Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 124: Silent classroom 13┃ is out of control


People in the fringe world seized the time to implement their plans, while in the real world, Xu Haoyu was also running non-stop.

According to Mr. He's previous request, Xu Haoyu successfully sent the sleeping bodies of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue abroad, and sent them to the location designated by Mr. He.

Although Mr. He held his own son, He Chou, as a hostage to Xu Haoyu, when he sent Mu Qin and others away, Xu Haoyu was still worried and worried about his friend's safety. Mu Qin, it is best to ensure his safety personally.

It's a pity that Xu Haoyu has a special status, and his "position" also limits his freedom to some extent. Xu Haoyu can't go abroad casually, which is why Xu Haoyu dare not easily hand over Mu Qin and Zhou Yue to Mr. He.

When Mr. He first discussed cooperation with Xu Haoyu, he probably knew about Xu Haoyu's current situation, so he left He Qiu to make Xu Haoyu feel at ease.

But in fact, Mr. He had other intentions for keeping his son with Xu Haoyu.

"Actually, it is for the convenience of communication, because I can directly convey the news from my father to you." After Xu Haoyu arranged for someone to send Mu Qin away, He Qiu came to Xu Haoyu's office and started talking with him.

He Qiu said: "The place my father asked you to send Mu Qin and Zhou Yue to is a small country in northern Europe called Estonia. There is an experimental base jointly established by my father and his foreign friends. It is advertised as a certain university. The 'Biological Research Laboratory', but in fact, it is their laboratory dedicated to the study of 'Crystal Stone'."

After hearing He Qiu's words, Xu Haoyu asked, "Did Mr. He ask you to tell me this?"

He Chou nodded: "That's right, what I'm saying now is what my father asked me to tell you in detail. Although my father is one of the founders of that laboratory, the confidentiality measures of the laboratory are limited. It is quite strict. All members in the laboratory are not allowed to communicate with the outside world at will, and there are signal interception and shielding. At the same time, any personnel entering and leaving must undergo a detailed personal belongings inspection and physical examination... It seems to be to prevent being infected by the power of the crystal stone. ' people mixed in."

"Therefore, there is only one chance to communicate with relatives once a week, and there must be someone else to monitor the communication period. My dad said that he would not be able to get out of that laboratory within a few months, so he left me here. , you can use this communication to communicate with me every week, so that I can share this information with you."

"This means that I also have the opportunity to pass the news to him." Xu Haoyu understood, nodded and said: "It's just right, does your father have any news to tell me? Let's make it clear once."

He Qiu scratched his head, remained silent for a moment as if trying to organize his words, and then said after a while, "I don't know if the people from Department x have told you that the person who stole the crystal stone is a cult organization called the Marginal God Sect."

"Yes, they said it." Xu Haoyu immediately remembered the words of that x boy.

"In my dad's laboratory, someone successfully disguised his identity and sneaked into the fringe religion." He Chou's words rang in Xu Haoyu's ears like thunder, "The entire laboratory is now operating for undercover agents. Help the undercover get more information."

"Can that kind of cult organization really get mixed in?" Xu Haoyu knew very well that the fringe cult organization was by no means an ordinary cult organization. Although Mr. He and the people from the x department only gave him a general description, but later possessed in the solution When Mu Qin on the bamboo body came to see him, he revealed the news of the marginal world to him in a cryptic way.

So Xu Haoyu is very clear now that the so-called fringe religion is actually the "Church of Dreamers". The people in the church are either dreamers or people who have been brainwashed to become dreamers. There must be a lot of "media" in the church. People of fringe religions use these media to secretly "spread teachings" and develop more believers. They are very mysterious, and the secrecy measures are well done, otherwise they would not have existed for so many years without being discovered. In addition, there is "some kind of power" in the marginal world backing up this cult, quietly covering the development of the church, making This cult is growing stronger and stronger.

It can be said that the fringe religion is the "representative" of the fringe world in this world, and every move of this cult is probably inspired by that terrible existence in the fringe world.

Under such circumstances, it is extremely difficult to get into that kind of organization, let alone the problem of getting out afterwards.

Therefore, when He Chou said that someone in their lab had sneaked into the church as an undercover agent, Xu Haoyu couldn't help but questioned, and frowned, "How could this cult be so simple and easily infiltrated by people? How did the people in your father's lab do it?" Arrived?"

"I don't know about that." Xu Haoyu shook his head and spread his hands. "I'm only in charge of conveying information. Anyway, my dad said that they were indeed successful. They managed to let an undercover agent sneak into that church."

