Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 145: Silent Echo 15┃Mu Qin must fulfill his promise


While Mu Qin was describing the mysterious Rubik's Cube in his memory to the Faceless Man.

The Mu Qingyun outside, who was exchanged for her own soul by echo through the hands of Amu, woke up.

Mu Qingyun was still wearing the white dress given to her by A Mu. She was a very beautiful woman, and most of Mu Qin's face was inherited from her. The eyebrows and eyes of the mother and son were very similar. It's just that Mu Qingyun's face is a little more feminine. When she opened her eyes, her brows were frowning, her eyes were like autumn, and every frown and smile looked bright.

Since Mu Qingyun has been trapped in the darkness at the bottom of the marginal world for more than 20 years, her memory has long been wiped out in that darkness, and now she is like a child, ignorant, ignorant and fearless, When I woke up, I looked around curiously.

After Amu exchanged Mu Qingyun back by sacrificing echo, he felt that Mu Qingyun would not wake up for a while, so he didn't care about Mu Qingyun, and left her here for the time being, and then ran to the throne where Jin was. The map and gold went chatting.

However, Mu Qingyun woke up earlier than Amu imagined. When she woke up, she found that there was no living thing around her, and she was sitting on a throne covered with thorns, and beside her lay the corpse of a young man dripping with blood. .

The young man's body had been dead for a while, and when Mu Qingyun reached out to touch it, she found that the other's fingers seemed a little stiff. Mu Qingyun, who was like a newborn baby, was not afraid of the corpse at all, and even moved closer to the corpse's face and looked at it carefully.

She traced the eyebrows of the young man's corpse with her fingers. She felt that the young man's appearance was very familiar, so she couldn't help touching the other person's eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips.

Then her fingers went all the way down, touching the young man's chest along his neck. There was a bloody wound on the heart of the young man's chest, which was left after being stabbed by echo with a knife. This wound killed him in one blow. The youth was too dead to die.

Mu Qingyun opened the young man's skirt, and she was very sad when she touched the bloody wound, although she had forgotten the feeling of sadness. But when she touched this young man, she felt that complex emotions surged in her heart again. She couldn't control this menacing emotion. She felt very sad, and this sadness turned into tears, flowing from her eyes. It fell out and landed on the young man's blood-stained chest, and the bright red blood faded away.

"Xiaoqin." Mu Qingyun reached out and hugged the corpse. She should have no memory at all, but she called out that name inexplicably.

Perhaps it is the strong obsession left deep in her heart that is at work. Subconsciously, Mu Qingyun has always known that she has a child, a very, very cute but extremely fragile child, who needs careful care, love and nourishment, and Mu Qingyun. Yun tried his best to keep the child alive.

That is her precious treasure, a treasure that no one in this world can compare to.

Is the best, is the most perfect, is unique.

"Xiaoqin..." Mu Qingyun called out again, tears streaming down her cheeks, this time she cried even more fiercely, really crying like a child hugging a dead body, but only when she was crying At the stall, an incredible thing happened, the young man who had been dead for a long time in her arms actually moved.

The Edge World is a wonderful world made of dreams, a world that can respond to human wishes.

In the period when all wishes come true at the beginning of the marginal world, any wish of people during this period...even if it is just imagination, the marginal world will respond to you.

But human beings are too greedy. Even if their wishes come true, even if all wishes are fulfilled, people are still not satisfied and keep making new wishes.

After the faceless man was born and became the marginal will, the pattern of the marginal world began to change according to the faceless man's thoughts, and the faceless man made the world gradually...not all wishes come true for people.

If a wish is to be granted, the wisher must first have an extremely strong belief in the wish.

It is the kind of confidence and belief that absolutely must be realized, must be completed, and will never fail. And it cannot be mixed with any feelings of weakness, withdrawal, fear, etc. Once too many of these redundant negative emotions are mixed in, the intensity of this desire will be greatly reduced, and the fringe world never responds to hypocritical and cowardly desires.

However, emotions such as weakness, withdrawal, and fear are precisely the emotions that human beings are most likely to produce and produce the most.

Strong, brave, and someone with absolute conviction? Maybe it never existed.

There are many people who make wishes, but very few people realize them. Gradually, people no longer have expectations for this world, and living indifferently is the only remaining wish of the survivors.

In such a world, Mu Qingyun's wish is very different. While others are constantly trying to survive, she only wants to have a child.

Probably because she had lost the child she was conceived in her stomach but was aborted. It has always been a scar in Mu Qingyun's heart, and it has even gradually evolved into a crazy obsession in her heart. This obsession gave Mu Qingyun unexpected confidence. Even in such a hopeless marginal world, Mu Qingyun always believed that she and Yu Sui would be able to go out one day.

