Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 154: Return and End 09┃I must make him disappear


When the faceless man walked to the destination with the oil lamp, he saw burnt trees and withered grass leaves, which turned into dark gray ash and scattered on the ground, and the wind blew layer after layer. Also smells like tobacco.

"You are finally here." In the middle of the ruins left by the flames, stood a man. He was wearing a black dress of the same style as the Faceless Man, with a white bow tie and lace cuffs. Unassuming, understated luxury deep blue gemstone.

The man turned his back on the faceless man and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Faceless thought, it seems that this is what the system calls "illegal users".

Thinking of this, the Faceless Man couldn't help squinting his eyes and looking at the man's back. This guy now occupies the body that belonged to the Faceless Man, the shell of the administrator.

For a long time, the faceless man has been using this administrator body to shuttle back and forth in the marginal world. His body is specially made and has no real face. He can change into different faces according to the faceless man's will, and even It is possible to change height and shape, to change from male to female into an animal.

But right now, this body has been taken away by illegal users, and illegal users can also change this body into different appearances as they like.

But the changed appearance of this illegal user at this moment makes the faceless man very sad.

He became Amu.

And it was not the sixteen-year-old Amu who died in the fire that year, but the adult version... Amu, who seemed to be at least thirty years old, was a tall man of nearly 1.9 meters tall. Wrapped under a tight dress, when he turned around, under the dim light, the faceless man could still see his slightly haggard face.

It's as if that Amu didn't die back then, he didn't die under the mouth of the wolf, he wasn't burned to ashes in the flames, but survived intact, grew up slowly, and finally became a faceless man now The way you see it.

But this is just an illusion, they all know that Amu is dead.

"Who are you?" The faceless man squeezed the oil lamp in his hand, and slowly approached him. This unknown person who had been silently hindering him in the dark twenty years ago finally showed his face to face him today. .

The nameless man didn't answer the faceless man's question, he didn't say a word, he just looked sideways at the faceless man. The man's position made half of his body hidden in the darkness, the silver moonlight sprinkled on his black hair, and the eyes under the messy bangs contained complex emotions that made the faceless man feel inexplicably horrified.

"You shouldn't ask me this question." The man looked at the faceless man thoughtfully, and said, "You clearly know who I am."

"I don't know who you are! Don't talk to me." The Faceless Man emphasized, "You don't have to try to read my mind, your administrator's body does have the ability to read minds, but I It's true marginal will."

After the Faceless Man finished speaking, he casually dropped the lantern in his hand on the ground, and the slightly shaking light stabilized.

Hearing the words of the faceless man, the man raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and stretched out his hand to lift up his messy hair, exposing his face to the light more clearly, "So... my face, can't you come out?"

"Of course I know whose face you have, but Amu is already dead." The faceless man looked at the man coldly, "I want to know why you appeared in front of me with the face of a dead man... oh, I see , you want to avenge Amu, right?"

"Revenge?" The man froze for a moment when he heard the faceless man's words, then shook his head and laughed, his smile was gentle and harmless, "It's not necessary, I don't have to entangle this little grievance hundreds of years ago."

"Then what do you want to do here today?" The faceless man glared at him.

"I'm here to find my brother Ashin, can you give him back to me?" Amu lowered his voice. "As long as you give him to me, I can return this body to you."

The faceless man suddenly laughed out loud, he couldn't help himself, and even bent over laughing, then he stared at the other side with a ferocious face: "Don't make me laugh, you really think of yourself as Amu? Let me Think about it... who are you? I can feel the breath of the soul from you, you are not Amu at all, you are just an irrelevant ordinary human being."

"But I have Amu's memory." Amu told the truth calmly.

His words froze the smile on the Faceless Man's face.

The faceless man's first reaction was disbelief, he roared: "Impossible! I have sealed Amu's body and soul into eternal darkness. His soul has long since been destroyed by time. Not to mention his memory... how could you have his memory!?"

Amu still listened calmly to the end of the faceless man's roar, "I'm a bit uncertain about what you said. You must have checked Amu's condition after you sealed him? You must have found out a long time ago. Mu's traces have completely disappeared from that darkness, and you must know that Amu's memory fragments escaped the seal..."

"So, why do I have Amu's memory? It doesn't really matter. No matter when or where I got his memory, I got it, so now... I am Amu."

"I who have Amu's memory... At this moment, I will be your 'master'!" Amu spread his hands slightly, and looked at the faceless man with a smile, "I have the right to life and kill you, as long as I Think, I can 'kill' you."

