Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 146: Return and End 01┃That's what happened after Amu Ashin died


Mu Qin gradually regained consciousness in a trance, and then he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a head with disheveled long hair nestled on his chest.

Mu Qin moved his body unnaturally. He propped up his upper body with his elbows. He felt his chest was hot and wet. It was the woman lying on top of him who was crying, and even wet his skirt.

Mu Qin's activities alarmed the woman. The woman reacted and raised her face to look at Mu Qin. When she found that Mu Qin had come back to life, she was so happy that she kept shouting: "Xiao Qin!"

Mu Qin also saw her face clearly when the woman raised her head, and was stunned for a long time before shouting in disbelief, "Mom?"

Mu Qin yelled "Mom", which made the woman even more excited. Although she didn't know why she was so happy, she couldn't stop the smile on her face. She raised her arms and hugged Mu Qin tightly, trying to Wrap Mu Qin in his arms, holding him just like he did when he was a child.

It's just that Mu Qingyun's body is too petite compared to the adult Mu Qin, want to circle Mu Qin? It's not too bad that Mu Qin circled her.

However, Mu Qingyun obviously didn't give up, and made persistent efforts to push Mu Qin into her arms, but Mu Qin had nothing to do with her, so he had to obediently bury his face in his mother's bosom...referred to as burying his chest.

After "hugging" Mu Qin, Mu Qingyun was still very satisfied, she lowered her head and kissed Mu Qin's forehead, and opened her mouth to coax, "Be good, baby!"

Her words coaxed Mu Qin to be puzzled, and he kept his mouth shut for a moment, seeing that Mu Qingyun still treated him like a child, he seemed to understand something.

"Mom? Do you remember me?" Mu Qin struggled to get his head out of Mu Qingyun's embrace, and hurriedly asked.

Mu Qingyun didn't seem to understand Mu Qin's words, tilted her head to look at him, then smiled and called Mu Qin's nickname: "Xiao Qin!"

Seeing his mother smiling so innocently, Mu Qin immediately understood her situation, and Mu Qin rubbed his temple with a headache: "Well, it seems that you have also lost your memory, and you have lost your memory very thoroughly. .”

I'm afraid I don't even have the basic common sense in life, my intelligence is affected, and my whole person degenerates to the state of a two- or three-year-old child... This situation is a bit tricky.

But no matter how difficult Mu Qin was, he couldn't leave her alone.

Mu Qin was just very strange. He looked at Mu Qingyun puzzled. Although he knew that she might not be able to answer, he still couldn't help asking: "How did you come here? I thought... I thought you died by yourself." Father said you were dead."

As expected, there was no answer, and Mu Qingyun still had that childish appearance. She even raised her hand to stroke Mu Qin's hair, and said again: "Be good, baby!"

Mu Qin remembered that she coaxed him like this when he was a child. When Mu Qin was sad or angry, Mu Qingyun would pat his head, coax him to be good, and even kiss his forehead and cheek.

I don't know how many years have passed in a flash, and I saw my mother who was so dependent when I was young again. I saw that she was the same as in the past, her eyebrows and eyes were the same as before, and she was not old at all. Mu Qin couldn't tell what it was like, but his nose couldn't help it Sour.

Resisting the desire to cry, Mu Qin reached out and hugged Mu Qingyun, stroked the long hair on the back of Mu Qingyun's head, and sighed: "Mom, I miss you so much."

On the map of the throne where Jin was, Amu, who had just had a long conversation with Jin and reached a consensus, suddenly stood up. His eyes passed through Jin in front of him, and he didn't know where he was looking. The expression on his face was nervous and even solemn.

Seeing that Amu's expression remained unchanged, Jin seemed to have sensed something, and asked Amu, "Did something happen?"

"That guy is coming back." Amu didn't explain exactly what happened, he answered Jin with a confusing sentence.

But Jin immediately understood the deep meaning of Amu's words, his face became heavy, and he said, "I understand, so... shall we proceed according to the previously discussed plan?"

Amu nodded, and his eyes fell on Jin: "If this plan is to succeed, it must be watertight... I will leave it to you. I hope my bet is not wrong."

"I'll be serious." As Jin replied to Amu, he couldn't help filtering the action plan that Amu had just discussed with him in his mind.

Amu gave Jin a deep look, and said to Jin: "I'm leaving, you can do it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Amu turned around and waved his sleeves, and his figure disappeared without a trace, leaving Jin sitting alone on the cold Butterfly Throne. After Amu left, Jin took a deep breath, leaned back on the chair on the throne relaxedly, and closed his eyes.

Jin closed his eyes, but his consciousness used the power of the throne to float out of the map of the throne. The king of the Butterfly Throne can use the power of the throne to go to the present world, and even use this power to control ordinary people in the real world.

