Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 152: Return and End 07┃Undeveloped test map β


After Mu Qin and Zhou Yue ran away from the space of the Faceless Man's spiritual sea of consciousness, Faceless was so angry that he was almost crazy, and shouted loudly at the direction where Mu Qin disappeared: "You will be mine in the end, I will definitely I won't let you go!"

The madness of the faceless man spread out, causing violent turmoil among the surrounding souls, and then the faceless man began to unscrupulously devour many white lambs wandering around aimlessly as if venting his anger.

The black souls could feel the turbulent malice of the Faceless Man, so they accelerated their self-healing speed and gathered to surround and protect the poor white souls, so as not to let the Faceless Man eat more and become more powerful.

The Faceless Man went crazy for a while, and then he didn't have the heart to fight against these black "guards". Although he could easily crush their fragile souls and turn them into scattered mist, due to the power of his wishes, he also They cannot be completely killed.

And once these black souls regroup and recover, they will stick to him like brown sugar and harass him non-stop, which is very annoying to the faceless man.

Mu Qin has already run away, and it is useless to eat these white souls. The Faceless Man originally planned to use their soul power to trap Mu Qin and trap Mu Qin in his own sea of consciousness space, just like keeping these pathetic souls in captivity. The souls also keep Mu Qin in captivity.

But now that the plan fell through, the Faceless Man had no choice but to give up the soul waiting to be slaughtered, and ignored those black "guards" who were staring at him. He turned around and returned to his core of consciousness without hesitation.

After regaining consciousness, the faceless man moved his huge conscious body, used his authority to contact the limbic system, and asked the system to take him out of the temporary white space.

Coming out of the white space, as a consciousness without entity, the faceless man instinctively searched for his body immediately, but soon he was surprised to find that he couldn't find his body.

The faceless man couldn't help asking the limbic system: "Where is my body?"

After a moment of silence, the edge system replied: "Searching... The search is terminated, the administrator permission is abnormal, and it is being repaired, please wait..."

Because the body cannot be found, the consciousness body without entity cannot move casually, so the faceless man can only stay again, this time he stays in the dark space of the marginal world, waiting for the limbic system to help him restore his authority.

But the matter of the system restoring permissions became inexplicably long. The Faceless Man waited and waited, but the system did not give him any response.

"What's going on!?" The faceless man waited impatiently.

"Where did my body go? Why is the administrator privilege abnormal? Did someone tamper with it!?" There was no response, and the faceless man was restless. If he had a body now, he probably wanted to catch the system crazy. Press to ask.

This was unprecedented. For the first time, he truly realized that the situation had gradually and completely escaped his control. This feeling made him terrified, but he was helpless.

It was like holding a ball of sand that was soaked in water and condensed together. He thought he had grasped it firmly, but when the water evaporated, the ball of sand spread out, mercilessly coming from between his fingers. slip away.

In fact, this is not the first time Faceless Man has encountered such a situation where the administrator's authority is abnormal. More than 20 years ago, when the border world was inexplicably sealed, the faceless people also encountered such strange things.

But the faceless man really didn't want to be caught by such a thing at such a critical juncture, he wanted to catch Mu Qin even more at this moment, he couldn't wait to catch Mu Qin.

Only Mu Qin can bring him eternal life.

At this time, the edge system finally gave a response: "The system cannot search for the administrator's body. It has detected that the administrator's body has been hijacked by an unidentified illegal user. It is recommended to manually modify the authority function of the seized body to avoid malicious operations by illegal users. thereby expanding its influence.”

The faceless man understood this time, and he said in astonishment: "You mean someone has taken over my body? And used it to do something?"

"According to the behavior records, the illegal user used the administrator's physical authority to exchange the soul of a male player to release the soul of a female player trapped in the dark space at the bottom."

"So he released a woman? Who is this woman?"

"Records show that the female player named Mu Qingyun died in a throne map called 'Tiankeng' 28 years ago. As a loser, her soul was imprisoned in the dark space at the bottom. Her game number Already logged out."

The name "Mu Qingyun" gave the Faceless Man a vague premonition, and he couldn't help thinking of the scene he had spied in Mu Qin's memory, which made the Faceless Man have many thoughts in his heart.

But the faceless man didn't think deeply, he continued to ask the system: "And then? What else did that illegal user do?"

"Currently, illegal users are hijacking the administrator's body and hiding in the undeveloped test map β. The test map β belongs to the highest authority management level, and the system has no right to interfere. Please ask the administrator to expel them personally."

"He did it on purpose!" The Faceless Man was already aware of this, which made him look hideous—if he had a face.

