Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 133: Echo of Silence 03┃Arguing, clamoring, dancing among demons, weeping and howling


What kind of concept is time

Mu Qin opened his eyes.

No, he doesn't have eyes now, he doesn't even have a body, he's just an erratic consciousness, like a hazy white mist. When he fell asleep, the cloud of white mist gathered together, and when he woke up, the cloud of white mist dispersed slightly, wandering without wind.

Mu Qin maintained this form and began to fall into thinking. He quickly remembered what happened before he fell asleep.

Mu Qin, Zhou Yue, and the Faceless Man were fighting each other in that infinite reincarnation killing game. Despite Mu Qin's efforts, he still couldn't come up with a way to get the best of both worlds together with Zhou Yue. Policy.

Not only was there no way to escape together, but in the end they were put together by the Faceless Man, who also turned Zhou Yue into a killer, successfully turning the situation into a double ghost game. Mu Qin couldn't kill Zhou Yue with his hands, and Zhou Yue would definitely not kill Mu Qin with his hands. They fell into a deadlock again.

So in despair, Mu Qin made a bold move.

This action is not considered to be premeditated by Mu Qin, and it is even impossible to predict the result. It can only be said to be a gamble on luck in a desperate situation.

This is what Mu Qin did. While the echo outside stabbed Mu Qin's body on the throne to death, he also killed the faceless man in the game.

Once the Faceless Man dies, the game starts to restart automatically, and during the restart stage, because the outer throne lost its king, the throne binds the Faceless Man as a target, and then this game based on the Faceless Man is suddenly shut down. "Interrupted".

After hundreds of game restarts, Mu Qin can vaguely guess that the moment the two-player game restarts, the system will withdraw the consciousness of all participants in the game from the game and temporarily place them in a closed small space, and then clear the game data, reopen the game, and then put the consciousness of the three of them into the game.

So at the moment when the game restarted... the conscious bodies of Mu Qin, Zhou Yue, and the Faceless Man had actually left the game.

The next problem is that the limbic system can't restart this two-player game.

Because there are three main players in this game, two of them made mistakes for some reason, making them unable to join the game anymore.

One of the participants who was unable to join the game was Mnuchin. Mu Qin was killed by echo because of the body on the throne outside, and his consciousness began to become unstable. The system judged that if he was easily put into the game again, his consciousness would probably collapse.

Another participant who was unable to join the game was the Faceless Man, who had a similar reason to Mu Qin, because his body was bound by the throne outside, which also made his consciousness unstable. To make matters worse, the Throne's bondage had an extremely nasty effect on the Faceless Man.

It stands to reason that the consciousness of the faceless man should not be so fragile.

The consciousness body of the faceless man is very powerful, like a large group of densely packed things gathered together. Mu Qin remembered that when he used the power of the throne to leave his body to possess others, he was in that dark position. I have experienced the consciousness of the Faceless Man in my face, that big black mass, like a thick black mist that screams continuously, shuttles wantonly in the dark world, gloomy and terrifying, cold and desperate , making everyone who can feel its existence feel terrified and trembling.

Assuming that now, Mu Qin and Yu Sui can listen to A Mu's narration on the map of the throne together, they can understand why, why the consciousness of the faceless man is so huge and terrifying.

Because it is actually the entangled souls of hundreds or thousands of people.

Their hideous faces were forcibly twisted and fused together, and they had completely lost their self-awareness. They gathered inside and scrambled to cry, growl, and struggle meaninglessly.

That's why it's so scary.

A terrifying existence that everyone who saw it could not describe in words.

However, despite being powerful, this consciousness body with countless soul fusions is actually far less stable than a single consciousness body. The frequent leakage of the faceless man's memory to others, as well as the frequent uncontrollable ups and downs in his emotions can prove this. Once the faceless man's consciousness becomes unstable, among the countless souls contained by the faceless man, one or two souls will come out without authorization.

These souls who ran out without authorization are very likely to turn against the guest, occupy a dominant position, and dominate the consciousness of the Faceless Man.

Mu Qin is unaware of these things now, and the two-player game cannot be restarted. The conscious bodies of him, Zhou Yue, and the faceless man are temporarily left in this small white space by the limbic system. The time of this white space is Stasis, but not a complete stop of time, just an extremely slow flow of time.

