Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 144: Silent Echo 14┃ suddenly remembered today


"Since Ashin saved me, I have been locked in a small black room by the marginal will. The marginal will is afraid of me who has the right to life and death. He is afraid that I will erase his existence, so before he has the ability to fight against me , The marginal will is impossible to release me even if I am killed."

"Not only that, the marginal will also regard the world of the small black room where I am as a 'trash can', and the souls of dead players in the game are stuffed into it. That dark world has the power to wear down people's will. If you stay in it for a long time, The memory, the emotional self, etc. will gradually disappear, and finally even the soul body will disappear, turning into primitive energy, nourishing the growth of the marginal world."

"I have tried many methods, but I can't escape from that dark world, and I can feel that I am getting weaker and weaker day by day. I think I will die soon, the way of dying, but at the same time I know very well You know, I'm actually not going to die."

Jin understood what Amu meant, and Jin interface speculated: "During the war that took place in the marginal world three hundred years ago, all the participants made a wish that they would not die... So you may have this wish, this wish So powerful that it could keep you alive...until today?"

"You're right, it was the wish of immortality that kept me alive. Although I was undoubtedly out of my wits at the time, I still have some memory fragments."

"These memory fragments are not restricted by the rules of the fringe world. They floated out of the fringe world and finally landed on a person named Mu Chen in the real world." Amu said and pointed to himself, "So you saw I am the Mu Chen who fused the memory fragments of Amu."

"If things are as you said, then you are too deeply influenced by Ah Mu's memory, right?" Jin has seen Ah Mu's categorical threat to rescue Ashin before, and he can see Ah Mu's affection for Ah Xin. Obsession, but Jin always felt that this was unscientific.

Jin thinks: "In the final analysis, you are not the real Amu. Your original name is Mu Chen, and you have your own life. Amu's life and emotions have nothing to do with you, and Amu is still a three-hundred-year-old man. The former dead person, why did you come to this point for a stranger?"

Amu didn't answer Jin's question directly. He smiled and said to Jin: "Your ally Echo also asked me this question before... Since you all want to know, then let me say this, assuming your original life sucks Now, your parents don’t value you, you were bullied in childhood, you hung out with a group of hooligans, and you didn’t learn well when you grew up, your greed for profit gradually became darker, and you committed murder and went to jail after doing all kinds of bad things. You deeply feel that I am a scumbag, I deeply hate my existence, and even want to erase the traces of my existence... "

"Then you will make the same choice as me." Amu told Jin, "It's not that Amu's influence on me is so deep that I forget the life that originally belonged to Mu Chen, but that I want to make Mu Chen To be erased, I am willing to give up myself and be someone else."

Kim disagreed, saying, "I don't think I'd make that choice, even if my life is miserable, it's my life."

"That may be due to different personalities leading to different choices." Amu spread his hands helplessly, "I can't help it. I was a fragile, sensitive and extremely inferior guy. For me, the life Amu has is a better one. , only by becoming Amu can I get the love that I could never get."

Jin nodded, remained silent for a moment, and then said to Amu: "I have roughly understood your experience. To put it simply, you picked up Amu's memory fragments, fused his memory, and even put yourself Be the real Amu. Then you come to the edge of the world, wanting to fulfill Amu’s last wish and save Amu’s younger brother, Axin, am I right?”

"That's right."

"You're such an idiot." Kim lashed out mercilessly.

Amu was shocked by Jin's words, "Is it really okay for you to say that to me? Without me, you might not even have the slightest hope of defeating the marginal will!"

Kim said: "It may really be that the outlook on life and values are completely different. So I can never accept that giving up myself and choosing to be someone else, in my opinion, this is stupid."

"Well, as you say, I'm really stupid."

Jin then shook his head, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be messing around with this kind of thing, after all, I have no right to interfere with your personal choice... It's just that I don't trust you very much, because you suddenly appeared in front of me and took all these things into consideration. You told me everything without any grievances, there are many loopholes in your words that I can't understand the truth and falsehood now, so I don't know whether I should choose to believe you."

