Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 149: Return and End 04┃The only human being who can make this sound


"I have a question for you...Mr. Reindeer." Heerqiu, who got the mission from the reindeer, asked him the last question before leaving. He said: "If there is really no substance on earth that can destroy this crystal Shi, why don't you take it away? Since you have the ability to bring it to the earth, naturally you also have the ability to take it away."

"You once said that you can travel in time and space, the purpose is to bring back suitable weapons to destroy this stone, I think it is better to take the stone out of the earth and destroy it directly, instead of spending so much time, isn't it more time-saving Save effort?"

"Are you doubting me?" Facing Herqiu's question, the reindeer came up with such an answer, "You think I have ulterior motives."

He Erqiu's heart moved, and he suppressed some ups and downs of emotions, and replied: "No... I just feel..."

"Of course you can doubt me." The reindeer was not afraid of questioning, it said: "The reason why I didn't take the stone away is because... I can't take it away."

"what why?"

"This stone has been connected with the fate of mankind since I handed it into the hands of mankind." The reindeer told Herqiu, "Do you remember what I described before? In our world, after people die, Its spirit will be connected to the network of all spiritual connections, and the spirit of the deceased will stay in the network for a period of time, and then it will be reborn as another life form."

"This crystal stone has the same purpose, since it fell into the hands of human beings, it has become the center of the 'Earth Network', and the souls of the dead on Earth, when certain conditions are met, will enter its network among."

"Wait!" Heerqiu interrupted the reindeer, the reindeer's explanation made his head swell, his comprehension ability was limited, so he could only focus on the key point with all his strength, "You said that the soul of the dead will enter this stone 'Network'—should it mean that there is a space inside this stone?"

"You understand very well." The reindeer shook its antlers ridiculously.

He Erqiu said in horror: "Then Amu Ashin is also inside?"

"Yes, they are inside." The reindeer said, "The reason why I can't take this stone away is very complicated and involves many scientific research theories that you can't understand. Let me summarize it in one simple sentence, that's it. The rock is now 'attached' to the Earth, it has the same mass as the Earth, and I can't take the planet away...it's too heavy."

He Erqiu felt even more horrified. He couldn't restrain himself from showing a terrified expression, and picked up the crystal stone in his hand to observe, "You said that the mass of this stone is equal to the earth? But it is so light..."

The reindeer seemed to be smiling, and the corners of its mouth curled up strangely: "I'm not saying that it has really become a planet, but that it is connected to the earth. If I take it away, the earth will follow. It will deviate from the established orbit, the solar system, and even the galaxy, and what will be the consequences at that time... I don’t think I need to say more? You humans will be completely extinct overnight."

"I also said before that there is no substance on the earth today that can destroy this stone. It does not mean that it is really invincible. In fact, when your human civilization develops further and develops more advanced weapons, it may be destroyed. Destroyed. Just because it is connected with the fate of the earth, destroying it is equivalent to destroying the earth, once the stone is gone, the planet will disintegrate."

What the reindeer said made Herqiu tremble, and he couldn't hold the small crystal stone in his hand, and it fell to the ground.

"So I give this crystal stone to you, which is equivalent to letting you hold the fate of mankind and even the earth. You must protect this stone well, and don't let it be taken away by others, and you can't let it be destroyed, even after you die. In the future, you will continue to guard it until my return, understand what I mean?"

He Erqiu knelt down on one knee, picked up the crystal stone from the ground with trembling hands, held it in his palm, and replied with a heavy heart, "I understand."

This was the last conversation between Heerqiu and the reindeer. In the following years, Heerqiu was thinking of various ways to keep this crystal stone for a long time.

At the same time, because of some coincidence, He Erqiu traveled across the ocean to China, where he settled down.

He Erqiu was not considered a qualified guardian, he thought of many ways to "protect" this damned crystal stone. If he is a very rich man, he may try to build a fully armed fortress in a deserted place, hide the crystal stone in it, and let his family descendants guard it for generations.

But doing this seems a bit too "eye-catching", and it may attract the attention of those who care about it. The so-called irresponsible and guilty, when you try your best or even try to hide something at all costs, it will give people this place There is no feeling of three hundred taels of silver.

And He Erqiu is not that rich.

In the end, Herqiu chose an ordinary or even unremarkable way. Three hundred years ago, China was still under the rule of the feudal dynasty, and patriarchy, morality and family rules were the social atmosphere at that time. He Erqiu took advantage of this and used various means to gain a foothold in this strange country. Then he got married and had children. He married a wife and gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl.

He said to his two children: One of you will inherit the name "He Qiu". The person who inherits this name will get more family business, resources and connections, which is equivalent to being the first heir of the He family. .

