Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 131: Silent Echo 01┃They've been here


"Actually, my name is not Amu." Under Yu Sui's questioning, Amu suddenly said something that seemed irrelevant to the current topic.

"You know, I am the illegitimate son of Mu Feng, the head of the Mu family, and the half-brother of your wife Mu Qingyun."

"Back then, my mother never thought of being Mu Feng's mistress. She was a foreigner and just came to the capital. She didn't know much about the Mu family. She thought Mu Feng was just a little rich little boss, and spent a lot of money again and again. After chasing her, she thought that Mu Feng was very reliable, so she dated him, and even thought of marrying him under the deep affection."

"But Mu Feng repeatedly refused my mother's wish to get married. In the end, after I was born, my mother didn't know that Mu Feng had a family, and there were several mistresses like her outside. My mother hated Mu Feng hated it to death, and felt that Mu Feng had ruined her life, but she still gave me Mu Feng's surname and named me Mu Chen."

Amu suddenly talked about her life experience: "My mother took me away from Mufeng and worked hard to earn money to support me. She died of illness when she was about seven or eight years old. After she died, Mufeng took the initiative to find me, of course... he It was impossible to take me into Mu's house, so he found a nanny, rented a house, and raised me in that house."

"Thinking about it now, he still has a bit of conscience and didn't send me directly to the orphanage."

Yu Sui didn't understand what A Mu meant, so Yu Sui asked, "What do you mean by telling me this now?"

"I'm telling you the origin of the name 'Amu'." Amu replied to Yu Sui, "Before I got the name 'Amu', I was always called 'Muchen'. My close friend always likes to call me Xiaochen."

"Then why did you change your name to Amu in the end?" Yu Sui asked following his words.

"It's a long story, and it has something to do with the reason why I murdered and went to jail." A Mu thought for a while, then raised his head to look at Yu Sui, his face was exactly the same as when Yu Sui met him in prison for the first time, Not getting old, not changing, just like before.

"Yu Sui, do you believe that someone in this world can make their dreams come true?" Amu asked suddenly.

A Mu's question was quite interesting, but Yu Sui sneered when he heard it: "Although some people can indeed realize their dreams, in fact, there are more people who lose to reality, right?"

Amu just laughed, and he said: "The 'dream' I said does not refer to ordinary dreams. It is not the kind of 'I want to be a rich man, a rich person', 'I want to be an artist or a scientist, etc.' These dreams are all ordinary dreams. Dreams are dreams that human beings can achieve as long as they work hard. The 'dreams' I refer to are those unrealistic 'dreams' that cannot be realized by those people who spend their entire lives."

Yu Sui seemed to understand what Amu meant: "You mean some people's 'dreams' are unrealistic? For example, some people dream of becoming a bird and flying in the sky with open wings, but this is impossible. At this stage, human science and technology can never turn a person into a bird, so this cannot be called a 'dream', it can only be called a 'fantasy'."

"It's somewhat similar to 'fantasy'." Amu said, "The difference between fantasy and dreams is that people know that fantasy is impossible to realize, so they just imagine it in their minds and have an addiction to imagination. Dreams are Different, a dream is a kind of wish, something that people have a correct attitude and determination to really want to achieve, even if this dream is as unrealistic as a fantasy, they still want to achieve it.”

Amu squinted his eyes and looked at Yu Sui, and said with a smile: "Before 1903, people never dared to imagine what it was like to fly in the sky. No one thought that human beings could fly in the sky like birds one day, but in 1903 , the Wright Brothers built the world's first airplane and realized this 'impractical' dream."

"I understand what you mean." Yu Sui said, "But what does it have to do with the origin of your name 'Amu'?"

"The fringe world is the world of people's 'dreams'." Amu ignored Yu Sui's question and directly stated this point, and then he began to refute his own words. He shook his head and said: "Actually, the fringe world is a 'dream'. It kind of tarnishes the word 'dream'. But to be precise, the fringe world is a world formed by countless people's strong 'obsessions and desires'. It is a world of wishes that they cannot realize but have a strong will to try to realize. "

"Of course I know what kind of world the fringe world is." At this moment, Yu Sui only thinks about the cruel game of infinite reincarnation in the fringe world, and the never-ending fight between players, so he dare not believe it: "You said this is a The world of wishes? I don't agree."

