Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 143: Echo of Silence 13┃He is in danger and I must save him


"I am the one who made that wish." Amu's words were like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, which suddenly exploded in Jin's ears, making Jin tremble all over.

Jin hesitated for a moment before asking Amu, "So, you are the one who gave birth to the marginal will... the demon."

"Yes." Amu readily admitted, nodded and said, "At that time, I strongly hoped that someone could completely end the war, and my thought was: no matter what means, let them stop fighting! After making this wish, the marginal will emerges."

"However, I am not the only one who wishes for a 'truce'. There are many people on the battlefield who hold the same opinion, but I am the first person to wish for a 'truce'. This wish is not only my own In addition to the blessing of strong wishes, there must be other people's wishes mixed in, which is why the marginal will is so strong."

"It's quite interesting, isn't it?" Amu smiled, his expression didn't show much heaviness or guilt, and he said leisurely: "This is equivalent to saying that I created the marginal will, so I am the marginal will. 'Father' of the will."

"What's so interesting!?" Jin Wenyan couldn't help growling at Amu.

Jin stared at Amu with wide-eyed eyes, "It was your brother's fault from the beginning! This damn fringe world, and this damn fringe will, are all fucked up by you two brothers. What a joke! Without the two of you, my parents, relatives, friends, and even myself would not have ended up like this today! It was all caused by you, but you told me 'interesting'? I think you are very interesting!"

"You are very angry." Amu tilted his head to look at Jin.

Jin roared even louder: "Shouldn't I be angry!?"

"Of course you can, but it's best not to be angry with me." Facing the fire-breathing dragon Jin, Amu was very calm, spreading his hands with an innocent face, "After all, I am also a victim. The real Amu died long ago. It’s the unlucky guy who accepted Amu’s memory, so he told you all this from Amu’s perspective and tone. Like you, I was innocently involved in all this, okay? Even if you get angry at me, the problem is It's not going to be resolved."

"Fuck!" It's not that Jin didn't understand what Amu said, but he still couldn't restrain his anger. He could only vent his anger and trampled on the thorns around the throne with his feet. These thorns usually wouldn't hurt the king, as long as the king didn't think about it. If they leave the throne, they will be very obedient and let Jin do whatever they want.

It's just that it's obviously not a good idea to trample on these thorny thorns all over his body. The soles of Jin's feet were quickly pierced by the thorns, and the blood seeped out and splashed on the ground at will.

Jin didn't care about the pain. When he tried to get up just now, he was already covered with thorns all over his body, and he also had the Death Card on his body, which reduced the pain. But he still wanted to wake up through pain and self-abuse.

But Amu in front of him seemed unable to see Jin's self-abuse, so he stretched out his hand and wiped a wound on Jin's face that was scratched by thorns. He used the power of healing, and the wounds on Jin's body were quickly repaired. Healed as before, and the pain disappeared instantly.

"You should cherish your body more." Amu persuaded Jindao, "Although the player's body in this world is a temporary product made by the marginal system, it is also a non-renewable resource after being destroyed. After death, the player's soul will be destroyed. Fell into the darkness deep at the edge, never to turn back...so you shouldn't get hurt or die so easily."

"I've come this far, do you think I still care about where the soul will go after death?" Jin calmed down a little, he took a deep breath, looked up at Amu again, still feeling uneasy, "It's good for these brothers. They caused a mess, but let the descendants three hundred years later help them clean it up."

Amu continued to comfort him: "Don't be so angry, Jin... Actually, from my personal point of view, I don't think the brothers Amu and Axin are the culprits. There was a chance to get it, but it was the brothers who got it in the end."

"Also, this is not a complete mess, at least there is still some room for redemption. Didn't I successfully seal the edge world twenty years ago? Do you know how I did it?"

Jin narrowed his eyes and stared at Amu: "How did you do it?"

"I am the one who created the marginal will." Amu inexplicably emphasized this sentence, "Because of my wish, the marginal will will appear."

Jin was still puzzled by what A Mu said, but he seemed to have vaguely realized something, which caused ripples in Jin's heart.

"Do you understand what I mean?" Amu's words meant something, and he showed a sly smile, "I am the creator, and I have the absolute right to life and death over marginal wills."

Amu's words made Jin a little confused. He interrupted Amu: "Wait a minute? What did you just say? What right to life and death?"

"The right to life and death is the right to life and death." Amu raised his head as a matter of course, "The marginal world is a dream world, where all human wishes can be fulfilled except escape, as long as your desire is strong enough that the marginal world is willing to respond you, then your wish will come true."

