Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 138: Silent Echo 08┃There are 1,642 'personalities' in the mind


"Yes, of course you can make this choice, because you have the ability, ability, and more energy to choose a path different from ours." Facing Mnuchin's relentless rebuttal, Walker did not feel angry, he Good-tempered... No matter how bad-tempered a person can be, he can survive the howling devastation of many mad souls, and he will become calm and patient.

So Walker will not be angry, he smiled at Mu Qin, and he told the truth: "You have a choice, because you are the same kind as the 'world will', you are the 'mind body' born in response to people's strong desire, You are completely different from ordinary humans, at least you will not be easily brainwashed, swallowed or assimilated by the will of the world."

"So of course you don't need to be like us..." Walker seemed to look at Muqin, and said to him, "You don't have to devour the souls of the same kind like me, you can keep pure white, and you won't be caught by anyone. polluted by evil forces."

"But your loved ones have no such luck."

As Walker spoke, his tentacles reached out to Zhou Yue who was leaning on Mu Qin. Walker's actions somehow made Mu Qin a little nervous. The thought of protecting him even made Mu Qin extend his mental tentacles and thrust Zhou Yue into his arms.

Zhou Yue felt Mu Qin's thoughts, he was happy but also a little worried, he hugged Mu Qin and rubbed against him, comforting Mu Qin and telling him not to worry.

Here, Walker ignored their unintentional behavior of spreading dog food, and said calmly: "I know your thoughts very well, don't worry, I am on the united front with you, and other souls like me want to come from here. Going out here, we all want to escape from the edge world... Even if we will die after leaving here."

"However, escaping is not an easy task."

After pondering for a moment, Walker shared all the information he knew with Mu Qin through the connection of mental tentacles, so as to quickly let Mu Qin and Zhou Yue understand the situation.

In the huge consciousness of the Faceless Man, after the war three hundred years ago, there were initially a total of 1,642 souls in it. personal.

"However, there are only a thousand souls left now." Walker said to Mu Zhou and the others, "Excluding the two of you, there are only a thousand souls left in total, and the remaining more than 600 souls have completely lost their emotions. Memories and ego, become mere energy bodies, and then get eaten by the will of the world... or guys like me."

Walker surged with the black energy on his body, and his mental tentacles kept shaking. He sighed, "Over the years, we have tried many ways to escape the grasp of the will of the world, but almost completely failed. The conscious body of the will of the world is unbreakable. We all It is a part of this conscious body, so no individual can escape alone."

"In the past three hundred years, after constant exploration and thinking, we suddenly discovered an interesting thing. If we regard the will of the world as an ordinary human being, then the one thousand six hundred and forty-two souls in his body are One thousand six hundred and forty-two 'personalities' in his head."

"Personality?" Mu Qin answered subconsciously.

"That's right, it's personality." Walker expressed similar joyful emotions to Muqin through his spiritual tentacles, as if he was smiling, "Just change the concept, since our souls are part of the will of the world, then we They are all the 'personality' of the will of the world. The will of the world is the master personality, and we are the sub-personality, but the sub-personality is also a personality, and has the right to compete for dominance, as long as it reaches the superconsciousness from the subconscious and squeezes the main personality down."

Walker began to imagine the future of dominance. He said: "With dominance, we can replace the will of the world and temporarily become the 'gods' of the marginal world. God has the supreme right to disintegrate the marginal world from within and release the marginal world. Players within, and even shut down the entire marginal world."

"With dominance, we also have the opportunity to disintegrate ourselves, and we can release the thousands of souls trapped in the consciousness of the world's will at this moment."

"But how to take the lead?" Mu Qin asked him.

It seems easy to say the words mastering the initiative, but it is hard to know how to do it when you want to implement it.

Walker hesitated for a while, and then pointed out a direction for Mu Qin and Zhou Yue with his mental tentacles.

Inside the faceless man's huge black consciousness body, the place where more than a thousand souls are imprisoned is a spherical black space. It is filled with this black sphere, and in the center of this black sphere, there is a light sphere that is emitting light and constantly rotating.

