Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 137: Silent Echo 07┃Not mine


While the Faceless Man is busy dealing with those stubborn souls, Zhou Yue and Mu Qin will certainly not be idle.

After they stabilized in the ocean of thousands of souls, they began to contact these large numbers of souls. Most of these souls have no self, and they all look like lunatics. Some are howling meaninglessly, and some are constantly Crying, making hysterical noise without interruption.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue tried to contact some of these souls. They came into contact with a crying soul, and they huddled into a small ball and crouched in a corner.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue stretched out their spiritual tentacles to touch the crying soul, and then they could feel the great sadness oncoming. This crying soul has no thoughts or memories, and only endless sadness flows from it.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue touched other souls one by one, and found that the situation was similar. These souls had no consciousness and memory, and only some strong emotions remained in the soul, some were anger, some were sadness, some were pain... nothing One exception is negative emotions.

After such contact one by one, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue still made some new discoveries. They found that among these souls, there are very few self-awareness remaining, but the self-awareness is very weak, and there is basically no way to form free "thoughts". There are only some stereotyped repetitive thought messages.

Like one of Mu Qin and the others, this soul that barely has a little bit of self-awareness left, the message left in its mind is a name, I don’t know if it is its own name or someone else’s name, but this name has been emerging in this place Deep in the soul's mind, it is deeply engraved, and this name will also make this soul feel a strong sense of sadness.

Although I have been working very hard to restrain myself, but with so many mixed negative emotions, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue will inevitably be "infected" by these bad negative emotions, so they stop contacting these souls and start to use positive emotions. Reassure each other.

While Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were in contact with these souls, some souls also tried to contact Mu Qin and the others. However, these attempts to actively contact the souls of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue seemed a bit weird.

From the appearance alone, the human soul is just a cloud of white mist, which is almost transparent and has no shape. When moving, the white mist will disperse slightly and surge in irregular shapes. Shrunk into a small ball, turned into a misty ball.

If this is the real world, living human beings will not be able to see these "fog clusters" with their naked eyes, because these souls are energy bodies gathered by clusters of energy, storing the memories, emotions and ego of living beings.

It is a pity that the soul cannot exist forever. As time goes by, the energy of the soul will be slowly exhausted. At the same time, as the energy decreases, the memory, emotion and self that the soul can store will also slowly decrease.

The poor souls are facing a cruel choice at this time, they must give up their memories and emotions... they must even give up themselves, only by giving up these can the speed of soul energy consumption be slowed down, they must strive to make their "existence" more For a long time, because only by doing this can you win the chance of reincarnation.

This world is extremely cruel, even after death, there is no so-called carefree paradise.

Correspondingly, the terrible hell is just a legend in people's delusions.

After the creature dies, the soul will stay in this world for a long time. After the time of staying, the soul will be automatically taken into a "transfer station" by a magical power. This "transfer station" is a very huge alien space , there are a large number of souls stored in it, they will be purified or sublimated here, and then introduced into various worlds in batches, reincarnated and born as new life forms.

Some souls may still be able to stay on the earth, but some have gone to other universes, and may become unknown creatures that human beings cannot understand in their entire lifetime.

The bad thing is that this "soul transfer station" is not so easy to enter, maybe it is deliberately set up like this, basically all souls have to wait for an extremely long time before entering the transfer station, in order to wait for the opportunity of "reincarnation", Souls are forced to strip themselves of everything they had before they were alive, and even deprive themselves, and become the most primitive form of soul energy. Only in this way, may they be able to get the mercy of God once.

But more souls are destined to perish.

Maybe it's because I don't want to give up on myself, maybe it's because I'm still full of unbelievable nostalgia for this world, maybe it's because I can never accept the fact that I'm dead.

I would rather go to perish with good memories, precious feelings and unique self than give up everything and get a new life.

After all, no one knows if the reincarnated you is still you after losing all emotional memory and ego.

