Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 128: Silent Classroom 17┃One hundred and eighty times this is the result


Of course, there is another situation in which Mu Qin cannot perceive the music played by echo in the game, so naturally he cannot prepare in advance.

This is the worst case scenario, but it is very possible.

In Mu Qin's original idea, the best situation is that he can hear the music prompts from echo. When he hears the prompts in the game, he can take the initiative to break the stalemate and send Zhou Yue to escape. This game.

After he sent Zhou Yue out of the game, the echo music ended, and the echo killed the body on the throne of Muqin. The throne that lost the king will take the faceless person holding the white card as the primary target to restrain, even if it is only to restrain the faceless People a few seconds.

The bound Faceless Man is temporarily distracted in order to get rid of the throne, he will have no time to take care of Mu Qin, and after Mu Qin sent Zhou Yue away and lost the game, according to the agreement with the Faceless Man, his consciousness Experience returning to the shell on the throne.

But the body on the throne has been killed by echo, and Mu Qin's soul has no place to stay, and at the same time, he is attracted by his original body in this world, so that Mu Qin can successfully return to the real world following the guidance of his body.

However, this is the best-case scenario that Mnuchin imagined. If there is a mistake in any of these links, the ending may be completely different.

At this moment, Mu Qin is not afraid that his plan will fail, because he has already prepared for the worst. Deep in his heart, letting himself escape from the fringe world and Zhou Yue escape from the fringe world, this Two options, Mnuchin will always choose the latter.

So, if he fails, he will let Zhou Yue escape.

It was too late to consider what would happen to him.

Fortunately, the worst situation didn't happen, because Mu Qin did hear the music prompt from echo.

Moreover, Mu Qin heard it at the moment when the Faceless Man committed suicide and restarted the game. When the Faceless Man committed suicide and restarted, the entire game world would be in a strange "stagnation" state, and the movement of all objects in time and space would be frozen. Even thinking is frozen.

But Mu Qin heard the playing music under such circumstances, and he played the very familiar track "Fate". The music is full of holes, several syllables are wrong. But on the contrary, it was the bad music that made Mu Qin feel sober the most.

The prompt music seems to be heard only when Mu Qin is in a trance or unconscious state. When he first heard it, echo seemed to have just started playing the first bar of the music. After the game was completely restarted, Mu Qin could no longer hear the music when he woke up.

Calculating in his mind the time it would take for the entire piece of music to be played, Mu Qin gave up his usual code of action of chasing and killing Zhou Yue at the beginning of the game, but turned around and immediately ran out of the teaching building where he was "born", heading towards the previously predicted If you arrive, you may go straight to the top of the student activity center building where the key to the school gate may be hidden.

The speed of the killer was already very fast, and Mu Qin ran with all his strength, so he ran to the student activity center building in less than two minutes, and spent more than ten seconds rushing to the top of the building, kicking open the door of the top floor, and then Find under the floor tile where you once hid the key in your memory.

Sure enough, when the floor tiles were pried open, there was a delicate but rusty key in the cement gap.

After getting the key, Mu Qin couldn't help curling his mouth. Although his hideous face could scare the children to death when he smiled, he was very happy in his heart. Holding the key tightly, he ran down the building of the activity center again, and then returned the same way Go to Zhou Yue again, he wants to send Zhou Yue out of this game as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, things will not always be as smooth as Mu Qin imagined.

Mu Qin was not the only one who heard the echo music prompt, even the Faceless Man heard it.

After all, Mu Qin was not the only one sitting on the Butterfly Throne, the Faceless Man was also sitting next to him. Echo played the harmonica next to Muqin's ear, and of course the Faceless Man could hear it too.

This made the Faceless Man very shocked. At first he didn't understand what the inexplicable music sounded in his ears, and the music only rang in his ears at the moment of restarting the game. After the game was completely restarted, the sound from the outside world was blocked.

The faceless man, who was in shock, ran towards Zhou Yue's birth point "as soon as he was born" as usual.

