like the Reversed Fool, the hidden cards are basically impossible to find.

Zhou Yue looked around the music classroom, and then he took a fancy to the old piano that he faced when he first woke up. He stuck the thin piece of reversed lover in the gap inside the piano case.

After confirming that the cards were hidden, Zhou Yue planned to leave the music classroom. He walked to the door of the music classroom, put his hand on the doorknob, and tried to twist the doorknob, but to his disappointment, when he tried, he found that the door of the classroom seemed to be locked.

Zhou Yue, who couldn't open the door, turned her head and looked at the back door of the music classroom. This music classroom is quite big, with two doors at the front and back.

But there are a lot of sundries piled up at the back door, some discarded desks, chairs, cabinets and unused musical instruments. Many of these sundries are piled up very high, completely blocking the back door.

Zhou Yue can remove these sundries one by one and open the back door, because the back door is not locked visually, there is still a gap, and the light from the aisle outside is projected into the classroom along the gap. If things are removed, the door can be opened.

But doing so has very serious consequences. First, it takes time to move the sundries, and second, it will make noise when moving things. Noise is the last thing Zhou Yue wants to cause.

He needs absolute... silence.

Since the two doors cannot go through, Zhou Yue can only focus on the windows of the music classroom. There are windows on the left and right walls of this classroom. The windows on one side face the playground outside the teaching building, and the windows on the other side It faces the corridor outside the music classroom.

The windows facing the hallway were not fully locked and one of the windows was half open.

It's just that the open window is an upper window, which is relatively high. Zhou Yue had to move tables and chairs, step on the footsteps to climb up the window sill, and then climb over the open upper window to reach the corridor outside.

Zhou Yue acted quickly. He found a relatively high stool, placed it gently under the window sill, and then climbed up on the stool to reach the window with hands and feet.

As soon as he touched the window sill, he heard an untimely voice.

The music classroom where Zhou Yue was trapped should be located inside a teaching building. The teaching buildings of most schools in China are not high, and they are only five or six floors high, so they will not equip students with elevators and the like. convenient.

There are stairs going up and down on the left and right sides of most teaching buildings... Zhou Yue didn’t know which floor this music classroom was on, but he heard footsteps going up the stairs on the left side, and the footsteps stopped on his floor .

The sound of footsteps was inexplicably familiar, and it made Zhou Yue's heart feel numb. He couldn't tell whether it was fear or excitement, but Zhou Yue got off the stool immediately, walked quietly to the podium in the music classroom, squatted down and hid In the small space under the podium.

The sound of footsteps outside the classroom continued, walking along the corridor to the door of the music classroom. This uninvited guest seemed to have a purpose, and the target was the music classroom where Zhou Yue was.

The footsteps of the uninvited guest stopped outside the classroom door, and then the other party seemed to wait for a while, and then, Zhou Yue heard the sound of the person outside reaching out and twisting the doorknob to open the door of the music classroom.

Zhou Yue's heart was beating wildly, she held her breath and concentrated on the movement outside, and at the same time, she couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in her heart.

It has been about five minutes since Zhou Yue just woke up. During this period, he didn't make any noise, and he didn't even turn on the lights in the music classroom. How could the person outside walk directly to his music classroom? In front of the door, do you even want to open the door and come in

Does the other party know that Zhou Yue is in the classroom

Perhaps there is such a possibility, if the person outside is a "ghost" and happens to be holding a reversed fool who can point to humans and props cards, then it is indeed possible to find Zhou Yue's location directly.

But isn't that too fast

While Zhou Yue was thinking, the uninvited guest outside seemed to find that the door of the music classroom was locked and could not be opened, so he stopped turning the doorknob, but walked a few steps to the window of the music classroom, as if Peeping into the music classroom through the window glass.

Zhou Yue's spirit became more tense, but he still held his breath. He didn't show his head and didn't make any sound. He began to scan all the objects around him that could be used as weapons.

The uninvited guest outside stopped at the window for a while, but still did not give up, and walked to the back door of the music classroom. After pushing the door, he found that the back door of the classroom was blocked.

Finally, the uninvited guest no longer insisted on entering this classroom, but went straight away and walked to the right along the corridor. The person might have entered the classroom next door, and Zhou Yue heard the sound of the door opening.

"Hearing" that the other party left, Zhou Yue calmly breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not climb out from under the podium, because the uninvited guest outside was only in the next classroom and did not go far away. Zhou Yue had to wait until the other party went far away to go out.

After the man outside searched the classroom next door, but still found nothing, Zhou Yue heard his footsteps coming out of the classroom next door, walked to the corridor, and then went to the next classroom next door.

