Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 150: Return and End 05┃Now you should understand, right?


After the ceremony was completed, Mr. He let go of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue's hands, and stood up slowly. There were waves of dizziness in his mind, which made him sit on the ground with his legs weak as soon as he got up.

Mr. He sat on the ground and rested for a while, and then he finally recovered and left to open the door of the laboratory. At this time, the assistants who had been waiting outside for a long time saw Mr. He opened the door, and immediately filed into the laboratory.

Mr. He has many assistants. There are more than a dozen of them, all of whom are majors in scientific research. They are divided into two groups. The people in the second group began to collect data to investigate the bodies of Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, and the people in the first group surrounded Mr. He, helped him to the medical room next door to rest, and gave him basic treatment.

Mr. Ho is old and not in good health, and every ritual leaves him exhausted and incapacitated. Most of the preparations by these assistants before the ceremony were for Mr. He.

When the commotion subsided a bit and twenty or thirty minutes had passed, Mr. He reckoned that if the ceremony took effect, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue should be awake by this time, so Mr. He grabbed a trusted assistant and asked Said: "Joe, how is it? Are they awake?"

The assistant called "Joe" shook his head regretfully: "No, the second team has just conducted a detailed examination of the physical condition of the two people again, and also made a brain scan, but there is no abnormality... It stands to reason that this It shouldn't."

"Dreamers who have just received the 'ritual' in the past have very violent brain activity and abnormal mood swings. If dreamers who are asleep accept this ritual, most of them will wake up immediately after convulsions all over the body, and then begin to experience dizziness , headache, nausea and other adverse reactions, and will show symptoms such as sluggishness, limb stiffness, and mental disorder within a short time after waking up."

"So... a failure?" Mr. He stroked his chin thoughtfully.

A failed or invalid ritual will not have any effect on the sleeping dreamer, and the dreamer will not wake up again, they will sleep all the time, no different from a vegetable.

Mr. He's thoughts did not last long. At this time, the door of the medical room was hastily pushed open by the assistants of the second group. With a smile on his face, the person who came came announced the good news to Mr. He and several other assistants: "One of them woke up!"

This good news shocked Mr. He, and he immediately asked his assistant Qiao to help him to take a look. Qiao wanted to persuade Mr. He to pay attention to his body, but seeing Mr. He's anticipation, it was not good to let him down, so he He took out a wheelchair and let Mr. He sit, and pushed him to the laboratory next door to check.

After entering the laboratory, as expected, one of the two test beds was awake and opened his eyes.

"Xiao Qin?" Mu Qin, who was still hugging him tightly just now, suddenly dropped his hands powerlessly, and rested his head heavily on Mu Qingyun's shoulders. Qingyun couldn't help hugging her tightly.

Mu Qingyun, whose intelligence is still at the child's level at the moment, doesn't know why, but just intuits that something bad has happened, but Mu Qingyun has no choice but hugs Mu Qin in a daze.

But soon, she didn't need to worry anymore. Mu Qin in her arms just lost consciousness for a short time, and he woke up after a while. The awakened Mu Qin opened his eyes, and there was a dim light in the dark eyes, and he stretched out his hand to hold Mu Qingyun's shoulder.

"I'm fine, Mom." The person who woke up calmly comforted Mu Qingyun with a low and subtle voice.

But he was seen through very quickly, and Mu Qingyun suddenly looked horrified, and pushed Mu Qin away violently, the action was so big that the two of them almost fell off the throne.

After pushing Mu Qin away, Mu Qingyun calmed down a little, stared at Mu Qin in bewilderment and said solemnly: "You are not Xiao Qin!"

Zhou Yue, who was facing Mu Qin's face, raised the corners of her mouth and smiled: "Although I am not, but you can treat me as one, and I can call you mother without any grievances."

Mu Qingyun frowned, unhappy and childish: "I'm not your mother! I want Xiaoqin, not you!"

Zhou Yue was sad and helpless, and made a heart-wrenching expression: "But I can't help it. Mu Qin has been summoned away now, and he can't come back for a while..."

As Zhou Yue said, seeing Mu Qingyun puffed up her cheeks and looked angry, she quickly remedied: "But it doesn't matter, I can contact him at any time."

The union of souls has brought unexpected benefits, allowing Mu Qin and Zhou Yue... Even if one is in the marginal world and the other is in the real world, they can communicate in real time. how big.

Perhaps, they really realized the saying that they will never be separated.

"Can you contact Xiaoqin?" Mu Qingyun only understood Zhou Yue's last sentence. She threw herself on Zhou Yue who was wearing Mu Qin's shell, grabbed his clothes, and shook them vigorously in a typical bear style. Zhou Yue's collar, and asked willfully: "I want Xiaoqin, give me my Xiaoqin! Give me, give me!"

