Unlimited Cycles of Death

Chapter 158: Return and End 13┃Don't make a wish


"What should I do? If I kill you, I won't be able to continue to have you. But if I don't kill you, I'm not sure I can control you forever."

After tossing the faceless man unconscious again, Amu wrapped him in a blanket, hugged him tightly, and rubbed his cheek against the man's messy head. Then Amu squatted on the scorched ground, raised his head to face the full moon in the sky, and couldn't help but fell into distress.

It is not advisable to stay here and waste time, and Amu is well aware of the mission he shoulders. And he can only stay in this test map β to suppress and imprison the Faceless Man. Once the Faceless Man goes out from here, Amu can no longer control him.

Amu knew that the faceless man would definitely want to get out of his control, so once the faceless man went out, Amu could imagine how furious he would be and how he would do everything possible to deal with him.

A Mu looked down at the sleeping man in his arms, thinking that this guy was obviously very scared before, but still put on an angry or arrogant look, trying to outdo him in momentum, A Mu found it very interesting.

Because he thought it was funny, Amu couldn't bear to lower his head and kiss the other person's lips, and he woke up again when he kissed the faceless man.

The Faceless Man doesn't know how many times this is the first time he has been tossed into a coma by Amu and then tossed until he wakes up. Amu seems to have infinite energy... Oh, the body of his administrator is indeed infinite in energy.

Amu kissed him for a while, held his hand and clasped his fingers tightly, he said to the faceless man, "Honey, I want to call your name."

"I wanted to call you 'Ashin', but I don't think you'd like that name."

"I don't have a name." Faceless Man said obediently on the surface, "I don't mind if you think of me as Ashin."

"But you are not Ashin, you have been emphasizing it before."

Faceless said: "To be precise, I am the murderer who killed Ashin... So I am very curious, you don't mind this at all, and you who have been affected by Amu's memory to such an extent, shouldn't you get it right away?" Do you want me to avenge my brother?"

"Don't keep provoking me." Amu licked the corner of the faceless man's mouth erotically, "Of course I know what I'm doing, killing you is what I should do, but I don't want to end up in a tragedy path of."

"The path of tragedy?" The Faceless Man was a little puzzled.

"The ultimate wish of this pair of brothers is to be 'together forever'." Amu looked at the Faceless Man almost affectionately, his eyes glowing silver against the backdrop of the moonlight.

"Together forever, in any form."

Amu's words set off a storm in the faceless man's heart, and the faceless man couldn't help staring at him with rounded eyes, but Amu ignored the panic in the faceless man's heart.

He hugged the faceless man even tighter, put his forehead against the other's forehead, and said with a light smile, "Look, this wish... has come true."

"No... No." The Faceless Man had to exert all his strength to suppress the sense of panic, "According to what you said, we are just the vehicles for the brothers to realize their wishes."

"That's right, it seems to be the case." Amu laughed.

"Is this really good? Are you willing?" Faceless said, "It's just someone else's wish, and has nothing to do with us. I will spend my whole life for this wish..."

"So what?" Amu didn't seem to care at all, "I quite like this wish, because I don't have any wishes myself, so why can't I take other people's wishes as my own?"

"But I don't want to!" The faceless man struggled and put his hand on Amu's chest. He tried to push Amu away, but he didn't have the strength to push him away.

"You have no choice, honey." Amu grabbed the hands of the faceless man, kissed him again, and said vaguely, "You will always belong to me."

Amu pinned him down again and then crossed him in a circle. The faceless man felt almost unconscious in his lower body, and he couldn't close his legs. Only the convulsive pleasure crawled along the nerves and covered the epidermis of his brain.

Then again, Amu is not just having sex with the faceless man. In fact, Amu can invade the faceless man's spiritual world through this kind of abnormal intimate contact.

The faceless man's spirit is quite powerful, because his conscious body has devoured the souls of more than a thousand people. The energy provided by these people's souls made the faceless man's conscious body huge and made him stronger.

Under normal circumstances, the spiritual world of a faceless man is difficult to invade, unless the faceless man actively pulls him in like Mu Qin and Zhou Yue did before.

A forcible invasion like Amu usually only results in failure. So Amu had to find another way, and the only way Amu could think of was to use some kind of stimulation to disturb the spirit of the faceless man, so as to achieve the goal of invasion.

Obviously, an intimate activity like sex can indeed have a certain mental impact on a faceless person.