At this time, Zhou Yue dared to cautiously come out of the hiding place under the podium, walked quietly to the window, squinted his eyes and peeped out of the window.

The corridor outside the music classroom was cold and dimly lit. Moreover, this corridor is an open-air window sill, and you can directly see the teaching building next door and the school gate.

The footsteps of the uninvited guest outside sounded again, and the other party seemed to have left the adjoining classroom next door, walked to the stairwell on the right, and then went downstairs.

Hearing that the other party was going downstairs, Zhou Yue realized that this was a good opportunity to escape, so she immediately acted, climbed onto the stool with hands and feet again, climbed over the upper window with great flexibility, and jumped out onto the corridor outside along the edge of the window.

Zhou Yue found that his skills were very good. He felt that he might have received some military training, because he had relevant hidden and latent knowledge in his mind, and his body instinctively put these theoretical knowledge into practical actions.

Zhou Yue, who "escaped" from the music classroom, looked left and right, but found no danger. While relaxing, he was a little distressed, where should he go next

Although he has no memory, Zhou Yue is still vaguely aware that he has been involved in a bizarre and terrifying "game". He feels that he is at the scene of a killing game. This is a game of five players. Humans" and a murderous "ghost".

Ghosts just need to kill everyone, and people just need to escape from this sealed area.

Zhou Yue felt that he might have played this kind of game many times, because he was very familiar with the rules of the game, and he also knew the functions of these props and cards.

Realizing that he may be an "veteran", losing his memory is no longer a blow that frustrates Zhou Yue. He begins to think about what he will do next. He can find a partner who is a human being like him, and of course he can act alone , Find a way to leave this school by yourself.

Zhou Yue chose the latter after a short consideration. Although it might be safer to be with fellow human beings, Zhou Yue believes that she is more used to acting alone. Especially the identities and strengths of teammates are not clear, walking with unfamiliar people will only cause more troubles.

After figuring it out, Zhou Yue got up and walked in the opposite direction from where the uninvited guest had just left. The other party went downstairs from the stairs on the right, and Zhou Yue went downstairs from the stairs on the left.

In order not to cause any noise, he walked quietly and slowly throughout the whole process, pricking up his ears to catch the small sounds around him.

This school should be a high school. Zhou Yue saw a poster on the wall that the students had stuck on the wall in the aisle of the stairs. The poster said XX City No. 1 Senior High School.

The name of this high school made Zhou Yue feel familiar yet strange, but he didn't think too much about it. After glancing at the poster, he turned his head and continued down the stairs. The music classroom he was in just now is in this teaching building The sixth floor of the top floor, and now he has gone down to the third floor.

Then on the third floor, Zhou Yue heard the footsteps of the uninvited guest he heard just now again.

The footsteps of this person sounded really familiar, as if they had been heard somewhere before. This sense of familiarity made Zhou Yue couldn't help guessing in his heart, he wondered if the uninvited guest outside was someone he knew

Although he made such a guess, Zhou Yue still didn't dare to show up easily. With no memory, he was full of strong vigilance towards the surrounding environment and people. Before ensuring his absolute safety, Zhou Yue would not act rashly.

Moreover, apart from the familiar sound of the footsteps of the person outside, there is another characteristic, that is, the sound of the person walking is very soft. It seems that she has received the same training in quiet walking as Zhou Yue. If Zhou Yue's hearing is not very keen, she might confuse the light footsteps of the other party walking with the whistling wind outside the teaching building.

But Zhou Yue was not confused after all. After sensing the sound of the uninvited guest walking on the third floor, Zhou Yue immediately became vigilant.

He tiptoed against the wall of the stairwell, listening carefully to the movement of the uninvited guest on the third floor. The uninvited guest seemed to be searching the classrooms on the third floor one by one. Zhou Yue heard that the other party was rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

This is a good opportunity. While this person is searching the classroom, Zhou Yue should continue to tiptoe downstairs, leave this teaching building, and go to other places to investigate.

But I don't know what kind of emotions are at work. At this moment, Zhou Yue did not follow the judgment of the inner mind, but made a very risky move.

He leaned out from behind the stairwell wall and peered in the direction of the intruder.

Zhou Yue wanted to secretly see what the unexpected guest looked like.

Although this move is risky, it is not impossible, because there are no lights in the stairwell where Zhou Yue lives, and several corridor lights on the third floor seem to be broken, and the lights above Zhou Yue's head are all dimmed. Looking at the dim environment at this moment, Zhou Yue can completely spy on that person's actions in places where the other party did not notice.

The daring Zhou Yue soon got his wish. He saw the uninvited guest come out of a certain classroom on the third floor. The uninvited guest's body allowed Zhou Yue to clearly see the uninvited guest's appearance.

