Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 153: Return and End 08┃No relatives, no reason, nothing


The undeveloped test map β, as its name implies, is a test map for the game that is still under development.

As we all know, in the fringe world, every game map experienced by the player is presented by copying and materializing the scene in the player's memory.

Limbic systems tend to replicate scene maps that are associated with actors. That is to say, there are six players in a game, no matter who is a ghost or a human among the six players, the game system will copy a real scene related to these six players as the game scene.

The so-called "relationship" means that the six players have more or less been in contact with the same area and the same scene in the real world before they were alive.

For example, although these six players may not know each other, they all had dinner in the same restaurant, and they had an intersection in the same scene without their knowledge.

Therefore, with this prerequisite, there is a great possibility that the restaurant that all six people have visited will be copied by the fringe system as a map scene for these six people to participate in the fringe game.

"The map and the player must be related" is an important indicator for the limbic system to make a map. The reason for designing the game map in this way is to consider that if the game map is too large or too unfamiliar to the player, it may delay the player. The progress of the game caused an extreme imbalance in the strength of the human and ghost opponents in the game.

Secondly, if the map is related to the player, then there must be an obvious or concealed connection between the players. The kindness and hatred between people is an effective means of intensifying conflicts. The limbic system uses this method, to force the players to kill each other.

However, although making such a map has many advantages, it also has many disadvantages.

You must know that there are actually not as many players who enter the fringe world and experience the cycle of life and death as people think.

To enter the fringe world, people need to meet two conditions. The first is to contact crystal stones or related media to become a dreamer; the second is to die after completing the first article and enter a dream before death.

After completing these two conditions, you can enter the edge world.

But it is not easy to fulfill these two conditions together.

First of all, due to the intervention of the He family, the crystal stone has been closely guarded by the guardians of the He family for a long time. people ceremony.

The duties of the guardians of the He family have been done quite well, so up to now, the terrible pollution of the crystal stone has not spread like some kind of infectious disease, and most people will never know that there is such a thing in this world in their entire lives. A horrible thing.

Secondly, in addition to the protection of the He family, there is also an invisible force called "rules" in the real world. The Faceless Man interprets the power of "rules" as the self-correction of the world.

The power of rules is extremely powerful. It is a great and terrible power that even the Faceless Man, even the marginal world, and even the alien who brought the marginal world to Earth cannot shake it.

The rules will correct the excessive interference of the fringe world with the real world. Many ordinary people, even if they have seen and come into contact with the fringe world through certain channels, will forget the relevant impressions and memories of that world in a short time.

This is the power of rules at work, and this power of rules protects most people in the real world invisibly. Because of the existence of this power, there are many lucky people who have not become dreamers even though they have been exposed to crystal stones and mediums.

But the protection of the rules is limited. If some people come into contact with crystal stones only occasionally, they may not be affected by them under the protection of the rules. However, if they come into contact with it repeatedly, people with poor mental resistance will be easily eroded by the crystal stone's ability.

Such people will become dreamers.

Once you become a dreamer, it is no longer difficult to enter the marginal world, because most dreamers will be dragged into the marginal world after death.

It can be seen from this that if you want to enter the marginal world, becoming a dreamer is the most important thing. But as I said before, the He family and the power of rules protect people in this world. They do their best to compress the living space of dreamers and prevent more dreamers from being born.

With the efforts of the guardians and the rules, very few people become dreamers, and those who enter the marginal world will naturally be even rarer.

Not to mention that most of the players who enter the game will be eliminated and murdered for various reasons in the game.

This has reduced the number of players who are still "alive" and "acting" in the fringe world to an embarrassing number.

For these surviving, rare players from various regions, it is very difficult to find a scene related to these players and make a map where they can fight each other. up.

The limbic system is a highly intelligent and self-evolving system. It realizes that there are loopholes in the indicators used to make the game map before, and it copies the scene in the player's memory... It is obviously inappropriate to use this tricky method to make a map.

It needs to make a better game map, but the limbic system of AI is extremely bad at creating this kind of thing, so it asks for help from the marginal will, that is, the faceless man, and asks this so-called "administrator" for help.

