Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 155: The Return and the End 10┃Disgusting and stupid


Faceless people are afraid of death.

He doesn't know why he is so afraid of death, he is very human in this, because human beings are afraid of death.

But some human beings are not afraid of death, they can even die calmly and courageously, they never seem to think that death is such a harsh ending, don't they know that death is equal to disappearing

Therefore, the Faceless Man is not so much afraid of death as he is afraid of disappearing.

He was clearly born, but it seemed that he had never left a trace in this world.

Amu, who created him, regretted making him born a few minutes later, and even couldn't wait to make him disappear. Obviously, he appeared for Amu, and was formed for Amu's wish. Was he not good enough

The Faceless Man is really envious of Mu Qin. Like him, Mu Qin is also a thought body, a creation of dreams, but Mu Qin's birth was accompanied by love, which made his parents love him so much. Later, Mu Qin went to reality. In the world, his adoptive parents love him so much, he even has a lover who vows to live and die together, willing to give everything for him.

No one in this world expected Mnuchin to disappear.

So the Faceless Man doesn't want to disappear either.

But the truth is, everyone expects the Faceless Man to disappear.

He can't get anything he wants, everyone is stingy with giving him a little of precious love or treasure, all he can get is the marginal world, only this narrow world full of death. This is the only thing he owns, so he must manage it well and make it his unique treasure.

Can't be stopped, and no one can stop him.

The Faceless Man persisted in this way, he firmly believed that the limbic system would protect him, so when faced with Amu's approach, the Faceless Man ignored the retreat in his heart, stood straight on the spot, and waited to see Amu be killed. Bounce ending.

But what is regrettable is that Amu was not bounced away. He had already passed the limited distance and stepped directly in front of the Faceless Man, but he was still not bounced away. In front of people's eyes.

He even raised his hand, and his fingers seemed to want to touch the Faceless Man's cheek.

"How is it possible!?" The expected picture didn't appear, and the Faceless Man was extremely puzzled. There was a flash of panic in his eyes, and he immediately called the system to ask what was going on.

The system replied: "The administrator cannot physically identify hostility."


One sentence of the system is worth a thousand words, and the Faceless Man finally realized that Amu had indeed caught the loophole, because when the Faceless Man set up the defense program of the system, he used the body of the administrator. At that time, he subconsciously The object of the administrator has been removed from the hostile identification items of the defense program!

So at this moment, the defense program will indeed bounce and block all objects that are hostile to the Faceless Man, but this does not include Amu who has the administrator's body.

Fortunately, the Faceless Man still has a second hand. Even if the defense system fails, he will immediately order the system to terminate the process of testing map β, so that both people will be ejected from this map immediately.

But the intention of the faceless man seemed to be seen through by Amu, and Amu suddenly stretched out his right hand to grab the faceless man's throat.

In fact, the act of choking his throat can't stop the Faceless Man's command system. After all, the Faceless Man's order is sent directly by his mind, and he only needs to give the order to the system in his heart. This is also the reason why the Faceless Man is confident that nothing will happen. No matter how fast Amu is, he can't completely kill the Faceless Man in less than half a second when his thoughts are transmitted.

Amu himself knew this, so he didn't take any chances. He just wanted to prevent the faceless man from escaping, so he made a move that made the faceless man dumbfounded a second before the order was issued.

He lowered his head and bit the faceless man's lips.

Now the face of the faceless man is Ashin's face... In fact, the two brothers look exactly the same, except that the current Amu is the adult version of the big Amu, but Ashin is still exactly the same as when he was sixteen.

They meet again now, three hundred years after their death, and give a long-lost kiss.

The faceless man's mind went blank, and all his thoughts and orders vanished at this moment. For some reason, Ashin's memory surged in his mind. Bloody kisses.

The brothers love each other, even though Ashin didn't realize how much he cared about this brother until he was dying.

But they did fall in love, ignoring blood taboos, ignoring the distance between life and death, and tried never to be separated.

"You lied to me." Amu let go of the faceless man's lips, and also slightly let go of the hand that was holding the faceless man's neck, but he was still very close to the faceless man, with the tips of his noses touching each other, and his breath Sprinkle it on the other person's face.

"You said Ashin is dead, his soul is gone, and there is no residue left." Amu said this in a very gentle tone, "but he is clearly still here."

After finishing speaking, Amu raised his hand and pressed on the faceless man's chest and heart, and smiled grimly at the faceless man: "You are the same as me, I am indeed not the real Amu, I am an ordinary man named Mu Chen Man, I live a terrible life, a complete bastard, and one day I got a memory fragment of this man named Amu, and then turned myself into Amu."

"You are like me, you also got Ashin's memory and turned yourself into Ashin."

The faceless man seemed to be unable to listen anymore. He recovered from his stupor, raised his head and stared fiercely at Amu, and attacked him in the most primitive way. He raised his fist and punched Amu on the cheek.

Amu was beaten and took a step back. Unfortunately, the faceless man's body strength was too weak to cause more damage to Amu.