Amu asked Yu Sui, "The moment you entered the fringe world, when you were dying, what were you thinking about?"

"Near death..." Yu Sui frowned and recalled the experience of his death in this world. He couldn't bear to recall that experience, but he still replied patiently: "Before dying, of course, I was thinking about how to keep myself alive. "

"What about you now?" Amu asked again.

"Now? Of course I'm in the fringe world now..." Yu Sui didn't know why, but he quickly realized that he seemed a little shocked and said to himself: "I survived, in the fringe world."

"Yes, your wish has come true." Amu said, "Although you live in a different world, you are undoubtedly 'alive' here. Part of your strong wish has been fulfilled, and your Desire has become a small part of the force that supports the continued existence of the 'edge world'."

Yu Sui was a little confused: "I don't quite understand."

Amu said: "Let's put it simply. Think about it, any object needs energy and power to move. A world as huge as the marginal world also needs energy for its existence and operation. If there is no energy, The fringe world will soon collapse and disappear. At this time, the question arises, what is the energy that supports the fringe world?"

"Wish?" Before Amu could tell the truth, Yu Sui answered subconsciously, "Our wish makes this world exist?"

Amu nodded: "Yes, that's it. Just because you players who exist in the fringe world want to live, you want to live forever, so the fringe world will always exist."

A Mu's words made Yu Sui understand a terrifying conclusion, and Yu Sui said in horror: "That means, as long as we players are all dead, the fringe world will cease to exist?"

"Although this conclusion is quite sad, it is true." Amu confirmed Yu Sui's conjecture with a smile, "As long as you players, including the king on the Butterfly Throne, are all dead, the world will naturally perish."

Yu Sui was stunned by Amu's words and was speechless for a moment. He stretched out his hand and subconsciously rubbed his temples, and said to Amu: "But it doesn't make sense."

"If our desire is to support the existence of the marginal world, then why does the marginal world allow us to participate in this endless cycle of killing games? The number of internal players is constantly consumed, isn't it that the more players we have, the greater the desire, Does it have greater power?"

"People's desires are uncertain." Amu said, "Just like people's thoughts are changeable, especially as time goes by, some people's wishes will change. Maybe today you just want to live, and tomorrow you will Want more."

"The fringe world was originally born from someone's good wish of 'wanting to live with you', so this world only needs the wish of 'live', and other redundant wishes are for the fringe world It is indeed a bit of a gain, but it brings more negative effects.”

"Because of this, this world has gradually developed into a killing game-themed mode. Players experience cruel fighting in the game. This killing will make you feel fear. The more you are afraid, the greater your desire to survive. And the desire to 'survive' in your hearts becomes stronger."

"Especially those players who died in the cruel competition of the game, they played the last value of their lives, they died with the hope of survival, the desire before death was extremely strong, their power will be unreserved, fully contributed to the world."

"Ridiculous!" Hearing what A Mu said, Yu Sui was so startled that his whole body tensed up, clenched his fists, and took a step closer to A Mu, staring at him with eyes wide open, "It's just nonsense. , How can you be sure that what you said must be true? Come up with evidence!"

"Amu's name is the best proof." Amu said.

"What's the meaning!?"

Amu was silent for a moment, and continued: "Didn't I just say that? The edge world was first born from someone's good wish of 'wanting to live with you', this 'wanting to live with you' The "you" here refers to the person 'Amu', and the person who made this wish is Amu's younger brother Ashin."

"Amu and Ashin are a pair of brothers who lived in the Nordic country of Estonia three hundred years ago. They encountered an accident at that time, and both brothers were seriously injured and dying, so Ashin made this promise to Amu before he died. Wish. Although unintentional, these brothers are indeed the culprits that led to the birth of the edge world."

Yu Sui understood, "You said that the 'founder' of the marginal world was a pair of brothers who lived three hundred years ago, and you claimed to be the elder brother of the pair, 'Amu'."

Yu Sui Jie Jie sneered while talking: "Is it hard for you to say next... You are the reincarnation of that 'Amu', or you didn't die at all three hundred years ago, you have been alive and kicking for more than three hundred years, alive By today?"

