Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 129: Silent classroom 18┃ will never hurt Mu Qin


A magician can turn into any other card, including the world, but it cannot turn into a death card. This is to prevent duplication of death cards in one game, resulting in more than two "ghosts".

But in reality, a magician can turn into a god of death.

In the process of the magician turning into other cards, there is a probability attribute randomly generated by the system. Except for the high probability of a certain card caused by the player's subjective will, the probability of the magician generating other cards is basically the same. Only the world card The generation probability is the lowest, it seems to be only 0.03%, and the generation probability of the death card is zero by default.

Because the probability of generating a death card is zero, it prevents the magician from becoming a death card.

But the Faceless Man operating the console can temporarily adjust the probability of the death card in the magician generation probability to 100%, so that the magician in his hand will definitely become a death card.

After he turned the magician into a death card, he put the card back into Zhou Yue's hand, and at the same time, subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth and smiled at Zhou Yue, and said with a smile: "Don't die so fast, Zhou Yue .”

Once the faceless man opened his mouth, Zhou Yue couldn't help being stunned for a moment. Seeing him showing a strange and strange expression, the faceless man knew that Zhou Yue had "seeed through" his confusion once again, and Zhou Yue would not stay any longer. Seeing the faceless man, but the faceless man didn't need Zhou Yue's attention, so he turned around and left.

The Faceless Man only returned to Zhou Yue the death card that he manipulated in the dark, but he himself left with Zhou Yue's hermit. Since Zhou Yue had no memory at the moment, even the functions of these cards were almost forgotten, Zhou Yue did not go forward to take back the cards from the Faceless Man, but looked down at the god of death in his hand curiously.

The Faceless Man is an NPC in this game. He can use the positive cards just like the players, but he cannot become a killer. The Death Card is invalid in his hand.

But it will take effect immediately in Zhou Yue's hands.

So Zhou Yue is a "ghost" now, but he hasn't realized it yet.

Turning Zhou Yue into a ghost is the best way the Faceless Man can think of at present, because Zhou Yue is not easy to be killed, and he can't find props and keys to escape from this map like a human being, so this game can be delayed for a longer period of time.

Moreover, the faceless man also got Zhou Yue's hermit, he can now hide and guard next to Zhou Yue, and he believes that Mu Qin will definitely come to find Zhou Yue if he waits by Zhou Yue's side for a while.

The console made this damn situation a lot easier. After the faceless man left Zhou Yue's sight, he used the hermit in the corner, turned back and walked slowly to Zhou Yue's vicinity in the invisible state.

The faceless man knew that Zhou Yue was very sharp, so he purposely restrained his speed, lowered the sound of his footsteps, and almost tiptoed to a corner where he could see Zhou Yue a little far away.

It's just that the faceless man underestimated Zhou Yue's sensitivity. Even though he thought Zhou Yue wouldn't notice him, Zhou Yue still looked alert and even turned his head to look in the direction of the faceless man for a while.

The faceless man found that Zhou Yue was staring at his direction, and couldn't help but stay still, frowning secretly, thinking that Zhou Yue would be troublesome to deal with, and at the same time thinking that he would still have to pull away from Zhou Yue Some distance will do.

Zhou Yue looked in the direction of the faceless man for a while, but he didn't see anything, so he had to look away and started to walk outside the teaching building. The faceless man did not immediately follow Zhou Yue, but waited for Zhou Yue to walk a certain distance, and walked to a place where Zhou Yue could be seen from a distance with a wide view.

At this time, Mu Qin, who got the door key and turned back to look for Zhou Yue, came over. Mu Qin also saw Zhou Yue from a distance. Seeing that Zhou Yue was alone, he was very excited and wanted to pull Zhou Yue sent him out.

But when Mu Qin speeded up and ran towards Zhou Yue, the smart Mu Qin realized that something was wrong. The game had been restarted almost a hundred times, and every time the Faceless Man tried every means to guard Zhou Yue and prevent Mu Qin from doing anything to him, so At this moment, how could the faceless man not stay by Zhou Yue's side, but let Zhou Yue wander here alone

Thinking of this, Mu Qin suppressed the urgency in his heart. He calmed down his agitated emotions and chaotic breathing in a short time, and calmly walked in front of Zhou Yue.

Zhou Yue also saw Mu Qin walking towards him, Zhou Yue was still so stupid, he couldn't move when he saw Mu Qin, when Mu Qin came to him, he smelled the "fragrance" of Mu Qin's hand, Immediately wanted to reach out and hug Mu Qin.

But Mu Qin stopped him. Mu Qin used his own knife to hold Zhou Yue's hand, which was on Zhou Yue's palm. yes.

He seemed to be very insensitive to pain, and it took him a long time to realize that he was injured. He looked down at the bloody palm, and then looked up at Mu Qin with grievances.

Seeing Zhou Yue's aggrieved little eyes, Mu Qin softened his heart, but the current situation did not allow him to think too much, he did not see the figure of the faceless man in sight, but Mu Qin was able to confirm that the faceless man was nearby , quietly peeping at the place where Mu Qin couldn't see him, but he could see Mu Qin and others.