Of course, the Faceless Man took this task well. He used his authority to make many test maps, and the test map β was his unfinished work.

The test map β is not a good work... It should be said to be a failure.

Because the test map β is an early work of the Faceless Man, there are many factors that should not exist in this map. It is a map that the Faceless Man wants to erase but is somewhat reluctant. Afterwards, the Faceless Man left the test map β idle. It was blocked, and it was made into a small closed space.

That illegal user hijacked the faceless man's body and hid in the test map β, which was obviously a trap for the faceless man.

The Faceless Man also vaguely sensed that this was a trap, but the Faceless Man had to risk himself. He had no choice but to let this guy use the administrator's body and authority to wreak havoc in the fringe world.

The Faceless Man who went to the Hongmen Banquet asked the edge system to prepare a temporary body for him. Making an administrator's body was too time-consuming and labor-intensive, so this temporary body only had some basic permissions, and the others were similar to ordinary players.

The Faceless Man put on this temporary body, and then teleported to the test map β. When he opened his eyes, he saw the dense forest in the map.

In the dark night, the bright moon hanging on the dark curtain, the bright stars, and the breeze blowing slowly.

The branches in the forest are swaying, and the shadows of the trees are mottled under the moonlight. In a distant place... there seem to be sporadic howls of wolves.

Yes, this test map β perfectly restores the forest where Amu and Ashin died three hundred years ago.

This is also the reason why Faceless Man discarded this map. When he made this map, he realized that he was too seriously influenced by Ashin, and this influence even made him unable to maintain himself.

It shouldn't have ended like this.

The faceless man looked down at his temporary body, wondering what the system was thinking, or the intruding illegal user forcibly modified the parameters of the test map β, so that when the faceless man entered the test map β, He found that the temporary body given to him by the system was wearing a familiar black dress with a white bow tie and lace cuffs.

On a tree branch not far away, there was a more familiar oil lamp hanging.

There is a warm yellow flame in the oil lamp. If you look carefully, it is the oil lamp that Amu carried and broke. It was the lamp oil and flames it spilled that ignited the forest. Under the dry breeze, all the tragedies were brewed. .

"This guy did it on purpose." The faceless man walked under the tree branch, reached out and took off the oil lamp, and weighed it in his hand.

The Faceless Man conjectured to himself: "He obviously knows me very well, and he also knows about Amu and Ashin's affairs..."

"If he really knows everything, then he should..." The faceless man raised his head and looked towards a certain direction on the edge of the forest, which was the direction where Amu Ashin fled back then.

The faceless man grinned sinisterly: "Waiting for me at the place where Ah Mu and Ashin are buried. Is that what you meant?"

The Faceless Man suddenly became curious about this illegal user, and the smile on his face became even wider. Holding the oil lamp, he walked towards the place of death. The silver moonlight shone on the Faceless Man through the cracks in the leaves. If the faceless man had a mirror at hand, he should really take a good look at his own face.

The temporary body that the Faceless Man is using now bears Ashin's face.

The test map β has not yet been developed. It only restores the forest that Amu Ashin experienced at the beginning. There are also wolves in the forest, but these wolves can only circle around in one place mechanically.

Therefore, this forest is quite safe, and there is no other danger except that the dense woods are easy to get lost.

The faceless man walked unimpeded along the way, walking accurately and straightly towards the place where Amu and Axin were buried in the sea of fire. He didn't know why he remembered the route so clearly.

The surrounding dark forest scene, the oil lamp swaying with the pace, the dim light swaying in the forest, the cold and dry breeze constantly blowing on the face, the cold and lonely scene.

As if the whole world was left with only me.

In fact, assuming that there is no illegal user, then the only person on this map is the Faceless Man.

The Faceless Man loathes this loneliness.

He is just a thought body born out of a wish. He was born to complete a certain task. If he hadn't worked hard to live until now, he would die after the task was completed.

He has no relatives, no reason, and nothing.

Others have their own names, but he doesn't; others have their own lives, but he doesn't; others have relatives and friends, but he doesn't either.

He doesn't even have a face of his own.

Why gave me birth when nothing was given to me.