Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 121: Silent Classroom 10┃I thought... this is the best ending


Being easily fooled by Zhou Yue, the Faceless Man was annoyed and at the same time a little helpless. He still underestimated Zhou Yue... In other words, he was actually not good at dealing with people like Zhou Yue.

For a long time, the faceless people have relied heavily on their own powerful strength. Since the border world marked him as the master and gave him the ability to do whatever he wanted in the border world, he had never felt this powerless and restless feeling.

He has always been omnipotent, and the marginal world is his territory. In his territory, he can destroy everything, and he can also create everything. Everyone's thoughts, feelings and memories are invisible in front of him, and he can see everything in black and white.

Manipulating others like manipulating chess pieces or toys is his strong point. It is too simple for him. It is so simple that when he lost these powers and became an ordinary person, he lost his godhead and suddenly realized that he could no longer perceive What a terrifying thing other people's thoughts and memories are.

He couldn't see Zhou Yue's thoughts, couldn't gain insight into his next move, and couldn't even understand what he said and did.

This kind of strangeness and unknown brought unprecedented fear to the faceless people.

The good thing is that the faceless man is not an ordinary person after all, he won't panic or lose his balance, he keeps calm and calm, his eyes scan Zhou Yue's face back and forth.

Seeing that he was silent all the time, Zhou Yue smiled and said, "Why, could it be that my guess is wrong?"

"No..." The Faceless Man paused, and replied, "You guessed right, you are indeed the only one who has repeated amnesia in this game."

"Then can I ask why?" Hearing the exact answer from the faceless man, Zhou Yue suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart and said calmly, "If there is such a thing as the pursuit of fairness in this game as you said If it's my son, shouldn't it be two players... even including you as an npc, should lose their memory?"

"The answer to this question, I'm afraid you can only ask that killer." The Faceless Man said.

"Ask the killer? Why?"

"Because this is a game you created together with him." Faceless Humanity said, "A two-player game is like pvp, a life-and-death struggle between two players, which is completely different from a multi-player game. The two players can set some special rules for each other before the game starts. This rule can be negotiated. One of the rules the other party wants you to follow."

"What you mean is that before the game started, I set some rules for the opponent to abide by, and the opponent also set some rules for me to abide by. These rules can weaken the opponent's ability, limit the skills used by the opponent, or even Make the other party lose their memory... Use this method to restrict each other?" Zhou Yue asked.

The Faceless Man replied without changing his expression: "That's right, these rules are made by you, and the system will use various methods in the game to force you to abide by these rules, and I have no right to interfere."

Zhou Yue didn't believe everything this guy said at all. He even felt a little funny listening to the faceless man's nonsense, but he didn't show the mockery in his heart, but put on a thoughtful, humbly asking for advice. Face said: "If the other party made me a rule to make me lose my memory, then what is the rule I made for the other party?"

"How do I know this? The rules you set yourself are known only to you and the killer, do you still expect me to tell you?" The faceless man became a lot more cautious, and his words were also tinged with thorns.

He began to realize that he couldn't let Zhou Yue seize any opportunity to get his words out of his mouth again, because the more Zhou Yue knew, the more troublesome things would become and the harder it was to deal with. , Zhou Yue became more and more difficult to control.

No matter whether Zhou Yue believes his words or not, the Faceless Man has to make up countless lies with some truth in them, making Zhou Yue ponder over and over again in these intertwined true and false lies, affecting his judgment and delaying the process and time for him to find the truth .

Zhou Yue seemed not quite reconciled to Faceless Man's answer: "About the fact that the two sides set rules for each other... If what you said is true, why didn't you tell me directly at the beginning of the game?"

The faceless man's attitude changed, the sneer on his face widened, and he raised his face with pride: "Why should I tell you?"

This is quite surprising. When the Faceless Man said this, Zhou Yue found that the Faceless Man seemed to finally have some "real emotions" of his own... Zhou Yue didn't know how to describe it. From the beginning of the game, he When I met this npc, Zhou Yue felt that this npc with the face of the young Mu Qin was "fake" from head to toe.

Because he stood in other people's faces, said and did things that violated harmony, and played other people's lives, full of flaws, and looked clumsy and stupid.

Of course, it’s not the faceless man’s fault. He can’t search Mu Qin’s memory like other people, and he can’t understand Mu Qin’s feelings and life. Naturally, he can’t play the role of Mu Qin well. Anyone else, it wouldn't have been so botched.

Part of the reason may be that Zhou Yue is quite alert and very familiar with Mu Qin.