Mu Qingyun pulled Zhou Yue by the collar and shook her head, she smiled helplessly, but she couldn't do anything to Mu Qingyun, this was Mu Qin's mother, his mother-in-law, Zhou Yue didn't even dare to speak harshly, so she had to persuade her softly : "Don't worry, when we go out, we can see Mu Qin, so stay with me for now, okay? I will protect you well."

Mu Qingyun's current state seems to be easy to listen to other people's words, and Zhou Yue who occupies Mu Qin's shell did not bring Mu Qingyun any uncomfortable feeling, so she believed Zhou Yue and nodded to Zhou Yue : "You want to take me to see Xiaoqin, it's agreed!"

Zhou Yue hooked up with her and promised, "Well, it's done."

Having said that, how and when to get out from the marginal world is still unknown.

The future is uncertain and the road is long, but Zhou Yue doesn't feel afraid, and he doesn't dare to be afraid. After all, there is Mu Qingyun, whose intelligence is only at the child's level, to take care of. Zhou Yue must try to protect this woman, because she is A person whom Mu Qin values.

After Zhou Yue comforted Mu Qingyun, Zhou Yue began to try to contact Mu Qin in his mind. He knew that Mu Qin's soul was temporarily taken away again and returned to the real world.

At the same time, Mu Qin in the real world was struggling to get up from the test bed and get off the ground. Mr. He's assistants surrounded Mu Qin, held down Mu Qin's hands and feet, and prevented Mu Qin from moving.

Mr. He also spoke to dissuade Mu Qin: "Your body has not been exercising for a long time, and you are very weak now. It is better not to force yourself to exercise."

Mu Qin didn't speak. He knew that Mr. He was right. Even the act of getting up from the bed made him panting, his heart beating violently, his head was profusely sweating, and his eyes were dizzy.

Mr. He's assistant thoughtfully came over to hang water and glucose for Mu Qin, and tried to make him lie back on the bed peacefully.

Mu Qin glanced at the many assistants in the laboratory, and said to Mr. He: "I know who you are, and I want to chat with you alone. Can you let others retreat for a while? Mr. He."

Mr. He was also surprised when Mu Qin called his name: "You have slept for so long, but you still know who I am? Did Mr. Xu Haoyu tell you?"


Mr. He didn't ask any further questions, and raised his hand to signal to his assistant, Joe. The assistant Joe nodded, beckoned the others to leave the laboratory again, and left Mr. He, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue, who was still asleep, inside again.

"Okay, now you can tell me." After letting the others retreat, Mr. He started, "As far as I know, since I took over you, you and Zhou Yue have been sleeping. According to Mr. Xu Haoyu According to the information I was told, Zhou Yue was the one who fell asleep all the year round in the first place, and in order to save him, you successfully reversed the state of the two of you, so that you fell asleep and Zhou Yue woke up."

"This is an extremely rare phenomenon in my career as a guardian." Mr. He said, "Our He family has seen many dreamers, but among these dreamers, no one has ever been able to be like you...so I am very concerned about this. Curious, can you elaborate on that for me?"

Mu Qin nodded and shook his head again, he said softly: "I won't talk nonsense, Mr. He... Is the crystal stone that your He family has guarded for generations returned to your hands now?"

Mr. He was very surprised: "You know all this?"

"I know a lot of things." Mu Qin replied, "Don't worry about how I know it, because it's very complicated, and I don't have the time to explain it. Let me ask again, have you found that crystal stone. "

"Not yet. I am currently investigating the fringe religion with my partner. My partner has good firepower. At this stage, we are cooperating with special teams to attack those illegal churches. We speculate that the crystal stone was stolen by this illegal church." Let's go... You should know the fringe religion, right?"

Mu Qin nodded again: "Yes, those are a group of poor people who have been brainwashed and manipulated."

Mr. He's eyes flickered, thoughtful, "It seems that you understand it in great detail."

Mu Qin took a deep breath, "I need to get in touch with people from the fringe religion. Mr. He, if your collaborators can help, can you let them bring some 'captives' over?"

"Are you sure?" Mr. He was startled by Mu Qin's words, and he asked in disbelief, "They are all extremely dangerous dreamers. If you want to get in touch with these people, it's best to do so after I perform the dream release for them." After the ritual of the human state."

"That would be worthless." Mu Qin shook his head, "And I can't wait."

"Well, I can ask my partner. Assuming their attack goes well, maybe they can bring you some prisoners." Mr. He looked Mu Qin up and down carefully, "You don't seem to be affected by my ceremony I feel that my thinking ability is normal, and my emotional expression is also normal."

"Your emotional deprivation ritual is useless to me, but it can call me here." Mu Qin knew what he meant. "My emotions are different from human beings. If I want to become ruthless, I can do it at any time." .”

"You mean..." Mr. He looked at Mu Qin with hesitation and horror, "You are different from human beings...?"

Mu Qin really didn't bother to explain, he lifted his head weakly and glanced at Mr. He, and replied, "I'm not human, you should understand now, right?"