Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 126: Silent Classroom 15┃At that moment, I felt free


The words of the Faceless Man revealed unknown information.

Although this made many speculations and inferences flash in Mu Qin's mind, he did not choose to delve into it. Whether this is the truth revealed by the Faceless Man unintentionally, or the bait he deliberately revealed to lure Mu Qin into the bait, Mu Qin does not intend to debate with him here.

Only by completing this game and winning is Mnuchin's primary goal.

Therefore, after briefly making eye contact with the Faceless Man, Mu Qin turned his head with a sneer and ignored the furious Faceless Man. He walked out of the classroom and planned to continue chasing Zhou Yue's footsteps. Zhou Yue had already run away during this time No one was there, but Muqin could guess where he was going next.

No matter how many times the reincarnation is restarted, the direction of escape and the hiding place of the amnesiac Zhou Yue are basically the same. These places are almost all the "secret dating spots" that Mu Qin and Zhou Yue used to go to in high school, although Zhou Yue Can't remember, but he still instinctively goes to these locations.

His instinct made Mu Qin feel distressed.

The distressed Mu Qin had difficulty breathing, so much so that the hand holding the knife began to tremble. Therefore, Mu Qin had no choice but to keep hypnotizing himself to forget these things that made him feel sad, and followed the clues left by Zhou Yue to find Zhou Yue, and looking at the direction of the traces, Mu Qin had already guessed where Zhou Yue was going this time.

It's an old place.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were in the same school and different classes in high school, and it was basically impossible to stay together during class time. They only had a small gathering during the lunch break at noon. They would go to the cafeteria to buy food one after the other. Meet at the rooftop of the cafeteria activity center building, have lunch together and spend the precious lunch break time intimately.

Few people go up to the roof of the student activity center building, but the roof is open all year round, and the door of the roof is not locked, so it has become a frequent meeting point for Mu Qin and Zhou Yue.

Mu Qin vaguely remembered that he once hid a key on the rooftop, which was the key to the school gate that he borrowed from Uncle Yan, the security guard at the school gate. Why he borrowed this key, Mu Qin couldn't remember clearly. But he remembered that the key was never returned and had been hidden on the rooftop.

Therefore, this key is very likely to become one of the important props in this game. As long as Zhou Yue gets it, he can escape from the game smoothly.

Of course, Mu Qin couldn't let Zhou Yue escape so quickly...but at the right time, he had to personally find a way to let Zhou Yue escape.

This is a dead end, and Mu Qin had expected it when he started the game with the Faceless Man.

In this deadlock, Mu Qin has only two options. One is to win, so that Mu Qin can leave the marginal world happily. The second is to lose, so that Zhou Yue can escape alive.

But Mu Qin didn't want to choose either, so he could only create a third option for himself.

He chose to ask for help off the field.

It may be too prescient, Mu Qin was trapped on the throne before, and after seeing the Faceless Man for the first time and finishing talking with him, he had already planned it in his heart.

He wants to start a game with the Faceless Man to negotiate. This is the only way Mu Qin can get benefits from the Faceless Man who has absolute power and strength, and the attitude of the Faceless Man at that time is also doomed. develop in this direction.

Mu Qin also envisioned the development of the Faceless Man after accepting this game, and what kind of situation this game will evolve into. Mu Qin has speculated one by one in his heart.

The situation is almost the same as he expected.

It’s just that predictions are just predictions after all. Reality will always go on a path completely different from what people plan. At this stage, Mu Qin must be careful, and every step of his actions must be carefully considered.

It should be coming soon.

While thinking casually in his heart, Mu Qin followed Zhou Yue's footsteps at a leisurely pace. He walked straight to the student activity center building, and went directly to the top floor, and then saw Zhou Yue on the top floor as expected.

The roof of the student activity center was equipped with a high fence to prevent people from accidentally slipping and falling downstairs. The fence was two meters high. Zhou Yue stood on the edge of the fence, holding on to the railing, Look out through the fence.

Zhou Yue didn't know what he was looking at, but he was so focused that he didn't even turn his head when Mu Qin walked behind him. Mu Qin turned around and saw that the Faceless Man didn't catch up in time, so he took advantage of this time to go forward , reached out and hugged Zhou Yue's waist from behind.

He hugged Zhou Yue and put his face on Zhou Yue's back.

Because of being hugged suddenly, Zhou Yue realized this, but instead of struggling in panic, he touched Mu Qin's hand around his waist and abdomen.