That's what Jin did. He wanted to find the "believers" in the real world who believed in the fringe world, because the core crystal stone of the fringe world was in the hands of these believers.

The faceless man was caught by Mu Qin, Zhou Yue and others, and he had no time to manage these believers, so he gave Jin an opportunity. Therefore, Jin wanted to take advantage of this time to fool those believers, pretending that he was a marginal will descending, and fooled them into handing over the crystal stone to Jin. where he sees fit.

Jin moved quickly. After all, he was once a member of the fringe religion, and he knew roughly the important meeting points of these believers. After wandering in the real world for a while, his consciousness found his destination. The believers of the religion were hiding in the Nordic countries. In a small village in Estonia. Estonia is a small country with a sparse population and a cold climate, and there are not many people in small villages and towns.

When Jin was still living in the real world, he had come to this village with his parents. He didn't think it before, but now, after Amu just showed him the memories of the two brothers Amu and Ashin, Jin immediately realized that this village was the one where Amu and Axin lived with their adoptive father Menshaq in 1721. small village.

Believers who believe in fringe gods hid in this small village. They built a church here. The church apparently believed in Christianity, and there were even many Christians who worshiped here every week, but at night, The church has become the base of fringe theological believers.

After confirming the base of the cult believers, Jin began to select targets. He quickly selected a believer with relatively weak willpower as a carrier, and put his consciousness body on this person. After the possession was successful, he He opened his eyes and straightened his clothes, looked up at the bright sunshine outside the window, and experienced the long-lost "real world". Then he took a deep breath and refocused on the target that needed to be dealt with.

At the same time, the bodies of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, who were still in a coma in the real world, had been entrusted by Xu Haoyu to a trustworthy person, and secretly transferred to the scientific research and experiment center base in Estonia. In this base, He Chou's father, Mr. He , and are ready and waiting for their arrival.

After Mr. He took over the bodies of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, he ordered his assistants to move their bodies into the prepared laboratory, where Mr. He would hold a "ceremony" for Mu Qin and Zhou Yue to relieve them of their dreams. In the human state, if the ceremony can be successful, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue will have a chance to wake up from the long sleep.

But it's just a chance.

After ordering his subordinates to do things, a messenger soon came to report to Mr. He. The messenger said: "The captain plans to start operations tonight. At 11:30 in the evening, we will dispatch eight soldiers with heavy firepower. The group of people sneaked into the four bases of the fringe religion in Estonia in batches."

"The captain predicts that the crystal stone is in one of the four bases of the Edge God Cult. In order not to give the opponent time to react, we will strive to subdue the enemy in the shortest possible time."

Mr. He asked the correspondent: "Has the captain thought about the consequences of failure?"

The correspondent said: "Yes, the captain has formulated two sets of action plans, ab, and plan c for emergency response in case of accidents. All of us maintain communication, and there are also our internal agents in the base of the fringe god religion. Presumably there should be no problems. "

Mr. He nodded and said to the correspondent: "I see, is there anything I need to do?"

"Mr. He is not a combatant, so there is nothing that Mr. He needs to do during the operation. However, since only Mr. He can touch this crystal stone, after we control the situation, please ask Mr. He to take it personally. a rock."

"Okay, I see." Mr. He paused, and then said again, "Since this is a private military action by the unofficial government, once the damage is serious and riots are caused, things will be out of our control, and may even lead to Irreversible consequences. Please convey it to your captain, I hope he will be more stable."

The correspondent nodded to Mr. He to express his understanding, and then left.

Afterwards, Mr. He went to the laboratory. In the laboratory, Mr. He's assistants had placed the bodies of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue on the nursing bed. They had many hoses inserted into their bodies to deliver nutrients to maintain life activities, and many electrodes were attached to them. These tablets are used to stimulate the cell activity of various organs of the body. These are preventive measures for emergency rescue in case of accidents in the subsequent rituals.

Mr. He came to look at the bodies of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue for a while. His assistant was holding a notepad to record the physical condition and data of the two, and then handed the notepad to Mr. He, saying : "Professor, both of them are in good physical condition and have no malignant diseases or disabilities, so they can start."

"I know, you guys go out."

The assistant nodded slightly and greeted the other assistants. The group quickly left the laboratory and closed the door of the laboratory, leaving Mr. He inside alone.

This ceremony can only be completed by Mr. He alone.

Before starting the ceremony, Mr. He took out medical gloves from his pocket and put them on, picked up the report written by his assistant and looked at it for a while, then set his eyes on Mu Qin and Zhou Yue who were unconscious again.

Speaking of why the He family lineage has immunity to crystal stone infection, it stems from an accident that happened to the doctor He Erqiu three hundred years ago.

That is what happened after the death of Amu Ashin.