Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 123: Silent Classroom 12┃ is tantamount to taking revenge on the will of the world


King didn't kill the last survivor in the game, but tortured him repeatedly until he passed out, and then dumped the poor victim on the side of the road. Then he found a suitable open space in the middle of the map, took out the white card Mu Qin gave him, and opened the door to a certain throne map.

He went through the door to a sinkhole gorge, passed through the waterfall curtain in the canyon, walked into the cave behind the water curtain, and saw the man on the Butterfly Throne.

"It's really not easy to reach you." Jin spoke to him.

Echo also raised his head, which had not moved for a long time, and looked at Jin with cloudy eyes: "You are holding my white card... Did Mu Qin give it to you?"

"That's right." Jin raised his right hand, holding a card with a pure white front between his fingers.

Jin smiled, his face was still stained with unknown blood, which made his smile look distorted and creepy, "Usually, I am not allowed to enter the throne map, unless I am with Mu Qin, otherwise Even if you try to enter, you will be ejected immediately... But now I have successfully entered, which means that Mu Qin has successfully held the 'will of the world'."

Echo seemed to understand Jin's words, but he didn't seem to understand, he said: "Muchin needs me to do something, right?"

"Yes." Jin nodded slightly, "Let's switch places."

Jin said, holding echo's white card and approaching echo, slowly approaching and said: "Use your white card to bind me as your 'heir', let me kill you, and take this throne instead of you .”

"Is it really going to kill me, or do I need to leave here to do something?" Echo seemed to see clearly.

Jin looked at this decadent and weak man with interest: "You are very smart, and Mu Qin is very similar to you in this regard."

"I really need your help to do some things, because I can't do these things... I am not allowed to be close to the will of the world. Although I have been used and controlled by him for so many years, it seems that it is because I can peep into his memory For this reason, the will of the world has always maintained a certain degree of vigilance against me, and has set many restrictions for me."

"Therefore, what I can't do is rely on you." Jin said slowly.

Echo seems to be able to fully understand the meaning of Jin's words. Echo said: "Are there no restrictions on me? You must know that I am Mu Qin's 'father'."

Jin laughed sarcastically; "He only cares about Mu Qin, so why would he pay attention to you? Today, when you have been sitting motionless in this chair for so many years, the will of the world has long lost the patience to observe you."

"Is that so? That means I can move freely?" Echo lowered his head and thought for a moment, then glanced at the corpse held in his arms, "Alright, I hardly did anything for our children. This time is compensation."

Echo looked up at Jin again: "What do you need me to do?"

"I want you to leave here and go to another throne map." Jin actually took out another white card, and now he has two white cards in his hand, one is the white card of echo, and the other is The white card of the throne where Mu Qin is sitting.

"Using this white card, you will go to the map of the throne where Mu Qin is, and you will see two people sitting on the throne, one is Mu Qin, and the other... is the will of the world. If things go well, when you go in When they saw them both, they were in a coma - defenseless."

Jin continued: "The next thing you have to do is very simple, you put Mu Qin's white card into the hands of the world will, and then kill Mu Qin, when the 'king' dies, the Butterfly Throne will take over the world The will is the primary target, because the white card is in the hands of the will of the world, even if the will of the world is not the 'heir' locked by Mu Qin, the Butterfly Throne will attack the person holding the white card first, and you can take the opportunity to leave."

"Kill Muqin... are you serious?" Echo seemed to have some objections to this plan.

Jin raised his head very confidently: "Of course it is serious. Mu Qin's body is safe and sound in this world, and there are still people guarding him. So he died in the marginal world, and his soul just returned to his body. After all... as long as it is For those whose bodies are still alive, this world is nothing more than a dream.”

"And we, the dead with nowhere to go, can only continue to wander here."

Echo still doubts the feasibility of this plan very much, he continued to ask: "Although I only vaguely know the existence of the will of the world, I don't know much about it... but the will of the world is the 'god' who controls the marginal world after all, you How can you be sure that he will be restrained by a mere Butterfly Throne?"

"Actually, I'm not sure if it will work," Kim replied. "But we have no other way to go."

"Then suppose the plan fails, what should we do?"

Jin Wenyan showed a helpless smile: "Then it will fail. With you and me in such a terrible situation, at worst, we will die."

This is the first time echo met Jin. Although Jin's statement is well-founded, he still has some vigilance towards Jin. Echo said: "I don't understand, why do you go all out to help Mu Qin? He is of no benefit to you, once the will of the world finds out that you helped him, you may end up worse than death, do you understand?"

