Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 136: Silent Echo 06┃ turned into a jar of vinegar


Speaking of assimilation, in fact Mu Qin and Zhou Yue knew very well in their hearts that they could not truly integrate into one body.

They are two completely different thinking individuals, each with independent consciousness, their "self" cannot be obliterated and cannot be obliterated, they can only be two people and can never be the same person.

Just like the consciousness body of the faceless man in the state of "chaotic sleep" next to him. The Faceless Man "ate" the souls of so many people, but in fact, none of the souls he ate could be completely "digested" by the Faceless Man, everyone's ego is so strong, everyone's Struggling and shouting, everyone wants to live.

Therefore, the Faceless Man had no choice but to take the most extreme measures to clear the memories and emotions of these souls, and to constantly wear down their self-awareness in the turbulent torrent of time. Only then did the hundreds of thousands of souls in their bodies Can be a little more peaceful.

But it was only "slightly" more peaceful.

The moment Mu Qin and Zhou Yue briefly touched the faceless man's conscious body with the "tentacles" just now, it can be seen that even though most of the souls in the faceless man's body have been shaved off memory, emotion and consciousness, they are still Crazy roar.

Those souls have indeed lost their ego, but the remaining obsessions and beliefs in the soul body still insist on expressing their pain loudly in the way of struggling and roaring.

Probably only eternal destruction is the real way to free these souls.

Because of these poor souls, their "assimilation" process is completely different from the "assimilation" that Mu Qin and Zhou Yue initiated on their own initiative.

They are bound and forced to assimilate with other equally suffering souls, and in this difficult process, they can all perceive other people's chaotic thoughts... feel the thoughts, memories and emotions of thousands of people at the same time, what is that How do you feel

I don't want others to pry into my thoughts, I don't want others to know my memory, I don't want others to know my feelings.

Resistance, disgust, self-protection.

This is why these hundreds of thousands of souls are going crazy. They cannot accept other people's thoughts and memories, and they cannot bear their own thoughts and memories to be acquired by others. These independent souls are destined to fall into madness, and there is no room for maneuver.

Fortunately, the situation of Zhou Yue and Mu Qin is different. The two of them are sticky and crooked together. They don't know that this intimate entanglement between consciousnesses means the beginning of "assimilation", so I don't know. Before they knew it, they began to assimilate, combined with each other without resisting each other at all, and were very happy to share everything about themselves.

Because neither of them has the idea of destroying or harming each other, the fusion of consciousness is very natural and there is no resistance.

Moreover, the self-awareness of the two will not disappear, they will not become the same person, but their thoughts can be communicated simultaneously. Therefore, even if they are separated, this exchange of ideas will not end.

The simple explanation is: through this assimilation, they acquired the skill of "telepathy".

This skill allows them to communicate in their brains no matter how far apart they are, even if they are thousands of miles apart, or even across time and space, so as to know each other's state and thoughts at the first time.

But at this moment, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue didn't even know that they had this magical skill.

They "huddled" together for a long time. Although they really wanted to embrace each other forever, the two finally chose to face the reality and the problems they needed to solve now.

"We still have to find a way to escape from this space, and we can't stay here forever." Mu Qin thinks so.

So the two reluctantly separated, and began to split into two groups, wandering around in this small white space, trying to find if there was an exit in this space. However, the two wandered back and forth for a long time, but found nothing. Finally, I returned to the side of the huge consciousness of the Faceless Man, and after communicating for a while, I came to two conclusions.

"No Exit."

"It seems to be a space that can only be broken through by external force."

Both Zhou Yue and Mu Qin had expected this conclusion, but they were unwilling to do so, and still searched around with little hope. But the cruel reality in front of them is already very clear. They know that the final breakthrough still lies in the faceless man in front of them.

Mu Qin stretched out his "tentacles" of consciousness to connect with Zhou Yue, and said, "We have no choice, we still have to find a way from this guy."

"But there is no way to contact the Faceless Man." Zhou Yue replied, observing the spiritual "tentacles" connected to Mu Qin, and couldn't help but get entangled with Mu Qin more tightly, acting like a child, "We Can we still hug each other?"

Mu Qin was helpless, and couldn't refuse Zhou Yue's coquettish begging at all, so he leaned over and got entangled with Zhou Yue again, and the two consciousnesses were entangled again.

Once hugged together, Mu Qin would feel that Zhou Yue was "licking" him crazily. If they had bodies, it would probably be the action of "licking".

Mu Qin finally couldn't bear it anymore, "We can't 'hug' like this anymore, so when can we escape from this space?"

"It's okay again." Zhou Yue was wronged, "I think this is very good, I don't want to be separated from you."

Mu Qin comforted Zhou Yue's head with his tentacles...if he had a head. Then Mu Qin said: "Hey, when we go out, we can be together every day."

