Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 148: Return and End 03┃There is no concept of death


"Then you can treat me as a demon." The reindeer said to Heer Qiu, "I just ask you, do you want to revive them?"

Forgive that poor doctor Heerqiu, he may just be bent back by the feeling of guilt in his heart, and lost his mind, so he almost agreed with the reindeer without thinking, he said: "As long as you can revive them ... No matter what price I have to pay!"

"You don't need to have such a great psychological pressure... In fact, you should think more carefully before making a decision." The reindeer was slow but slightly gentle, "Because the death of the brothers is actually caused by me. Responsibility."

"Your responsibility?" Herqiu didn't quite understand, "What do you mean?"

The reindeer didn't speak, it raised its antlers and looked at He Erqiu. He Erqiu found that the reindeer's eyes had a bit of purple in them, which was not obvious. If He Erqiu hadn't observed carefully, he might have missed this wonderful sight. detail.

After a brief silence, the reindeer told He Erqiu some facts: "The crystal stone in your hand was given to Amu and Axin by me."

When the reindeer said this, Herqiu immediately lowered his head and looked at the crystal stone in his hand.

When Menshak handed him this valuable-looking crystal stone, he also looked at the stone carefully. It looked like a work of art carved by a craftsman with superb skills, because it formed a perfectly symmetrical Each face of the polyhedron is smooth and flat, and it is engraved with densely packed unknown characters as small as rice grains.

It is translucent. When He Erqiu held it in front of his eyes, He Erqiu could see the reindeer not far away through this transparent crystal. Under the blurred refraction of the crystal stone, the reindeer appeared A kaleidoscope-like patchwork effect is created, and the fonts carved on the crystal stone seem to be carved on reindeer.

"So you gave this crystal to Amuahin and the others?" Herqiu took the crystal stone down and held it in his palm, frowning and staring at the reindeer, "Why? Is there anything unusual about this stone? Or Is it worth a lot? Can I buy a noble manor?"

"No, it's just a gift." The reindeer said slowly, "It's a gift from me, an outsider, to mankind. I try to let mankind understand my civilization. Therefore, this crystal stone contains the unique technology of our planet , it has technological achievements that are completely different from your human civilization... no, it is a world of difference."

"I thought it could help the two brothers, but after many years passed, when I learned your language and understood your civilization. I realized that I was wrong, and it was extremely wrong. This technological achievement is not Befitting a human, it shouldn't even be in a human world at all. I figured I'd have to destroy it before the error got any worse."

"But to destroy this crystal... With my current ability, I can't do it, and there is no substance on the earth today that can destroy this crystal stone."

"Destroy...?" He Erqiu was confused. He couldn't quite understand what the reindeer was talking about, which made him a little embarrassed.

What's more, the reindeer can speak human language, which is a thing that can be called the Arabian Nights. He Erqiu even felt that he was still dreaming. Maybe he hadn't woken up from the wine, and he was still drunk in the room of Amu and Axin. In front of the tomb, I fell into a deep sleep.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand now." The reindeer ignored Herqiu's thoughts. It stepped on its hoof and approached Herqiu step by step. It said, "You will understand later."

Although He Erqiu has been drinking heavily and doing nothing these days, his vigilance has not diminished in the slightest. The approach of the reindeer made him overreact. He involuntarily retreated as the reindeer approached, and asked nervously: "What do you want to do?" ?”

"I want to give you a mission."

The reindeer stared at He Erqiu with its dark purple eyes, and there was a strange power in its eyes, and this power restrained Her Qiu, making Her Qiu feel as if he had been cast by a wizard. With the curse of fast imprisonment, there is no way to continue to retreat.

The reindeer said gently: "Please forgive me for being so abrupt, but the time required to leap through time and space is really too long, perhaps a hundred years or a thousand years is not enough, so before I find a weapon that can destroy the crystal stone and bring it back, I will I want you to protect this stone and prevent its power from spreading, thus bringing disaster to more people."

"If you are willing to accept my conditions, then from now on, Herqiu... starting from you, your descendants, men and women, you will all have the power and responsibility to monitor and protect this crystal stone, the evil of the crystal stone The energy will not pollute you and your descendants, and you will also gain the ability to eliminate pollution."