Echo's words caused Jin to be silent for a moment, and lowered his head so that his face was buried in a shadow, so he couldn't see his expression clearly, nor could he guess his thoughts.

After a long time, Jin said slowly: "Do you want to know about me?"

Without waiting for echo to agree, Jin said to himself: "I should have had a normal life."

"Although my parents are not high-ranking officials, they can be regarded as people with some family background. Before my mother conceived me, they were very happy as husband and wife, and they treated their relatives and friends very well. Everyone said that my parents were good people."

Jin very abruptly told a story of his own in front of Echo. Although what he said was abrupt, Echo didn't interrupt him. Instead, he calmed down silently and listened to Jin slowly tell the story one by one. Come.

Many years ago, before Jin was born. His mother is a pure Chinese, but his father is a mixed race, Jin's father is a mixed Russian and British. When the two people were combined and gave birth to Jin, the blood of the three countries flowed in Jin's blood.

Kim's father's name was Mikhail, a Russian name that means "like a god." The name of the Russian is divided into three sections, the first section is the name of the person, the middle is the name of the father, and the last is the surname.

Before the 14th century, Russians did not have the term "surname". At first, the word "surname" originated from Latin, and Peter the Great introduced the surname to Russia after studying Western Europe. From this, the surname began a complicated and long development process in Russia.

This development process lasted for several centuries. At the beginning, it was the high-ranking people... For example, the grand dukes and nobles took the lead in using "surnames". After that, wealthy landlords also began to give their families "surnames". In addition, ordinary common people had not yet determined their surnames until the beginning of the 19th century, and the low-status serfs did not even have their own surnames in the middle of the 19th century.

In Russia, believers and monks who believe in various religions gradually determined their surnames around the beginning of the 19th century.

Most of the Russian clergy who have religious beliefs have very distinctive surnames, and many of them take the name of the church they serve as their surname, such as Pogorovsky (Church of Our Lady). The surnames of the priests of these denominations often end in -ский (ski), which imitates the surnames of Ukraine and Belarus, so the surnames ending in "ski" are the most typical surnames of clergy.

Most priests often use their own names and add the ending "Sky" to form their surnames. For example, Jin's father is named Mikhail, and their family's surname is Mikhailsky.

Yes, Kim's father was a priest.

The main religion in Russia is the Orthodox Church, which can be regarded as an extension of Christianity, and is also known as "Eastern Christianity". Jin's father, Mikhail, is a priest of the Orthodox Church. He was given this sacred title when he was very young. Later, the young priest went to China and met Jin's mother, Xia Ning.

In order to marry this Chinese girl, Mikhail paid a heavy price. He gave up his religious belief and occupation in Russia, went to China to marry Xia Ning, and got a Chinese green card (permanent residence permit for foreigners). Afterwards, the two established their own company in China under the name of Xia Ning. After eight years of hard work and the stabilization of the industry, the couple finally had free time to be together sweetly. During the stage of traveling the world, Xia Ning became pregnant with Jin.

Before Jin Wei was born, Mikhail and Xia Ning were indeed a very loving couple. From outsiders' perspective, they were very harmonious.

Husband Mikhail even broke the Russian tradition by asking his wife to give him a Chinese name instead of his own surname. He also took his wife's surname "Xia" and called him Xia Yong. For many years afterwards, Mikhail used the name "Chayon" to refer to himself. Even if he sometimes met compatriots who were also Russians, he would tell them that his name was "Chayon".

The otherwise normal couple later became, in King's description, two crazy believers.

The accident happened two months after Xia Ning was pregnant with Jin. At that time, the couple was still traveling around the world. Because of Xia Ning's pregnancy, they planned to return to the country after the last stop to raise their baby.

And their last stop is Mikhail's hometown - Russia.

Mikhail has not been back to Russia for many years, and at the same time he took his wife to travel this time, he also wanted to go back to his hometown to have a look.

Mikhail was an orphan whose father was said to be an alcoholic, gambling thug with connections in the underworld. The thug took a fancy to the daughter of a wealthy British businessman who came to Russia to do business, and kidnapped the woman back to torture and rape her.

This thug hid well, and with some influence, the police finally found the whereabouts of the thug after several months of continuous investigation, shot him dead on the spot and rescued the rich businessman's daughter, but when he was rescued, he was beyond recognition and was killed by various police officers. She was cruelly abused to the point of inhumanity, and she was extremely emaciated, with only her belly swollen—she was pregnant with the rapist's child, and the child survived such terrible torture in the mother's body.