So the faceless man realized that trying to play Mu Qin in front of Zhou Yue to win the other party's trust is actually a thankless task. Even with such a face on his face, Zhou Yue was not confused by him at all, let alone Generate empathy and pour excess emotion on him.

That being the case, why should he do more useless work? It might as well be a little more direct... a little more sharp.

After all, he is not very good at suppressing his own personality.

"I thought that since you were on my side, you should naturally answer some of my questions." Zhou Yue said.

"You are a little too arrogant, Zhou Yue." The faceless man continued to sneer, "I am indeed on your side, and I can do anything to protect you, but that doesn't mean I have to answer any of your questions. In most cases, I can even keep silent, and I don't mind adding a little difficulty to your game experience, if you continue to do this without knowing what is good or bad."

Zhou Yue said: "You looked very hopeful that I could finish the game as soon as possible and then escape."

The faceless man laughed distortedly: "If you still want to part with this game, then I can let it repeat a few times, after all... You have already guessed what will happen, haven't you? Detective Mr. Zhou Yue?"

The faceless man's words made Zhou Yue feel a little tricky. He originally wanted to gradually test out more information from this npc, but the other party was also a sensitive person after all. After realizing his intentions, he not only completely changed his attitude, but also The words are also tit for tat. At this point, it may become difficult to further dig out the truth on this npc.

So for a while, Zhou Yue couldn't think of how to continue the conversation with the Faceless Man, so he could only shut up and confront the Faceless Man silently. Standing in front of the door, separated by a distance of one or two meters, in the darkness, the surrounding air slowly condensed.

You can't tear yourself apart with the other party now, it will take some time.

Zhou Yue thought to herself. He hasn't figured out the situation yet, although he has already learned that the killer of this game is definitely the real Mu Qin through the content of the communication notebook stuffed in his arms. But how did Zhou Yue and Mu Qin start this endless pvp game? Judging from Zhou Yue's current analysis of her state of mind and Mu Qin's performance, there is absolutely no gap in their relationship, and they will not hate each other to the point where they really want to kill each other.

So it is absolutely impossible for him and Mu Qin to start this kind of deadlock voluntarily, so it must be coerced...or some kind of accident

Moreover, there are many strange things about the setting of this game. Why did he lose his memory, and why was Mu Qin disfigured and still unable to make a sound? Why is this npc facing Mu Qin's face

Is this trying to drive a wedge between him and Mu Qin? Let them kill each other until the death of one of them

Coupled with the setting of restarting the game retrospectively after the death of the npc, this feeling of alienation between the two parties is even more obvious. Just as an npc, why did the faceless man provoke the relationship between Zhou Yue and Mu Qin? Does it do him any good? How did he do all this

In an instant, Zhou Yue had many conjectures in his heart. Among the many conjectures, he picked out a more reasonable explanation. But even if it is a reasonable explanation... this explanation is actually very exaggerated, which makes Zhou Yue a little unbelievable.

Zhou Yue felt that there might be a third party between him and Mu Qin.

Moreover, this third party wanted to separate him from Mu Qin, so he created such a deadlock, separated their feelings, let them kill each other and hate each other, and let one of them die after a fight, so that the first The three would just occupy the rest... the one he wanted.

It's an exaggeration, but Zhou Yue couldn't find a more reasonable explanation than it.

At the beginning, Zhou Yue felt that he was the one the third party wanted, because seeing the attitude of the npc before, he wanted Zhou Yue to escape as soon as possible so that he could win the game.

However, now Zhou Yue is a little uncertain. The faceless man who has torn off his disguise seems to dislike Zhou Yue very much. The faceless man looks at Zhou Yue with an imperceptible coldness, which makes Zhou Yue feel that the other party If he had a knife in his hand, he might have already slashed him in the face by now.

So this guy's target should actually be Mu Qin? After all, Mu Qin is cuter. Compared with a boring rough guy like himself, Mu Qin is much more charming...

Zhou Yue shook her head in her heart and stopped the continuous compliments to Mu Qin, thinking that since the third party is targeting Mu Qin, why are you still trying to make me win? Shouldn't the loser die here? Since the third party wants to get Mu Qin, he must want me to die. Or is it that winning or losing the game and their life and death are not very important to the third party

There is also this possibility, since the third party has the ability to bring about this deadlock, the ability to make Zhou Yue amnesia and Mu Qin disfigured and lose his voice, and the ability to make this npc wear such shameless skills as backtracking, it proves that this No. The strength and background of the three are extraordinary, and they are absolutely inseparable from the terrifying force that created these killing games.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yue suddenly understood what kind of person Mu Qin was fighting with.