After being punched, Amu touched his face, smiled instead of anger, and squinted his eyes to look at the Faceless Man: "Don't you think so? You really think that memory is like a movie. After watching it, you can see it." I read it, and it doesn't have any effect?"

"No, it's impossible." Amu raised his face and stood up straight, looking down at the Faceless Man, "Memory is a thing with countless emotions and details. Ashin's perspective, Ashin's psychology, Ashin's feelings, observe everything with Ashin as a person, so in those memories, you are Ashin."

"You sync up with him, you become him."

The faceless man clenched his fists with a grim expression; "Shut up."

After finishing speaking, the Faceless Man showed a distorted smile: "Stupid human being, I have not only the memory of Ashin alone, but also the memory backups of more than a thousand people in my mind. According to you, I am not only a After leaving Ashin, he also transformed into those more than a thousand people at the same time?"

"But only Ashin's memory, you have read it repeatedly from inside to outside, right?" A Mu said, "Not to mention that it is the memory of A Mu's younger brother, A Mu is yours. The creator, you want to know him. So getting to know him from Ashin is the best way.”

The knuckles of the Faceless Man's fists were crackling, "So what? You really think I'm so weak that I can be affected by the memory of a dead person? I'm not a weak human being like you, trying to use a disgusting and stupid kiss To impress me? You are too naive."

"That's such a pity." Amu seemed a little disappointed, "It's a pity that you actually described this kiss as disgusting and stupid."

"Isn't that disgusting and stupid!?" The faceless man wanted to pry the guy's head off to see what he was thinking, "I'm not Ashin, you idiot!"

"Yeah, but I'm not the real Amu." Amu tilted his head to look at the Faceless Man, still smiling brightly, "But we are really destined, aren't we? Being drawn by the memory of a pair of brothers, we have come to where we are today. step."

"You are the only one controlled by memory!" The faceless man was furious in his heart, but stared at him indifferently on his face, "A fool like you will only end in death!"

"Are you angry? Because I kissed you?" Amu was not afraid of the threat of the faceless man at all. He seemed very interested in the faceless man and spoke in a teasing tone.

It was really hard for the faceless man to hide his anger this time. He stretched out his right hand and snapped his fingers, and then a sharp knife appeared out of nowhere in his right hand, and he said, "I should kill you without hesitation. Although the administrator's body is more precious and troublesome to make, but in order to kill you, it is not hesitating to pay this price."

Amu glanced at the knife in the faceless man's hand, and still kept smiling: "Indeed, you have only two choices after being deprived of the administrator's body. Either drive away or destroy my soul to regain the body, or It is to destroy the soul and the people together, I think you were more inclined to the first option, but you were irritated by a fiery kiss from me."

"You are not allowed to mention that damned kiss!" The faceless man was really blown away by him. He raised the knife and threw it at Amu's face. On the dead tree behind.

The faceless man raised his hand again, conjured another knife, and swung it at Amu again. He threw five or six throwing knives in a row, but Amu was nimble and Mao didn't get hurt.

Dodging the last flying knife, Amu stepped back a little, and picked up one of the knives that fell on the ground, put it in his hand and played with it casually, and said to the faceless man: "You dare not approach me, That's why I use the long-range method of flying knives to attack."

"Let me think about it, you are still afraid that I will kill you, right?"

Faceless was so angry that he calmed down a little. He pointed at Amu with the tip of his knife: "What do you want to do? I don't have the Ashin you want here. Either obediently return my body to me, or give it to me. Die!"

"You asked me what I want to do?" Amu seemed to think about it seriously when he heard this question, and tilted his head again and said, "Well, since I can't get my Ah Xin back, I want you, you killed me Brother, you should pay me back."

"Shut up, you lunatic!" The faceless man also threw away the knife in his hand, and this time he conjured up a pistol neatly, raised the muzzle of the gun and shot at Amu's head without the slightest hint of harm. Don't sloppy.

The administrator body that Amu obtained is indeed very strong, with many permissions, allowing him to travel freely in the fringe world without restriction, and can also obtain all props in the game without restriction.

You can even modify the game map at will, modify the game data, make the living go to death, and bring the dead back to life.

The most important thing is that the administrator's body is almost invincible. Like the ghost holding the death card, his physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, and he has almost immortal self-healing ability.

If the faceless man wants to destroy him, he can only use the special code to kill the administrator, but this code takes time to enter, and the system can't help him at all in this respect. The faceless man must find a way to "control" Amu first, and this It's the hardest first step.

What's more difficult is that this guy has Amu's memory and has the right to life and kill the faceless man, so as long as he comes into contact with the faceless man's consciousness, he can easily kill the faceless man.

This is very simple, Amu also needs to subdue the Faceless Man first, strangle him to death or kill his body in other ways.

At the moment when the body died, the faceless man's consciousness was unstable and was about to break away from the protection of the body, but before he escaped completely, Amu was able to touch the faceless man's consciousness at this moment and killed him.