Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 125: Silent Classroom 14┃You are even more impossible to do it!


The faceless man almost broke his leg, using the fastest speed his frail body could achieve to reach Zhou Yue's birth point—the music classroom.

When he struggled to climb the stairs and ran to the door of the music classroom, he saw that the door of the music classroom had been violently kicked open. Mu Qin just walked in with his knife, and Zhou Yue inside had nowhere to escape. Sitting in front of the piano seat in a daze, he watched Mu Qin approaching him with a knife.

"Zhou Yue!" The Faceless Man raised his voice and shouted to Zhou Yue impatiently, "Run away! He's going to kill you!"

I don't know how many times this has happened again.

From the moment Mu Qin made up his mind to kill Zhou Yue in the first game and escaped alone, Mu Qin really started to try his best to kill Zhou Yue. He was like a shark following the smell of blood Generally, he chases after Zhou Yue, and once the game is restarted, he will immediately run to Zhou Yue's birth point with his knife.

Several times, Faceless Man had to try to commit suicide at the beginning of the game, because he didn't have time to find Zhou Yue in front of Mu Qin, or he didn't have time to save Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue still remembered the rules of the game in the first few reincarnations, and was able to use cards to resist a little bit, but the more times he reincarnated, the more things he forgot. In the end, he really didn’t remember anything at all. I forgot the rules of the game, and no one even knew my last name, let alone what cards to use.

To make matters worse, the more Zhou Yue completely forgot these things, the more suspicious and vigilant he became, which may be caused by the strong sense of insecurity caused by his amnesia.

So when the Faceless Man tried to control Zhou Yue, who had no memory and was as white as paper, he talked about it for a long time, trying to get Zhou Yue to obey his command, but it always backfired. Zhou Yue didn't trust the Faceless Man at all. The words of the faceless man were ignored, and no matter what the faceless man said to him, he quickly avoided it as if he hadn't heard it.

Zhou Yue, who has no memory, shies away from everyone or everything. He just doesn’t listen to what the Faceless Man has to say. When the Faceless Man tries to follow him to protect him, Zhou Yue’s reaction is even more intense. He will turn around and find some people immediately. The sharp thing that can be used as a weapon, and then rushed towards the faceless man and killed him decisively. At least several times when the game was restarted, it was caused by Zhou Yue killing the faceless man.

Zhou Yue, who has no memory, seems to think that being alone is the safest, so he refuses anyone to approach.

Even if the faceless man sacrificed his life to defend Zhou Yue, Zhou Yue was not pleased by the faceless man's behavior at all. Zhou Yue didn't care about other people's heroic protection or helping him. He would not thank him, let alone repay him. He would just turn around and run and then find a safe corner to hide.

He wouldn't even try to leave the school, let alone look for clues to the map exit.

Especially when Mu Qin was chasing and killing Zhou Yue, in the first few reincarnations Zhou Yue would find something to fight back, but after that, he basically couldn't. He would run away when he saw Mu Qin, and if he was blocked in a corner, he would just stand there stupidly and catch him , waiting to be killed with a confused face.

What's more, sometimes Zhou Yue didn't run away at all, and just stood there obediently waiting to be slaughtered.

The Faceless Man almost vomited blood from Zhou Yue's anger. If he hadn't been sure that Zhou Yue had lost his memory without a doubt, he would even think that Zhou Yue and Mu Qin were playing tricks on him.

It's really going to be endless.

The Faceless Man doesn't want to procrastinate on this kind of game for too long. Although the responsibility of managing the Border World can be handed over to the Border World System, the World System is just a system. It only does things according to rigid rules, and the Faceless Man Have their own things to do.

He must end this game as soon as possible, and must win.

Thinking about it, Mu Qin really planned to abandon Zhou Yue and do whatever it takes to survive, and he didn't care about the relationship between them at all.

At this time, it is a joke to use Zhou Yue to contain Mu Qin, because now Zhou Yue is a stone blocking the way in Mu Qin's eyes-just kick him away.