At this moment, Amu's thoughts are all about invading the opponent's spiritual world, where he can "eat" the faceless man, so as to completely control the opponent's spirit. In this way, the faceless man will become Amu's "slave", so that even if he leaves the test map β, the faceless man will obediently be controlled by Amu and will never resist.

Amu almost applauds his plan!

He bit the lip of the man in his arms and kept hitting him over and over again, trying to make a gap in the faceless man's spirit so that he could take advantage of it.

The faceless man may also have sensed Amu's desire to invade his spiritual world, so he has been trying very hard to resist. He thought that as long as he keeps calm and does not let Amu tear away his appearance, his spirit will be impregnable.

But unfortunately, Amu has long been aware of the weakness of the faceless man. This poor little man seems to be shy easily. Or look away.

Amu stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, and ordered, "Look at me."

The faceless man had to obey Amu's orders, because if he was disobedient, Amu would torment him in strange ways, such as conjuring up various strange props and stuffing them into his...

The faceless man was very afraid of A Mu doing this kind of thing, and he couldn't explain why he was so afraid. The feeling was so strange that he couldn't express it in words.

These human emotions are too complicated. The Faceless Man has always despised human beings before, so he never bothered to understand human emotions.

Looking at it now, it may not be disdain to understand, but the fear of the unknown and the uncontrollable makes the faceless people timid and stagnant from the beginning to the end.

So when Amu suddenly enters the faceless man's heart with a tough attitude, the faceless man will be afraid of this appearance, wishing to shrink himself into a small ball like a hedgehog, so as not to let anyone disturb him.

He is only superficially strong, but in reality he is strong on the outside, and extremely weak on the inside, vulnerable to a single blow.

Therefore, the Faceless Man couldn't survive for too long in the end. In the process of being hugged repeatedly by Amu, his spirit relaxed for a second or two, and Amu seized the opportunity in an instant.

Amu ostentatiously invaded the consciousness of the faceless man.

The consciousness of the Faceless Man, Mu Qin and Zhou Yue were forcibly pulled in before, but the Faceless Man only put them into the surface layer of the spiritual world, that is, the black spherical space where more than a thousand souls are imprisoned.

In the center of the black spherical space, the glowing light core is the inner spiritual world of the faceless man.

The inner spirit was covered by the large amount of memories collected by the Faceless Man. Only by skipping these messy memories can one truly touch the protected heart of the Faceless Man.

These so-called protections and occlusions seemed insignificant to Amu. When he reached the spiritual world of the faceless man, he easily passed through the surface spiritual world, touched the core of light, and quickly entered into a large pile of memories. , touched the true heart of the faceless man.

"That's why I said you are cute." A Mu smiled, "You always say no in your mouth, but your body is quite honest. I can come in so easily, it's not because you are conniving, isn't it?"

The faceless man's heart is his original form, which is the form when the faceless man was born three hundred years ago with a wish for peace by Amu.

He doesn't have a name because Ah Mu doesn't think he needs a name. He also has no face, how could a tool used to achieve peace need a face.

So he is a hazy ball of white mist, very clean and soft, just like the imprisoned white souls outside.

After Ah Mu found the dumpling, he jumped on it and ate it.

The process was very simple. The faceless man in the middle might have made a scream, but Amu ignored it on purpose.

He hugged the dumpling and started to chew, but the Faceless Man was powerless to fight back. The reason why the faceless man is unable to resist is probably because of the restraint effect of Amu's spirit on the faceless man.

After all, Amu was made, a weapon aimed entirely at marginal wills.

"Let me give you a name." Amu said to the faceless man, "I found that you don't like being called Axin at all."

Without waiting for the answer from the Faceless Man, Amu said to himself: "What should I call it? What about my surname? Although I have long since abandoned the name Mu Chen, you must have my surname, um... It's called Mu Xing, Xingchen Xingchen, how nice it is."

"My little star, have you ever made a wish?"

"Don't call me Little Xingxing!" The faceless man... Maybe he should be called Mu Xing now, he still doesn't get used to the name, it feels weird, he wants to stop Mu Chen from calling him like that.

It's a pity that Mu Chen went his own way, and said solemnly: "I haven't made any wishes before, but now I suddenly have one."

"Don't make a wish!" Mu Xing wanted to stop him even more, and said in frustration, "Don't make a wish... at least don't make a wish in this world."


"It won't come true." Mu Xing was so frustrated that he wanted to cry, "Although the border world is called a world made of dreams, in fact... it has never really fulfilled anyone's dream, it will only bring hope to the wisher. death...and disaster."