"And the marginal will is the thought body that was born after I made a strong wish to end the war. The wisher has a certain control over his wish, and has the right to life and death over the thought body born under the wish. From here At one point, the fringe world allows people to 'withdraw their wish', as long as your belief in withdrawing your wish is as strong as your belief in making it."

"So what do you mean... you can kill the marginal will? Kill that so-called 'god'?" Jin couldn't believe it, "Can you kill him?"

"Theoretically yes."

"What is 'theoretically possible'?" Jin was very dissatisfied with Amu's answer, "If you can, you can, if you can't, you can't!"

Amu was very helpless, and spread his hands again: "Because I have never really tried to kill the marginal will, so I don't know the specific result, so I said it is theoretically feasible."

Jin Du laughed angrily at his words, Jin sneered, "That is to say, in the past three hundred years, you knew that you had the ability to kill that fringe will, but you never did it?"

"If I could do it, I would have done it a long time ago." Amu unconsciously paced back and forth in front of Jin, and a resentment-like expression rarely appeared on his smiling face, "The marginal will is very smart, he When I was born, I wanted to strike first, and before I realized it, I had already started planning to get rid of me, the person who has the right to life and death."

"At that time, I was also very stupid. I didn't know that some wishes should not be granted, and I didn't know that these wishes would lead to such a tragic ending today. At that time, I had just created a marginal will. After he appeared, he promised me and my brother that I would End the war forever, I believed him. Immediately afterwards, this guy began to devour the people on the battlefield. People ate it clean."

"I can't stop him, because once a wish is formed, if you don't have the same awareness to withdraw the wish as when you made the wish, then the wish will be irreversible. At the same time, as long as he really devours others with the idea of 'stopping the war', then I will I can't stop him." Amu sighed, "So I can only watch him devour everyone, and when he eats to the end, he turns around and runs towards me, but I can't dodge it in time."

"I immediately realized that it was not good. I was the creator of the marginal will. If I was eaten by him and controlled by him, then the marginal will would be completely uncontrollable. To what extent would he expand? A vague concept."

When Amu said this, he paused for a moment, sighed a little sadly, and continued: "The person who saved me was my brother, you know... I and my brother Ashin are twin brothers, we... are very similar."

"To what extent is the similarity? We can easily imitate each other. At first, we only imitated each other's language, actions, habits, etc., and when we entered the marginal world together, this mutual imitation was further upgraded. We have reached the point where we can The point of imitating each other's soul."

"... Ashin is very smart. I think he has always been smarter than me. When he realized that I was in danger, he summoned a large fog on the battlefield to confuse the vision of the marginal will. At that time, the marginal world It’s still in the mode of ‘whatever you want’, you can conjure whatever you want, so it’s not difficult for Ashin to summon the mist.”

"Taking advantage of the moment when the fog hindered the marginal will, Ashin pushed me away. He pretended to be me and then headed towards the marginal will... and was eaten by the marginal will in one bite."

"As long as the marginal will doesn't eat me quickly to control me, then I have the ability to kill him. The marginal will itself is very aware of this. When he eats my brother, he quickly I found that it wasn't me. And I also reacted, I rushed towards the edge of the will, I stretched out my hands... When killing these thought bodies, I have to get close to them, and I have a strong desire to eliminate him .”

"The fringe will is afraid of my contact. He thought of a way in desperation. He divided the marginal world, which was still very small at that time, into two spaces like a fruit cut in half. Over there, I'm here."

"To make matters worse, he was already a fringe will at that time, and the fringe world recognized his status. He has more power and authority than me, and he can direct changes in the fringe world. So he put me in the This half of the space has become a dark world that is always dark. And that dark world is what you see now... the bottom dark world on the edge, where the souls of all dead players will go."

Jin seems to have guessed what happened next. Jin took up Amu's words and said to himself: "So after that, you have been trapped in that dark little world, where the marginal will locked you, Is it right?"

"Yes, I have been locked there." Amu said in a low voice, "Just like you kings who are trapped on the throne, but I am a little bit more miserable. I was locked in a small dark room, cold and deep , A quiet little black room."

"And then a long time passed..."

"It's been a long, long time... so long that I forgot the concept of time, the operation of my mind, and who I am."

Amu lowered his head and said in a lower voice, "I only remember that I have a younger brother who is in danger and I have to save him."

Ah Mu seemed to have fallen into a state of trance, and Jin heard him talking to himself, and Ah Mu said, "Wait for me, Ashin."