Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 147: Return and End 02┃That's what demons do


That is what happened after the death of Amu Ashin.

That day, brothers Amu and Ashin, doctor He Erqiu, hunter girl Su Lier, and several rescued children were surrounded by wolves. In desperation, Sulier wore a bearskin coat and imitated the provocative barking of a bear to lure away the pack of wolves by herself. She won the chance for the doctor, two brothers, and several children to escape.

On the way, the doctor He Erqiu was still worried, so he took out a pistol with only five bullets and went back to rescue Su Lier. He let the two brothers Amu and Ashin leave the forest with a few young children.

After the doctor also left the team, Ah Mu and Ashin took a few children and fled to the edge of the forest. They told the children not to look back, and ran all the way to the distant town. After the children ran away, the two brothers turned to face several hungry wolves chasing after them with bared teeth.

In the end, in order to protect his younger brother, Amu led away the wolves like Su Lier did, but he was quickly chased by several hungry wolves, and the first wolf bit his throat. The oil lamp he was carrying fell to the ground, the glass cover was broken, the lamp oil was scattered all over the floor, and the flames also ran around along the lamp oil.

The flame quickly ignited the forest, causing a big fire, and the raging fire scared away several hungry wolves.

As for Ah Mu's younger brother, Ashin, he did not escape under the cover of his elder brother. He found his elder brother's body, and together with his elder brother, he died in the raging fire.

Although this was not intentional by the two brothers who were both buried in the sea of fire, it can even be said that it was the result of the joint efforts of greedy wolves and raging pirates. If there were no pirates, the two brothers would not have escaped to the depths of the forest along the secret passage. If there were no wolves, the oil lamp Amu was carrying would not have broken.

But if none of this happens, the result is that the broken oil lamps ignite the forest, and the flames burn more and more vigorously. The so-called single spark can start a prairie fire, let alone a fire lit with lamp oil. There is still some breeze that night to fuel the fire, and the fire will be destroyed. The momentum quickly spread throughout the forest.

This flame ended everything. Many wolves and animals in the forest were either burned to death by the flames or suffocated to death by the poisonous gas produced in the flames. The many pirates who chased into the forest were no exception. Instead, the two most likely to survive Those who didn't come down... survived.

The doctor He Erqiu and the hunter girl Su Lier became survivors.

It is said that Su Lier led away a large group of wolves, more than 20 wolves followed Su Lier's buttocks, but Su Lier was very agile and walked very fast, leading the wolves to the place where she and her father set up in the early years. Running over the many traps, these wolves may have suffered from the traps of hunters and learned a lesson. After the traps killed a few wolves, the pack of wolves did not dare to continue chasing, and surrounded the traps and screamed at Su Lier .

After the wolves yelled at Su Lier for a while, they finally retreated. Because the pirates shooting wildly over there attracted the attention of these wolves even more, so these wolves dispersed one after another, out of Su Lier's sight.

It’s just that Sulier dare not let down her vigilance, she knows how cunning these wolves are, they are very smart, they are the smartest animals Sulier has ever seen, they will even pretend to leave and kill a carbine when you relax.

So Su Lier didn't leave, and continued to squat in the encirclement of the trap. At this time, the doctor He Erqiu who came back to look for Su Lier also rushed over. He Erqiu was very lucky along the way. The wolf's attention was either taken away by Su Lier or the group of dead pirates. For the time being, there were no wolves to control He Erqiu. Traces found Su Lier.

"Great! You are here!" He Erqiu was very excited when he saw Su Lier.

Su Lier was also very excited when she saw He Erqiu, and even swears: "What the hell are you doing here!?"

"I can't leave you behind, otherwise how can I explain to your father!" He Erqiu said.

"What about the others? The two brothers and children of Menshaq!"

He Erqiu said, "It's okay. When I turned around, they had almost reached the edge of the forest. There should be no more danger."

"That's not necessarily true. These wolves are everywhere in the forest! The children are so young, what if they encounter wolves again!?" Su Lier was very angry, and she was very angry at He Erqiu's act of turning back without authorization.

She jumped down from the tree surrounding the trap, but she didn't have much time to reprimand He Erqiu. Seeing that the wolves around her didn't appear again, she was sure that they had indeed left, so she decided to go back with Her Qiu to find Amua trust them.

It's just that He Erqiu and Su Lier had just walked halfway there, and the forest fire had already spread. This terrifying red demon was like a mountain in front of He Erqiu and Su Lier, and even gradually surrounded them. They outflanked them, and they couldn't move forward, so Sulier had to take Herqiu to a river in the forest.

The river that splits the forest in two is also the river that keeps the forest fires from spreading. He Erqiu and Su Lier wet their bodies with river water, walked through the flames, and walked out of the forest in the direction Amu Ashin left, but they never saw Amu and Axin again.