"My dad said that in the recent period, the activity of this cult has dropped a lot, the supervision has also dropped, and the defense seems to be in a weak state. Maybe because of this reason, the people in the laboratory think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. , just keep doing nothing, and cooperate with other forces to help cover up and let people get in."

"Recently..." Xu Haoyu muttered to himself after hearing this, as if he had thought of something.

Xu Haoyu remembered what Mu Qin said two days ago when he possessed Xie Zhu and came to discuss with him. According to what Mu Qin said at the time, Mu Qin seemed to have the opportunity to temporarily hold the existence in the marginal world, so that he had no time to take care of other things. Only those in the room can take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Xu Haoyu suddenly realized, he raised his head and asked He Qiu: "What about now? How is your undercover agent?"

"It's still in the stage of collecting information, so I don't know the details. I think they are looking for an opportunity to cooperate with others to get back the stolen crystal." He Qiu pulled the chair in front of Xu Haoyu and sat down. , "My dad also wants me to report the situation of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue to you."

"Exactly, I also want to ask." Xu Haoyu nodded

"They are fine." He Qiu said, "The people in the laboratory will release them from the dreamer status in the near future... It's just that Mu Qin said that Zhou Yue is in a bit of trouble, and you should know the reason."

Xu Haoyu stared at He Chou thoughtfully, "I have never been able to figure out what is going on with your He family's ceremony to undo dreamers? Although your father has already explained part of it to me, I still have a half understanding. Do you have a more detailed explanation?"

"This matter... I don't know enough details." He Chou seemed a little embarrassed, "I'm ashamed to say, but now I realize that my father protects me very well. The loss of missions told me that he has always been a person carrying everything on his back and walking around the world. Back then, I thought he didn’t care about me because he ran all over the world and never cared about me. Now I can understand his thoughts. "

He Chou sighed slightly and recounted: "About the He family's mission, apart from what I heard from my father, there is also a part I learned from my grandfather's notes. It may have been about three hundred years ago. A foreign man named 'Herqiu', with a strange crystal stone on his body, came to the Qing Dynasty in China at that time, and married a woman. After the marriage, the foreign man changed his Chinese name and used a homonym He took the surname 'He', so there is the current He family."

"In Herqiu's blood, there seems to be some kind of power that protects us, making the He family who inherited this blood have a strong ability to resist crystal stones, but because of the passage of time, it has been passed on from generation to generation. The power of blood is gradually weakening. One day, this power may no longer be able to protect us, so my dad hopes to end his mission as soon as possible in his or my generation. As long as we can destroy that stone, we don’t have to bear these things anymore — This is also the reason why my father established the laboratory.”

"At the same time, according to my grandfather's notes, He Erqiu said something when he passed on this crystal stone to his descendants. He Erqiu said that this stone is a gift from an alien visitor and a symbol of a distant civilization. , if used properly, it will open the door to our dreams."

Xu Haoyu said: "Is this the original words?"

"I don't know, that's roughly what it means."

"It sounds like..." Xu Haoyu couldn't help guessing: "I feel that the crystal stone should be something given to He Erqiu by an alien civilization, similar to some kind of 'technology' product, judging from its current display effect, it should be It’s a device that allows one’s spirit to enter the dream world.”

He Qiu couldn't help but start to speculate wildly: "Maybe... I mean maybe, this is just my guess, if this stone is really a 'gift' from alien visitors, then on another planet, those aliens Could it be through the 'dream' to communicate? As long as they have such a device, no matter how far apart they are, even if it is light years away, or even life and death, as long as they enter the dream, they can be in the dream world Meet."

He Qiu's words were just his imagination, a wonderful guess, but Xu Haoyu's heart was agitated when he heard it.

"Your conjecture is very good." Xu Haoyu said, "Maybe there is such a possibility."

"Just thinking about it." He Chou sighed, "Even if there is such a possibility, it is a technology that we earthlings cannot control, because there is no way to control it, this kind of gift that should have been well-intentioned has turned into a disaster. disaster."

The conversation between Xu Haoyu and He Qiu didn't last long. After reporting some basic information to Xu Haoyu, He Qiu left.

Said to leave, but did not go far. He Qiu is now Xu Haoyu's hostage, so these days, He Qiu has been living in Xu Haoyu's military compound. He doesn't need to get up early to exercise like those soldiers, but every morning he will be woken up by their training whistles and instructions Originally, he was not a person who likes to get up early, and he usually likes to stay in bed, but after coming to Xu Haoyu's place, the problem of lazy bed is gone, and he also does simple training with the team from time to time, and his whole body is much more energetic.

After He Chou left, Xu Haoyu sat in his office in a daze. After a long while, he took out a document from the drawer, and the x department asked him to help investigate whether there was an insider in the military who had infiltrated the cult. Xu Haoyu did investigate, but the insider in the military did not find anyone Of course, other things were found out.