But the Faceless Man can't let Mu Qin kick Zhou Yue away, he has to help Zhou Yue win, he has to let Zhou Yue escape alive, only when Zhou Yue gets out can he win.

But how can Zhou Yue escape? Zhou Yue didn't listen to him like Faceless Man expected at all. The more complete the amnesia, the more difficult it is to control. Now Zhou Yue doesn't care what happens when the game restarts, because he is "poor and white" and he doesn't bother to care about these things.

He was full of vigilance, and he didn't let the faceless man get close, and the faceless man couldn't detect any cards on him, let alone use these cards to make him escape from Mu Qin's pursuit.

Moreover, Zhou Yue's attitude when facing Mu Qin was really weird. Basically, when he saw Mu Qin, he just stood there and waited to be slaughtered. In the first round of reincarnation, Zhou Yue will still run away, circle around and counterattack.

But now he can do nothing.

No matter how angry the faceless man was, he had to restart the game again and again, hoping that there would be some changes in the new game, but the result was not as good as the previous one.

If this continues, Zhou Yue will really be killed, Mu Qin will win the game, and he will leave the marginal world safe and sound.

Absolutely not!

Faceless was so angry that his face was distorted. The situation was quite bad. Maybe he was thinking in the wrong direction at the beginning. He always felt that Mu Qin would show mercy to Zhou Yue. Even if he is merciless, Zhou Yue can easily escape with his physical fitness and mind.

But I never expected that it would turn into such a situation.

The stalemate must be broken, and the Faceless must find new ways to solve the problems before them. If Zhou Yue can't break through here, then start with Mu Qin.

The Faceless Man made up his mind and started to act. He first interrupted Mu Qin's attempt to attack Zhou Yue, rushed forward to block Zhou Yue, and shouted at Zhou Yue: "Run!"

Although Zhou Yue was always inexplicably dazed when faced with Mu Qin's pursuit, and even stood still and waited to be slaughtered. But during the opening period of the game, the face on the face of the faceless man and his voice still seemed to confuse Zhou Yue to a certain extent, so Zhou Yue could still hear the words and phrases of the faceless man at this stage .

At this stage, Zhou Yue would still run away, probably due to the instinct of self-protection. Zhou Yue would choose to leave spontaneously. Therefore, after the Faceless Man yelled at him, Zhou Yue took the initiative to get up, skipping the Faceless Man and Mu Qin, and ran to Outside the door of the music classroom.

Mu Qin seemed to want to stop Zhou Yue, but just as he was about to move, the faceless man rushed forward and grabbed Mu Qin's arm and held it tightly. When Mu Qin turned his head and glanced at the faceless man, Zhou Yue had already run out of the door of the music classroom. Mu Qin did not chase after him forcefully, but stared at the faceless man and choked him with his other hand. Throat of the Faceless Man.

Muqin will not take the initiative to kill the faceless man in the game. If the faceless man intentionally gets close to him, Muqin will do his best to keep his hand.

Because I don't want to intensify the reincarnation, so as not to bring more harm to Zhou Yue.

It's just that Mu Qin wouldn't let the Faceless Man restrain him because of this. Mu Qin could easily grab the Faceless Man's throat to make him difficult to breathe, but relax just right so as not to make him unconscious.

"Mu Qin, I... I think, we should talk." With Mu Qin restraining his throat, the faceless man forced himself to raise the corners of his mouth and pull out a smile.

Mu Qin was moved by what the faceless man said, he hesitated for a while, but chose to let go of the faceless man, and stared at the faceless man intently, waiting for him to speak.

After being released by Mu Qin, the faceless man first stretched out his hand and rubbed his throat, took a few deep breaths, still kept smiling and said slowly: "Dear Mu Qin, do you believe it or not? If the two of us never make the slightest concession , the reincarnation of this game will last for centuries, even until the day when the earth is destroyed."