After hugging in this position for a while, Mu Qin let go of Zhou Yue, Zhou Yue turned around to look at Mu Qin, and then stretched out his hand to touch Mu Qin's face.

"You smell fragrant." Zhou Yue approached Mu Qin and sniffed his hair. "I like it very much. I feel at ease when I smell it."

Zhou Yue's words made Mu Qin couldn't help lowering his head and sniffing himself, but he didn't smell anything on himself. He didn't sweat or get stained or bloodstained, and in this game, the bodies of all the participants were temporarily created by the marginal world system, based on the copying of the bodies of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue in their peak state in the real world Come.

In order to be able to play the game with peace of mind, the temporary bodies of the players are cleaned by the system, and it stands to reason that there should be no peculiar smell.

But Zhou Yue hugged Mu Qin persistently, buried her face in Mu Qin's neck, rubbed it unconsciously, took a deep breath, and said in a muffled voice, "You smell so sweet, I like you so much."

Mu Qin suddenly felt a little trembling.

He didn't know what kind of smell Zhou Yue smelled on him, but Mu Qin suddenly realized that this might be a way for Zhou Yue to recognize him... Now that he is beyond recognition and unable to make a sound, Zhou Yue can still pass through such a The method is extremely accurate to recognize that he is Mu Qin.

That's why he was so unscrupulous, hugged a "stranger", and said without hesitation: "I like you."

Mu Qin really wanted to respond, and really wanted to tell Zhou Yue loudly that I like you too.

But there is no way, Mu Qin can't do it, Mu Qin can only hug Zhou Yue, hug him closely, and greedily absorb the short-term warmth.

When he heard the sound of a faceless man coming upstairs from the stairwell, he had to take action against Zhou Yue... he had to let this cycle of reincarnation go on forever.

At the same time, while Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were still repeating this terrifying reincarnation in the game, Echo and Jin switched positions on their throne map, and Jin took the throne instead of Echo.

The method is similar to how Mu Qin used to deal with the king before. Jin first gave echo a wheel of fortune, let the wheel of fortune help echo offset the damage, and then Jin began to attack echo, when the king was attacked, it was equivalent to a battle for the throne, and echo could get off the throne that bound him .

When he came down, the throne lost an important king, and the thorns of the throne began to automatically search for the living players in the map to become the next king.

With the protection of the wheel of fortune, it is difficult for echo to be troubled by thorns, so Jin will be dragged to the throne as a matter of course, and the two have successfully exchanged their identities so far.

Then, echo asked Jin to help, let Jin take care of his wife's bones for a while, and when the task is completed, he will come back and change places with Jin again... echo is reluctant to leave bird, so he will come back, and he may be on this page forever Staying on the throne is just to accompany a corpse.

Jin expressed his understanding and agreed to echo's request. Jin also arranged Bird's bones so that he could sit upright on the throne. Echo was relieved when he saw this, and then walked out of the map that had troubled him for more than 20 years, and returned to the edge world game again as a player.

Since echo is a super old player of the last game version of Edge World more than 20 years ago, after the game version was updated, his old player identity has been deleted by the system logout, so when he returns to the game now, the system will give His new player identity, he will join the game as a novice player.

But the status of a novice does not hinder Echo's next plan. Before Jin temporarily took the throne instead of Echo, he had already made complete preparations. Jin used a special function of the system to reserve a lot of resources for Echo in advance.

The Edge World game has a trading function. As long as players and players know each other's game number, they can exchange points and props to achieve the purpose of trading.

But the system actually has another way of trading.

Players can set the price of the cards, props and other items they want to sell in advance, and hang these items on the system mall, so that others can pay to buy them anytime and anywhere.

Not only can you set the price of the product yourself, but you can also set a password for the product. Your products can only be bought by people who know the password.

However, the function of this listing mall requires players to use reward points to activate it. 100,000 reward points can be activated permanently. However, 100,000 reward points is an astronomical figure for many players, so players who activate this function do not many.

Jin is one of them. He opened the function of this listing mall, and set the price and password of the card props he prepared for echo on the mall.

Then when Echo returns to the safe house of the game as a novice, he can open the mall and find the card props that Jin hangs on the mall. The price set by Jin is zero, but others cannot buy it because of the password. , only the echo that got the password from Jin can carry them smoothly.

Jin left a few cards for echo, namely the positive and negative world card, the positive and negative death card, two magicians, and n many side cards that strengthen luck... It can be said that many of the cards that players dream of are in Jin's hands up.

