Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 140: Silent Echo 10┃Amu's memory is very important


With the help of Walker and other black souls, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were pushed into the repelling barrier of the sphere of light and successfully touched the surface of the sphere of light.

The moment he touched the ball of light, Mu Qin did, as Walker said, witness the memories of the 1,642 souls inside.

Some of these memories are incomplete, while others are complete.

However, the incomplete memory in the sphere of light is actually a good thing, because these memories that were included in the sphere of light were all picked up by the faceless man from these 1,642 souls. The rarer the memory stored in the light sphere, the less memory the Faceless Man has picked up from others, so there is only a small incomplete part.

These memories are divided into categories, organized into memory documents one after another, and stored in the memory library. When Mu Qin touches and flips through these memory documents, he can fully experience another person's life from the perspective of God.

The process of Mu Qin looking through these memory documents one by one seems to be very long, but in fact it only takes less than a second. These memories are like compressed files, and Mu Qin's powerful mental power can download them in an instant.

Even Mu Qin himself was surprised that he was able to browse through the memories of 1,642 souls in less than 0.1 second.

However, he did not find what Walker said in it—the memory of the will of the world itself.

Mu Qin took a little longer to read all of them, but he still couldn't find them.

Instead, among the numerous "memory documents", Mnuchin saw the memories belonging to Walker, and this aroused his interest.

Earlier, when Mnuchin and Walker "shake hands" with spiritual tentacles and communicated spiritually, Walker showed Mouchin all his memories, and Mnuchin also showed Walker his own life, in order to make each other faster. understand each other's situation.

Walker's memory seems to be very complete, but in fact a large part is missing. Walker's childhood memory is almost non-existent. He only remembers the time when he lived with his wife and children. So Walker's missing childhood memories are actually in this ball of light.

However, when Mu Qin saw the missing part of Walker's memory, Mu Qin's heart sank slightly.

In the memory that Walker showed Munchin, Walker was a man with a wife and children, about thirty years old, who was a farm worker before the war broke out. After the war broke out, Walker planned to take his wife and children to escape from his hometown, which had become a war zone, and died at the gunpoint of soldiers during the evacuation.

Then Walker entered the fringe world and survived the war in the fringe world. His only wish for so many years is to return to the real world and see his wife and children.

However, the reality is very cruel. More than three hundred years have passed. No matter how unwilling Walker is to face the reality, he must know that his family has long been reduced to ashes under the torrent of time.

But Walker's obsession still hasn't faded, he is still alive and survived strong.

Living to this day, Walker is no longer obsessed with seeing his family, because he no longer expects to see his family. He just wants to get out of this dark world, return to reality, return to his hometown, and then Died where his family was.

But now, Mu Qin saw the part of Walker's lost memory.

This memory shows that Walker has no so-called "family".

Yes, Walker has no so-called wife or children. This incomplete memory of Walker completely shows Walker's childhood. Walker's parents were the bosses of a European Chamber of Commerce at that time. They had small capital but both died in a fire accident. They left Walker a considerable inheritance and wealth. A few loyal servants, Walker lived a rich life as a young master when he was a child, and when he grew up, he was extravagant and spent a lot of money, and lost all the assets left by his parents.

After he had no money, Walker still didn't know how to restrain himself. He thought that money was very easy to make, so he borrowed a lot of money to start his own business, but he was too idealistic and blindly confident. As a result, Walker owed a huge sum of money. In order to avoid his creditors, he fled for a long time, and finally fled to a small rural village called Scarecrow Town.

After Walker escaped to Scarecrow Town, this fragmented memory ended.

After seeing this part of Walker's incomplete memory, Mu Qin felt very strange. He wondered if Walker married his wife and children after settling down in this scarecrow town? But the age doesn't match, because this incomplete memory shows that Walker was about thirty-two years old when he fled to Scarecrow Town.

According to the memory that Walker showed to Mu Qin before, Walker was only 30 years old when he died at the gunpoint of soldiers, but he already had a wife and a two-year-old child.

That is to say, the part of Walker's memory that Muqin saw in the light sphere is different from the memory that Walker personally showed to Muqin.

Why is this

Is it because Walker deliberately deceived Mu Qin, so he showed the fake memory to Mu Qin

No, not really.

Muqin then found the memory of a man named "Johnny" in the memory file stored in the light sphere. The memory file of this man was also incomplete, but Johnny's memory and what Walker showed to Muqin Those memories have many dovetails.