The "birth points" of the three of them, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue are the closest, and the Faceless Man is a little farther away. These birth points are randomly set by the marginal world game system, and once determined, they cannot be changed. No matter how many times the game is restarted, they The birth point of will not change.

So under normal circumstances, when the Faceless Man arrived at Zhou Yue's side, what he saw was Mu Qin raising his arm holding the knife and stabbing Zhou Yue's forehead with a knife.

This also caused the game to start a non-stop cycle of restarts, because no matter how fast the Faceless Man was, he would always be one step slower than Mu Qin when he finally arrived.

But this time, something surprising happened.

When the faceless man rushed to the door of the music classroom where Zhou Yue was "born", he looked in through the window, but he didn't see Mu Qin, only Zhou Yue - Zhou Yue was sitting in his seat as always. Playing at the piano.

What was played was the same music that the Faceless Man heard just now when the game restarted, but Zhou Yue played it very well, and the music was very pleasant.

The Faceless Man, who hadn't seen Mu Qin, was shocked again. After being shocked, he calmed down and thought for a while, and then he vaguely realized the crux of the problem in his heart.

The music that sounded at the moment of the game restart is absolutely impossible to be accidental.

Why on earth did he hear music, why did that music play quietly at that time, and why did that music fit so well with the music Zhou Yue was playing now? Is there some kind of meaning behind this music

Restarting the game on the edge of the world is actually deleting the data in the game and going back to the file to start again. In the process of going back and restarting, the limbic system is bound to "turn off" the game and then turn it on again.

During the process of closing and reopening the game, the system will remove the conscious bodies of all participants in the game from the game, and place them in a temporary small space where time is stagnant. After the system restarts the game, the system will Then put the consciousness of these participants into the game.

That is to say, the music heard by the faceless people at the moment of restarting the game is not the sound in the game, but the sound heard by their conscious body in that stagnant space.

This small space where time stagnates is not a completely closed space. When their conscious body is inside, they can feel what their original body feels. For example, if someone touches the faceless man's body in the map of the throne, the faceless man's conscious body can perceive it at this moment.

So the meaning of this conclusion is... right now, at this very moment, someone is playing music beside the outer shell of the Faceless Man

That person is in Mu Qin's throne map!

The Faceless Man suddenly realized this point, he immediately felt bad, and wanted to exit the game immediately to check the situation outside, but the embarrassing thing was that he couldn't take the initiative to end the game—he revoked almost all his permissions in the game , only retaining the only power to restart the game.

The Faceless Man stood outside Zhou Yue's music classroom and clenched his fists, thinking: It's okay, even if I don't have permission now, I can temporarily write program code, and then write a permission for myself, which can directly terminate the permission of this game.

It's just that it takes a long time to write the program code, and the Faceless Man can't move during the writing process.

What if Mu Qin came over and killed Zhou Yue while he was writing the code

But if he didn't write the code to force the end of the game, what would the guy outside who broke into the throne map do to him and Mouchin's shell

The faceless man doesn't care what will happen to his body, anyway, he can make another one at any time if it is destroyed. But Mu Qin's body is not good. Mu Qin still has a body in the real world, and that body will call Mu Qin's consciousness all the time. If Mu Qin's body in the marginal world is destroyed, his consciousness will experience Immediately follow the call and return to the present world.

It was with great difficulty that Mu Qin was pulled into this world, and he was trapped with the throne. To let him go so simply, the Faceless Man would not allow it.

Aware of the critical situation he was facing, the Faceless Man's expression was a little distorted. He looked at Zhou Yue who was playing music in the classroom and had come to an end, and a plan popped up in his mind.

As soon as he thought of it, the faceless man knocked on the window to attract the attention of Zhou Yue inside. Zhou Yue turned around after hearing the sound of knocking on the window, and saw the faceless man outside the window.