He always felt that in this game, his poor, disfigured and voiceless Mr. Killer gave him a feeling that he was fighting something, because Mu Qin looked at Zhou Yue with sadness in his eyes, his figure So thin, lonely and depressed, the whole person seemed to be standing in the encirclement of the enemy, he was alone and helpless, he could only stare at Zhou Yue from a distance.

Those eyes were full of sadness that was about to overflow, which made Zhou Yue want to rush to hug him desperately, comfort him, and let him only smile happily.

If Zhou Yue's guess is true, it is not difficult to explain why Mu Qin is so sad... He probably sees no hope.

He is desperate.

Realizing this, Zhou Yue felt his heart twitch. The twitch caused him pain, and the pain made him shiver involuntarily.

His Muqin is fighting alone, and there is nothing he can do to help.

This is ridiculous, when did Zhou Yue become such an incompetent person? Not only can't protect the one he loves, but he has to let the other party protect him in turn. He makes Mu Qin helpless, and looks so sad that he is about to cry. This is ridiculous!

But this is the reality, what is happening, no matter how ridiculous it is, it has already been staged in front of Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue's mind turned quickly, analyzing all kinds of possibilities, and deeply realized that this game is a well-deserved dead end. No matter what, there is no possibility of coexistence between him and Mu Qin, unless they are really willing to play in this closed game. The small world has experienced infinite reincarnation, so as long as one of them wants to escape, the other will inevitably die.

No, calm down, there is still a chance, this is not a perfect dead end that is seamless and drillable.

Zhou Yue stared at the Faceless Man in front of him. He felt that he had to find a way to trap this npc, stun him or imprison him, prevent him from dying or committing suicide, and prevent the game from restarting. In this case, he will have time to discuss with Mu Qin slowly, and they will definitely be able to come up with a perfect solution that has the best of both worlds.

So the question is, how do you stun or lock this guy up

Zhou Yue stared at the faceless man, all he could think about was how to control the faceless man skillfully, it would be best to let him faint and lose his ability to move. The fainting time may take a little longer, because of Mu Qin's loss of voice, Zhou Yue may only be able to communicate with him by writing, which will take a little time.

Is it feasible to just rush over and knock him out

Such a thought came to Zhou Yue's mind, wondering if it was because his intentions were too obvious, the faceless man glared at Zhou Yue viciously, and said, "Have you become dumb? Zhou Yue?"

Zhou Yue smiled, and said to Faceless: "If I become dumb, wouldn't it just suit you?"

After all, Zhou Yue seemed to take a step closer to the Faceless Man, and while taking this step, Zhou Yue also said immediately: "Forget it, if you don't want to answer my question, I really have no reason to force you to answer me." You, you are right, I just need to try my best to escape from this school, the most important thing is to survive, other than that, it doesn't matter, does it?"

Zhou Yue's movements of slowly approaching the Faceless Man were really incomparably natural. He looked at the corridor next to the Faceless Man, as if he wanted to leave this infirmary and go outside, but when he approached the Faceless Man, Faceless But the man stepped back slowly, keeping a distance from Zhou Yue.

And it's quite a distance.

Zhou Yue walked out of the infirmary and walked to the corridor outside, then looked at the faceless man who was several meters away from him, and said with a puzzled face, "Why are you so far away from me?"

The faceless man smiled and said, "Zhou Yue, do you think I'm easy to fool?"

Zhou Yue blinked, and then smiled, the smile was perfect and flawless: "Why do you say that?"

"You said just now that you remembered the picture of being with Mu Qin, and you described it in detail. Is it because you saw something like a note or a photo?" The faceless man asked suddenly.

Zhou Yue didn't speak, just stared at the faceless man intently.

"You saw that kind of thing, right? Although you can't remember anything, you are very smart and you can analyze many things from it." The faceless man figured it out, he couldn't play Mu Qin well, could it be Can't figure out what Zhou Yue is thinking

"Let me guess, what do you think?" The Faceless Man speculated to himself, "You must think that you and Mu Qin are a very loving couple, and you must have feelings for me with such a face. A lot of doubts, you must have thought a lot about the identity of the killer."

"And now, you may think I'm troublesome, and you want to get rid of or control me." The Faceless Man almost made a final decision, unilaterally confirming Zhou Yue's thoughts, "Actually, I have already prepared for this situation...so I advise you You, better not do something "stupid"."

Zhou Yue clenched her fists calmly, still did not speak, and looked at the faceless man calmly.