Xu Haoyu opened the file, looked at it, and couldn't help frowning.

On the first page of the document, the words "Zhou Qiyuan" were impressively written.

Zhou Xiyuan is Zhou Yue's father, the chairman and CEO of Zhou's enterprise. Zhou's enterprise is a business empire built by Zhou Xiyuan. It is one of the largest enterprises in the country. It not only has a certain influence in the country, but also has a certain influence abroad. It has interests, cooperation and disputes with many forces.

This Zhou Xiyuan was actually connected with that cult organization.

Xu Haoyu flipped through the document, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. This document contained a lot of clues left behind by Zhou Xiyuan and the fringe cult. , to help the church develop, so it is obvious that Zhou Xiyuan is undoubtedly a member of the fringe religion.

Since Zhou Xiyuan has something to do with the cult, what is Zhou Yue's position as Zhou Xiyuan's son

Of course Xu Haoyu was on Mu Qin's side. If Zhou Yue would harm Mu Qin, he would not hesitate to find a way to kill Zhou Yue.

However, the current situation is not clear. Zhou Yue and Mu Qin fell into that terrible dream world together and couldn't wake up. Xu Haoyu didn't know their situation in the dream, so naturally he couldn't do anything to Zhou Yue casually. Xu Haoyu thought to himself, sure enough We still have to wait for Mr. He to help Mu Qin out of sleep and let Mu Qin wake up before making plans.

Thinking of this, Xu Haoyu reached out and closed the document in front of him, and left his office. He planned to conduct a period of secret surveillance on Zhou's company and Zhou Xiyuan himself, so as to avoid any irreversible accidents at critical moments.

Everyone is doing what they should do without delay.

Maybe they don't realize at this moment that they are moving toward a common goal. The starting point and process of each of them are different, but the end point is unified.

It doesn't matter if it hasn't been discovered yet, when this goal is completed, the truth will naturally be revealed.

But at this very moment, in the fringe world, Zhou Yue is being hunted down.

He doesn't know why he was hunted down, he has no memory, his mind is blank, and he has almost no thinking ability. It's just that when he saw the man approaching him with a knife, his survival instinct made Zhou Yue subconsciously move towards the place he subconsciously felt was safe.

Zhou Yue kept running and running. He passed by those buildings that looked like teaching buildings, and he saw an open playground not far away. There was a green belt full of withered flowers on the side of the road, and there were street lights shining dimly above his head. The sky is covered with dark clouds and the haze is overwhelming, and the heavy rain will pour down at any time. The air is filled with suffocating low pressure, and it is so difficult to breathe that it seems that the heart will stop beating in the next second.

Zhou Yue didn't look back at the person who was chasing him, but he kept calm and used his ears to catch the other person's footsteps. Based on the size of the other person's footsteps, he judged the distance between that person and himself.

The footsteps sounded familiar.

The footsteps of the killer running were very rhythmic, as if every step was measured by precision instruments, and the speed was always the same. The killer didn't seem to be in a hurry to chase Zhou Yue, but he kept hanging tightly behind Zhou Yue, as if An inescapable shadow.

Although Zhou Yue was being hunted down, he unexpectedly didn't feel nervous or scared. He just felt that the scene in front of him was very familiar, and the things that were happening now were also very familiar.

These roads, flowers, trees, and floors all gave Zhou Yue a terrible sense of familiarity. When he ran to a road and turned a corner, when he saw the stones on the road that almost tripped him, he couldn't help feeling sad. Think: Have I been on this road before

I seem to have gone up this staircase.

I seem to have been to this classroom.

It's as if he has been running in a perfectly circular circle, no matter how long he runs, he will always return to the original point.

Why should I run away

Zhou Yue thought so, when he thought of this, he slowed down his running speed, changed from running to walking, and finally stopped in place.

Then he turned his head and looked at the killer who had been following him.

The killer also stopped running and chasing him, and slowly walked towards him. Zhou Yue could basically see the man's appearance clearly in the dim light. This is an extremely ugly man. He is very thin and a little shorter than Zhou Yue. His face is full of dimples and scars, the corners of his mouth are cracked and his eyes are bloodshot. , that appearance is horrifying.

Zhou Yue didn't feel terrified. The ugly and frightening appearance of the other party didn't make Zhou Yue feel fear or disgust at all. Zhou Yue just felt sad and sad for no reason. When he saw this person, Zhou Yue felt his heart twitching. It hurts, he is sore and tired, too tired to run anymore.

Kill me quickly.

