Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 156: The Return and the End 11┃But why should you be afraid?


Although the test map β is a map that has been shelved for a long time, it still has the characteristics of being a game map. For example, in this map, both Amu and the Faceless Man can use Tarot cards.

And this map also has a similar "exit". After finding the exit, the Faceless Man and Amu can go out from the map.

But the test map β does not have a scoring mode, which means that players entering this map cannot become ghosts or people. Tarot cards will not be drawn randomly at the beginning of the game, and there are no props in the map that can provide bonus points.

However, the faceless man and Amu, who has the body of an administrator, are not ordinary people. The Faceless Man can directly order the system to conjure the tarot cards or props he wants, and Amu can also use the administrator privileges to get the cards and props he wants.

This also caused the fight between the two sides to evolve into a "props throwing contest".

I saw the faceless man crazily conjure up all kinds of inexplicable weapons, and threw all his brains at Amu's forehead. In addition to these weapons, there were also various cards. The faceless man used three towers with control effects in a row .

But none of these works on Amu. The administrator is immune to the damage and control of the Tarot cards, and Amu can dodge it at a very fast speed with pure physical attacks.

The Faceless Man realizes that he is at a disadvantage. He is not good at fighting. It can be said that his force value is very low. After all, he has the body of an administrator before and he doesn't need to fight.

But now that the administrator's body has been taken away, the Faceless Man is facing various difficult problems. He must find a way to subdue Amu. Whether it is to regain the administrator's body or destroy the administrator's body, subduing Amu is the first step.

Unlike the faceless man who was attacking like mad, Amu obviously had no intention of attacking actively. After a series of fights, he was always avoiding and defending.

Dodging leisurely, during this period, Amu was still yawning lazily, looking like he deserved a beating, which made the faceless man gnash his teeth.

The situation suddenly became stalemate, one was unable to break through the defense, and the other was unwilling to make a move. They could only face each other in silence, waiting for the passage of time in this dark forest.

The cold wind that was blowing slightly seemed to be much stronger, and the woods were also swayed by the whistling wind, making a "rustling" sound

"What exactly do you want!?" Seeing that he was helpless, the Faceless Man was very impatient, "I said I don't have the Ashin you want here!"

"I also said, if there is no Ashin, I want you." Amu smiled softly.

"That's impossible!" The Faceless Man was furious at his frivolous words, and he tried his best to suppress the anger welling up in his heart, "Besides, your request is nonsense, what do you mean you want me without Ashin? What do you think I am? If you want it, I will give it to you?"

"You must give it to me." Amu said confidently.

The faceless man was annoyed by Ah Mu's selfish appearance, and he was so angry that he wanted to use any method he could think of to beat the man severely, until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and he knelt down to beg for mercy to relieve his anger.

But the Faceless Man couldn't beat him, and the Faceless Man couldn't let the situation go on like this. He found that he had spent a long time in the test map β with this guy who called himself Amu, and he still wanted to go Zhou Yuelai was arrested to threaten Mu Qin.

"Why don't we each take a step back." The faceless man quickly thought about the countermeasures, "Apart from the inexplicable request of 'want me', do you have any other conditions? As long as you return the administrator's body to me, what will I do?" can satisfy you."

"Really? Anything can satisfy me?" Amu's eyes sparkled, as if he was lured by the conditions offered by the Faceless Man.

The faceless man saw that there was something to be done, and immediately replied: "Yes, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you."

"Then I want to make love to you."

Without going through the brain at all, the faceless man who heard Amu's words felt his blood surge and lost all reason, so almost instantly he conjured up a miniature submachine gun with infinite bullets and pointed it at Amu with a mess. Guns fired.

It's a pity that Amu was not injured at all, and Amu also summoned a riot-proof and bullet-proof mobile shield at that moment, blocking all the bullets.

For a while, I only heard the sound of gunfire and bullets hitting the shield, rattling and rattling, and smoke and dust everywhere.

After unknowingly how many rounds of bullets had been fired, the faceless man finally stopped shooting, dropped the gun on the ground, his eyes glowed blood red, and stared in Amu's direction: "You have the guts to tell me again?"

Amu huddled behind the bulletproof shield, poked his head out cautiously, and repeated obediently: "I want to have sex with you...isn't that okay?"

"You really are a lunatic." The faceless man's tone was strangely calm, maybe he was too angry, but now he is terribly calm.

He said: "Didn't I emphasize it? I'm not Ashin, and I don't like you at all... Don't you humans only mate if you like it?"

"The word mating is really not elegant." Amu's focus is extremely crooked. "But you are right. In most cases, human beings will choose someone they like to woo, but there are also some..."