Seeing that he was silent, the faceless man continued, "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. Zhou Yue, as long as you are obedient, try to collect clues to escape from this game and leave this world, you will survive , live safe and sound, you have many relatives and friends in this world, why bother to find happiness for yourself for a person who will leave you in the end?"

It turned out that this guy really couldn't just go up and knock him out. He might have other abilities besides "backtracking", otherwise he wouldn't be able to say "I was prepared".

And also revealed to me such messages as "there are your relatives and friends in this world" and "he will leave you in the end", trying to shake me... and make me determined to escape

Perhaps he felt that the relationship between me and Mu Qin was not that deep, and it was not worth my wasting time here to fight to the death and give up hope of escape.

Maybe... Mu Qin really left me

Zhou Yue thought of the notebook she kept in her clothes. The last page of Mumu’s words in the notebook still clearly appeared in Zhou Yue’s mind. Zhou Yue knew that Mumu had indeed left. After their sweet and gluey three years, Mumu left Yueyue and went to an unknown and distant place.

But... so what

He is not by my side now, and will always be by my side in the future.

Zhou Yue pretended that she didn't want to listen to the Faceless Man anymore, but turned her head and walked directly towards the stairwell of Building D. Seeing him striding away, the Faceless Man's eyes dimmed, and he followed after a moment of hesitation... After all, he still had to be monitored Watch Zhou Yue, so that he can restart the game in time in case something goes wrong.

During Zhou Yue's search for Room 406 in Building D, Mu Qin never showed up, because he had no way to communicate with each other. As expected, Zhou Yue still couldn't figure out what Mu Qin wanted to do now, so he could only wait for Mu Qin to show up. Bye bye.

And the time for Mu Qin to show up soon came. When Zhou Yue walked along the stairwell of building d to the first floor, he saw Mu Qin standing at the stairs on the first floor with a knife in his hand, looking up at Zhou Yue on the stairs.

The moment Zhou Yue saw the figure of the other party, her heart tightened, and she took a deep breath secretly to slow down her mind. At this time, the faceless man who was following Zhou Yue also came over and also saw Mu Qin who was guarding downstairs. He immediately shifted his gaze to Zhou Yue, wanting to see how he would act.

But Zhou Yue didn't move, and Mu Qin didn't move either. The three of them froze in place, staring at each other from a distance, motionless.

If we continue to remain silent, can we stay here until the end of the world

Such thoughts flashed through Zhou Yue's mind, and then he finally acted. Instead of running away or putting on a defensive posture, he stepped forward directly, and walked towards Mu Qin slowly and calmly.

He walked straight up to Mu Qin, but didn't stop in front of Mu Qin. He looked into Mu Qin's eyes, then looked away, brushed Mu Qin's shoulder and passed him, just swaggering like that, As if ignoring the existence of the killer, he passed away indifferently.

This action did not arouse the surprise of the killer, but the faceless man behind Zhou Yue was stunned, wondering if this guy had guessed the relationship between himself and Mu Qin, so he became so unscrupulous

Do you think Mu Qin will definitely not kill him

In a daze, Zhou Yue walked straight away, walked out of the stairwell of building d, walked through the corridor, and walked outside along the open hall.

The Faceless Man naturally wanted to follow, but there was another Mu Qin lying in front of him. Mu Qin didn't go after Zhou Yue, but after taking a look at Zhou Yue's back, he turned his head and fixed his sharp eyes on the faceless man.

The Faceless Man suddenly understood that Zhou Yue wanted to leave him to Mu Qin to deal with.

Anyway, there are only two players, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, in this game. He can monitor anyone, as long as Zhou Yue is not allowed to die.

The faceless man laughed helplessly, and said to Mu Qin: "I'm really in a dilemma. You two are too difficult to deal with. Can this kind of human emotion really reach the point of mutual understanding?"

Mu Qin couldn't answer any of his questions, Mu Qin just looked at the faceless man quietly.

"I regret robbing your voice a little bit. If you can speak, you can still tell me what you think." The faceless man simply walked up to Mu Qin generously. Due to his current height, he only Neng looked up at Mu Qin slightly, and reached out to touch the ugly scar on Mu Qin's neck brazenly.

"Will you kill him, or let him go?" Even though he knew he couldn't hear the answer, the Faceless Man continued to ask, "He is really smart, even if he loses his memory, he can't restrain him at all, and many of my plans have failed It's over."

"Although I also predicted that there would be such an outcome... Mu Qin, can you really not stay by my side?" The Faceless Man said to himself, "It is true that my motive for keeping you is not pure, but I did not I thought about killing you, I thought... this is the best ending. "