But at the same time, the person who inherits the name will also bear more responsibilities. First, the heir must strengthen the He family business, protect the family, and make remarkable achievements; second, the heir must leave offspring, preferably two or more. In addition to these basic responsibilities, the crystal stone is the main burden. The heir must ensure that this stone will not be discovered by anyone other than He's family, and cannot be damaged or destroyed in any way, and cannot be stolen or used.

In addition, all people with the blood of He Erqiu must learn a special ritual to eliminate the pollution of the crystal stone, and this ritual must be learned regardless of whether the heir is or not.

Although the plan was somewhat flawed, accidents occurred frequently in its implementation, and many turbulences in history almost destroyed the He family lineage, but they survived. The name He Chou has also been passed down from generation to generation. They once fell into despair, disputes and various power struggles, and finally defeated everything.

To this day, the He family has always adhered to their mission. They are undoubtedly excellent. Compared with ordinary people who are running around for daily necessities, the He family has one more goal, which makes them work harder and tenaciously. There is also some bewildering mystery.

As a descendant of He Erqiu, Mr. He is also a qualified guardian without hesitation.

Mr. He has learned the ritual of eliminating the pollution of crystal stone power from his fathers. So far, Mr. He has saved many dreamers from the threat of being dragged into that frightening fringe world.

However, this mysterious ritual has serious sequelae. All people who have been performed by the ritual will be eliminated to a certain extent. These people's empathy ability will be reduced, and they may even become cruel and cruel. This anaffective disorder can be passed on to the offspring, so that the offspring also acquire some immunity.

Mr. He has done special research on this, and he found that human beings suffering from emotional deficits are less likely to be infected by that crystal stone. The reason may be that such people have weak feelings and low desires, and it is not easy to resonate with that world ,

And this ritual of eliminating crystal stone pollution is, to put it bluntly, a means of eliminating emotions. The process is like treating human emotions as an object, and then taking this object out of your brain, your DNA, and even your soul, cutting off most of it, and then stuffing the rest back.

Mr. He had been deeply suspicious of this. He felt that He Erqiu, the ancestor of the He family, might have been subjected to this kind of ritual by someone, and his emotions had been taken away. Because in Mr. He's childhood memory, his father, grandparents, etc., showed a relatively cold or even indifferent character. They were not so indifferent to the point that they didn't even bother to rescue you when they watched you die. This kind of alienation is different from the close relationship of other families.

When Mr. He was a child, he would not feel sad and uncomfortable about the alienation of his relatives. He thought that he might have inherited this kind of "indifference". Coupled with the descriptions in the notebooks and books handed down from generation to generation, Mr. He had reason to suspect that their He family The ancestors did undergo a similar emotional deprivation ritual, and this ritual is probably much more powerful than the ritual performed by the He family to others.

There was no problem in Mr. He's generation. It was not until Mr. He had a son, who is the current "He Qiu", that he discovered the problem.

Just like many ordinary children, He Chou, who was just born, is very dependent on his parents, and his emotions and personality are very normal. If Mr. He alienated him when he was young, this child would be sad and cry.

After deeply understanding the child's situation, Mr. He became worried. He realized that the enhanced version of the emotional deprivation ritual that his ancestors had accepted had begun to weaken in Mr. He's generation, and the weakening was obvious. It was obvious that any hatred Not fit to be a Guardian anymore.

Mr. He thought about having another child to be a guardian, but it didn't help. Even He Qiu looked like this. He Qiu's younger brother couldn't do better than him from a genetic point of view.

This is bad, so bad that even Mr. He, who is a little emotionally indifferent, finds it tricky. He couldn't help but think, if there is no guardian, what will this crystal stone eventually become? And what will this world become

Mr. He couldn't think of such a result. Just imagining such a little picture made Mr. He feel a chill down his spine.

Mr. He had no choice but to suppress these heavy psychological burdens, and began to perform a special ritual to eliminate emotions for Mu Qin and Zhou Yue in front of him. Zhou Yue's ancestors had accepted this ritual, and if someone in his ancestors had accepted this ritual, the effect of the ritual on his descendants would be weakened, or even ineffective.

But Mr. He still had to try, and he started to act... This ritual of eliminating emotions is actually frighteningly simple, and it is not as scary as the outside rumors. It does not require bloodletting, summoning demons or similar evil creatures. It's not going to put your life in danger at all.

Mr. He only needs to hold the hands of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, and sing in their ears, reading an "alien language" that humans may never be able to understand and decipher.

This alien language sounds silent, only the movement of Mr. He's mouth can be seen but no sound can be heard... It is in an unknown sound segment that cannot be captured by human ears, and the He family is the only human being who can make this sound.

However, making this kind of sound is a great burden on the human body, especially Mr. He is now old... So in this ceremony, Mr. He is the one who is most likely to be injured.