The forest fire burned for a long time, and the Menshak Manor, which is backed by the forest, was also burned by the flames. The Russian garrison who came to support them lined up to scoop up water to put out the fire. It would be many days before the flames were completely extinguished. .

Most of the invading pirates and villagers in the village were killed or injured. Fortunately, Suriel's father and Menshak were still alive, although they were seriously injured and had to lie down in the hospital. After seeing Suriel and Herqiu, Menshaq excitedly asked them about the whereabouts of Amu and Ashin.

But no one saw the two brothers again.

Later, the villagers who cleaned the battlefield and the forest found the charred bodies of Amu and Ashin.

Devastated and devastated by the tragic deaths of his two adopted sons, Menshaq couldn't bear to be in this sad place after the funerals for the two children. Before he left, Menshaq handed over the crystal stone recovered from the corpses of the two brothers Amu Ashin to the doctor Herqiu.

Doctor He Erqiu was very guilty, thinking that he left the children halfway to cause such a tragedy, although no one blamed him.

He took the crystal stone that Menshaq gave him as a punishment from Menshaq, and taught him to hold this stone for the rest of his life to remember the mistakes he had made.

Although Menshaq not only gave this crystal stone, but also donated many relics of the two brothers to others, Menshaq just because he didn't want to see the relics of the brothers again, he was afraid that when he saw things and thought about people, he found that they were no longer there. It made him even more sad, he couldn't bear it, so he gave away the relics of the two brothers.

But the doctor who got the crystal stone misunderstood it, thinking that Menshaq was maliciously reminding him and accusing him of being irresponsible.

He Erqiu was very worried and ashamed. After Menshak left Estonia, he held the crystal stone and prayed in front of the tombs of Amu and Ashin every morning. Maybe he put too much pressure on himself, he became decadent and addicted to alcohol, even doctors I forgot my job.

Su Lier also often came to dissuade him, telling him not to take all the responsibility on himself, it was not his fault.

However, He Erqiu couldn't let it go, and passed out in front of the two brothers' graves every day, holding a wine bottle drunk, apologizing and repenting over and over again, blaming himself for leaving them behind—at least he should really send them to the edge of the forest. It was only when they escaped that they completed the task, but Herqiu ran away halfway.

He Erqiu, who was so drunk that he fell unconscious, slept directly in front of the graves of Amu and Ashin one day, but when he woke up the next day, he found a reindeer standing beside him.

That's right, a reindeer.

The reindeer was lying on Herqiu's side with bent legs, and its body was close to Herqiu's. It even put its head on Herqiu's chest. It used its body heat to keep Herqiu warm. Under the climate, Herqiu, who slept in the cemetery all night, would probably freeze to death directly.

And this reindeer, He Erqiu, looked quite familiar, especially when He Erqiu found some tattered bandages hanging on the reindeer, He Erqiu immediately remembered that this was the relationship between Amu and Ashin several years ago. The reindeer he was entrusted to treat before was a single deer that left the reindeer herd for unknown reasons and did not migrate.

He Erqiu didn't know that the crystal stone that Amu and Ashin got was given to them by this reindeer, so He Erqiu, who was puzzled, stupidly asked a deer, saying, "Why are you here?"

He didn't think that the reindeer would answer his question, so he just asked casually, and when the reindeer did speak, he was frightened and turned pale with fright.

The reindeer answered Herchü in a hoarse, eerie, and frightening voice: "I'll help you."

He Erqiu froze for a moment, and then trembled all over from fright. After the trembling, he immediately reacted, got up on his hands and feet, bounced up like an electric shock, and took two or three steps back, as far as he could from the deer.

"What are you?" He Erqiu stared at the deer, his voice trembling, "You're talking...you can talk!?"

"It's not that simple. It took me a long time to learn your language, and this body is not suitable for speaking human language." The reindeer stood up on its limbs, and its voice was very strange. The vocal chords, which do not belong to humans, make it very slow and difficult to speak.

But although it is slow and difficult, its pronunciation is accurate and its meaning is clear: "I come from a distant time and space, from another planet, another world, another universe."

He Erqiu felt that he seemed to understand what the reindeer said, but it seemed that he couldn't understand it at all. He shook his head in horror and stepped back, choosing to stay away from the reindeer.

The reindeer understood He Erqiu's current state of mind, so it didn't bother to explain anything to He Erqiu, and said straight to the point: "Do you want to bring these brothers back to life?"

"Resurrection?" He Erqiu grasped the point of the reindeer's words even though he was in a daze, he stared at the seemingly ordinary deer in disbelief, "Can you bring Amu and Axin back to life? "

"I can."

"That's impossible!" He Erqiu vetoed the other party's words, "That's something only demons do."