As a conscious body, Mu Qin is not bound by time, he can wander around in this white space.

This small white space is really small, Mu Qin didn't wander around for too long, and soon met his "companion", and Zhou Yue's consciousness was wandering in this small space with Mu Qin.

Zhou Yue's consciousness seemed to be a little weak, he didn't go too far, he stayed in place and circled.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue are both ideologies, without a body and five senses, but Mu Qin can feel Zhou Yue's existence from a distance. When he feels Zhou Yue, Mu Qin floats to Zhou Yue's side, Intertwined his own consciousness with Zhou Yue's consciousness.

Zhou Yue was really weak, or because he recognized that it was Mu Qin, so he didn't resist, and obediently opened his "embrace" to let Mu Qin stick up. It's amazing that Mu Qin can feel Zhou Yue's thoughts, know what he is thinking, and know what kind of feelings he has.

At the same time, Mu Qin's thoughts and emotions can also be shared with Zhou Yue, including his own memories can also be passed on to each other.

Zhou Yue is still in a memoryless state. The limbic system has not returned Zhou Yue's memory to him for the time being. In addition, countless times of game restart and reincarnation have wiped out Zhou Yue's little memory and returned it to Zhou Yue's conscious body. Some damage was done.

But fortunately, although he has no memory, Mu Qin can share his own memory with him, so that Zhou Yue can figure out who he is, why he is here, and what he is doing.

However, Zhou Yue's consciousness was severely damaged. Mu Qin felt sorry for him and wanted to use his consciousness to comfort him, so he didn't want to be separated from him for the time being. The two of them used this consciousness to "hug" each other tightly. , hugged for a long time.

During this period, Zhou Yue also slowly returned to his senses, and his damaged spirit stabilized a little bit. He and Mu Qin closely entangled and started a spiritual "dialogue".

Both of their conscious bodies are entangled together, and the other party knows immediately what they think, and there is no way to hide any thoughts.

"So we should now be placed in a temporary detention space by the limbic system, and that faceless man should be here too."

"Are we going to find him?"

"After walking around, I feel that this space is not very big. The Faceless Man should be here too. Let's look for him."

"What should I do if I find it?"

"Play by ear, this space should not be as closed as the game space and difficult to escape, so there must be an exit, as long as we find the exit, our souls will return to the present world after we go out, and then the Faceless Man will try to catch us back to the edge The world is also more difficult."

After the two quickly discussed and reached a conclusion through the exchange of consciousness, they finally parted a little reluctantly, and then began to look for the third person in this space, the Faceless Man.

The space is small, but the goal of the Faceless Man is very large—his consciousness is quite huge. Compared with Mu Qin and Zhou Yue's consciousness, the Faceless Man's consciousness is like a huge mountain. So Mu Qin and Zhou Yue's conscious bodies didn't float far, and they easily found the Faceless Man.

The faceless man huddled in place and remained motionless. His consciousness was in the shape of a huge black mist. Occasionally, he could see dense things surging in the black room, which felt very frightening.

The faceless man seemed to be in a state of deep sleep, curled up quietly in place. Mu Qin and Zhou Yue wandered around this "big guy" and felt that it was not good to contact rashly, so Zhou Yue and Mu Qin merged together again, intending to use the fusion state to extend a "tentacle" of the consciousness body ", to try to touch the huge consciousness of the faceless man.

This move was very risky, but Zhou Yue and Mu Qin had no choice at the moment, so they tried bravely.

They stretched out the "tentacles" of consciousness, and stuck to the surface of the faceless man's huge black mist-like consciousness, but they only touched it for a very short time, less than a second, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were shocked He retracted his "tentacles".

They felt that there were countless souls screaming and crying frantically in the huge conscious body in front of them.

Arguing, clamoring, dancing among demons, weeping and howling.

Because it was so noisy and chaotic, the chaotic force almost caused Mu Qin and Zhou Yue to collapse, so they resolutely withdrew their contact, and stepped back to keep a distance from the Faceless Man's consciousness.

Then the two began to communicate in horror.

"What the hell is this?"