Not to mention, the faceless man holding the face of the young Mu Qin is still very influential to Zhou Yue, at least at the moment when the game is restarted and Zhou Yue has not seen Mu Qin, he will definitely be affected by the face of the faceless man. The bewitchment of the face. So Zhou Yue got up from the piano and walked towards the faceless man.

This game has been reincarnated a hundred and eighty times. After frequent contact with Zhou Yue, no matter how stupid the faceless man is, he can realize that his ability to confuse Zhou Yue is very limited, especially as soon as he speaks, Zhou Yue seems to be You can see through the disguise of the faceless man immediately, and then stare at the faceless man with weird and questioning eyes, and start to stay as far away from him as possible.

As long as I talk to Zhou Yue, this is the result a hundred and eighty times.

So the Faceless Man understands that as long as he doesn't speak, the confusing effect will still exist, even if it's only temporary.

The faceless man remained silent. He knocked on the glass at the window, took a deep look at Zhou Yue, and moved away from Zhou Yue's sight.

Seeing that he turned around and left, Zhou Yue was also anxious, and wanted to call the other party's name, but couldn't remember what the other party's name was.

So Zhou Yue looked left and right, and saw that the front and back doors of the music classroom were sealed, so she climbed out of the classroom through the window, chasing the leaving Faceless Man.

When the faceless man heard Zhou Yue chasing after him, he didn't continue to move forward, but stopped and looked back at him. When Zhou Yue approached, the Faceless Man reached out and grabbed Zhou Yue's arm.

Because of the confusion of that face, Zhou Yue will not keep a distance from the faceless man, and will not take too much resistance to the actions of the faceless man, and the faceless man just reached out and grabbed Zhou Yue's arm, as if It's like wanting to take Zhou Yue somewhere.

Zhou Yue obediently let the faceless man grab his arm.

But the faceless man grabbed his arm not because he wanted to take him somewhere, but stretched out his other hand, and without changing his face, he took out the new card in Zhou Yue's pocket. come out.

There are two cards in Zhou Yue's pocket, one is a magician and the other is a hermit. And they are all upright cards.

This is good, the magician is the card that the faceless man needs, and he thought that if Zhou Yue didn't have it, he could just take a card and change the program code to change that card to what he needed.

Modifying cards in the game and changing any card to the one you want is undoubtedly a cheating behavior. Faceless Man's current npc identity does not have this authority, theoretically speaking, he cannot do it. But he is a faceless man, who has manipulated the will of the fringe world for almost three hundred years. He has very powerful power and strength in the fringe world, even though it was bought with freedom.

Therefore, no matter what identity the Faceless Man becomes in the game, even if all permissions are revoked, as long as he is still the "god" of the marginal world, he can open the "console" of this world anytime and anywhere, and manually Modify program commands to achieve his desired results.

Manual permissions are much slower and more complicated to operate than automatic permissions.

It's just that changing a card is not such a complicated command, and what the faceless man got was a magician, so it's even better to change it, directly adjust the probability of the card he needs to the maximum, and the magician will be there Become that card with the highest probability.

Because he had been thinking about the fairness of the game before, the Faceless Man had never used the console, but this time Mu Qin took the initiative to break the fairness, so the Faceless Man had nothing to worry about.

Yes, the Faceless Man has already guessed that the person outside who broke into the throne map was probably called by Mu Qin. After all, it is Mu Qin's throne and the throne map. Except that the Faceless Man can enter and exit any throne map at will, other players They can only rely on the king's white card, and the white card can only be given by Mu Qin. The purpose of Mu Qin's calling is self-evident.

It's because they don't trust me, and they are afraid that I will cheat and break the contract, so they ask someone to come as foreign aid, as the last guarantee.

From the very beginning, I never thought about conducting this duel fairly, nor did I think about deciding the winner with me. I just wanted to escape from this world and use whatever means.

The Faceless Man felt that Mu Qin might be thinking of the latter.

Because his thoughts are actually the same as Mu Qin's. If he loses this game, the Faceless Man may break the contract and use coercive means to control Mu Qin.

The so-called fair duel is nothing more than lip service.