Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 130: Silent classroom 19┃until today


The faceless man felt very strange.

When he saw Zhou Yue and Mu Qin meeting, Mu Qin didn't chase and beat Zhou Yue like before, and Zhou Yue even looked like he wanted to jump on Mu Qin, although Mu Qin stopped him.

Afterwards, the two people just stood there, looking at each other, staring at each other without speaking or communicating with body language.

They stared at each other for about ten seconds, and during this time, the Faceless Man felt a little impatient.

The reason why the Faceless Man specifically turned Zhou Yue into a god of death was to delay Zhou Yue for some time in front of Mu Qin, because as long as they were both killers, Zhou Yue would not die so easily, even if Zhou Yue was not at all in front of Mu Qin. Resist, let Mu Qin slash with a knife, the self-healing ability of the death card can also make Zhou Yue resist for a long time.

During this time, the Faceless Man doesn't have to worry about it, and can use the console to manually enter the code to force the game to end.

Assuming that the Faceless Man successfully ends the game, then there is no such thing as a victory or defeat. Neither Mu Qin nor Zhou Yue will "win". Since there is no win or loss, they cannot escape the marginal world. At the same time, the Faceless Man can leave the game and go outside to deal with the uninvited guest who broke into the map of Mu Qin's throne.

The wishful thinking of the faceless man was well done, but Mu Qin and Zhou Yue had a new move.

Mu Qin suddenly took out a card from his pocket.

In addition to the death card brought in from outside, Mu Qin can also draw two cards in the game, one of which is also the death card, and the other is the inverted tower.

The role of the tower card is to remove any card effects on the player within ten minutes.

The most interesting thing is that the tower can also remove the effect of the death card, it can make all the strengthening effects of the death card on the killer disappear, but it does not take away the identity of the killer, the killer is still a killer, just in the tower Under the restriction of human beings, the killer will become as weak and powerless as ordinary humans, and will not have the almost abnormal self-healing ability.

Mu Qin took out this tall tower and used it on Zhou Yue without hesitation. Zhou Yue was still stupidly standing still. Seeing Mu Qin slap the card on him, Zhou Yue became even more stupid , he stretched out his hand slowly to grab Mu Qin's hand, and after grabbing it, he took Mu Qin's hand and pressed it against his cheek.

He didn't realize what Mu Qin's actions meant to him, he just wanted to get close to Mu Qin blindly.

Mu Qin looked at Zhou Yue with dark eyes, and after seeing that the tower card took effect on Zhou Yue, he withdrew his left hand that was caught by Zhou Yue, raised his knife again, and slammed it fiercely and accurately. Zhou Yue's neck was stabbed.

The faceless man over there had predicted something was wrong when Mu Qin took out the tower. Faceless is really unbelievable! He never dreamed that Mu Qin had a tower in his hand! If Mu Qin drew this card at random, then Mu Qin's luck would be good. The Faceless Man just used a trick to turn Zhou Yue into a killer, but Mu Qin happened to have a card that could deprive him of the card. A card with a killer card effect.

When the faceless man saw the tall pagoda in Mu Qin's hand, his heart went crazy. He only felt that the leak in the house happened to be raining all night, and the boat was late and the wind was blowing.

In short, nothing happened as he wished.

Therefore, the Faceless Man had no choice but to give up the forced game ending code he was about to enter, and rushed out in an invisible state, rushing towards Zhou Yue quickly. He had to save Zhou Yue before Mu Qin killed Zhou Yue. At this critical moment, he must not let either Zhou Yue or Mu Qin win the game.

In fact, Mu Qin also expected that the Faceless Man would rush out to stop him. One of the purposes of using the tower card was to attract the Faceless Man to show up. Mu Qin's spirit is highly concentrated, even if the faceless man is invisible now, he can still detect the approach of the faceless man.

The moment he sensed that the faceless man was coming, Mu Qin changed his strength and stopped attacking Zhou Yue in front of him. Instead, he turned the blade and threw his own knife in the direction of the faceless man like a flying knife. With a strong flick, the throwing knife hit the Faceless Man with incomparable precision, and hit the bull's-eye—the knife was directly inserted between the Faceless Man's eyebrows, penetrating three points into the bone.

The Faceless Man lost consciousness instantly and died on the spot.

At the same time, following the death of the Faceless Man, the game restarted immediately, and the whole scene fell into deathly silence. The conscious bodies of Mu Qin, Zhou Yue and the Faceless Man were all pulled out of the game by the marginal system, and temporarily contained in a small space where time stopped. The system then repaired the game data and prepared to restart the game.

At the same stage, the echo on the map of the throne finished playing the last syllable of the song "Fate". He put down the harmonica, picked up the knife he brought in, and stabbed Mu Qin's body on the throne cleanly. heart.

The heartbeat stopped, and Mu Qin's body died.

The Butterfly Throne, who had lost an important king, began to move, and as expected, another sleeping faceless man on the throne was regarded as the primary target. The thorns spread towards the faceless man like twisted and dancing snakes, and entangled them tightly. On the faceless man.