Obviously it was such an urgent request, but the killer only approached Zhou Yue very slowly. He walked very slowly, as if walking on Zhou Yue's nerves, every step touched Zhou Yue's brain.

The killer walked up to Zhou Yue and got very close, the killer's body was almost stuck to Zhou Yue. He is a little shorter than Zhou Yue, so he has to raise his head slightly to look at Zhou Yue.

The killer's eyes were full of gentle emotions, and Zhou Yue couldn't feel the slightest bit of violence or killing intent in his eyes. While looking at Zhou Yue, the killer stretched out his left hand to caress Zhou Yue's cheek, rubbing the skin on Zhou Yue's cheek with his fingertips, revealing tenderness and care in every move.

Zhou Yue felt that there was something intoxicating about this man.

good smell.

So Zhou Yue lowered her head and couldn't help but want to kiss each other.

It's a pity that before the kiss, Zhou Yue felt a sharp pain in his neck. The pain interrupted Zhou Yue's movement of wanting to kiss the other party. The familiar blade and the hand holding the handle belong to the killer in front of him.

Zhou Yue shifted his gaze to the killer's face again, the killer's expression remained unchanged, he still looked at him with such a gentle gaze, as if he wasn't the one who stabbed Zhou Yue.

Even his left hand was still stroking Zhou Yue's face, the palm of his hand was warm, and he could vaguely feel the beating of his pulse, which was steady and powerful.

It was so gentle.

Zhou Yue thought to himself, this is the most gentle killing he has ever seen.

The killing without hostility, it seems that the next thing to meet is not the cold and desperate death, but the eternal fire in the cold winter night.

Zhou Yue forgot his desire to survive. He didn't choose to escape or fight back. After staring at the killer in front of him for a second, he chose to continue the previous action—he continued to lower his head and tried to kiss the killer in front of him. He kissed him. Lips pressed against each other's lips.

It's a pity that Zhou Yue could only enjoy the softness of the opponent's lips for a short time. In the next second, Zhou Yue became dizzy and lost consciousness. The blade inserted in his neck blocked the blood vessels in his neck, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain. He was able to stay awake The time is not long.

At this time, the third person who was chasing behind Zhou Yue and the killer also followed. It was a fragile young man with delicate features. When the young man caught up, he saw Zhou Yue fall on the killer with a knife stuck in his neck. Anger, cruelty and other emotions immediately appeared on the young man's face, which was extremely inconsistent with his gentle face.

"You really dare to do it!" The boy yelled at the killer, and then pulled out a thin sharp steel pipe that he found somewhere from his pocket. So fast, the killer didn't even bother to stop it.

It was another experience as if time stood still.

When Zhou Yue woke up, she saw the same scene in front of her eyes, a piano, a music classroom, and old tables and chairs.

His mind was empty, he couldn't even remember his own name, he didn't know where he was, he couldn't remember the rules of the game, he couldn't remember anything.

But instead, after everything was forgotten, Zhou Yue remembered the music score.

He heard music playing beside his ears, it was piano music, the treble was as crisp as pearls falling on a jade plate, and the bass was as deep as rolling thunder. The whole song is as rapid as a storm, and under the storm, it seems to hear the muttering of a goblin.

This piece of music is so beautiful that it has been echoing in Zhou Yue's mind. Zhou Yue couldn't help following the voice in his brain, put his hands on the black and white keys of the piano, and played the music in his mind very naturally and smoothly. The tune played.

He also remembered the name of this piano piece, called "Fate", but it was not Beethoven's Symphony of Fate, it was a piece from an unknown performer, and the signature on the sheet music was Anonymous, which meant Anonymous.

The beginning of this piece is a series of impassioned and exhilarating high-pitched notes, but it calms down in the middle, and there is another short high-pitched to peaceful ending at the end.

It's not amazing. Compared with many famous pieces, this piano piece is really mediocre. But it is very listenable, and it is also very suitable as an etude.

Zhou Yue played it skillfully, and the whole piece was so smooth that Zhou Yue couldn't believe it. When he finished playing, he raised his hands and looked at them. His hands were rough and callused. These were not the hands of a pianist.

While Zhou Yue was staring at her hand, footsteps sounded outside the music classroom, probably because he was attracted by the sound of his playing. with a person.

Many years ago, Zhou Yue, who was still a teenager, was sitting in the classroom, practicing this fate piano piece, and there was a loyal fan watching him silently outside the window.

Fans are very timid. When peeking, they shrink their bodies, lean on the wall, and only show half of their heads when they look sideways—yes, it's the kind of "secret observation" action.

When Zhou Yue found out about his stupid and cute peeping action, she was amused but felt her heart was scratched by a kitten's paw.