Speaking of this, Amu seemed to mean something, he stood up and came out from behind the bulletproof mobile shield, patted the black dress on his body, smoothed out the wrinkles, flicked away the dust, and dressed himself meticulously.

"But there are also some people who just pursue the pleasure of making love." Amu narrowed his eyes and looked at the faceless man greedily.

"So you want to have sex with me for the so-called 'pleasure'?" The faceless man was not afraid of the naked gaze of the other party.

"Maybe, I actually don't know what I want, but I have a very strong idea. I want to take something from you, something that only you have."

Amu's tone was terribly gentle, but there was a ferocious smile on his face: "You said that you are the 'god' of the marginal world. My dear, I probably just want to drag the high god down from the seat of God, and trample him on the soles of my feet wantonly Ravage, abuse, grab his throat and watch him cry and beg for mercy, this is what I think of you, what do you think?"

The faceless man, who was so angry to the extreme, laughed out loud after hearing the other party's shocking remarks: "Fantasy, do you think you can do it?"

"Of course I can do it." Amu threw out the declaration, and then acted suddenly.

With a strong foot, he rushed towards the faceless man, his speed was extremely fast, almost equivalent to teleportation, and in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of the faceless man.

The Faceless Man knew that he would never be able to beat him, so it was better to retreat first and try to protect himself in this situation. After that, we will work together with the system to find a way to cut off Amu's administrator authority little by little, trap Amu in a closed space, and take care of him slowly.

It's just that this method is a waste of time, and it may make Amu stir up trouble in the marginal world for a while, which will mess up the marginal world, and even make the faceless people lose the opportunity to capture Zhou Yue, and make Zhou Yue run away , so that the faceless man really can't get Mu Qin.

But at this moment, the Faceless Man really didn't care about Mu Qin.

Maybe he didn't understand why, but when he heard what Amu said earlier, he actually felt fear.

When Amu said those words, his eyes were extremely serious, so serious that the faceless man felt goosebumps all over his body.

Amu really wanted to "hunt the gods" and tear, torture, and eat the faceless man like some kind of monster.

He didn't want to face this man anymore, this weird, crazy, unreasonable man, he was wearing the skin of Amu, but underneath was a twisted heart.

The Faceless Man has never seen such a human being. He has seen countless people's life-and-death struggles, emotional entanglements, weak and strong, all kinds of human beings, but none of them can be like Amu.

Therefore, the Faceless Man intends to complete the command that has not been issued before, let the system terminate the process of testing the map β, and forcibly eject both of them from the map. At this stage, the Faceless Man feels that he should stay as far away from this guy as possible.

This man who claimed to be Mu Chen, whose real name was Mu Chen, always gave the Faceless Man a strange and frightening sense of crisis. From the first time he saw him, he made the Faceless Man feel terrified.

The Faceless Man frantically called the system deep in his heart, and issued an order to terminate the test map β, but the strange thing was that the system that had responded until just now suddenly did not respond to the Faceless Man at this moment.

"What's going on! System!"

The faceless man called the stall of the system. Amu had already reached the faceless man. He quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed the faceless man's throat. With one force, he was pressed to the ground. The faceless man could feel the pressure of Amu's fingers. With a icy chill.

"Don't shout, what do you think the purpose of my talking to you just now is to delay time! Twenty years ago I was able to 'seal' the limbic system and prevent it from starting normally, you should To think that I can do the same thing today and do it better."

Amu rubbed the skin on the faceless man's neck with his fingertips, and the faceless man saw the other's face close at hand, and deep in Amu's black eyes, there was a frightening gleam.

"Look, I said I can do it, and I really can do it." Amu lifted the bow tie on the faceless man's collar and pulled it to untie it, revealing the clean and beautiful collarbone underneath.

The Faceless Man was speechless. He felt that even at this point, he should calmly think about a solution. But in fact, he was afraid, and he was trembling with fear.

He wanted to push Amu away, but his strength was not as strong as Amu's, and his hands were quickly tied by Amu with the bow tie he had untied.

Amu slowly tore off all the buttons of his clothes. The loose clothes could not protect against the cold and keep warm. The faceless man's skin came into contact with the cold air, which made him tremble even more.

"What are you doing?" the Faceless Man asked him.

"Make love." Amu smiled at him, reached out and untied the belt of the Faceless Man, "Oh... I forgot, to you, this is 'mating'."

"It doesn't make sense." The faceless man shook his head slightly, trying not to show any bad emotions, "I'm not human, even if you do this kind of thing to me, it's impossible to really affect me."

Amu was still laughing, his smile was distorted, he approached the Faceless Man's face, and looked straight into the Faceless Man's eyes: "But why are you afraid?"