"You also said before that you occupied the body of the marginal will, and the shell you are using now belonged to the marginal will." Jin narrowed his eyes and stared at Amu with scrutiny, "What do you say?" It makes me nervous, because it can easily make me suspicious, are you really Amu? Or is it because you deliberately pretended to be Amu to deceive me?"

Amu stretched out his hands and made a gesture like being pointed at the forehead with a gun, so he could only helplessly and lazily raise his hands above his head to express his surrender. He said: "Maybe I really don't have the talent to persuade others... I I've tried my best to tell you so many things here, but you still have doubts about me."

"It's actually quite good. Your vigilance is much stronger than your ally Echo. We really shouldn't trust strangers casually."

Amu's words made Jin stare at him with wide eyes, and his pupils shrank slightly.

"Don't be so scared, I just want to tell you that if you don't want to believe me, I can only use actions to prove everything I said." Amu put down his raised hands, he approached Jin, he stood Gotta be pretty close to Kim.

Jin really wanted to retreat to avoid Amu's approach, but Jin was still sitting on the throne, with the back of the throne covered with thorns and thorns behind him, there was no way to retreat. So Jin could only watch Amu come closer, his face enlarged in Jin's sight, so that Jin could clearly see Amu's eyes, deep in the dark pupils, seemed to contain a chilling deep secret.

The sphere of light where Mu Qin and Zhou Yue are located is surrounded by many souls outside.

After looking through the memory files of 1,642 souls stored in the sphere of light, Mu Qin found that he still couldn't find the memory of the faceless man, especially when he didn't feel the memory of the faceless man inside the sphere of light. consciousness message.

Mu Qin and Zhou Yue guessed that the faceless man was not inside the ball of light at all, but lurking among the black souls outside, possessing a certain soul body, silently observing the whereabouts of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue .

This discovery instantly raised Mu Qin and Zhou Yue's vigilance to the highest level, and the two began to discuss non-stop how to deal with the faceless man. At this time, the Faceless Man lurking outside has already started to take new actions.

The faceless man has been possessed by a certain black soul. After seeing Mu Qin and Zhou Yue enter the ball of light, he turned around and took care of the black soul he was possessed first. He spent some time and money to put The consciousness of this black soul was forcibly erased, and then replaced him by himself.

Immediately afterwards, the faceless man controlled the black soul, broke away from the group of black souls, and rushed towards the white souls wandering aimlessly.

These white lambs had no power to resist, and the faceless man rushed over like a wolf and began to eat.

Time seemed to flow backwards, back to that day three hundred years ago.

On that day, when the Faceless Man was just born, he devoured more than 1,600 souls in it, but after eating these souls, he did not digest the souls immediately, but The soul is kept in one's own conscious body, allowing them to gradually assimilate, consume emotional memory and ego, and grind them into an energy body without self-awareness, so that the binding force of the original wish of immortality will disappear.

Today, three hundred years later, the day of harvest has come.

The faceless man is really powerful, those white souls have no power to resist, if they are touched by the faceless man, they will turn into primitive energy and be sucked dry by him, and he moves unscrupulously in the group of white souls at high speed, constantly devouring Every white soul.

Finally, the other black souls also realized that something was wrong. But they don't know the truth, they only know that the black soul has gone mad, devouring the poor white lambs like a madman.

However, this kind of behavior is something they cannot tolerate. Although these black souls have also devoured white souls, it is better to say that they are forced by the situation than to eat them on their own initiative.

At the beginning, there were no black souls in this spherical space, and everyone was a pure, pure white and flawless white soul body. But as time goes by, the faceless people continue to consume their spirit and strength, and then these white souls begin to become weak.

