Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 141: Echo of Silence 11┃Eternal desire


Mu Qin and Zhou Yue guessed right, the Faceless Man is indeed not in this ball of light, he quietly possessed a certain black soul when those black souls attacked the ball of light again and again, and accompanied this Only the black soul escaped from the light sphere, lurking among the many souls outside.

These black souls have repeatedly attacked the Faceless Man, which has already annoyed the Faceless Man. Although the Faceless Man wants to destroy all these souls at once, due to the wish rules of the marginal world, the Faceless Man cannot directly kill them. These souls who once wished 'immortality'.

We can only trap them as they are now, and wear down their will little by little. When the ego of these souls is eliminated, their desires will also disappear and become pure energy bodies that can be swallowed and consumed wantonly.

The Faceless Man came out of the ball of light to devour these energy bodies, so as to further strengthen his will, but when he came out of the ball of light, he happened to see Mu Qin and Zhou Yue enter the black space that trapped a bunch of souls. In the spherical space, a clever plan was formed in the faceless man's mind.

The Faceless Man stood still, watching Walker set off to find Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, watching Mu Qin and Zhou Yue follow Walker's instigation to contact the light ball.

For three hundred years, the Faceless Man has been silently controlling this small and dreamy fringe world. He is the god here, ruling over everything in this world.

Everyone's life and death are controlled by him, and their thoughts and emotions are fully exposed in front of him. These so-called "human beings" are like a piece of information that can move by themselves in the eyes of the faceless man. Although they "can move", as long as they read It can be mastered in one pass, and after mastering, it will become dull and unworthy of mentioning.

The Faceless Man is always on top, he always stands at the top and watches these ants struggle to survive.

Faceless people have never been able to understand why they struggled like this, for their feelings? For faith? For wish? But these are meaningless things, aren't they? Feelings will fade, beliefs will be lost, and wishes will always be hit by facts. What human beings pursue all their lives is just a dream in Nanke, a butterfly in Zhuang Zhou's dream, beautiful but withered quickly.

So, what's the point of chasing these things

The Faceless Man once tried to tell them "it's meaningless", but no one stopped to listen to the Faceless Man's words seriously. People still moved towards warm and radiant dreams, even behind those radiance and warmth, It is an endless abyss of despair.

They all have wishes, all kinds of wishes. Some people want eternal life, some people want wealth, some people want love, some people want happiness.

Human beings have so many desires, but so few desires that can be realized. Obviously, it is a good thing to enter the fringe world. Here, any wish of people can be realized. If you want to live forever, you can really live forever. If you want wealth, you can have all kinds of gold and silver jewelry. If you want love, you can Imagine the perfect lover at any time, and you can laugh as much as you want if you want to be happy.

Your wishes have obviously been fulfilled, why are you still not satisfied

Because it feels fake? Do you think these fantasies are all fake? However, as long as they stay in the marginal world, these illusions can always exist. How can the illusion of eternity be said to be false? As long as you stay here, your wish will never disappear!

But why does everyone want to go out

The Faceless Man is angry, angry at these human beings who have enjoyed the wonderful dreams of the border world and fulfilled all their wishes, because after enjoying all this, these people dream of swaggering away, wanting to return to the real world to live their lives. "Ordinary life", they want to throw away these dreams they imagined!

How can these people be so shameless! Don't they know? "Dreams" born of wishes are real and living existences, especially thought bodies like Faceless Man or Mu Qin. They are alive and have thoughts and emotions. No one can Privately summoning their birth, but mercilessly turning around and abandoning them!

The man who wants to see his family imagines his family in the fringe world, but the man thinks that these family members are just illusions, so he doesn’t want them anymore, and then the man clears these illusions, he ignores these illusions over and over again Say something like "We are really your family" to him, and then brutally "kill" him.

A woman who wants to love fantasizes about the perfect lover in her mind, and has a sweet time with him, but soon gets bored, thinking that this is just an illusion, and being with an illusion is like playing house wine, so stupid It made people laugh, so she waved away the perfect lover who loved her wholeheartedly.

A child who has lost his parents wants his parents, so he fantasizes about them too. The parents he imagined were as gentle and nagging as he had imagined, caring everywhere but trying to restrain him. The child soon became rebellious and didn't want to be controlled, so he eliminated the gentle parents with a wave of his hand.

And such things were happening every day in the marginal world at that time.

These stupid, greedy, selfish humans! They do not deserve the service of dreams at all, because they will never know how to appreciate the true emotions these dreams give them.

The Faceless Man was very angry, angry and hated. His hatred made him gradually turn the marginal world into a dead space. He wanted to let these shameless and greedy human beings know that what they can enjoy in the marginal world can only be enjoyed forever. It is death and despair!

More than three hundred years have passed, and the current fringe world has begun to take shape, but this is far from the situation imagined by the Faceless Man.