However, Jin has also been in the game for four years, and he is still a loyal "believer" of the marginal will. During the game, he will inevitably receive a lot of "care" from the marginal will. It's not uncommon for him to have a few rare cards in his house.

After getting a good card, Echo began to think about his next move, and he had better move faster.

He chose a reversed world card left to him by Jin, and two decks—one is the scepter 10, which symbolizes disaster, burden, and bad luck; the other is the sword 10 that summons the god of death.

Players can bring a main card and two secondary cards into the new game, and the combination of certain secondary cards allows you to draw specific cards in the game, such as 10 of scepters and 10 of swords, these two secondary cards The combination of has a probability of more than 75% that the player can draw the death card.

It's just that there are fifty-six decks of Tarot cards, so many cards can be combined into hundreds of thousands of combinations, not everyone knows the effect of deck combinations, echo doesn't know much, but he knows how Using the secondary card to "summon" the main card he wanted was the result of some experiments he had done in the last game version a long time ago.

Putting these three cards on his body, and another white card belonging to Mu Qin, Echo decisively asked the system to start a new game. After a short period of dizziness, he opened his eyes and came to the new map without having time to look around environment, he first fumbled in his pockets and took out two cards. As expected, they were the Death Card and the Reversed World he specially brought in.

It seems that the deck combination effect was not removed when the game version was updated... maybe even strengthened.

Echo thought like this, and began to look around. He seemed to have come to a familiar park. It seemed to be an old park decades ago, but it has been renovated several times so that it still exists. Unlike the amusement park, there are not many entertainment facilities in the park. It is basically a landscape, a lake and a hill with a tall tower on the hill. Generally speaking, it is a pretty big park.

The whole park is surrounded by a tall fence with spikes. Echo's birth point is on the edge of this fence. Above his head is a street lamp in the shape of a lantern, emitting a warm yellow light. There was also a killer blade brushed by his feet, and he bent down subconsciously to pick it up.

The feeling of holding a knife in the palm of his hand is very strange, and echo is a little dazed. He seems to have returned to the beginning, when he and Bird were still players struggling to survive in the marginal world, they had gone hand in hand and overcome many difficulties. For a while I thought I could escape.

Echo shook his head to shake off this distant memory, and then began to search for other players that might exist around him non-stop—he wanted to control the situation of this game as soon as possible, and after he filled himself with two heads, he could open a white cartoon Go to the throne map where Mu Qin is.

After arriving at Muqin's map, he can kill Muqin according to Jin's plan, and let Muqin's throne temporarily restrain the Faceless Man. After these two things are done, Echo can retire.

Things seem to be very troublesome, but echo has the help of the world card. When he desperately wants to do a certain thing, luck can bring him a huge synergy. He quickly found other humans in this game. Because it is a novice game, most of the players in this game are novices, but there are also veteran players, which are not easy to deal with.

Echo was quite intentional, he decided to save the newbies, and kill the old ones first.

He got acquainted with this long-lost blade, and then quickly jumped up and killed the two veterans in this game. The basic number of kills was met, so he let most of the newcomers go, leaving only one of them who looked like It was not pleasing to the eye, and locked it in a closed room on the map. After confirming that it could not escape in a short time, Echo took out Mu Qin's white card, found an open space, and used the white card to open the space door. call out.

Before arriving at Mu Qin's location through this space door, Echo began to check his own things.

He now has the Reaper card and the Reversed World, followed by a magician who just looted from a newcomer. There are also several other irrelevant cards, but they feel useless, so echo temporarily discarded the useless cards.

Reaper and Reverse World can make Echo enter the map of the throne where Mu Qin is, without worrying about being caught by the thorns of the throne. And the magician can make echo use the luck of the world card to directly conjure it when a certain card is urgently needed.

Other than the cards are the killer's knife, and the musical instrument that was finally found after searching the entire park—the harmonica.

Echo thought he couldn't find the musical instrument, and planned to cut a thin bamboo to make a flute by himself, but finally found this harmonica in a library inside the park. It may be a student who left it in the library. museum stuff.

Although it seems surprising, the person echo actually knows a lot of musical instruments, such as flute, harmonica, violin, guitar, etc., he knows a little bit. But they are the kind who know a thing or two but are not very proficient. It is not a problem to play a few simple pieces, but it is not easy to play complicated ones.