I don’t know if it’s Mu Qin’s illusion. Mu Qin feels that this black spherical space is like a miniature universe. The radiant light ball in the middle is like a miniature star, and the souls floating around like lumps are also Instinctively approaching the place with light, it seems to be revolving around this star.

The direction that Walker's spiritual tentacles point to is the ball of light that is emitting warm light.

"We are all sub-personalities sealed in the darkness." Walker said, "Our living space is squeezed, our memories are destroyed, our emotions are worn away, and our ego withers, gradually blending into this darkness and becoming the will to feed the world. nutrients."

"But the will of the world is there." Walker pointed to the ball of light, "As long as we can enter that ball of light, we can climb out of the dark abyss and step onto the palace where the 'king' is."

The word king somehow caught Mu Qin's attention. He seemed to have thought of something, but this idea just flashed through Mu Qin's mind quickly, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Walker would not pay attention to Mu Qin's thoughts at this moment. He continued to say to Mu Qin: "I think you should choose to help us. Before the two of you came in, the consciousness of the world will has been in an unstable state. Once the world If the consciousness body of the will is unstable, an 'earthquake' will occur in this black spherical space."

When Walker mentioned the earthquake, the earthquake came. The spherical space containing thousands of souls inexplicably shook violently. The shaking of the space actually means the compression of the space. This black spherical space will become narrower, and the narrow space will make the soul They became uneasy, and those souls who were originally quiet and weeping in the corner also rushed out and howled.

"This spherical space containing thousands of souls will gradually shrink. We will be slowly squeezed into a ball, compressed again and again, and finally compressed into a small ball. I am afraid that we can really merge into one... Maybe at that time Real 'assimilation' can be achieved."

"So, how can we help you?" Mnuchin said.

"It's good to do everything possible to integrate into that sphere of light. That sphere of light can be sure to be the consciousness core of the will of the world, and the will of the world is in it. If you can successfully enter, you must use all means to squeeze the will of the world out of the sphere of light, so that It seems that you can temporarily seize the dominance of the entire consciousness and become the 'god' of the marginal world."

"It sounds simple..." Mu Qin mused.

At this moment, Zhou Yue suddenly interjected. He looked at Walker and said, "It's not that easy to do it, otherwise you would have succeeded long ago, wouldn't you?"

Walker paused, and continued: "It's really not easy, how is it not easy, you can try it yourself."

Walker also added: "However, you two... Mu Qin just go and try, Zhou Yue should not go."

"Why can't I go?" Zhou Yue would not let go of Mu Qin, he stuck to Mu Qin's conscious body with his mental tentacles.

Walker explained: "Because you are just an ordinary human soul like me, but Mu Qin's nature is the same as the will of the world. He is also a thought body. I guess he may be difficult to be influenced by the will of the world. He is the best selected."

"No!" Zhou Yue suddenly understood Walker's intentions when she heard it, "You came here to talk to us, but you actually want us to be the first birds, right?"

Walker was silent for a moment, but he didn't deny it: "I do have this idea. There are two reasons. One is that we have worked hard for a long time, and no one can successfully enter that ball of light. The other is that since three hundred years ago until now So far, the souls in this black spherical space have only decreased, never increased, until today, the two of you were suddenly 'swallowed in' by the will of the world."

"So, I think the two of you are variables, especially after I just exchanged the details with Mu Qin through spiritual connection, I know your identity background and origin, I am more sure of this... Things have happened to this point, it is too bad Worse than that, why can't we try something different?"

"I disagree!" Zhou Yue didn't want Mu Qin to risk himself.

"I agree." But almost at the same time, Mnuchin confirmed Walker's thoughts.

Before Zhou Yue got into trouble, Mu Qin gently touched Zhou Yue with his tentacles and comforted him, "Don't worry, I won't go alone."

Over there, Walker noticed Mu Qin's thoughts and disagreed: "Do you want to take Zhou Yue with you?"

"Of course, we must always be together." Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were close to each other all the time, "We can't be separated, never."

"With all due respect, this is really not a good practice. You will understand why after you have truly touched the core of consciousness of the will of the world."