Mu Qin was silent, his bloodshot eyes stared at the faceless man, and there was a chill in his eyes.

The faceless man continued to laugh: "You may think I'm so despicable and shameless, but I did all this just to keep you."

Mu Qin narrowed his eyes, as if telling the faceless man not to talk nonsense.

"You're right, I'm not either Amu or Axin." The faceless man seemed to be planning to say something meaningful, and he casually told the truth, "Those two brothers are indeed dead, dead for a long time, And you are not the reincarnation of them."

"I didn't say that you were the reincarnation of the two of them before. I just wanted to find a reason to restrain you. I hope you can have some nostalgia for this world." The faceless man seems to have decided to tell the truth , "It turns out that my thoughts are too naive, or I take it for granted."

"I always thought you belonged to this world, so no matter what reason I use, you will eventually choose to stay."

"Mu Qin, you don't belong to the real world." Faceless Man didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he lowered his voice and said, "You were born in a marginal world, and you have already met your father, so this, I miss you It should be clear."

So what? Mu Qin spoke silently.

"The marginal world is your cornerstone." Faceless Human said, "So, once the marginal world disappears..."

"You too will disappear."

Mu Qin couldn't help being taken aback, his hideous and ugly face prevented him from showing any obvious emotions on his face, but at this moment his heart was overwhelmed.

The faceless man seemed to be able to see that Mu Qin's heart was churning, so he tilted his head and smiled at Mu Qin: "Do you understand what I mean? Mu Qin."

"I didn't lie to you, the marginal world is the foundation of your existence, even if you try everything possible to leave here, but one day you will come back by yourself... You have to come back."

"The longer you stay in the real world, the weaker you will become, and your sense of existence will gradually decrease. After a long time, in the eyes of the world, Mu Qin seems to have never appeared. People will forget you, friends, family, even lovers—they will forget you."

"When the last person has completely forgotten you, you will disappear like a mermaid in a fairy tale, turning into bubbles."

"Maybe you don't feel it now, maybe you think what I say is fart."

The Faceless Man said: "Even if you don't believe it, it's a fact. That's why I want to cut off all the fetters of this world for you. Anything that makes you nostalgic will become the source of your pain in the future. You must not have any relationship with human beings." The same feelings... Sooner or later, you will become like me."

"The border world is the world of dreams." The faceless man's voice was softer. "And you are born in a dream."

"Without dreams, there would be no you."

The Faceless Man finished his speech here, and then fell silent, looking at Mu Qin silently, and waiting for Mu Qin's reaction. Mu Qin also seemed to be shocked by the words of the faceless man. He didn't speak or move for a while, and stared at the faceless man stiffly.

The faceless man couldn't help sighing, stepped forward and took Mu Qin's hand, speaking sincerely and helplessly: "I'm really doing it for you."

"Let Zhou Yue go." Faceless said, "What I promised you before is true. After letting him go, I will never trouble him. I hope you don't even think about returning to this world and stay in that world." It will do you no good, you will slowly become weak, and may even gradually disappear."

"Only in this world, you are powerful, and the fringe world can exist forever because of you."

Mu Qin still didn't speak, and couldn't speak, he stared at the faceless man intently. The Faceless Man said: "If you agree with me, you can nod to me. If you disagree, you can also shake your head."

But Mu Qin didn't nod or shake his head, he indifferently shook off the faceless man's hand, still staring at the faceless man intently.

The atmosphere suddenly became stalemate, the two looked at each other for a long time, and after a while, Mu Qin suddenly smiled.

The words of the Faceless Man are true. Mu Qin is indeed not a human being, and it is impossible to become a human being. Even though Mu Qin has tried his best to play the role of "ordinary person" since he was a child, until he believes that he is an ordinary person, but Mu Qin has to admit at this moment that he has never been a human being.

Mu Qin is just a dream.