Mu Qin felt that the current Zhou Yue really looked like a child, probably because the current Zhou Yue had no memory of her own, and Zhou Yue's understanding of her identity and background was all learned from Mu Qin's memory. Therefore, without the shackles of his past identity, Zhou Yue seemed to have been reborn. He was as pure as returning to nature, and even his heart was innocent and romantic. This kind of Zhou Yue is very cute, and Mu Qin likes it very much, but... Mu Qin still wants Zhou Yue to find him. Back to his memory, Mu Qin wanted to complete him.

Because the two shared the same thoughts, Mu Qin's thoughts were quickly captured by Zhou Yue. Zhou Yue said: "If you think so... okay, let's find a way to get out!"

Mu Qin really wanted to kiss him.

Zhou Yue also wanted to kiss Mu Qin, but they didn't have a body, and under the itching, the two couldn't help but recall the previous scene of kissing and hugging xxoo, and then it got out of hand...

"Stop!" Mu Qin could only stop urgently, because it would be endless if it went on like this, not to mention that Zhou Yue had no self-control at the moment, and all he could think about was how to use various postures to throw Mu Qin down, how to treat Mu Qin Chin like that, how...

"Don't think about that!" Mu Qin shouted to him dumbfounded.

Zhou Yue said resolutely: "Let's go out, it's better to have a body, so I can fuck you."

"Don't you have any other thoughts in your mind except for me!?"

Zhou Yue became more confident and took it for granted: "No!"

He really didn't.

Finally, after a pause, the two began to study the faceless man in front of them, trying to find a way to safely contact the faceless man's consciousness.

"The thousands of souls in this faceless man are too messy, if only their voices could be blocked."

But how to block the voices of those souls is a problem, which made Mu Qin and Zhou Yue start to make some experiments together. If they can still block each other's voices at the stage of connecting the consciousness bodies, it means that they can be with each other During the contact process of the faceless man, the voices of those chaotic souls in the faceless man's consciousness were also blocked.

But this seems to be quite difficult. In addition, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue have deep feelings for each other. They have almost formed an instinct to accept each other, and they cannot reject each other's voice at all.

However, in order to escape, they still passed a thorough test.

It may be because Mu Qin and Zhou Yue have relatively strong spiritual power. After the test, they found that it is quite easy to block the voice of the other party. It seems that they only need to forcibly prevent and ignore other conscious bodies from contacting their own conscious body, so as not to let others Let your own "voice" pass in, and don't let your own "voice" pass out. If you hide yourself in the shell, you will not be so easily affected by other people's voices.

But there are also problems, because this state of being huddled in the shell has two sides, the sound from the outside can't affect you, and you can't feel everything from the outside world, and the means by which the conscious body perceives the outside world depends on this "sound" to perceive, Without a voice, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, as conscious bodies, seemed to be blind.

To be blind is to be unable to move an inch.

The purpose of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue's contact with the Faceless Man is to find clues from the Faceless Man, clues to escape from this small white space, and being blind will not help them find these clues.

Therefore, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue fell into a dilemma. After discussing for a long time, they still couldn't come up with an effective way to solve this problem.

But at this time, a bad situation appeared, and the Faceless Man seemed to "wake up".

When the faceless man wakes up, he will subconsciously move his conscious body. His conscious body is as large and conspicuous as a hill in this small white space. If he moves a little, he can be noticed by Mu Qin and Zhou Yue immediately. The two stop After the discussion, he backed away vigilantly, and then glared at the Faceless Man.

The Faceless Man really woke up. As soon as he woke up, he twitched the tentacles of his conscious body openly. He was like a thick and huge black spherical mist, constantly agitating the black mist on his body like boiling. The mist expanded outward, and the black spirit tentacles stretched out in all directions.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue felt the danger, they moved at high speed to avoid the black spiritual tentacles of the faceless man, trying to stay away from the faceless man.

But the faceless man over there seemed to have spotted Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, and those tentacles stretched out towards the direction where Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were, probably trying to catch Mu Qin and the others.

How could Mu Qin and Zhou Yue wait to die? Naturally, they started to run away, jumping up and down in this white space, trying to avoid the faceless man. Unfortunately, the white space is too small, and the faceless man has so many mental tentacles, all directions It rushed towards Mu Qin and Zhou Yue like a black wave.

In the emergency state of the fire and light stone, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue could only temporarily separate the connected consciousness bodies to ensure the flexibility of activities. It was also at this time that Mu Qin and Zhou Yue discovered that they could communicate spiritually even if they were separated. God skills.

After discovering this skill, Mu Qin immediately started this spiritual dialogue mode, saying to Zhou Yue: "We are caught by him."

"But if he catches you..."

"There is no other way. This space is too narrow. There is no exit and nowhere to escape. It will be a matter of time before you get caught."

Zhou Yue said: "But if we are caught by that guy, those messy voices in his body will break our spirits."