At this time, two very weak white souls... so weak that they were about to dissipate, they realized that they were about to collapse, so they chose to fuse together and became one person, thus forming the first black soul. soul.

After that, many such black souls were born, and many of them were composed of two or more white souls fused together. The situation of inheriting other people's memory like that happened.

Since the black souls were born, it is self-evident that they abide by the tacit rules together. It may be that the conscience of the human beings is at work. Under normal circumstances, they will not take the initiative to devour those white souls.

There is only one situation where they will take the initiative to eat white souls, that is, when they find an unusually weak and about to collapse soul in the group of white souls, they will take the initiative to approach, and then that weak white soul, even if it has no self-awareness, Often because of survival instincts, he chooses to merge with the black soul.

Although it is forced by the situation, devouring the same kind is indeed a certain fact, so the black souls also acquiesce that they are executioners.

But today's situation is really abnormal, after the crazy faceless man ate seven or eight white souls one after another. The other black souls immediately became agitated, and rushed over furiously to stop the Faceless Man. Some of them scattered and protected the other white souls so that the Faceless Man couldn't eat them, and the other part surrounded the Faceless Man, trying to kill the Faceless Man. He got it under control.

But the faceless man was not so easy to deal with. Seeing that he could no longer eat the white lamb, the faceless man simply set his sights on these black wolves. He chose one of the thinner black souls and pounced on it. Tightly "bite" each other.

Black souls are not easy to be eaten, because these black souls still have self-awareness, and the power of immortality is still there. Faceless people can't eat them, but they have the power to defeat them.

So the situation became, as long as the faceless man "bites" one of the black souls, that black soul will be impacted by the impact force of the light ball over there, and the soul body will instantly disperse into particles .

This astonishing scene continued to unfold. Every black soul that rushed forward to suppress the Faceless Man was defeated by the Faceless Man. The scattered soul bodies needed a long time to gather, and a gap appeared in the encirclement of the black souls. The masked man rushed out along the gap, and continued to attack the fleeing white lambs.

At the same time, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, who entered the inside of the ball of light, also noticed the chaotic situation outside. The two discussed together and quickly guessed that the crazy black soul outside was the Faceless Man.

"I should go out and find a way to help them, otherwise the souls outside will be eaten up by the faceless people!" Mu Qin was a little anxious seeing the critical situation outside.

Zhou Yue tried to stop him: "No, you will most likely end up like those white souls when you go out!"

"Then what should we do, just watch the Faceless Man eat up all the souls? Then he will become stronger, and then we will be even more unable to stop him!"

During the conversation between Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, the faceless man outside devoured more than ten white souls. The black souls still tried to stop him one after another, but they were all crushed into particles.

"No, if we go on like this, we'll just sit and wait!" Mu Qin calmed down in his anxiety, and said calmly, "We have to find a way."

Zhou Yue said: "We can't let him continue to eat those souls, maybe we can lead him back into this ball of light... By the way, we didn't speculate before that the reason why the Faceless Man is so attached to you is because he misunderstood you. I thought you had Amu's memory on your body, why not..."

Mu Qin immediately understood what Zhou Yue meant, and said, "It's possible, you want me to act as that Amu temporarily to lure him into the bait, right?"

"Yes, and by the way, we can also test whether he really cares about the memory of that 'Amu' person."

Mu Qin said: "But I don't have the memory of Amu, so can I really play the role of 'Amu' well?"

Zhou Yue suggested to Mu Qin: "How about... use Ashin's memory to calculate Ah Mu's character, language and behavior? After all, don't these two brothers imitate each other? And they are very similar."

Mu Qin also thought it was good, so he turned his head and found Ashin's memory in the memory file stored in the light sphere, read it again in less than a second, and memorized Ashin's memory thoroughly.

Then Mu Qin planned to evacuate the light sphere temporarily, but before he went out, he separated himself from Zhou Yue first. He wanted to keep Zhou Yue in the light sphere temporarily, so that Zhou Yue could be safe temporarily.