After going out, she can conceive another child, this time she vowed to protect her little baby and never lose him (her) again.


So Mu Qingyun was really pregnant, she had Mu Qin, and the marginal world responded to her wish and gave her this special child.

The thought body born from a wish, its owner has the right of life and death to this thought body, the right of life and death means that people have the power to "take back their wish", which means that if this wish brings you an unimaginable disaster, You can erase it at any time.

But it is not so easy to erase the wish, you must have the same strong belief as when you made the wish, and the desire to fulfill the wish must be as strong as the desire to erase it.

This is cruel and difficult. The reversal of people's ideas and beliefs cannot be accomplished overnight, so killing dreams is as difficult as realizing them.

However, in addition to the right to life and death, the owner of the thought body also has the right to repair the thought body. After all, the thought body is the creation of dreams. damage.

The master who created the thought body can restore them, as long as the master's belief is still there.

Mu Qingyun is in such a state now, she hugged Mu Qin's body, weeping with tears in her eyes, and only had one thought in her mind: it would be great if he could recover.

So the body recovered.

Mu Qin's corpse is just a temporary container created by the marginal world, but this container is made for Mu Qin, and it can be regarded as a part of Mu Qin. Mu Qingyun can restore Mu Qin's soul and body, including this temporary container.

The recovered container will instinctively summon his own soul. Even though Mu Qin's consciousness is reflected in the depths of his sea of consciousness trapped by the faceless man, Mu Qin is also summoned by the body. The power of this summoning is very mysterious. It is also very powerful, Mu Qin feels that he is out of control, and his consciousness is like being grabbed and pulled by some invisible hand.

The moment Mu Qingyun finished repairing Mu Qin's temporary container, Mu Qin could clearly feel that his consciousness was out of control, as if stepping on a soft cloud and taking off, he knew he had been summoned.

After being summoned, Mu Qin felt that his consciousness became unstable. He knew that he might leave this place at any time. This made Mu Qin very nervous, because he realized that his most important Zhou Yue was still in the faceless man's house. In that light core, if Mu Qin was summoned away, wouldn't Zhou Yue be left here

Mu Qin suddenly became anxious. He ignored the faceless man who was talking to him in front of him, turned his head and rushed towards the ball of light in the spherical space. He sent a signal to Zhou Yue in the ball of light, wanting Zhou Yue to be himself. Come out to join him, so that when Mu Qin is taken away by that mysterious power of summoning later, Zhou Yue can also be taken away by the way.

Of course, Mu Qin's abnormal behavior was noticed by the faceless man at the first time. This dark spherical space is the space of the faceless man's sea of consciousness. power of strength.

The Faceless Man couldn't tolerate Mu Qin escaping from his eyes, so he stretched out countless spiritual tentacles and swept towards Mu Qin overwhelmingly.

Mu Qin couldn't react in time, or the summoning power made Mu Qin's consciousness dull, and he couldn't avoid the faceless man's attack at all.

At this time, the mental tentacles of the faceless man are firmly wrapped around Mu Qin's body. These tentacles can detect Mu Qin's thoughts. Of course, Mu Qin doesn't want to be probed by the faceless man, so Mu Qin has to concentrate , trying to prevent the faceless man from prying into his memory.

At the same time, Zhou Yue, who had been watching Mu Qin's actions in the ball of light, immediately reacted when he saw Mu Qin signal to him. The locations of Qin and the Faceless Man approached quickly. When he saw Mu Qin being "bound" by the faceless man with dense black spiritual tentacles, Zhou Yue was very nervous and excited, and rushed forward to kick the faceless man away from Mu Qin.

The faceless man ignored Zhou Yue's harassment and still held on to Mu Qin tightly. He yelled at Mu Qin, "You are mine! You are mine! Don't try to run away!"

His mental tentacles were wrapped around Mu Qin's body, and his voice was transmitted along those tentacles to the depths of Mu Qin's mind, resounding deafeningly in Mu Qin's brain, and Mu Qin was dizzy from the roar of the faceless man , the mind couldn't help but relax for a short while, and in such a short while, the Faceless Man began to take advantage of the situation, and the Faceless Man tried to analyze all Mu Qin's thoughts at that moment.

But only at that moment, the power of summoning finally took effect.

Mu Qin obeyed the call and flew away from the faceless man's sea of consciousness space. The faceless man couldn't hold him back at all, but the moment he left, Mu Qin tightly grasped Zhou Yue and merged with him temporarily Together.

Mu Qin must fulfill his promise that he will never leave Zhou Yue behind.