Echo witnessed all this, he didn't stay for long, because the result was out of his control, he had already completed his task, he got up and left Mu Qin's side, just two steps away, the faceless man on the throne opened eyes.

What's more interesting is that after the faceless man opened his eyes, he saw Echo's back and subconsciously called out to Echo: "Yu Sui?"

Echo was called out by the faceless man's real name, and his footsteps stopped for a moment. He froze in place for a while, then slowly turned his head to look at the faceless man, and said to him in a low voice, "Amu?"

The faceless man...or he is no longer a faceless man. Amu twisted his body bound by thorns, sat up and sat on the throne with difficulty, probably because he felt that Amu had no intention of escaping from the throne. Trembling, it retracted again, coiled on the base of the throne.

"What's going on here?" Amu glanced down at the thorns around the throne, then raised his head to look at echo, "Where is this, why are you here?"

"Don't you know where this is?" Seeing Amu's blank face, Yu Sui was also a little puzzled.

Amu was even more at a loss: "How could I know where this is? Did you move me here?"

"And what's the matter with this chair... There are so many thorns entangled on it, and it can move by itself. It feels so awesome." Amu said, touching the scratches left by the thorns on his body, his face Wrinkled into a ball, "Damn it hurts!"

On the contrary, what A Mu said shocked Yu Sui at this moment. Yu Sui was speechless for a long time, and he couldn't help but tentatively said: "Do you still remember what happened to you before?"

"Before?" Amu couldn't help frowning when he heard Yu Sui say this, and began to rack his brains to recall, "Before I..."

A Mu thought for a long time, and then said to Yu Sui with a little frustration: "I can't remember, I just remember that I seemed to have walked in a dark place for a long time before."

"A dark... place?"

"That's right." Amu nodded and said, "It's dark, there is no sound, there is nothing, it's a scary place. I kept wandering in there, but I felt like I was in a dream at that time. I have the illusion that my emotions and desires have been stripped away, so I don’t have such a strong sense of fear.”

Yu Sui didn't speak, he looked at A Mu thoughtfully.

A Mu obviously didn't think that much, he was very curious about his environment, looked around, and soon saw a corpse lying beside him... Mu Qin's corpse.

Suddenly seeing a dead body lying next to him, Amu was startled, and he yelled "Damn!"

Then he looked at Yu Sui and found that Yu Sui was holding a bloody knife in his hand. Amu immediately reacted and pointed at Yu Sui tremblingly: "It was you...you killed him?"

Yu Sui looked indifferent, but replied honestly: "Yes, I killed him."

"Why did you kill him?" Amu asked.

"He has to die, so I will be the executioner." Yu Sui answered Amu's question casually.

At the same time, Yu Sui pondered for a moment, stepped closer to Amu, and asked Amu again without giving up: "Do you really not remember what happened to you before?"

"The devil remembers." Amu waved his hand, obviously not wanting to answer Yu Sui's repeated question. He once again put his attention on Mu Qin's corpse beside him. He stretched out his hand to move Mu Qin's body, turned Mu Qin's face around, stared at it for a long time, and asked Yu Sui, "What are you doing?" Who is this person who killed? He looks like Qingyun."

"He is the child of me and Qingyun, he looks like my mother." Yu Sui replied.

A Mu then turned his face and stared at Yu Sui in disbelief: "You killed your own son?"

Yu Sui was inexplicably helpless, "How is it possible, my son is still alive in the real world, as long as this body dies, he can return to this world."

"The real world?" A Mu was slightly taken aback by Yu Sui's words, and suddenly he started talking to himself, "Then this place is not the real world? That's right, these weird chairs and thorns don't look like they should exist in the real world." Things... So, I successfully entered the edge world?"

Amu's soliloquy shocked Yu Sui, as if his heart had been stabbed by a sharp weapon. His face couldn't help showing astonishment, and he looked at Amu in puzzlement: "How do you know the marginal world?"

"Of course I know. To get in this place, I bet everything on myself!" Amu said excitedly, and stood up, but just as he stood up, the thorns around the throne also became excited and writhed one after another. Wrapped around Amu's body.

Amu couldn't move, so he had no choice but to sit back on the chair. He complained: "This chair won't let me go!"

"This is the Butterfly Throne. It will bind you forever and keep you from sitting on the throne. The only way to get rid of it is to find a substitute."

"So this is the Butterfly Throne." Amu was not afraid after hearing Yu Sui's explanation, his eyes were full of curiosity and surprise, "I've heard of it before, but this is the first time I've seen it."

Yu Sui was even more puzzled that Amu was so "informed". He had bad thoughts in his heart, so he had to ask Amu, "Why do you know about the fringe world? Do you really not remember anything? "

In Yu Sui's impression, "Amu" was a person who died before Yu Sui entered the marginal world, and died in prison. But at that time, Yu Sui heard about the death of "Amu" from someone else, so did Amu really die? Where is the dead? How did you die? I don't know about Yu Sui.

If A Mu really died, did he enter the fringe world like Yu Sui after his death? Yu Sui can't be sure, because he has never met Amu again in the marginal world.

until today.