The reason why echo knows so many musical instruments is because a long time ago, when he was working part-time, he once stayed in a street performing band group, where there were all kinds of people who could play various instruments, and echo They have all learned a hand, and the reason for learning is said to be to pick up girls, to deceive those young girls who are young and ignorant of world affairs.

Although he ended up falling on Mu Qin's biological mother, Mu Qingyun.

Cards, knives, and clarinets were all brought, and Echo felt that everything was ready, so he took a deep breath, crossed the space door, and entered the throne map where Mu Qin was.

Mu Qin's throne map is not complicated. Although it is surrounded by dense forests, Echo knows where he should go as soon as he enters, because there are rough gravel roads leading to a very conspicuous castle ruins not far away. , Echo followed the road to the ruins. He saw the collapsed broken eaves and broken walls, and several broken huge stone pillars. When he walked to the deepest point, he saw the scene that Jin had briefly explained to him.

There are two comatose people sitting on the Butterfly Throne, one is Mu Qin, and the other...

Echo's eyes widened suddenly in astonishment. After he saw another person on the throne, he was frozen in place as if someone had cast a hold spell. It took him a long time to react, and he walked slowly step forward.

"How did this happen?" Echo stopped in front of the throne, staring at the Faceless Man's face for a long time, his eyes filled with disbelief, so that he trembled all over, and he cried out in astonishment: "Why are you here!? "

All people who enter the edge world are basically people who become dreamers without their knowledge.

echo is similar.

Echo is an orphan, with no father, no mother, no name and no surname. He was born around 1970. If he hadn't entered the marginal world and lived in this world, he would be almost fifty years old now. The exact date of his birth cannot be investigated. He was thrown in the wilderness when he was still a baby. A farmer who got up early in the morning to cut firewood found him and took him back to raise him.

Then the farmer gave echo a nickname, called Suisui, thinking it meant Suisui's safety.

The farmer's surname was Yu, and Echo's name was Yu Sui afterwards.

The farmer's family is poor, and the farmer's family also has a two-year-old son. With his own child, it is impossible to be too kind to Yu Sui, a picked-up child, but it is not too bad, at least he can give him some food and clothing.

A few years later, when the family conditions of the farmers improved, they saved money and bought a motorcycle, converted it into a tricycle, and started a business of pulling people and seeing them off.

At that time, the rural construction was not yet comprehensive. There were no concrete roads in the villages. They were all mud roads. The mud roads were formed by countless people. Once it rained, the ground would be muddy. People wanted to buy something before purchasing some items. It takes an hour or two to walk to the nearest town.

For convenience, some people drive this kind of motorcycle-modified tricycle to see off passengers, and send them back and forth along the same route every day, just like the current buses. The fee is also cheap, a few cents or even a few cents for the fare. The face value of the coins at that time was not as good as it is now, and the dime was already very valuable.

Although they are getting richer gradually, the price of goods has also risen. The farmers’ families say that it is not good, they can only provide for their own children to study, and when Yu Sui reaches the age when they should go to school, they can’t afford it. As a result, Yu Sui could only go to the fields with his adoptive mother to farm and do odd jobs.

When Yu Sui was a little older, about fourteen years old, the peasant family discussed letting him go out to work, and the money he earned would be used for their own son to continue his education.

Yu Sui agreed, and went out to work, and took away his household registration book because he needed to register for part-time work, but after Yu Sui went out, except for sending money back in the first few months, he never came back again. There has also been no news.

The farmer's family scolded Yu Sui for having no conscience, and having raised a white-eyed wolf for so many years.

I don't know who the person who started to help with washing dishes, laundry, and cleaning since he learned to walk, and even farmed when he was older.

You must know that the biological son of the farmer's family was not allowed to do any work since he was a child.

It can't be said to be biased, Yu Sui also knows that he is always an outsider, and it is enough for people to pick him up and give him a bite to eat, so he has been working hard with the mentality of repaying his gratitude for many years, as long as he can do all the work at home. That's all he does.

He accepted it even if he was not allowed to study, so he picked up his brother's old books and learned by himself, but when he went out to work, almost all of his salary had to be sent back every month, and he would be scolded for a long time if he wanted to save some for himself before eating, saying "yes" What do you need so much for food? You can eat steamed buns every day."

At that moment, Yu Sui felt extremely chilled, and suddenly thought of leaving.

He did exactly that. He took away his hukou under the pretense of work, and then completely severed the relationship with the peasant family. Before he severed the relationship, he sent almost all the money back, and then changed his job, completely destitute.

But after severing the relationship, Yu Sui felt free at that moment.