He is the dream child of echo and bird. Players who enter the edge world have no real "entity", and naturally have no ability to conceive offspring, but bird miraculously conceived Mu Qin, perhaps because the couple was at that time They wanted to have a crystallization of love very strongly in their hearts, and their wish came true in the dream world, and Mu Qin was born in such anticipation.

So to be precise, Mu Qin is a child of the marginal world, an accidental product created by this magical world in response to the expectations of players.

Before Jin said that Mu Qin was the "son of God", it may also have meaning in this regard.

A long time ago, Mu Qin always hoped that he could become like Zhou Yue. He wanted to be with Zhou Yue forever, and in the same world, he wanted to join hands with Zhou Yue to share the sorrow and sorrow until the end of his life. But these expectations have probably always been just Mu Qin's wishful thinking.

However, although what the Faceless Man said is true, it may not be without evil intentions.

At least Mu Qin can clearly understand that the Faceless Man is very, very... strongly wants to trap Mu Qin in the marginal world. What he said about "for Mu Qin's good" is really farting.

But why? Why is the faceless man so eager to trap Mu Qin

What is the intention? That's why the Faceless Man pursued Mu Qin so relentlessly, and even came up with such an indiscriminate dead end to compete with Mu Qin, just wanting to let Mu Qin stay in the marginal world convincingly.

Mu Qin still can't figure it out. He can't figure out why the Faceless Man promised himself to start this game to "compete". Obviously Mu Qin is already sitting on the Butterfly Throne, and Mu Qin who becomes the king is equal to the faceless man. A human puppet, with the supremacy and power of the Faceless Man in the marginal world, he does not need to compete with Mu Qin at all. As long as he keeps Mu Qin trapped on the throne, Mu Qin will not be able to escape. of.

Even if Mu Qin's body is not dead in this world, but his soul is bound to the throne, as long as the thorns on the throne are still there, Mu Qin cannot go back. It has been delayed for a long time, even if Xu Haoyu can really take care of Mu Qin's body for a lifetime in this world, the shell after sleeping for so long is probably useless.

And Zhou Yue, before the Faceless Man, there was no need to bring back Zhou Yue who had left the fringe world. The Faceless Man could have made Mu Qin and Zhou Yue never meet again. After a long time of not seeing each other, no matter how deep the relationship is, it will dim , Mu Qin will be discouraged and hopeless, obediently, as the faceless man expected, staying in the marginal world and unable to go anywhere.

But the Faceless Man still started the competition with Mu Qin, and made an agreement that whoever wins will do what he wants. This kind of behavior of the faceless man gave Mu Qin an indescribable feeling.

It's as if the Faceless Man doesn't really have the ability to trap Mu Qin, so he can only find a way to get Mu Qin's verbal promise.


The edge of the world stems from a promise between Amu and Ashin. To be precise, it was Ashin's unilateral promise to Ah Mu. Ashin kissed him after Ah Mu's death, said that he wanted to be together forever, and then buried Ah Mu's body in the flames.

After that, Rimworld came into being.

Why did such a promise of "wanting to be together forever" lead to the birth of the edge world

Who is the faceless man? What kind of connection does he have with Ah Mu and Ashin

"You're not like me, are you?" Mu Qin suddenly had a bold idea, he opened his mouth to speak to the faceless man, but he didn't make any sound at all, he just opened and closed his mouth. And because Mu Qin said this sentence very quickly, the Faceless Man had no time to decipher his lips.

The faceless man frowned and said, "What did you say?"

Mu Qin squinted his eyes and smiled, and said silently: "You are just like me, you are also a dream."

It was born because it was expected.

It exists because of the support of dreams.

It seems eternal, but it is also extremely fragile. Once the dream collapses, people born from the dream like Mu Qin and the Faceless Man will collapse along with it.

"I understand why you want to keep me here." Mu Qin continued to say to the Faceless Man silently, "The marginal world is a world supported by the dreams of countless people."

"As long as there are people who can dream of this world, the edge world will never disappear."