"We have no choice but to fight to the death!"

Zhou Yue could only agree with Mu Qin's choice, and the two gave up and ran away, obediently being caught by the black spiritual tentacles of the Faceless Man. The voice in the body of human consciousness... that is a crazy feast of thousands of souls.

That's crazy. If you have to describe the sound, it's like the sound of sharp cat claws scratching the blackboard, and it's the sound of hundreds or thousands of cat claws scratching the blackboard at the same time. You can hear it The person has an immediate nervous breakdown within seconds.

Even Mu Qin couldn't resist, he tried to use the method tested before to make his consciousness body shrink in the shell, but he found that he couldn't even do such a simple thing, and the screams of countless souls poured into him In his mind, crying for help in his ear, he couldn't ignore it at all, so it was nonsense to try to block out these voices.

This kind of pain made Mu Qin's consciousness confused, but in the chaos, Mu Qin didn't think of himself, he thought of Zhou Yue, he was very worried about how Zhou Yue was doing now, he was afraid that these terrible mental shocks would hurt To Zhou Yue.

So he immediately contacted Zhou Yue with his newly acquired telepathy skills, trying to determine Zhou Yue's condition.

But it was a bad shot.

The telepathic skills allow Mu Qin and Zhou Yue to build a unique bridge between each other, only the two of them can communicate with each other, and no one else can intervene. This may have established a just right for their consciousness. The barrier, which allowed them to reduce the influence of the messy sounds from the outside to a certain extent, but it did not completely block them.

Soon, the two discovered that as long as they maintained this telepathic connection and comforted each other, they could maintain a rare peace in this crazy feast of thousands of souls.

"Suddenly I can understand the faceless man." Mu Qin said to Zhou Yue telepathically, "If he can always hear the calls of these crazy souls, this may explain why he is so extreme and unreasonable."

Zhou Yue expressed his dissatisfaction. He still hated the Faceless Man, because when he was assimilated with Mu Qin, he had read Mu Qin's memory. In Mu Qin's memory, there was a picture of the Faceless Man trying to kiss Mu Qin. Very angry, he became jealous and turned into a jealous jar.

Mu Qin sensed the jealousy from Zhou Yue, and said with a smile: "Didn't he succeed? Don't worry, I won't let anyone else touch me except you."

"You are mine!" Zhou Yue kept declaring sovereignty in Mu Qin's ear, "Mine!"

"Okay, it's yours, it's yours, it's all yours." Mu Qin coaxed him with a smile.

"I love you!" Zhou Yue said again.

"I love you too." Mu Qin responded gently.

After the Faceless Man captured Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, he seemed to intend to eat Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, making them part of the crazy army of souls in his body, so the Faceless Man captured Mu Qin and Zhou Yue with his dark spiritual tentacles. Wrapped with Zhou Yue's consciousness body, and integrated into his own consciousness body like swallowing dates, Mu Qin and the other two squeezed into these thousands of souls.

But they didn't go crazy and collapse immediately, but kept maintaining spiritual connection, and then groped in this densely packed soul, found each other, and merged with each other.

After eating Zhou and Mu, the faceless man didn't observe their situation, because the faceless man didn't have time to observe their situation at this moment.

Faceless also faces a serious problem of its own.

Although most of the thousands of souls in his body have been wiped out of their self-awareness, there are still a small number of particularly stubborn souls that still retain their ego, and this small number of souls with ego are extremely crazy. If the mental state is a little unstable, they will try every means to seize the dominance of the faceless man's conscious body, trying to control this huge black conscious body instead of the faceless man.

The confrontation between the Faceless Man and this small group of souls has lasted for quite a long time, and they have been competing with each other for three hundred years, but the Faceless Man is still stronger than them, probably because the Faceless Man is not a real human being. It is difficult for the masked man to understand the emotions of human beings. The painful wails of the soul are like some meaningless noises to him. Once he gets used to them, he will not feel so much and will not be affected.

In addition, the Faceless Man himself is a thought body born from the common wish of these thousands of souls. His spirit is very powerful, enough to suppress these manic souls.

It is the small part of souls that still have their ego that is more difficult to deal with. Their ability to retain their ego in this messy soul noise shock wave is enough to prove that they are very strong. And each of them has not given up the idea of escaping so far. What's more troublesome is that these souls seem to realize that fighting alone can't defeat the Faceless Man, so they combined together, like Mu Qin and Zhou Yue. That builds a spiritual bridge between each other.

It's just that they can't be as close as Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, so the bridge between them is not very stable.

But it is enough to fight against the faceless man. These souls will wait for an opportunity when the faceless man's consciousness is unstable. They will surround the faceless man's main consciousness, harass and attack and snatch the dominance of the entire consciousness , although the Faceless Man felt that he would not be defeated by these souls, he still had to fight them under pressure.