The tragic situation of his daughter made the rich businessman heartbroken, and he wished to cut the damn thing in his daughter's stomach into pieces immediately, but the doctor told him that his daughter's injury was very serious, and under such circumstances, an abortion might kill his daughter. In desperation, the rich businessman had no choice but to Let his daughter give birth to the child, but after the child was born, the rich businessman angrily threw the child into the trash can and threw it away.

Yes, this child is Mikhail. He was picked up by an old priest. The name Mikhail was also given by the old priest (the old priest only gave him a name, but no surname). The old priest brought him back to the church to raise him, so Mikhail received theological education since he was a child, and he would become a priest like his adoptive father when he grew up.

He found out about Mikhail's life experience later on. He had such a shocking life experience, but Mikhail himself didn't feel much about it. His adoptive father educated him very well, and he seemed to have inherited more His mother's genetic advantages showed no signs of turning into a villain like his father.

Mikhail did not think about getting his mother back, nor did he resent his grandfather for throwing him away. After learning the truth, he rationally realized that his birth was not expected by anyone. This was a terrible mistake. He did not It was lucky to be strangled to death by his grandfather in his infancy in the first place.

In fact, finding out his own life experience had some impact on Mikhail. When he thought of his biological father being such a person, Mikhail felt uncomfortable, and he didn't even have much sense of belonging to this country. , That's why in the end he left everything here without hesitation, went to China to win the woman he loves, and wanted to start a new life again.

The only person who felt sorry was the old priest who raised him. After Mikhail has been away for so many years, he has hardly contacted him. Now that he has a successful career and his wife is still pregnant with a child, it's time to go back and see the old priest, and apologize to him by the way for his behavior of walking away.

With this in mind, Mikhail arrived in Russia with his wife Xia Ning, but he never expected that this journey would be the beginning of an unprecedented nightmare.

"Mikhail and Xia Ning arrived in Russia, and when they returned to the church where they grew up, they found that the church was burned to ashes just a month ago. The old priest and several clergymen in the church died in this The police confirmed that this case was arson, but the murderer has not been caught for a long time.”

Jin paused for a long time when he said this, echo listened to him intently, did not ask questions but waited patiently for the follow-up, Jin continued: "The adoptive father whom I have always regarded as my biological father died unexpectedly, and he died just a month ago. If Mikhail came back earlier, he might still be able to see the old priest, and even prevent this disaster from happening again. Mikhail regretted this very much. He regretted that he did not come back earlier, but no matter how regretful he is now It didn’t help, so he decided to stay in Russia temporarily and cooperate with the police to investigate the truth of the incident.”

"Out of safety considerations, Mikhail originally wanted his wife to go back to the country first to raise a baby, but Xia Ning was unwilling to leave her husband's side and insisted on accompanying her husband to investigate this incident. So the couple stayed in Russia together, I rented a suitable house and stayed for several months."

"In this man-made arson case, the police locked down several suspects and conducted investigations on them one by one. Finally, it was determined that the biggest suspect was a woman. During the six months before the arson case, this woman had been She frequently goes to and from the church, and has a close relationship with the old priest of the church, and someone witnessed her going in and out of the old priest's house several times."

"The target suspect is rich, about 35 to 40 years old, drives a British Bentley, is a blonde woman who likes to wear a long red dress. On the night of the arson attack, at 11:10, witnesses saw her entering the car at night. The old priest of the church opened the door for her. At about 3 o’clock in the morning, the flames blazed in the church. Due to the remote location of the church and the fire was in the middle of the night when everyone was sleeping, no one heard calls for help. So the fire burned until 5am before it was put out by firefighters."

"After the fire was extinguished, the bodies of the old priest and several clergymen of the church were found in the ruins, all of which were burnt beyond recognition. Later, the identity was confirmed by comparing the teeth bite marks."

"The police have been chasing after the blonde woman who drove the Bentley. At that time, the surveillance equipment was not comprehensive, and the flames burned all the evidence. The only clues to rely on were the witnesses' testimony, but none of the witnesses could remember For those with Bentley license plate numbers, the police can only search for people who meet the characteristics through the customer list of the local Bentley dealership."

"After several months, they finally found the suspect. It was an English woman named Olivia, and she was Mikhail's biological mother."

While Jin was slowly explaining the story clearly, Echo finally interrupted and said, "That means Mikhail's mother killed his adoptive father?"