The Faceless Man has great ambitions, he wants to further expand the fringe world, and he wants to make the fringe world a real "world"! A huge world that everyone in the real world knows and yearns for. He wants to break the laws of the universe and make dreams... linked with reality.

But if you want to do this, the Faceless Man alone cannot do it.

It's not that the Faceless Man's strength is not enough, but...

Like Mu Qin, the Faceless Man was born and exists because of someone's wish. "Missing bodies" like them are actually very similar to gods in some myths and stories, especially in ancient China, where the ignorant and ignorant people at Liming were always powerless to deal with natural disasters. The gods begged for help, and a god responded to their wishes, was born from chaos, and appeared to help them solve the disaster.

But those are just myths and legends. Apart from being stronger than ordinary people in terms of mental strength, the Faceless Man or Mu Qin does not have the power to move mountains and seas, reach stars and moon like gods.

Among them, the faceless man only swallowed more than a thousand souls by relying on his powerful spiritual power, and thus obtained the approval of the marginal world, and then became the marginal will. All the power that the faceless man possesses now is endowed by the marginal world for him.

The bad thing is, no matter what kind of power the Faceless Man possesses, the Faceless Man himself is still the thought body that was born according to the wish. His existence must be supported by someone with a strong desire. If no one expects the existence of the Faceless Man , then the Faceless Man will gradually disappear.

Just like the god born in the chaos, he solved the disaster for the people, and the people were grateful to him, so they built a temple for him, and offered incense continuously. But as time passed, the god was forgotten, the power of faith was lost, the temple collapsed into ruins, and when the last believer left, the god died with him.

Faceless is in such a dire situation.

He is disappearing, because the people who prayed for him to be born disappeared, and the people who had hoped and believed in him were gradually disappearing.

The Faceless Man once thought that the power of more than a thousand souls in his consciousness was enough to support him to live, but he later found out that his thinking was too naive. He needed a wish, which could support his always-existing wish.

And the more than a thousand people in his body are either mentally destroyed, or their memory is in a state of memory grafting. They can no longer make a wish, let alone a wish that is beneficial to the faceless man.

The Faceless Man has to get someone's faith like a god.

Even if there is only one person, it is enough for him to continue to live.

But human desires are too fleeting, fleeting and frivolous, to be easily destroyed by something. Such a temporary wish is not enough for the faceless man to exist forever, what the faceless man needs is an "eternal wish".

Human lifespans are as short as their wishes, and the wish for eternity seems like a delusion.

Therefore, the only choice left for the Faceless Man is to find many believers for himself, develop the marginal world into a religion-like form, and pass on the beliefs one by one. In this way, as long as the Faceless Man still has believers, he will Can get "eternal life".

However, the implementation of this plan was ruthlessly destroyed by the "rules". Whenever the faceless people tried to spread the information of the fringe world to the real world and recruit believers for themselves, the rules would emerge, and the rules related to the fringe world would appear. The things are gradually cleared, and the memories of the relevant people are also cleared.

This "rule" is very weird. When the core crystal stone of the edge world infects others to become dreamers, this rule never prevents it, but when the faceless man controls a group of kings to possess human beings in the world, the rule will definitely jump Come out and yell "I don't think so!".

Although he can also develop those players who are infected by crystal stones and enter the border world into believers, the border world has become a killing game mode. The players who come in are all ruthless and determined, and they only believe in their own knives , do not believe in God.

Therefore, the faceless people can only focus on those dreamers who have been infected by crystal stones in this world but have not yet entered the marginal world. The will of these people is destroyed by the power of crystal stones, so they are easier to control, but they can't go too far, because " "Rules" will still pop up from time to time to restrict the actions of the Faceless Man.

But developing believers this way is too slow, and the desire isn't strong enough for the Faceless to last.

Just when the faceless man was caught in a dilemma, he found a surprise.

He found Mu Qin.

A thought body like him, a thought body that can live in the real world, a thought body like a human being.

Mu Qin’s special thought body can make wishes just like humans, because Mu Qin has been recognized by the “rules” of the real world, and the rules recognize him as a “human being”.

So... If the Faceless Man can get Mu Qin's wish, then keep Mu Qin in the marginal world, and use the power of the marginal world to make Mu Qin immortal, then this is an eternal wish.

Both he and Muqin can live forever and benefit each other, so why not do it

Once this idea was formed in the faceless man's mind, it was out of control. He was staring at the newly born Mu Qin, and all he could think about was how to get him into the marginal world.

The plan was quickly formed in the faceless man's mind. It was an exquisite plan, and he carefully considered every step... But before implementing these plans, the faceless man still needed to solve some problems.

The Faceless Man has made too many moves in these years. No matter in the real world or in the marginal world, there are some people trying to destroy the dreams he finally forged.