"Although I don't want to be separated from you, this time it's necessary." Before Zhou Yue raised an objection, Mu Qin took the lead and said, "We can't let the faceless man notice the strangeness, I want to lure him back into this ball of light, You wait here, and you can meet me by the way."

"Okay." Even if Zhou Yue was unwilling, she could only compromise. Then, he could only watch Mu Qin separate from him, escape from the ball of light, and rush out to find the faceless man outside.

At this moment, Zhou Yue felt that he was very useless, he could do nothing but silently shrink behind Mu Qin and be protected by him obediently.

He didn't mind being protected. During the period when he was a special soldier, Zhou Yue also encountered a situation where the situation was critical, his own condition was not good and he could only rely on the protection of his teammates. Sometimes sitting obediently and doing nothing, quietly waiting to be protected is also a contribution to the team.

For example, both must be protected for various reasons. A quiet as a chicken obeys orders without causing trouble, and a blind self-confidence causes troubles because of overreaching. Which one do you think will contribute more to the team

The well-trained Zhou Yue is of course the former, no matter how unwilling he is, he knows that making trouble at this time is extremely unfavorable to Mu Qin.

Apart from lamenting "why I'm just a small and incompetent human being", Zhou Yue could only squat beside the light ball and stare at Mu Qin's actions intently.

After staring at it for a long time, Zhou Yue happily thought: Even if his Mu Qin is just a white dumpling, he is so good-looking!

At this moment, Mu Qin, who was watched by Zhou Yue, flew out of the ball of light and headed towards the faceless man who was devouring the soul. Maybe he felt Mu Qin's approach, and the faceless man finally stopped him. With the behavior of eating special food, the black soul body of the faceless man slightly radiates and swells, and Mu Qin can feel that he is watching him.

"Mu Qin." The faceless man was the first to signal to Mu Qin, "You are finally here."

Mu Qin didn't speak, he brewed his emotions and remained silent.

Seeing that he was silent, the faceless man smiled and continued: "Although the situation is different from what I expected, it doesn't matter. But you let me down, Mu Qin, you actually belonged between the two of us." Looking for foreign aid in the duel, this kind of behavior... Should I punish you?"

In fact, Mu Qin has not yet decided how to play the role of Ah Mu, but facing such a situation, Mu Qin wants to give the faceless man a surprise "happy", so Mu Qin tried his best to recall Ah Xin's memory, thinking Listen to the voice and tone of Ashin's brother calling him, imitate the tone, and then call out to the faceless man: "Ashin."

Just calling his name was very effective. The faceless man over there was indeed bluffed by Mu Qin's words, and the shaking black soul body began to approach Mu Qin. He seemed surprised and asked tremblingly: "What is your name?" Me what? Are you Amu?"

Mu Qin racked his brains to think about what A Mu might say in this situation. In the end, he had to admit that it was quite difficult. It was too difficult to guess what a person who died three hundred years ago would think. Rather than playing badly, it would be better to use deception.

Thinking of this, Mu Qin said to Faceless Human with mixed truth and falsehood: "I recalled some memories about A Mu, do you want to know?"

Mu Qin's words made the Faceless Man both surprised and suspicious, "Do you really have A Mu's memory?"

"I have." Mu Qin admitted without hesitation. It seems that his and Zhou Yue's guesses were correct. The Faceless Man is indeed very interested in A Mu's memory.

However, the Faceless Man did not believe Mu Qin's one-sided words, "You lied to me, Mu Qin."

"If you really have Amu's memory, then it is impossible for me to stand here safe and sound."

There are some thought-provoking messages hidden in the words of the faceless man, but Mu Qin has no time to delve into it at the moment. Mu Qin thought of thousands of sophistry methods in an instant, and he chose the most effective one: "I only have a small part of A Mu's memory, only some pictures and sounds."