That's why there are so many "mediums". It spreads one after another like a viral infection, using this method to make more people become "dreamers" and develop the church of dreamers, and the dreams of dreamers have evolved into a part of the marginal world.

Almost all players who enter the edge world are dreamers. But among these dreamers, most of them don't know that they have become dreamers. They have nightmares every night, but they completely forget the content of the dreams after waking up.

These unlucky people who become dreamers, because of constant nightmares, their spirits are severely impacted by various aspects, causing them to be in a trance and even change their temperament drastically. Therefore, many dreamers will "commit crimes", which also makes many players Mistakenly thinking that the marginal world is a "hell" that only sinful people will enter.

There is also the game map of each game. The reason why the players have visited together is probably because the marginal world system screened the same scenes in their memory.

To describe it in a more modern and even ultra-modern way, the fringe world is like a future holographic network in people's fantasy. Everyone can enter this virtual shared world in a spiritual way.

The crystal stone in the fringe world is the "server" or "host" of this virtual shared world, and the players who are active in the fringe world are the number of people online in the server.

The way to enter this server is also a bit like on the Internet, someone sends you a "link", you can ignore it or try to click on the link, but when you click in, you can enter the link created by a certain server. website page.

The "medium" circulated among dreamers is actually very similar to this link. Does it mean that people who interpret or touch these media are actually clicking on the link with the mouse

It's just that these links are fatal, and you can't log out after clicking to log in... Or there was an option to log out, but the Faceless Man unilaterally closed it

These guesses are groundless, like a fantasy, but after thinking about it, Mu Qin thinks it looks like that.

If it is really speculated according to this line of thinking, then existences such as Mu Qin and the Faceless Man should be the autonomous AI born in this server. The ai that holds the information and programs, if it is more advanced, can completely hack the server like a virus, and play with the entire server in applause.

At this time, the problem arises. There are two AIs in this server, and one of them tries to trap the other by any means. Why

Because I'm a danger to him? Because I threatened his position, his power? So he's trying to trap me and eliminate me? Complete mastery of this server alone

But it doesn't make sense, because he is fully capable of eliminating me directly, so why go to all the troubles to trap me first

"What are you talking about?" Mu Qin was thinking for a few seconds, and the faceless man kept frowning, trying to interpret the lips of what Mu Qin said before. Unfortunately, Mu Qin spoke very fast, and the faceless man Can't read it.

Therefore, Faceless said: "I can find you a pen and paper, and we will communicate slowly."

"No, no need." Mu Qin shook his head, he was too lazy to communicate with the faceless man, because thinking about it now doesn't make much sense, since this game has already started, Mu Qin intends to go all out to complete it.

So Mu Qin ignored the faceless man, turned around and followed Zhou Yue's footsteps to leave the music classroom... He planned to continue chasing and killing Zhou Yue.

Seeing his words, the faceless man didn't shake Mu Qin's determination at all, he was also a little impatient, and rushed to block Mu Qin.

"Don't you understand what I mean!?" The Faceless Man was really impatient, continuing to play the game would only lead to a stalemate in a dead end without any progress. Such a development made the Faceless Man restless.

"Mu Qin, please... I beg you, don't be obsessed with it!" The faceless man raised his voice and held Mu Qin's arm tightly, "Even if you leave the marginal world, you can't exist in this world for too long, you Sooner or later it will disappear!"

"And what's so good about such a world? If you stay here, I can give you everything I have!"

Mu Qin stared at the faceless man silently for a moment, then he still struggled to shake off the faceless man's hand. He walked around the faceless man and continued to move forward. His actions successfully angered the faceless man, and the faceless man clenched his fists and whispered Said: "Do you really want to leave this world that much!?"

"I tell you! Mu Qin, this is impossible!"

"Neither of us can leave this world! Since I can't do it, you can't do it!"

On the contrary, it was the unintentional words of the faceless man that really touched Mu Qin's nerves. Mu Qin stopped trying to avoid the faceless man and turned to look at the faceless man.