It's just that this man's appearance surprised Zhou Yue.

Because it really looks... extremely ugly.

No... it's not so much ugly as it is... creepy.

The figure and face shape of that person still looks good. He is about 1.78 meters tall, a line shorter than Zhou Yue, with a well-proportioned and slender figure. He is also wearing the same gray clothes and trousers and gray marching shoes as Zhou Yue.

But that face is too scary. This person's face is full of scars left by the fire. The whole face, including the neck and collarbone, are hideous ravines. These messy scars are entrenched on his face. On his face, even his facial features were a bit deformed, with a flat nose and a slit mouth. Only the eyes looked like those of a normal person, with piercing eyes, like flames burning in a dark forest. It's just that the eyes are filled with a lot of red blood, and it's uncomfortable to look at the bloodshot eyes.

Zhou Yue could tell that this was a man who had been completely disfigured, but although his face was messed up, the hands and part of the arms exposed under the cuffs were in good condition. His fingers were clean, his joints were distinct, and he was as beautiful as jade shoots.

Zhou Yue shrank in the corner and stared at the disfigured man for a long time. There was a wonderful feeling in his heart, which made Zhou Yue unable to move his feet at all. He just stood there as if he had taken root, staring stupidly. Looking at the side face of the other party's ugly mess.

His gaze was too explicit and undisguised, so he was quickly noticed by the disfigured man on the opposite side. The man turned his head sharply to look in the direction of Zhou Yue, and Zhou Yue was at the moment when the man turned his head. After retracting the wall.

Because Zhou Yue quickly retracted at that moment, the disfigured man did not see Zhou Yue who was peeping at him, but only saw the dark and empty corridor. It's just that the disfigured man still had doubts and wanted to find out, so the man tilted his head and thought for a while, then walked towards the stairwell where Zhou Yue was hiding.

As the man walked, he also took out a bright short knife from his pocket. The short knife was very sharp, and the blade shone slightly against the faint light in the aisle in the dark environment.

Zhou Yue noticed the light spot reflected by the blade and projected on the ground, and he immediately realized that the other party was carrying a knife. Then Zhou Yue instantly thought of an invisible rule of this terrible game - generally those with knives have a 90% probability of being ghosts.

The blade can be thrown by ghosts to other humans to set blame, but under normal circumstances, few ghosts will do this. After all, this knife of ghosts is the only weapon that cannot be destroyed in the game. It is very strong and sharp. Lethality, if a human being holds it, it can also cause a lot of damage to ghosts.

It can even be said that this knife can turn back human beings in adversity.

Therefore, most ghosts will not easily transfer the murder weapon to others, so if you see someone pull out a knife in the game, you can basically confirm that he is a ghost and has to run away.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yue confirmed that the disfigured man who was approaching him was undoubtedly the killer. Zhou Yue suddenly became nervous, fear and inexplicable excitement lingered in his heart at the same time, but reason still weighed heavily on his forehead, he should think about how to escape or hide.

He should run away, should run away as soon as possible, before that disfigured man came to him...

But Zhou Yue still couldn't move his footsteps, his feet really took root on the ground, and he clearly heard the man slowly approaching him with a knife, but no matter what, he couldn't think of fleeing.

Zhou Yue couldn't help but think in her heart: Why should I run away

I obviously waited for him for so long.

Then Zhou Yue got his wish, and the disfigured man with a knife walked up to Zhou Yue. The other party's breath was icy cold, but it made Zhou Yue sweat like he was in a stove.

Zhou Yue couldn't help but tilt her head and carefully sized up the disfigured man in front of her at close range... That face was really ugly.

But what shocked Zhou Yue was that the other party didn't attack Zhou Yue, the man with disfigured face was also staring at Zhou Yue for a long time, then suddenly grabbed Zhou Yue's hand.

The disfigured man's face was obviously ugly and messy, but his hands were also pretty messy. Zhou Yue lowered his head to pay attention to the opponent's hand, feeling the wonderful temperature of his own hand being held by the opponent's fingers, sensing the delicateness of the opponent's skin and pulse. Jumping, a wonderful illusion of being a little drunk for a while.

Zhou Yue, who was intoxicated by it, couldn't help but stepped forward to get closer to the man. After getting closer, he found that the man had a certain smell. He didn't know what it was, but Zhou Yue thought it was fragrant.

"You..." Zhou Yue looked into the other person's eyes. He didn't feel that the face covered with scars was ugly at all. Instead, he looked at the other person's face more intently. He moved closer and wanted to ask something, but he just Before he had time to utter a word, he heard someone calling his name.

Yes, someone was calling his name, loudly...even hoarsely: "Zhou Yue—"

That voice came from downstairs.