"Then tell me what images and sounds you recalled?" The Faceless Man asked him a problem.

Mu Qin vaguely described a memory shared by Ah Mu and Ashin, which is the picture of the two brothers playing in the manor when they were young.

The faceless man sneered after hearing this: "This kind of memory is shared by Ah Mu and Ah Xin, and there is Ashin's memory in the light core. You can't just run over and lie to me after reading Ashin's memory. Do you have memories of Amu?"

He was completely caught by what the faceless man said, but Mu Qin did not panic, and continued to speak calmly: "Then do you want to know something that Ashin doesn't know?"

"you know?"

"Of course I know..." Mu Qin completely started talking nonsense, "I have seen a Rubik's Cube in the few memory pictures that belong to Amu that I recall."

"Don't be joking, Mu Qin. The Rubik's Cube hadn't been invented from the time of Amu's birth to his death. How could he have seen the Rubik's Cube? You need to make a draft if you lie." He looked at Mu Qin with a flustered gaze, and laughed at him calmly.

Mu Qin remained calm: "How do you know he hasn't seen it?"

The black soul particles all over the faceless man shrank, "Then tell me what kind of Rubik's cube he saw?"

"The surface of that Rubik's Cube is engraved with unknown characters as small as rice grains. And because the Rubik's Cube can be rotated, the characters on the Rubik's Cube will form different arrangements every time it is turned. I don't know why this Rubik's Cube appeared on Amu's In my memory, but it is amazing and impressed me deeply. The memory picture is also very clear, and I can even use pen and paper to copy the unknown characters on the Rubik’s Cube.”

The Faceless Man was really distracted by Mu Qin's words this time, and he asked in disbelief, "You really didn't lie to me?"

Mu Qin's voice became slightly lower: "Of course I didn't lie to you."

Of course, Mu Qin has no memory of A Mu, so it is impossible for A Mu to have seen this so-called Rubik's Cube. It's just that the Rubik's Cube that Mu Qin described... does exist.

That probably happened when Mu Qin was still in the orphanage when he was a child. At that time, Mu Qin's ghost mother was still with Mu Qin. For this ghost mother, Mu Qin still feels very strange when he thinks about it.

Because Mu Qingyun is undoubtedly a player in the marginal world. Players who enter the fringe world will never leave the fringe world no matter whether they live or die, let alone Mu Qingyun can run to the real world in a spirit state to take care of the young Mu Qin.

But the three years when Mu Qingyun stayed by little Mu Qin's side was definitely not Mu Qin's dream. He could indeed see his ghost mother at that time, and people in the orphanage can also confirm that Mu Qin often talked to an imaginary mother. . After Mu Qin was adopted, Mu Qingyun left Mu Qin's sight.

Although I don't understand why, Mu Qin was very happy during the three years with his ghost mother. Mu Qin often played hide-and-seek with his mother. Toys in the toy box.

Mu Qin found an old and faded Rubik's cube in the toy box. Of course, the children don't play the Rubik's cube seriously. They just turn the Rubik's cube around or throw it around as a ball.

But Muqin, who is only three years old, can play the Rubik's Cube. The ghost mother taught him to turn all the color blocks of the same color on the same side of the Rubik's Cube. If all six sides of the Rubik's Cube are of the same color, it is considered a success.

Mu Qin was young at that time, and after trying for a long time, he could only gather one or two of the faces into a uniform color.

Later, when Mu Qin's ghost mother saw Mu Qin racking his brains to turn the Rubik's Cube, he did not know where to bring a black water-based pen. to write on.

It's the kind of unknown font that is as small as a grain of rice, and Mu Qin will not be able to understand it when he grows up.

Those fonts are too complicated and too small. The young Muqin thought that his mother was drawing tadpoles, but the little Muqin didn't take it seriously at all. In addition, his mother only wrote that once, so Muqin soon forgot up.

But I don't know why, but I suddenly remembered it today.