In fact, it was not the first time that the Faceless Man confronted the illegal user who appeared out of nowhere.

About 20 years ago, the edge world game system had to shut down the server for maintenance due to updates and other reasons. The shutdown time was fifteen years from the real world. After fifteen years, the game server would automatically restart and open the door to the edge world again .

But during the fifteen years when the game was closed for maintenance, an "illegal user" who appeared from nowhere invaded the edge system. This guy is like a "hacker". He doesn't know how to destroy the core data of the edge system, making the edge world unable to start normally.

From the perspective of others, it seems that the marginal world has been "sealed".

In order to activate the abnormal fringe system, the Faceless Man had no choice but to use a certain king to control a large number of fringe god believers in the real world, allowing them to steal the crystal stone from the He family a few years ago, and make a certain As a sacrifice, people made a wish on the stone with flames and blood, which reopened the door to the edge world.

The fringe world is a "dream world", a world made up of countless people's wishes, hopes, and fantasies. Under the intervention of the Faceless Man, the fringe world has gradually developed into a bloody and terrifying killing game mode, and in this mode, most players can only grant one wish.


The desire for life leads to the birth of the most basic and simple wish, which is also a situation that the faceless man likes to see, because he does not need other wishes from the players.

The Faceless Man will not let the players who die after failing the game in the edge world really die, and their souls will be imprisoned in the bottom dark space of the edge world.

In that dark space, these miserable players will be gradually withdrawn from their thoughts and memories, and they will only keep the strongest desire to survive in their hearts, and will always maintain it at the last moment before death.

To put it more vividly, assuming that the players' wishes have freshness, what the Faceless Man has to do is to make the players into wishing bottles, and then seal them in the basement to ensure that their wishes are always kept at the freshest level.

The more "fresh" their wishes are, the stronger the power of the fringe world will be, and the fringe world will always exist. At the same time, the more wishes, the bigger the world on the edge.

Therefore, there is only one way to destroy the border world, which is to kill all the players, whether they are alive or dead, they must all be destroyed, from the body to the soul, leaving no dregs behind.

Without wishes, there is no marginal world.

How easy is it to kill all players? Therefore, the Faceless Man never worried that the marginal world would be easily destroyed. He is more worried about himself, he is a thought body, and like the marginal world, he needs someone's wish to survive.

But man's lifespan is too short, and so is the shelf life of his desire, he wants immortality.

Only Mu Qin can give him eternal life.

"Why don't you accept me? It's obviously a matter of mutual benefit!" The faceless man frantically twisted his black and huge consciousness in the darkness, exuding an endless cold and evil aura.

"We are just like that pair of brothers, we can miss each other, and then live forever, as long as you believe that you are Amu, and I believe that I am Axin, it is such a simple and easy thing, isn't it okay?"

The desire to live forever filled the faceless man's brain, but the dilemma of being unable to get what he wanted cruelly cut his heart, making it almost impossible for the faceless man to maintain his normal thinking ability. After a while of madness, he finally returned to his senses up.

It is a fact that Mu Qin ran away, and it is a fact that the faceless people have to face. He asked the marginal system, and the system said that Mu Qin's soul had been summoned back to the present world. It seemed that it was no longer an easy task to get Mu Qin back again.

But there is another piece of good news, Zhou Yue is still in the fringe world.

The Faceless Man peeked into Mu Qin's memory for a short time, and he was deceived by Mu Qin's perfect and superb acting skills. He thought that Mu Qin didn't care about Zhou Yue that much. Zhou Yuelai was killed to achieve the purpose of escape.

That's why the faceless talent desperately protects Zhou Yue and wants Zhou Yue to win.

But after reading Mu Qin's memory, the Faceless Man realized that Mu Qin cared much more about Zhou Yue than he imagined.

Although he felt frustrated by being put together, the Faceless Man was also very excited. He realized that this time he could really use Zhou Yue to blackmail Mu Qin as he wanted.

The premise is that if the damn illegal user hadn't suddenly hijacked his body, he would have been able to run and catch Zhou Yue by now!

Although the form of consciousness can also act in the fringe world, due to the current structure of the fringe world, there are many restrictions on the soul or consciousness, so it is not convenient to have no hands and feet in the actual sense.

And the Faceless Man is also very worried that the illegal user will make a fuss about his body. His body has many high-level permissions, and only he can modify it, and even the marginal system cannot interfere.

Sure enough, if he wanted to catch Zhou Yuelai and blackmail Mu Qin, he had to get rid of that illegal user first.

The current passive situation made the Faceless Man a little bit annoyed, but he still acted and set off for the undeveloped test map β that the system had mentioned.