Amu shook his head slightly and sighed: "Perhaps what I said may be difficult for you to accept and make you incomprehensible, but please listen to me, Yu Sui..."

"I'm not 'Amu'. The real Amu died long ago. And the real Amu and his brother Ashin, like you and me, entered the marginal world after death."

"They are here." Amu stretched out his hand and broke off a section of thorns wrapped around the edge of the throne. A miraculous thing happened. Blooms in seconds with bright red flowers.

Although his fingers were pricked by the thorns of the thorns, the blood mixed with the red flowers.

But Amu still whispered softly: "They are here all the time."

Chapter 132 Silent Echo 02┃Do you now know the origin of the name 'Amu'

"Three hundred years ago, Amu and Ashin died in the real world, and their souls were guided by a crystal core of unknown origin, and entered the edge of the dream."

Amu began to tell a long story, his tone was unhurried, his eyes looked beyond Yu Sui in front of him and looked into the distance, not knowing what he was looking at.

"At that time, the fringe world was still a miniature world, with an area of about a thousand square meters. The combined area of about twelve or three rooms can be said to be a very, very small world... Amu and Amu Letters survive in that world."

"At that time, the fringe world was not as complicated as it is now. It was just a pure dream space. In this dream space, all your imaginations will come true."

Yu Sui couldn't help thinking along with what A Mu said: "Will all imaginations come true?"

"To put it simply, something will appear if you want it." Amu explained, while showing Yu Sui the operation on his hand, he said, "For example, if you want a beautiful dress."

As soon as Amu raised his hand after speaking, Yu Sui felt the clothes on his body gather and twist, which made his skin a little tight. He looked down and was shocked to find that his clothes had been changed. What the player "uniforms" is a loose gray prison uniform. But now, as soon as Amu raised his hand, he changed into a bright blue, more fashionable T-shirt and jeans—even the scattered hair on Yu Sui's head was cut off and tidied up in an instant.

"For another example, you want a table full of food." Amu continued to operate, and he waved his hand again, and a table covered with white embroidered tablecloth appeared in front of Yu Sui. There are all kinds of food, such as fruits and vegetables, chicken, duck and fish, cakes and wine.

"It's even an exquisite and warm room..." Amu didn't wave his hand this time, but snapped his fingers, and a villa bungalow appeared behind the throne where he was sitting, which was still the kind with a small courtyard.

Amu himself also turned back, looked at the bungalow that appeared behind him... which was incompatible with the painting style of the throne map, and then turned back and smiled at Yu Sui: "As long as you can imagine it, the dream space will make your imagination come true." Realization, turning all fantasies into reality."

"Moreover, materialized items can be used, and materialized food can satisfy hunger. In the dream world, your wishes come true, immortality, immortality, and eternity."

Yu Sui seemed shocked by what A Mu suddenly showed. He stared at A Mu with wide eyes, but couldn't say a word for a long time.

"However, the more flawless something seems, the greater the hidden disadvantages behind it." Amu said regretfully, "The same is true for this dream world."

"Things in the marginal world cannot be taken out, nor can the two brothers Amu and Axin, because they are already dead in this world, and they have only a dead end to go out. On the one hand, this magical world has indeed fulfilled their wishes and made them 'Surviving together', on the other hand, restricts their freedom and traps them in this square inch."

"In the beginning, they didn't complain, they were lucky enough to survive, and in the marginal world, their wishes come true, there is nothing lacking, they eat, drink, play, play and sleep every day, what a wonderful life, it's like heaven Same."

"But after a long time, they found that this is not a paradise."

Amu looked at Yu Sui, "You can imagine being trapped in a small, narrow space for a long time. Although there are many things to play, but unable to communicate with the outside world. Although there is a dear brother I'm with you, but you have finished talking about all the topics you can talk about, and you have nothing to say, so you can only look at each other in relative silence."

"What kind of feeling is that?"

Yu Sui didn't need to imagine, he lowered his head and instinctively reached out to hug something, but then realized that he was not on his own throne map, and there was no familiar skeleton beside him.

"They are only lonely." Amu continued, "Two lonely people embrace each other tightly in order to warm each other, but as time goes by, the loneliness becomes more and more serious, even hugging each other is not enough. There is no way to ease the rescue."