"I am sorry for making you such a 'guardian', it will cost you dearly, your present and future will be bound by the mission of the guardian, you will lose your freedom, and so will your children and grandchildren. "

He Erqiu swallowed subconsciously, the depths of his heart were filled with two opposite emotions of bewilderment and enlightenment at the same time. Although he was overwhelmed by everything the reindeer said, he seemed to understand every word the reindeer said.

"So, as long as I do what you said... I can bring Amu and Axin back to life, right?" Since he couldn't fully understand, He Erqiu could only grasp the most important question.

However, on the most important issue, the reindeer shook his head at Herqiu: "My friend, I can't guarantee 100% to bring anyone back from the dead. Resurrection of the brothers, and... that may be hundreds of years later."

"I understand." Herqiu roughly understood what the reindeer meant, "That means you have a certain method and chance to bring Amu and Axin back to life in the future hundreds of years later."


"Then what do I need to do? Do I just guard this stone? Or do I hide it somewhere?" He Erqiu picked up the crystal stone in his hand.

The reindeer seemed to hesitate for a while. It tilted its head and looked at Herqiu: "Before I introduce the work of the guardian to you in detail, I want to know if you are really ready? Because this will be a period of hundreds of years. If you don't have enough determination, patience, and sacrifice your own consciousness, then you will not be able to complete the task."

"But you still came to me, maybe you think I have that ability?" He Erqiu guessed.

"Actually, I don't know if you have this ability. These days, I only see that you have been 'drinking your sorrows away' and confessing your mistakes in front of the grave."

The reindeer seemed to be filled with something similar to curiosity in its slightly purple eyes, and it said: "I think you are sad, and this touched me... You may not understand, because I come from a different world than you, In my world, something like sadness is a kind of... strange existence."

Although the reindeer's statement was very obscure, Herqiu inexplicably understood what it wanted to express: "You mean... you don't have feelings?"

"No, we are not emotionless, it's just that in our world, people communicate on a spiritual level, all brains are connected, we have no secrets, no individuals, no families, Concepts such as society, country, and even...there is no such concept as death."

He Erqiu was shocked by what the reindeer said, and he said in amazement: "There is no death...does it mean that you can live forever? Just like...just like gods?"

"What I'm saying is: there is no concept of death." The reindeer emphasized the last two words. "The reason why there is no such concept is because we don't think death is the end, and we don't have any fear of death."

"In our place, after people die, their spirits will join the network of spiritual connections of all people, and after waiting for a period of time, they will be reborn."

"Perhaps this can be regarded as a different kind of immortality." The reindeer added after thinking for a while.

At this time, Herqiu really understood the profound meaning of the reindeer saying that it "comes from another world".

Because from the simple words of the reindeer, he felt a world and life form completely different from the earth and human beings.

It was the 172x, a world beyond the imagination of the short-sighted village doctor.

He couldn't imagine what the reindeer was before he came to the earth and became a reindeer, and he was also unaware of the "mission" that the reindeer decided to entrust to him and the burden he was about to bear.

But He Erqiu finally became the "guardian" that the reindeer said, just for the hopeless resurrection of Amu and Ashin after hundreds or even thousands of years...and to eliminate the lingering guilt in He Erqiu's heart feel.

The latter may be more important to Herqiu, so he can't wait to do something, even if it is to accept a task from an unknown, human-speaking, deer-horned demon.

However, He Erqiu was not the only one who became the guardian.

After all, the mission that lasted for hundreds of years is really too long, and there is a great possibility that any accidents will occur during this long period and lead to bad consequences.

It may be that He Erqiu died suddenly, it may be that He Erqiu's descendants were cut off, or even He Erqiu changed his mind and decided to unilaterally abandon the mission because he felt that the crystal stone was cumbersome, or he decided to use the power of the crystal stone. Power to do something bad...like world domination

It's not that they don't trust Herqiu, and the reindeer doesn't have the concept of "trust". It just entrusted Herqiu with a mission, a task.

As for whether to complete it or not, and how to complete it, it all depends on He Erqiu himself.

Because the reindeer only found out that it had made a mistake, and then tried to redeem or make up for this mistake. It has tried to do everything it can.

However, in order to prevent such a bad situation from happening, the reindeer added an extra line of defense.

This possibility cannot be denied. It has already had the worst plan in its heart. When it gets the weapon that can destroy the crystal stone and returns to the earth, the civilization of the earth may have been destroyed by this small stone. up.