It's really strange, didn't they all jump out to prevent me from hurting Zhou Yue before, or simply kill myself to restart the game

Mu Qin looked around for a while, and then turned his head to focus on Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue didn't run away when he was injured, but just stood there obediently and looked at Mu Qin. Mu Qin quickly noticed that Zhou Yue had just been stabbed by his own knife. The cut wound began to heal, and the bleeding quickly stopped by itself, and it healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qin understood.

"Did you draw the god of death?" Mu Qin asked Zhou Yue silently.

What's interesting is that Mu Qin obviously didn't make a sound, but Zhou Yue seemed to understand what he meant. Zhou Yue searched in his pocket and took out the special... a god of death transformed by a magician.

Seeing the god of death in Zhou Yue's hands, Mu Qin's pupils shrank, and then looked at Zhou Yue's eyes that were staring at him obsessively, Mu Qin felt a little uncomfortable.

In this new restarted game, Mu Qin drew a Death card, because he brought a Death card with him when he came in from the outside, and he drew a Death card in the game, so Mu Qin now has two Death cards on his body .

According to the rules of the game, only two Death cards will appear in one game, regardless of the upright or reverse position.

So the Grim Reaper in Zhou Yue's hand is the third Grim Reaper.

This is impossible.

Mu Qin clenched the knife in his hand, looked at the god of death in Zhou Yue's hand, without any expression on his face, but his heart was very complicated. Many messy guesses flashed through his mind... If the picture in Zhou Yue's hand The Reaper card is not a disguised word with other cards.

Then this must be the work of the Faceless Man.

Forced to use abnormal game means to turn Zhou Yue into a killer.

Strange to say, this is a two-person game with one person and one ghost. Under normal circumstances, the two players participating in the two-player game each have a 50-50 probability of drawing the Death card, either Mu Qin or Zhou Yue.

But every time the game is restarted, Mu Qin is the one who gets the death card.

This should not be what the Faceless Man wants to see. Zhou Yue's drawing the God of Reaper will only be more beneficial and harmless to the Faceless Man, so the Faceless Man should expect Zhou Yue to be able to draw the God of Death.

But no, Zhou Yue never drew one.

Mu Qin didn't understand why, although Mu Qin really hoped that he would be a ghost every round, so that the initiative could always be in his hands.

Every time it was Mu Qin who was a ghost, Zhou Yue was always in a passive state. I am afraid that the faceless man couldn't bear it anymore, so he used some tricks to turn Zhou Yue into a killer, in order to see how the two Can there be violent conflict between ghosts

Mu Qin guessed this in his heart. He didn't think that the faceless man also heard the music prompt from the echo outside like him, so he did such a thing.

But it's useless to guess too much, Mu Qin has no time.

The flow of time in this game is a bit slower than the outside, but it's not too slow. Soon after the echo finishes playing the song, he will kill the body on Mu Qin's throne. If Mu Qin didn't send Zhou Yue out in time after he killed that body, things would be very troublesome.

But now that Zhou Yue has also become a ghost, it may be impossible to send Zhou Yue directly out of the school gate.

Mu Qin must let Zhou Yue win at this moment. If he wants to win, Mu Qin must die.

Ghosts can only be killed by ghosts.

But how should I be killed? This question flashed across Mu Qin's mind. He looked Zhou Yue up and down in front of him, and looked at him with impolite and malicious eyes. Zhou Yue seemed to be at a loss by Mu Qin's eyes, but Zhou Yue did not avoid After driving Mu Qin, he still obediently stood there and looked at Mu Qin pitifully.

The fastest way for Zhou Yue to win is for him to kill me immediately. Mu Qin even thought with a little despair in his heart: But with his current state...it is impossible for him to attack me actively.

The game has been restarted hundreds of times, and Zhou Yue will always give up all resistance the first time she sees Mu Qin.

So, what should be done to make Zhou Yue take the initiative to attack Mu Qin

Mu Qin couldn't think of it, his mind was blank now. He only knew that he had to let Zhou Yue win the game as soon as possible before the echo outside killed his body in a short time, so that he could escape from this ghost place, but Mu Qin couldn't think of any way!

how to do? What should he do

Are you breaking up with Zhou Yue? Expressing to him "I want to leave you forever" will indeed anger Zhou Yue, but it will not let Zhou Yue kill Mu Qin. Zhou Yue is too gentle and passive now. If Mu Qin tells him "Break up ", maybe Zhou Yue just kept pretending to be pitiful and pestered Mu Qin to tell him not to leave her.

Or pretend to fight Zhou Yue... No, he can't even fight back when I hit him. Even if he expressed his desire to "discuss with each other" to Zhou Yue, I'm afraid Zhou Yue would only make a symbolic move and would not have the strength to kill Mu Qin.

Mu Qin suddenly understood that Zhou Yue would never hurt Mu Qin.

This is pretty good, it proves that Zhou Yue loves Mu Qin very, very much.

Even if it is a relationship that can make Mu Qin cry immediately.