For example, Johnny was born in Scarecrow Town. Johnny's parents were both farm workers in Scarecrow Town. Johnny later became a farm worker like his parents. Johnny met a pretty girl in the same village and married her when she was about twenty-five. At twenty-eight, Johnny and the girl had a lovely child.

This part of Johnny's memory ended after his wife gave birth to the child.

Muchin can clearly see that Walker's original memory seems to be gone, and what he inherited...is actually Johnny's memory.

In other words, Johnny is the one who died in the flames of war to protect his family, and Johnny is the one who wants to escape from the edge of the world and wants to go back to see his family.

But why in the end, Walker will inherit Johnny's memory, and regard Johnny's life as his own

"Probably because of assimilation." At this time, Zhou Yue, who had always maintained a spiritual connection with Mu Qin, spoke in Mu Qin's mind.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue have always been closely connected, especially in order to protect Zhou Yue from being harmed, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue temporarily merged their consciousness bodies, changing from "two dumplings" to "a slightly larger dumpling" .

While Mu Qin was flipping through the 1,642 soul memories, Zhou Yue followed him through all of them.

"These souls trapped in the huge consciousness of the faceless man have all experienced the great war that took place in the marginal world three hundred years ago. After the war, they were all swallowed by the faceless man who was born of desire Souls are trapped here for assimilation, stripped of their memory, emotion and self."

"The faceless people store the memories and emotions of these people in this ball of light, and these people have been attacking and trying to touch this ball of light for three hundred years. When they touch the ball of light, they can also be like us. Reading these memories…”

Zhou Yue expressed his own conjecture: "Perhaps when these poor people read these memories, they will not be as comfortable as you are now, Mu Qin, completely unaffected by so many messy memories. They may touch the ball of light at the same time. Lose your own memory, or get other people's memory while touching the light ball, or even unintentionally take other people's memory as your own."

"Take other people's emotions, wishes, or obsessions as your own."

"Human self-awareness is born of memory. If there is no memory left, and even the survival instinct is completely forgotten, then the self-destruction is not far away. In order to protect the self at this time, perhaps Some people subconsciously plunder other people's memories, regard other people's lives as their own, and risk their lives for the wishes of others... because only by doing so can they guarantee the existence of themselves, this is a kind of... special survival instinct."

Mu Qin understood Zhou Yue's meaning: "That is to say, those souls outside, especially those black souls, are very likely to inherit other people's memories like Walker, and may even inherit the memories of multiple people. All memories Borrow a little bit from this guy or that guy and build it up?"

Zhou Yue sighed: "Yes, although it is very sad, the truth of the matter may be like this."

"What about the Faceless Man?" Mu Qin suddenly thought of an important point, "Do you think that the Faceless Man will also be like this, inheriting other people's memories... No, he originally inherited other people's memories, Ashin's The memory is what he inherited, so when he met me for the first time, he insisted that he was Ashin, and he insisted that I was Amu... "

"Do you mean you are Amu?" Zhou Yue heard Mu Qin mentioning this, and could not help but subconsciously speculate: "Could it be that he doesn't have Amu's memory? Or does he think that Amu's memory is in you? Does he think that Amu Mu's memory is very important, in order to get this part of memory back, that's why I tried every means to keep you in the marginal world?"

When Mu Qin heard Zhou Yueyi's words, he was shocked and excited: "It is indeed possible!"

Mu Qin said: "I just flipped through the 1,642 memory documents, which contained Ashin's memories, but Ah Mu's memories were very few, only a few sporadic pictures, and these few memories The pictures are all overlapping with Ashin's memory, maybe Amu's memory may indeed be leaked, so the Faceless Man wants to get Amu's memory back."

"Maybe he really thinks that Amu's memory is on me all the time, that's why he keeps staring at me!"

Zhou Yue also continued to speculate: "He tried everything possible to get Amu's memory back from you... which means that Amu's memory is really important to him. Maybe there is something in this part of memory that is very important to him. It might help him, or it might threaten him."

The speculation of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue came to an end, and the two were silent for a while deep in their hearts.

Then Mu Qin broke the silence and said: "I didn't find the memory of the Faceless Man here... This ball of light seems to be just a memory storage thing, and I didn't feel the consciousness of the Faceless Man here."

"Where is that faceless man?" Zhou Yue frowned upon hearing this.

"Could it be..." Mu Qin thought of something.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue had the same mind. When Mu Qin thought about it, Zhou Yue also understood his thoughts. They turned around involuntarily and looked out of the ball of light.

There are many souls clustered outside, those black souls and those unconscious white souls, all gathered near the ball of light.

They all seemed to be staring at the ball of light.