"Yes, in subsequent investigations, Olivia also admitted the fact that she set fire to the church and burned the old priest and other clergy to death. But there are still many doubts in this case, such as why no one was there when the fire was set on fire. Call for help or call the police? That church also has the basic equipment for fire safety, fire extinguishers and sprinklers, why are these equipment not used? Why don't they run away, just stay inside and burn alive?"

"Moreover, all the clergy of the entire church were burnt to death. Most of these clergy have their own homes, and they don't go home in the middle of the night. Why did they all go to the church and be burned to death by a woman?"

"Olivia didn't give any answers to these questions. She only admitted that she set the fire herself, and kept silent on other questions. The police couldn't ask more details from it, and because the case had dragged on for too long, they planned to Conclude the case hastily and sentence Olivia to the crime of intentional arson and homicide."

"It should be mentioned here that in Russian law at that time, women had immunity from the death penalty. No matter how serious the crime was, the woman would not be sentenced to death."

"So Olivia was sentenced to life imprisonment, and before she was put in the dark, Mikhail went to see her, because Mikhail wanted to know why anyway, why did she do such a thing ?” King said, “It was that side that caused all the disasters that followed, when Olivia gave something to Mikhail and said to him: This is a gift from your 'father' to me , now forwarded to you."

"Olivia gave Mikhail a card." Jin held up the white card in his hand and let it roll a few times between his fingers, "It's just such a white card."

Echo seemed to vaguely guess the truth behind the whole story, which made him feel a little creepy: "Mikhail's biological father was the rapist, after his death, he must have entered the marginal world and became a 'king' just like me ', and used mind control to control Olivia, so this arson case happened... right?"

"Probably so, I don't know the details. I only know that my father is largely locked by that white card. You know that the person locked by the white card is special. He can enter the marginal world like other players , but he is still alive in this world, and has not died."

Jin said regretfully: "I think Mikhail must have been tortured madly, traveling crazily between the two worlds, in order not to let his spirit collapse, in order to survive, Mikhail chose an extreme This may be related to the fact that he was originally a priest and received theological education. He regards everything in the marginal world as a kind of "faith" and "spiritual sustenance". Only by doing so can he feel better."

"Then his crazy beliefs also began to affect people around him, his wife, friends, work partners, etc. He spread those evil theories and brainwashed everyone who came into contact with him... He became a 'medium', A living medium, as long as anyone who comes into contact with him will gradually become a 'dreamer' in the marginal world."

"Mikhail was undoubtedly successful, because his crazy belief really attracted the attention of the object of belief, and the will of the world noticed him."

"About 20 years ago, during the game update process, the border world was sealed by unknown people with unknown means. This seal made the border world unable to open normally, but the seal is not complete, at least in the seal, like you The kings of the world can still use the throne to control the people of the world, and the will of the world can also drive you kings to use it."

"In order to reopen the fringe world, the will of the world used this group of believers headed by my parents. About five years ago, they successfully recaptured the core of the fringe world from the guardian and lifted the seal. After that, I went crazy To show their loyalty, my parents killed me and sent me into this world."

"I grew up in this world in a muddle since I was a child, and was deeply influenced by my parents. I also became an extreme, crazy person with many faces." Jin reached out and touched his face while speaking, "In front of my parents , in front of the will of the world, I am a loyal believer, absolutely loyal. And as long as I stay away from them, I will return to my true colors."

Jin suddenly smiled and looked up at echo, "You ask me why I want to help Mu Qin? That's because... helping Mu Qin is tantamount to taking revenge on the will of the world."

"Although I am such a weak human being, I have to live like a rat in the gutter for so many years. I don't have the slightest power to shake the will of the world. It is nonsense to want to destroy him, but this does not prevent me from giving him I can't find happiness. I've lived until now... As long as I can get even a sliver of justice for my crazy parents, my broken family, and my supposedly free and bright life, I am willing to pay the heaviest price. "

What Jin said made Echo laugh when he heard it, and even laughed out loud.

At this moment when Jin was talking about the heavy topic so seriously, Echo's sudden laughter undoubtedly contained some irony, but Jin did not accuse Echo, Jin just looked at him silently.

After echo laughed enough, he put his hand on his forehead and said to Jin: "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you."

"Or I'm laughing at myself... Your experience, your family, everything you have experienced is much more tragic than mine, but you did not give up on yourself like me, sitting here as a statue, but for Only belief and strive to survive and act."

"Come here, friend." Echo waved to Jin, "Just as you said, let's switch positions, and I will carry out your plan."