However, for the souls trapped in the marginal world, experiencing this cruel waiting is actually a luxury. After all, the souls in the marginal world have been deprived of the opportunity to choose from the very beginning. They can live forever in the marginal world, but they also lose the chance of reincarnation forever.

The fringe world has indeed fulfilled their wishes, and they can "live" forever.

But is it really good to be confined to such a small place to survive

The devastated scene in front of them told Mu Qin that they were not well.

Apart from madness, pain, sorrow, anger, there is nothing in this vast body of consciousness.

This soul that came to contact Mu Qin and Zhou Yue on its own initiative was a soul that still retained its self-awareness. It's just that this soul that can maintain itself under the ravages of the Faceless Man seems to have paid some cruel price.

Because these souls are not in the pure white mist like other souls, but in the black mist state, which is the same as the faceless man's conscious body, distorted and exuding cold consciousness.

The black mist soul quietly approached Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, but he looked very polite. First, he stretched out his black spiritual tentacles and waved to Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, as if to say hello. He also showed a friendly atmosphere, and his tentacles stretched out to Mu Qin, asking for Mu Qin's consent.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue hesitated for a while. After a brief exchange of consciousness, Mu Qin chose to accept the invitation of this black soul, and then stretched out his spiritual tentacles to "shake hands" with the other party.

The contact between souls is equivalent to confessing one's memory and thinking, and one's privacy will be exposed to the other party without any cover. But Mu Qin felt that it didn't matter, because this kind of confession was for both parties. Others can understand themselves thoroughly, and they can also understand others thoroughly.

So with a simple "handshake", Mu Qin knew everything about this black soul.

This black soul was a European three hundred years ago, who died in the ravages of war. His name is Walker. Walker himself can’t remember the memories of his life. He only remembers that he has a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter. He seems to have escaped from the war zone in order to protect his family. He took up weapons and fought against soldiers, and finally died. at gunpoint.

Before his death, Walker couldn't bear to die, because he didn't see the scene where his family escaped smoothly. He was very uneasy, and his uneasy made him have a strong desire to "live", which was captured by the marginal world. So he managed to get into the fringe world.

But the reason why Walker strongly wants to live is for his family, to see his family, and to make sure they are safe. This is Walker's ultimate wish. Now he is trapped in the fringe world, how can he confirm the safety of his family

Of course Walker was not reconciled. Even though the marginal world was in the "whatever you want" mode at the time, he could even imagine a scene where his family was still by his side, but this was just a fantasy. Will live in the image that Walker remembers, without self-will or emotion.

At the beginning, these fantasies could give Walker some comfort, but with in-depth contact, Walker can strongly feel the huge difference between fantasy and reality. The wife and children he imagined are not at all and absolutely impossible to be his wife and children. child.

The stronger this sense of difference, the deeper the despair. Walker stopped fantasizing. He desperately hopes to escape from the marginal world and see his real family, even if this is the last time.

Walker's obsession made him try his best to survive the fringe world, survived the war that broke out in the fringe world three hundred years ago, when the faceless man tried to assimilate everyone and erase their self-will survived.

The only way to survive in the faceless man's huge consciousness for a long time, and to fight wits and bravery with the faceless man so as not to be wiped out by him, is to devour others like the faceless man.

After all, the soul is a unit of energy. If the energy shared by you alone is not enough for you to preserve yourself, then eat the energy of others to ensure your self.

That's what Walker did. He chose to eat those soul bodies that had completely lost their self-awareness to enhance their strength.

And these souls devouring the same kind will turn into what Mu Qin sees now... black.

Such souls that exist in the faceless man's consciousness and compete with the faceless man for dominance are basically black like this.

"Your pure whiteness makes me envious." Walker used his spiritual tentacles to send a message to Muqin, "But whiteness cannot survive here, and those who are eaten by the 'world will' have nowhere to escape, we can only choose to fight for it. "

"That's what you do." Mu Qin replied, "It's not mine."