"Don't even think about it." The faceless man's face became even more ferocious, "I can seal you once, of course I can seal you a second time! The entire marginal world listens to me and protects me. Kill me? You are just dreaming!"

"Don't be so nervous." Amu shook his head and negotiated sincerely, "I don't necessarily want to kill you, don't forget what I said before, I'm here to ask you to get my brother back, as long as you Give him to me, and I will stop interfering with you, go wherever you want, do whatever you want, and I just want my Ashin."

"Ashin is not your younger brother." Perhaps touched by Amu's words, the faceless man's complexion improved a lot, but it was still not much better, "You are just an irrelevant human being. Get your brother back? I think you are crazy."

"Whether I'm crazy or not, it doesn't matter to you, does it? Now please tell me, are you willing to give me Ashin?"

The faceless man sneered contemptuously: "Ashin died a long time ago. Not long after I sealed Amu, I devoured his soul and memory. He will only become the nourishment for my survival, so... I can't help it." Give him back to you."

What the Faceless Man said was the truth, and it was also said by the Faceless Man deliberately with the purpose of provoking the other party. He was waiting to see A Mu's crazy and angry face, but after hearing what he said, A Mu remained silent. As calm as ever.

Amu didn't seem surprised. He said, "Really? I see... Indeed, I thought it would end like this."

"It seems that you are not surprised." The faceless man sneered, "What should I do, I can't give you what you want, Ashin, so, will you want to come and kill me?"

"No, I won't." Amu shook his head and said, "Trying to kill you is indeed too risky. You are the master of the fringe world, and the fringe world protects you. If I approach you with malice, I will With the administrator's body, the defense programs of the limbic system will also recognize me as an enemy, bounce me away from you, and even isolate me in an enclosed space."

"It seems that you know the limbic system very well." The faceless man sneered proudly, "Praise, I made this system, it is a masterpiece."

"It's really good, but there are loopholes." Amu was so calm that he raised his foot and took a step towards the faceless man while speaking, "Maybe you are too confident, you think you are the master of the edge, and you have nothing to do." No, no one can hurt you, so when you set up this defense system, you just set it up with very simple functions."

"This function will kill you, carry items that can kill you, and have the ability to kill you. These three conditions, as long as two of them are met, they will approach you to a specific distance at the same time. They will be forcibly ejected by the system and quarantined, at your disposal."

"That's right, but I don't think there are any loopholes in this." Although the faceless man has been sneering at Amu, he may still be afraid of Amu in his heart, so when Amu steps towards him, the faceless man He took a step back carefully, and he didn't even realize that he was taking a step back.

Amu noticed, remained calm, and pointed to himself: "I do have the ability to kill you now, but I have no intention of killing you."

"How is that possible." The faceless man didn't believe his words at all, and stared at Amu suspiciously, "If you really inherited Amu's memory, you would definitely want to kill me, there is no doubt about it."

"Then we can give it a try." Amu smiled, "See if I will be bounced off by the system when I approach you."

The Faceless Man doesn't like this, "I won't let you get close."

"Do you not believe in the capabilities of the system you set up yourself?" Amu didn't wait for the Faceless Man's response, and approached him in his own way. He was wearing black leather shoes, and the soles of his shoes stepped into the ashes all over the ground.

The faceless man really wanted to back off, but he had to say that the man with the face of an adult Ah Mu gave him an inexplicable pressure. The faceless man knew very well in his heart that it was impossible for the other party to kill him, but the faceless man still wanted to step back.

His body even moved ahead of his thoughts, and the center of gravity of his right foot moved back, wanting to take a step backward.

But the Faceless Man held back this impulse, because retreating at this moment is a sign of weakness, an expression of fear and retreat, which the proud Faceless Man cannot allow. He is the will of the fringe, the god of the fringe world, he How can you be afraid of a human being who is an ant.

The defense system of the fringe system will faithfully protect him. Even if something goes wrong, the Faceless Man can directly order the system to forcibly close the scene of the test map β, so that both of them will be ejected.

The Faceless Man is a thought body, the product of a dream, and the only one who can kill the Faceless Man is the owner of this dream. At the same time, to kill the Faceless Man, Amu must directly contact the Faceless Man's consciousness, and think in his heart with the most unwavering belief "I must destroy this dream", "I repent of this dream", "I must let He disappears" and similar thoughts.

Only in this way, the faceless man will die.