"Although the fringe world structure at that time was small, it needed wishes as energy to support it. The wishes of the two brothers Amu and Ashin alone were not enough to keep this mini fringe world alive. Apart from being alone, the two brothers could also Feeling that this small world is gradually collapsing, and the crisis is pressing on their heads, they have to make some efforts to survive."

"They thought of a way to not only keep the marginal world alive, but also alleviate loneliness, and make this narrow world expand little by little."

When A Mu said this, Yu Sui suddenly understood. Even if A Mu didn't speak next, Yu Sui could guess the next plot, but this speculation made Yu Sui shudder: "The reason why the marginal world is so small is because Because there were only these two brothers in it at the time, their wishes provided too little energy, and they could only support a small world. So to make this world bigger and keep this world alive, you only need to keep accepting new people Just come in."

"That's right, that's it." Amu said.

"Actually, even if the brothers Amu and Ashin don't do this, the fringe world will still absorb new people by itself. I don't know if you have seen or heard of the crystal core in the fringe world."

Yu Sui remembered that in his map of the throne, Jin shared the information he knew with Yu Sui in detail, so Yu Sui nodded at Amu, "Although I haven't seen it, someone told me that the edge The world has a crystal-like core. This core exists in the real world. It has the power to constantly lure others to degenerate into "dreamers". Once the dreamers die, those dreamers will enter the edge of the dream before dying world."

"The most frightening thing is that those who have fallen into 'dreamers' have themselves become a medium. As long as they describe, write or paint works related to the marginal world, their works will attract more people to become 'dreamers' ', and thus continue to spread, making the marginal world more and more powerful."

Amu was a little surprised: "You still know quite a lot."

"Absolutely no more than you know." Yu Sui crossed his arms and looked at A Mu seriously, "From your mouth, I have roughly figured out what happened, probably more than three hundred years ago. , the brothers Amu and Ashin accidentally touched the crystal core. Before they died, they made a wish to activate the core, forming a miniature world for their souls to house, and this crystal core will still be like Contagious like a virus, attracting more people into this miniature world.”

"Absorbing the 'wish' of many people, this miniature world then grew up, and grew bigger and bigger, becoming the fringe world we see now, right?"

"That's right, that's it." Amu nodded, "But there was a long process of development... Think about it, the fringe world didn't turn into a killing game mode like it is now. It’s a space that can be seen at a glance, and as the fringe world continues to absorb new souls, this space is crowded with all kinds of people, you say so many people are crowded in it, what will happen?”

"What else can there be?" Yu Sui just felt sad, "So many people are crowded together, trapped inside and unable to get out, once conflicts arise, fighting is unavoidable, especially according to your description, at that time The fringe world is a 'whatever you want' mode, and these people probably staged an unbelievable battle in it, right?"

"Bingo! That's right." Amu smiled and clapped his hands, "And it was a battle with extremely heavy casualties. At that time, Amu and Axin also died in it... Well, to be precise, they didn't die. "

"Not dead?" Yu Sui didn't understand what he meant.

"Because the fringe world at that time was in the mode of 'all wishes come true', although a war broke out, but no one wanted to die, so they would make a wish that they would 'not die' during the war." Amu explained, "But there is no death. , the contradictions and conflicts cannot be effectively resolved, and the fighting will continue without end.”

"So, in order to end this battle, someone made a new wish."

Amu paused at this point, his eyes darkened: "A wish that can end wars, resolve conflicts, and make no one die."

"What wish?" Yu Sui became inexplicably nervous.

"Assimilation." Amu replied in a low voice.

"Everyone is fused and assimilated into one person, and they don't have to fight anymore, and they don't have to die."

Mu Qin's throne map is not very cold, the temperature here is very balanced, it can even be said to be very warm, but Yu Sui suddenly felt cold all over after listening to A Mu's speech, he stared at A Mu in front of him After watching for a long time, a terrible conjecture suddenly popped up in my heart.

"Who are you?" Although this conjecture was gradually forming in his mind, Yu Sui didn't dare to express this conjecture, so he could only ask Amu silently, "Who are you?"

"Me? Me..." Amu pondered slightly, "I'm Muchen... and also Amu."

After finishing speaking, Amu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled at Yu Sui: "How about it, do you know the origin of the name 'Amu' now?"